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1、大连理工大学管理与经济学部文件大工管经发20156号 关于印发管理与经济学部博士、硕士研究生毕业学术论文发表标准的通知 为提高研究生培养质量,进一步规范研究生毕业学术论文发表,经学部学位委员会讨论,并经校学位委员会批准,通过管理与经济学部博士、硕士研究生毕业学术论文发表标准,现予以印发,请遵照执行。二一五年三月十三日大连理工大学管理与经济学部办公室 2015年3月13日印发管理与经济学部博士、硕士研究生毕业学术论文发表标准一、 博士研究生管理与经济学部博士研究生申请论文正式答辩前,至少以第一作者或导师是第一作者本人第二作者发表(其中1篇可以含正式录用)论文符合以下条件之一:1)在国际C类及以上

2、期刊(见附件1),发表英文论文1篇;2)在国内A*(见附件2)发表论文1篇,并在国际会议发表英文论文1篇;3)在国内A类(见附件2)期刊论文2篇,并在国际会议发表英文论文1篇;4)在国内A类(见附件2)期刊论文1篇、国内B类(见附件2)期刊发表论文2篇,并在国际会议发表英文论文1篇;二、 学术型硕士研究生管理与经济学部学术型硕士研究生申请论文正式答辩前至少以第一作者或导师第一作者本人第二作者发表(含正式录用)期刊论文1篇。论文发表期刊范围包括学部公布的国际期刊(见附件1)、国内重要期刊(见附件2)、CSSCI(含扩展版)检索刊源、管理与经济学部认定98种期刊(见附件3)、英文working p

3、aper (英文的working paper由学部组织两位国内外同行评审,如通过评审视同于符合毕业标准)。以上所提附件均已最新版为准。各级学科可在此基础上,制定并实施更为严格的标准。本标准从2014年秋季入学的博士和硕士开始执行。本标准解释权归管理与经济学部学位委员会。2015年3月13日13附件1:管理与经济学部认定的国际重要期刊目录(2014)A*类 50种Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Perspectives Academy of Management Review Accounting, Organization

4、s and Society Administrative Science Quarterly California Management Review Contemporary Accounting Research EconometricaEntrepreneurship Theory & Practice Harvard Business ReviewHuman Resource Management (John wiley and Sons) Information Systems Research INFORMS Journal on ComputingJournal of Accou

5、nting & Economics Journal of Accounting Research Journal of Applied Psychology Journal of Business Ethics Journal of Business Venturing Journal of Consumer Psychology Journal of Finance Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis Journal of Financial EconomicsJournal of InternationalBusinessStudies

6、 Journal of Management Studies Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Operations Management Journal of Political Economy Journal of the American Statistical Association JournalofConsumerResearch JournalofMarketing Management Science Manufacturing and Service Operations ManagementMarketingScience M

7、IS Quarterly NatureOperations ResearchOrganization Science Organization Studies Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences of the United States of AmericaProduction and Operations Management Quarterly Journal of Economics RAND Journal of

8、Economics Review of Accounting StudiesScienceSloan Management Review Strategic Management Journal The Accounting Review The American Economic ReviewThe Review of Financial Studies A类 47种American Journal of SociologyAmerican Sociological ReviewAnnals of Tourism ResearchAnnual Review of SociologyBriti

9、sh Journal of Management Communications of the ACMData Mining and Knowledge DiscoveryDecision Support Systems Energy PolicyEnvironment & Planning AGames & Economic Behavior Human Relations IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics AIndustrial Relations Information & Management International

10、Economic Review International Journal of Research in Marketing Journal of Banking & Finance Journal of Development EconomicsJournal of Econometrics Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Journal of Economic Literature Journal of Economic Perspectives Journal of Economic Theory Journal of Health

11、 Economics Journal of International EconomicsJournal of Law and Economics Journal of Management Journal of Management Information Systems Journal of Product Innovation Management Journal of Public Economics Journal of Retailing Journal of Risk & Uncertainty Journal of Small Business Management Journ

12、al of the Academy of Marketing Science Journal of the Association for Information Systems (AIS) Journal of the Operational Research SocietyJournal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B JournalofServiceResearch Leadership QuarterlyOMEGA - International Journal of Management Science Research Poli

13、cyReview of Economic Studies Review of Economics & Statistics Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Supply Chain Management: An International JournalTechnovationB类 81种Abacus Annals of Operations Research British Journal of Industrial RelationsBrookings Papers on Economic Activity Business Eth

14、ics Quarterly Canadian Journal of Economics Computers & Operations ResearchDecision SciencesEcological EconomicsEconomic Inquiry Economica Environment & Planning BEnvironment & Planning DEuropean Accounting Review European Economic Review European Journal of Information Systems European Journal of O

