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必修 四 Unit 3检测评价A B卷.docx

1、必修 四 Unit 3 检测评价A B卷Unit 3 Tomorrows worldA卷.单项填空1(2016江苏六校联考)_ at the wonder and the greatness of nature, we jumped and shouted like innocent children.AAmazing B.AmazedCTo be amazed DHaving amazed解析:选B句意:对大自然的奇迹与伟大感到惊讶,我们像天真的孩子一样又跳又叫。amazing“令人惊讶的”; amazed“感到惊讶的”;to be amazed用在句首时,常表示目的;amaze“使惊讶”。

2、2(2016南通高三调研)The cause of the accident still remains a mystery because the man who _ the accident cannot remember what happened.Aabandoned BescapedCsurvived Dspotted解析:选C句意:由于这位事故幸存者无法记起所发生的事,这起事故的原因依然是个谜。survive“幸存”,符合语境。abandon“放弃”;escape“逃离”;spot“发现,认出”。3(2016启东中学高三月考)Mary knocked into a tree las

3、t night while driving, but she is all right.She is lucky. She _ herself badly.Ashould injure Bmight injureCshould have injured Dcould have injured解析:选D句意:“玛丽昨天晚上开车撞在了树上,但她没有事。”“她很幸运。她本可能会受重伤的。”根据句意可知“她受伤”应该是客观情况,故用表示对过去客观情况推测的情态动词。could have done意为“本可能会”,而实际上没有发生;should have done表示某人主观上应该做某事而实际上没有。4

4、(2016温州质检)He was driving home on the highway last night when he was stopped by a policeman, _.Awho was charged by speedingBwho accused him of speedingCwhich was warned of speedingDwhom reminded him to speed解析:选B考查非限制性定语从句,修饰policeman;表达“因而控告某人”,应用accuse .of或charge .with,故选B。5(2016苏南高三联考)With the wor

5、d “PM2.5” _ appearing in media reports, people pay greater attention to it and seek health tips for smoggy days. Aoptionally BdeliberatelyCapproximately Dconstantly解析:选D句意:随着“PM2.5”这个词不断地在媒体报道中出现,人们更加关注它并寻求针对雾霾天气的健康建议。constantly“不断地,持续地”,符合句意。optionally“有选择地,随意地”;deliberately“故意地”;approximately“大约”。

6、6(2016金陵中学高三月考)As far as I know, there have been several events _ to the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games.Aadded Bto addCadding Dhaving been added解析:选A句意:据我所知,已经有几个赛事被加进2016年的里约热内卢奥运会了。add to“添加”,add与events之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语。7(2016南京高三二调)Here are our passports and tickets, sir.Let me see. Yes,

7、 here are your passports back. _ your luggage yourselves?AAre you packing BDid you packCHad you packed DDo you pack解析:选B句意:“先生,这是我们的护照和票。”“让我看看。没问题,给你们的护照。行李是你们自己打包的吗?”根据语境可知,“打包行李”是发生在过去的事情,因此用过去时,且语境不表示过去的过去,故选B。8(2016扬州中学质检)The fast popularity of cloud computing means netizens will need to take a

8、dded measures to make sure their data stays _ in the digital age.Asecure BstableCparticular Daccurate解析:选A句意:在这个数字时代,云计算的快速普及意味着网民们需要采取更多的措施来确保他们的数据安全。secure“安全的”,符合语境。stable“稳定的”;particular“特别的”;accurate“精确的”。9(2016盐城中学高三模拟)This small mountain village is so perfect a place for holidays that visitor

9、s never leave it _.Afeeling disappointing Bfelt disappointing Cfeeling disappointed Dfelt disappointed解析:选C句意:这个小山村是那么美的适合度假的一个地方,以至于游客们从未带着失望离开。根据句子结构可知空格处的成分是伴随状语。feel与主语visitors之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用现在分词;disappointed“(人)感到失望的”;disappointing“令人失望的”。10(2016徐州高三模拟)I shall be in China for three weeks. Can yo

10、u make some suggestions _ what I should see?Sure. Youd better visit Beijing, Shanghai and the Tibet. They are all wonderful cities.Aor else Bas toCup to Dso as to解析:选B问句句意:我要在中国待三周。关于我应该看些什么你有什么建议吗?as to“关于,至于”,符合句意。or else“否则”;up to“直到;达到”;so as to“为了”。11(2016金陵中学月考)Its generally thought that the w

11、ild goats _ on the vast grasslands is an indication of a better environment.Aescape B.absenceCattendance D.appearance解析:选D句意:人们普遍认为在广阔的草原上野山羊的出现是环境好转的标志。appearance“出现”,符合语境。escape“逃脱”;absence“缺席,不在”;attendance“出席,参加”。12After John stayed in Shanghai for a couple of days, he got the impression _ the c

12、ity was very fascinating.Awhich BwhyCwhere Dthat解析:选D句意:在上海待了几天后,约翰对上海的印象是上海很迷人。空格后的句子是对impression的解释说明,是同位语从句且连接词不充当成分,故用that。13(2016常州一中高三质检)This is not the first time that Ebola _ out, but it is the largest one to date.Ahas broken BbrokeCbreaks Dhad broken解析:选A句意:这不是埃博拉病毒第一次爆发,但这是迄今为止最大的一次。在This

13、is the first time that .句型中,从句应用现在完成时态。14(2016镇江市高三模拟考试)The media attention paid to Peng Liyuan shows that _ as a role model for Chinese women, but _ an effective image for projecting Chinas soft power overseas. Anot only she can serve; can she also beBnot only can she serve; she can also beCnot onl

