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1、SECTION 1:True and False For each of the following, place a “T” if the statement is “true”, “F” if the statement is false. (20 marks) _F_1.When the price setter stresses the supply or cost side of the pricing problem, they are using competition-orientation pricing._F_ 2. When a consumer learns about

2、 a new product for the first time and makes a decision to try it, the consumer is engaged in the alternative evaluation process._T_3. Consumers position products in their minds in order to simplify the buying process._F_4. The retail position matrix makes use of these two dimensions:width and depth

3、of product line._T_ 5. When a company chooses a target marketing strategy, its choices are influenced by factors related to company resources, the degree of product variability, and the products life-cycle stage_T_6. The purchase of a bottle of water is a low-involvement purchase._F_ 7. Intensive di

4、stribution seeks many outlets in a market, while selective distribution seeks only one outlet in a given market area. _T_ 8. The frequent use of promotional pricing can encourage customers to only buy when a brand is on sale_F_ 9. Direct marketing rarely occurs on a one-to-one, interactive basis._F_

5、10. In introduction stage, a company retains the product but reduces marketing support costs.Section 2: Multiple Choices (20 marks, 2 for each)1. _c_ is the term that describes the actions a person takes in purchasing and using products and services.a)Marketingb)Market researchc)Consumer behaviord)C

6、onsumer managemente)Purchase development2. A “quality” message may be used for the HUMmers while a “connectivity” message may be used for the Executive Warriors. This is an example of _.a)positioningb)selective marketingc)brandingd) market segmentatione)targetingAns: a3. The framework to relate the

7、market segments of potential buyers to products offered or potential marketing actions by the firm is called: da) Action gridb) Relation gridc) Product gridd) Procuduct/Market grid.4. To handle products in the decline stage of the product life cycle, companies often use either _.a)diversification or

8、 harvestingb)diversification or contractingc)deletion or harvestingd)deletion or diversificatione)building or contractingAns: c5. Pricing constraints are _.a)barriers that must be overcome in order to set pricing objectivesb)competitive pricing advantages one firm has over anotherc)different pricing

9、 strategies for each of the firms productsd)factors that limit the range of prices a firm may sete)another name for demand curvesAns: d6. When a firm distributes to two or more different types of channels for the same product, this is called: Da) Double channel dutyb) Dual networkc) Split distributi

10、ond) Dual distribution7. _ is the marketing of two or more products for a single package price.a)Packaged pricingb)Loss-leader pricingc)Bundle pricingd)Tie-in pricinge)Multi-product pricingAns: c8. _ arises when one channel member believes another channel member is engaged in behavior that prevents

11、it from achieving its goals.a)Channel conflictb)Disintermediationc)Cross-dockingd)Partnership inconsistencye)Relationship varianceAns: a9. Which method of classifying retail outlets would be most appropriate for describing all franchise operations?a)Form of ownershipb)Level of servicec)Merchandise l

12、ined)Method of operatione)Revenue generatedAns: a10. In which form of retail outlet would customers be offered convenience, quality personal service and lifestyle compatibility?a)Corporate chainb)Administered systemc)Contractual systemd)Independent retailerAns: dSECTION 3: SHORT ANSWERS (60 marks)1.

13、 Distinguish between a direct and an indirect channel (6 marks). Please give an example for each channel structure (4 marks)Ans: a direct channel occurs when a producer and ultimate consumers deal directly with each other. Because there are no intermediaries, the producer must perform all channel fu

14、nctions. Indirect channels occur when intermediaries are inserted between the producer and consumers and perform numerous channel functions.2. Describe the characteristics of each stage of product life cycle. And discuss the role of promotion in the four stages of the product life cycle (20 marks) A

15、ns: The first stage is introduction. The primary job for promotion here is to inform and increase awareness of the product among consumers. (5 marks each stage)The second stage is growth. Here the primary task is to persuade the consumer to buy your brand rather than substitutes.The third stage is m

16、aturity. Here, you want to maintain existing buyers and remind consumers of the products existence.The fourth and final stage is decline. This is usually a period of phase-out for the product and little effort or money is expended, especially in sales promotions.3. Assume you are manager of The Outb

17、ack Steak House, a franchised restaurant that has newly opened in Shanghai. Describe how you would segment the market according to segmentation bases, using as many segmentation variables as you can and explaining why each variable is appropriate.(20 marks)Ans: Students might select any segmentation

18、 variables However, the most likely include these: The first dimension would be geographic with segmentation variables designed to describe those people within a reasonable draw area around the restaurant. They could be defined by ZIP Code, census tract or subdivision. The next dimension should be d

19、emographics, including homeowners, young adults, married, probably with children. Also important would be household income, perhaps related to occupations. The Outback manager would seek those people who had not only the need, but also the means to dine at the restaurant and demographic correlations

20、 can be rather easily made with regard to those factors. The psychographic dimension would include variables such as extroverted, gregarious and those fond of pleasures such as eating out. Segmentation according to the benefits dimension could include convenience and economy relative to more expensi

21、ve restaurants. As for the usage dimension, it would be well to seek medium and heavy users including, perhaps, those people who might dine at The Outback more than once a month, since repeat business is the key to success in this sort of venture.4. You will be graduating soon and have been offered

22、the job of your dreams. The new position, however, requires some traveling so you will need a car. You currently do not have one. What decision process will you go through to purchase an automobile?(10 marks)Ans: This purchase would require five purchase decision stages:Problem recognition: the car

23、is needed for the new job.Information search: Check internal and external sources.Alternative evaluation: objective and subjective attributes considered from consideration set.Purchase decision: decision made after judging the alternatives.Post-purchase evaluation: evaluate car in terms of expectations. 4 / 4

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