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外研版9年级上册秋导学案Module 7 Great books导学案 学生版.docx

1、外研版9年级上册秋导学案Module 7 Great books导学案 学生版Module 7 Great booksUnit 1学习目标一、掌握本单元discuss,influence,suppose,make sense , by the way等单词和短语。(重点)二、掌握并灵活运用下列句子:(重点)1. Whats up ?2. but I suppose he isnt as well-know as Confucius or Shakespeare.3. Why dont you join in the discussion and tell us about it ? 三、听懂有

2、关世界名著的介绍的简短对话能用不同的语态及句型介绍世界名著。自主预习根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。1. We will (讨论) the problem at the meeting.2. For a (明智的) person , time is like treasure.3. Dont le anybody 影响) your decision.4. Yang Liping was 众所周知)as an excellent dancer。课堂导学1. What s up ? 怎么了?句型1: whats up ? 怎么了? / 出什么事了?whats up ?是口语中常用的一个句式,意为“怎么

3、了?/出什么事了?”相当于Whats wrong / the matter / the trouble ? 若表示询问某人或某事,可在句末加with sb. /sth. 。Are you crying ? ? 你在哭吗怎么了 your sister ? 你妹妹怎么了即学即练一单项选择- Whats ?- I have got a headache.A. trouble B. matter C. happen D. up2. But I think Id describe Confucius more as a teacher and thinker than a writer.但是我认为与其把

4、孔子描述成一名作家,倒不如说他是一名教师和思想家。短语1:more than 与其说倒不如说more than ,意为“与其说倒不如说”。He is lucky clever .与其说他聪明倒不如说他幸运拓展: more than意为“多于,超出”,相当于over常和数词连用He was ill for more than two weeks .他病了两周多了即学即练二根据汉语意思完成句子成功来自努力而不是好运。Success is hard work good luck.3. Were still influenced by Confuciuss ideas , and Shakespear

5、es plays also make a lot of sense to us today.我们仍然受孔子的思想的影响,莎士比亚的戏剧到现在对我们来说也很有意义。单词1:influence影响;作用于influence作动词,意为“影响;作用于”,主要指对行为、性格、观点等产生间接的或潜移默化的影响。Colors our moods.颜色影响我们的情绪We became best friends and he me deeply.我们成了最好的朋友他深深地影响了我拓展:influenced还可作名词,意为“影响力;作用;有影响的人或物”。Have an influence on .表示“对有影

6、响”。Television has a strong influence on people.电视对人有很大的影响短语2:make sense 合情理;明智;有意义Make sense是固定词组,意为“合情理;明智;有意义”。It all started to .这一切都开始变得有意义This doesnt .这一点儿都不合理即学即练三一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词People not only in China but also from many other countries are still (受影响) by Confuciuss thoughts.二、根据汉语意思完成句子这句话没什

7、么意义。This sentence doesnt .4.By the way , what do you think of Mark Twain , the great American writer in the nineteenth century?顺便问一下,你认为19世纪伟大的美国作家马克吐温怎么样.。短语3:by the way顺便提一下by the way,意为“顺便提一下”,常作插入语,用于在交谈中插入新话题、题外话或评论。 ,have you seen the film?顺便问一下,你看过这部影片吗?归纳:与way相关的短语in the way挡路on the way 在去的路

8、上in this way用这种方式in a way在某种意义上all the way自始至终!即学即练四 单项选择 , do you know which bike is his?A. In the way B. On the way C. By way D. By the wayUnit 2学习目标一、掌握本单元adventure,escape,run away ,be surprised to do sth. , pay for 等单词和短语。(重点)二、能听懂读懂评价名著的文章根据本单元学到的知识和自己的体会写一篇介绍名著作品的短文。自主预习新词自测读写单词或短语并熟记看谁记得快。1.遇

9、上麻烦 2.逃走;逃跑 3.逃离;逃脱 v. 4.洞穴n. 5.死的;去世的adj. 6.邻居n. 7.活着的adj. 8.对话n. 课堂导学1. He and his best friend , Huck Finn , run away to a island in the middle of the Mississippi River.他和他最好的朋友哈克芬恩逃到密西西比河中游的一个岛上。短语1:run away逃走;逃跑run away是动词短语,意为“逃走;逃跑”。run away from 意为“从逃走/逃跑”when the police arrived , the thieves

10、 had .当警察到达时这几个小偷已经跑了He home at the age of thirteen.他十三岁那年就离家出走了即学即练一根据汉语意思完成句子警察看到小偷从银行逃跑了。The policemen watched the thief the bank.2.Later , Tom escapes from a cave with another friend , Becky.后来,汤姆和他的另一个朋友贝琪从山洞中逃脱了。单词1: escape逃离;逃脱;逃跑escape在本句中为不及物动词,意为“逃离;逃脱;逃跑”,常与from/out of连用,表示“逃离,从逃跑/逃走”。My