14、y she can serve; she can also beDnot only can she serve; can she also be解析:选B句意:媒体对彭丽媛的关注,表明她不仅是中国妇女的楷模,而且也是提升中国海外软实力的极佳形象。在not only . but also . 连接两个句子时,如果将“not only”放在句首时,其后句子要用部分倒装的形式,但but also 后的句子用正常语序,故选B。15(2016南京模拟)We will _ going to that country for sightseeing until the situation there bec

15、omes stable.Aput down Bput offCput out Dput up解析:选B句意:我们将推迟去那个国家游览的日期,直到那儿的局势稳定下来。put down“放下”;put off“推迟”;put out“扑灭”;put up“抬高,使升高”。.阅读理解A(2016南京师大附中高三调研)Can people change their skin color without suffering like pop king Michael Jackson? Perhaps yes. Scientists have found the gene that determines

16、skin color.The gene comes in two versions, one of which is found in 99 percent of Europeans. The other is found in 93 to 100 percent of Africans, researchers at Pennsylvania State University report in the latest issue of Science.Scientists have changed the color of a darkstriped zebrafish (斑马鱼) to u

17、niform gold by inserting a version of the pigment (色素) gene into a young fish. As with humans, zebrafish skin color is determined by pigment cells, which contain melanin (黑色素). The number, size and darkness of melanin per pigment cell determine skin color.It appears that, like the golden zebrafish,

18、lightskinned Europeans also have a mutation (变异) in the gene for melanin production. This results in less pigmented skin.However, Keith Cheng, leader of the research team, points out that the mutation is different in human and zebrafish genes.Humans acquired dark skin in Africa about 1.5 million yea

19、rs ago to protect bodies from ultraviolet rays of the sun (太阳光紫外线), which can cause skin cancer.But when modern humans leave Africa to live in northern latitudes, they need more sunlight on their skin to produce vitamin D. So the related gene changes, according to Cheng.Asians have the same version

20、of the gene as Africans, so they probably acquired their light skin through the action of some other gene that affects skin color, said Cheng.The new discovery could lead to medical treatments for skin cancer. It also could lead to research into ways to change skin color without damaging it like che

21、mical treatment did on Michael Jackson.语篇解读:本文是一篇科普说明文。主要讲述了基因决定人的肤色,将来人们想改变肤色的话,可能不需要像迈克尔杰克逊那样受罪了。1The passage mainly tells us that _.Apeople can not change their skin color without any painBthe new discovery could lead to research into ways to change skin color safelyCpop king Michael Jackson ofte

22、n changed his skin color as he likedDscientists have found out that peoples skin color is determined by the gene解析:选D主旨大意题。第一段最后一句为本文的主题句,由此可知,本文主要讲述了科学家们发现人的肤色是由基因决定的这件事。故选D项。2It can be inferred from the passage that _.Anowadays people who want to change their skin color have to suffer a lot from t

23、he damage caused by the chemical treatmentBEuropeans and Africans have the same geneCthe new discovery could help to find medical treatments for skin cancerDthere are two kinds of genes解析:选A推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,这一发现有助于攻克皮肤癌等难题,也有助于研究既能改变肤色又不会受到像迈克尔杰克逊所使用的那种对身体有害的医疗手段。由此可推知,现在还不能充分应用这项发现,现在人们想要改变肤色,依旧要受罪

24、。故选A项。3Scientists have done an experiment on a darkstriped zebrafish in order to _.Afind the different genes of humansBprove the humans skin color is determined by the pigment geneCfind out the reason why the Africans skin color is darkDfind out the ways of changing peoples skin color解析:选B细节理解题。根据文章

25、第三段第二句“As with humans . contain melanin (黑色素)”可知,科学家把一种色素基因植入小斑马鱼体内,使幼鱼的皮肤变成了金色,从而证明了人类肤色也是由色素细胞决定的。故选B项。4The reason why Europeans are lightskinned is probably that _.Athey are born lightskinned peopleBlightskinned Europeans have mutation in the gene for melanin productionCthey have fewer activities

26、 outsideDthey pay much attention to protecting their skin解析:选B细节理解题。根据第四段“.lightskinned Europeans also have . pigmented skin.”可知,欧洲人体内黑色素的基因发生了变异,使得他们的肤色变浅。故选B项。5The writers attitude towards the discovery is _.Aneutral BnegativeCpositive Dunconcerned解析:选C观点态度题。根据文章最后一段第一句可知,这一新发现有助于攻克皮肤癌等难题。由此可知,作者对

27、此项发现持积极的态度。故选C项。B(2016淮安高三调研)The extraordinary Eastgate Building in Harare, Zimbabwes capital city, is said to be the only one in the world to use the same cooling and heating principles as the termite mound (白蚁堆)Architect Mick Pearce used precisely the same strategy when designing the Eastgate Buil

28、ding, which has no airconditioning and almost no heating. The building the countrys largest commercial and shopping complex uses less than 10% of the energy of a conventional building of its size. The Eastgates owners saved $3.5 million on a $36million building because an airconditioning plant didnt

29、 have to be imported.The complex is actually two buildings linked by bridges across a shady, glassroofed atrium (天井) open to the air. Fans suck fresh air in from the atrium, blow it upstairs through hollow spaces under the floors and from there into each office through baseboard vents (通风口). As it r

30、ises and warms, it is drawn out via ceiling vents and finally exists through fortyeight brick chimneys.During summers cool nights, big fans blow air through the building seven times an hour to cool the empty floors. By day, smaller fans blow two changes of air an hour through the building, to circul

31、ate the air which has been in contact with the cool floors. For winter days, there are small heaters in the vents.This is all possible only because Harare is 1,600 feet above sea level, has cloudless skies, little dampness and rapid temperature swings days as warm as 31 commonly drop to 14 at night. “You couldnt do this in New York, with its fantastica

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