15、perational Research EuropeanFinancialManagement Finance & StochasticsGroup Decision and NegotiationIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data EngineeringIIE TransactionsInformation Systems Journal Insurance, Mathematics & Economics International Business Revi

16、ew International Journal of Electronic CommerceInternational Journal of Forecasting International Journal of Human Resource Management International Journal of Industrial Organization International Journal of Operations and Production ManagementInternational Journal of Production Economics Internati

17、onal Journal of Production Research International Review of Law and Economics Journal of Advertising Journal of Advertising Research Journal of Behavioral Decision MakingJournal of Business Finance & Accounting Journal of Business Research Journal of Economic PsychologyJournal of Engineering and Tec

18、hnology ManagementJournal of Financial Intermediation Journal of Financial Markets Journal of Forecasting Journal of Futures Markets Journal of Industrial EcologyJournal of Industrial EconomicsJournal of Information Technology Journal of Institutional & Theoretical Economics Journal of International

19、 Money and Finance Journal of Money, Credit & Banking Journal of Optimization Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Risk & Insurance Journal of Scheduling Journal of Strategic Information Systems Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series AJournal of Travel ResearchJournal of World Business (Colom

20、bia) Labour Economics Long Range Planning Management Learning Manufacturing and Service Operation ManagementMarketing Letters Mathematical FinanceMathematicalProgrammingMathematics of Operations ResearchNaval Research LogisticsOR Spectrum Organization Psychology and MarketingR&D ManagementReview of

21、Finance (formerly European Finance Review) Scandinavian Journal of EconomicsScientometricsTechnological Forecasting and Social ChangeTheory and Decision Tourism ManagementTransportation Research Part ATransportation Research Part BTransportation ScienceWorld DevelopmentC类 99种+ SCI或SSCI检索的管理与经济领域其它国际

22、学术期刊Accident Analysis and PreventionAccounting and Business Research Accounting and FinanceAccounting Horizons Advances in Strategic Management -A Research Annual Annals of Economics and Finance Applied EconomicsApplied Economics LettersAsia Pacific Journal of Human ResourcesAsian Business & Managem

23、entAsia-pacific Journal of Operational ResearchBehavior and Information TechnologyBusiness Ethics: A European ReviewCentral European Journal of Operations ResearchChina & World Economy China Economic ReviewComputers and Industrial EngineeringDiscrete optimizationElectronic Commerce Research and Appl

24、icationsEmerging Markets Finance and TradeEnergy Economics Engineering Management JournalEuropean Journal of FinanceEuropean Journal of Industrial EngineeringEuropean Journal of Marketing European Journal of Work and Organizational PsychologyEuropean Management Journal Industrial Management & Data S

25、ystemsIndustrial Marketing Management Information SocietyInformation Systems FrontiersInformation Technology & ManagementInnovation-Management policy & PracticeInterfacesInternational FinanceInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing TechnologyInternational Journal of AdvertisingInternational J

26、ournal of Finance & EconomicsInternational Journal of Flexible Manufacturing SystemsInternational Journal of Game TheoryInternational Journal of Information ManagementInternational Journal of Information SecurityInternational Journal of Information Technology & Decision MakingInternational Journal o

27、f Market Research International Journal of Service Industry ManagementInternational Journal of Systems ScienceInternational Journal of Technology Management International Journal of Web Services ResearchInternational Marketing ReviewJournal of Applied EconomicsJournal of Business & Industrial Market

28、ingJournal of Cleaner ProductionJournal of Construction Engineering and ManagementJournal of DerivativesJournal of Development StudiesJournal of Economic Surveys Journal of Environmental Economics and ManagementJournal of Environmental ManagementJournal of Financial Services Research Journal of Inte

29、ractive MarketingJournal of Knowledge ManagementJournal of Labor ResearchJournal of Management & OrganizationJournal of Management Inquiry Journal of Managerial PsychologyJournal of Manufacturing SystemsJournal of Organizational Behavior ManagementJournal of Organizational Change ManagementJournal o

30、f Portfolio Management Journal of Productivity analysisJournal of Service ManagementJournal of Sustainable TourismJournal of Systems Science and Systems EngineeringJournal of Technology TransferJournal of the American Planning AssociationJournal of the Operational Research Society of JapanKnowledge

31、and Information SystemsKnowledge Based Systems Knowledge Engineering ReviewKnowledge OrganizationManagement and Organization ReviewManagement DecisionMobile Networks and ApplicationsOnlineOperations Research Letters Organizational DynamicsProduction Planning & Control Quantitative Finance Queuing SystemsResearch

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