11、dog the cage last night.昨晚我的狗从笼子里跑出来了They the city.他们逃离了这座城市拓展:escape用作及物动词,意为“逃跑,逃离”,后常接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,不用于被动语态。You were lucky to escape the fire.你很幸运逃离了火场They were lucky to escape being punished.他们很幸运没有受惩罚即学即练二单项选择Li Ming often escape the floorA. to clean B. of cleaningC. cleaning D. to cleaning3. Ev

12、eryone is surprised to see them at first , but very pleased to find that they are alive.起初,每个人看到他们都很吃惊,但当发现他们还活着的时候,都很高兴。短语2:be surprised to do sth.做某事感到很吃惊be surprised to do sth.为固定结构,意为“做某事感到很吃惊”。其中surprise为形容词,意为“感到吃惊的”,常作表语,主语一般为人。I see him there .我很惊讶会在那儿见到他The boy meet his good friend in the c

13、ountry.这个男孩对在乡下遇到他的好朋友感到很吃惊拓展:be surprised at sth. 表示“对某事/某物吃惊”。I am very surprised at his great progress.我对他取得的巨大进步感到非常惊讶即学即练三单项选择I had a hard time with math and I wasnt to get the bad report from my math teacher.A. sure B. surprised C. excited D. surprising4. It tells how young people grow , how p

14、eople love each other and how bad people pay for their actions.它讲述了年轻人如何长大,人们如何彼此相爱,坏人如何为他们的行为付出代价。短语3:pay for 为付出代价pay for在本句中,意为“为付出代价”。pay for还可意为“为付款/付钱”。pay 用作动词,意为“付款;给报酬”。He will have to this foolish behavior.他将不得不为这种愚蠢的行为付出代价。How much did you your computer ?你买电脑花了多少钱辨析:pay , take , cost 与spe

15、nd的区别词条主语宾语句型pay人金钱Sb. pay(s)/paidfortakeit时间It take(s)/took sb. some time to do sth.cost物金钱Sth. cost(s) (sb.) some moneyspend人时间或金钱Sb. spend(s)/spent.on /(in) doing sth.He will pay 3000 yuan for his summer camp他将花300元参加夏令营It took me two hours to get there.到达那里花了我两个小时的时间That skirt cost me about twen

16、ty dollars.那条裙子花了我大约20美元I spent two hours watching the film last night.昨晚我花了两个小时的时间看电影即学即练四根据汉语意思完成句子他将不得不为自己所做的一切付出代价Hell have to what he has done.Unit 3学习目标掌握英语中常用的一般现在时的被动语态。(重点)Their works are still read by many people today.It is still read and loved by people all over the world.自主预习按要求完成句子。1.J

17、im cleans the blackboard on Wednesday.(改为被动语态)The backboard by Jim on Wednesday2.My father doesnt wash clothes at all.(改为被动语态)Clothes by my father at all.3.Trees are planted in spring .(改为一般疑问句)。 trees in spring?课堂导学Well, theyre all fantastic stories ,full of exciting situations of course.哦,所有的故事都很好

18、,都充满了令人兴奋的情景。短语1:full of 装满;充满full of,意为“装满;充满” ,be full of,意为“装满的;被充满”,相当于be filled with the halls people.大厅里满是人My bowl rice again.= My bowl rice again.我的碗里又盛满了米饭即学即练单项选择The girl received a basket flowers on her birthday.A. was full of B. full of C. was filled with D. fill with语法规律总结一般现在时的被动语态。1英语中

19、有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。主动语态中,主语是谓语动词所表示的动作的执行者。被动语态中,主语是谓语动词所表示动作的承受者。Many people speak Chinese. (谓语speak的动作是由主语many people执行的,是主动语态)Chinese is spoken by many people. (主语Chinese是谓语动词speak所表示的动作的承受者,是被动语态)2.被动语态的构成被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。人称、数和时态的变化是通过be 的变化表现出来的。一般现在时的被动语态的构成为“am/is /are +及物动词的过去分词”。Shakes

20、peares plays are seen by millions of people every year .每年有上百万的人观看莎士比亚的戏剧3.被动语态的使用情况动(1)作的执行者不明确或不必说出时,用被动语态。English is spoken all over the world.世界各地都讲英语(2)强调或突出动作的承受者时,用被动语态Such things are only eaten by animals这样的东西只有动物才吃(3)出于礼貌或语气婉转等不愿说出动作的执行者是谁时,用被动语态。You are requested to give another performance.请你再表演一个节目即学即练把下列句子变为被动语态1. They sing an English song before class every day .An English song by them before class every day.2. My father mends the car The car by my father.

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