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1、高考英语完形填空基础练习精品题442014高考英语完形填空基础练习精品题(44)及答案扫荡狂练:完形填空夹叙夹议39.I serve coffee at a counter-style dinner in Texas. I often see a look of1in my customers eyes. In an age of online chat and online shopping, its no2people come into the dinner starving for human3. Most of my customers can remember a4the milk

2、man came to their front door. As I served up their eggs and bacon, they offered 5on their grandchildren. They6me about the happenings in my life.One day, I walked back to the smoking section to7around a fresh pot of coffee. There was a woman who had been8in a corner booth for at least three hours. S

3、he asked me, “How much is just one breakfast taco (炸玉米饼) ?” I told her I didnt know and Id9served just one by itself. Going back to the kitchen I thought about her rotted teeth and10eyes. I offered her a11pancake breakfast. She asked to12bus fare and promised to return and pay me back. I handed over

4、13money from my apron pocket.Three weeks later she returned my two dollars. She had gotten a14and a friends couch to sleep on.This kind of thing gets me wondering if something as15as a short stack of pancakes can bring about a small16in society. Can one act of friendliness start to generate peace? I

5、 believe it can. I believe in friendliness and17ear. For me, it starts with making eye contact when I18coffee and ask my customers“How are you doing?” and then listen to their answer. My job is to19customers at the counter in a small Texas dinner, but I20believe were in this world to take care of ea

6、ch other.1. A. lonelinessB. angerC. delightD. pride2. A. problemB. wonderC. senseD. way3. A. comfortB. happinessC. progressD. connection4. A. timeB. dayC. momentD. past5. A. addressesB. anecdotesC. updatesD. grades6. A. toldB. askedC. wroteD. cared7. A. moveB. showC. carryD. pass8. A. sittingB. lyin

7、gC. hidingD. crying9. A. seldomB. alreadyC. neverD. yet10. A. puzzledB. tiredC. deepenedD. closed11. A. smallB. thinC. hotD. free12. A. borrowB. payC. returnD. offer13. A. wageB. changeC. tipD. fund14. A. helpB. jobC. charityD. chance15. A. goodB. valuableC. quickD. simple16. A. contributionB. scene

8、 C. changeD. consequence17. A. an openB. a willingC. a deafD. an empty18. A. makeB. pourC. drinkD. mix19. A. help outB. take notice ofC. watch overD. take care of20. A. almostB. stillC. alsoD. quite参考答案39.ABDACBDACBDACBDCABDC: 典型例题 When I was in seventh grade, I was a candy striper(志愿护士长)at a local

9、hospital in my town. Most of the time I spent there was with Mr. Gillespiel He never had any 1 , and nobody seemed to care about his 2 I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him, 3 anything that needed to be done. He became a close friend of mine, 4 he responded with only a (n) 5 sq

10、ueeze of my hand. Mr. Gillespie was in a coma(昏迷). I left for a week to vacation with my parents, and when I came back, Mr. Gillespie was 6 . I didnt have the 7 to ask any of the nurses where he was, for fear they might 8 me he had died.Several 9 later, when I was a junior in high school, I was at t

11、he gas station when I noticed a familiar face. When I 10 who it was,my eyes filled with tears. He was 11 ! I got up the nerve to ask him if his name was Mr. Gillespie, With a (n) 12 look on his face, he replied yes. I 13 how I knew him,and that I had spent many hours talking with him in the hospital

12、. His eyes welled up with tears, and he gave me the warmest hug I had ever 14 . He began to tell me how, 15 he lay there comatose,he could hear me talking to him and could 16 me holding his hand the whole time. Mr. Gillespie 17 believed that it was my voice and 18 that had kept him alive.Although I

13、havent 19 him since, he fills my heart with 20 every day. I know that I made a difference between his life and his death. 1. A. visitors B. relatives C. patients D. friends答案:A 指导:根据never和nobody seemed to care about可知没有人去医院探望他。 B项表示“亲戚”,一个人不可能没有亲戚,所以此项不恰当; C项意为“病人”,MrGillespie本身就是病人,因此C项显然不正确;根据常识可知

14、由于种种原因朋友不一定去看望病人,所以D项不恰当。2. A. interest B. requirement C. condition D. thought 答案:C 指导:MrGillespie病情严重,昏迷不醒,但好像没有人关心他的“状况”。 interest兴趣;爱好”,文中没有信息支持,所以A项错误;由于病人严重昏迷,不会有什么“要求”、“想法”,所以可将B、D两项排除。3. A. talking about B. looking for C. pointing out D. helping with 答案:D 指导:作者是护士助手,所以应该“帮助”做必要的事情。A、B、C三项分别表示

15、“谈论”、“寻找”、“指出”,显然与作者的身份不符。4. A. so that B. even though C. soon after D. just as 答案:B 指导:even though即使”,根据后面MrGillespie was in a coma(昏迷)”可知此处表示让步。 A项表示“以便”,用在此处逻辑关系不合理;C项表示“此后不久”,如果选择此项,意味着他在同作者成为朋友之前很 正常,显然不正确;D项表示“正如”,前后意思不通顺。5. A. occasional B. tight C. satisfactory D. warm 答案:A 指导:根据下一句可推测病人在昏迷状

16、态下“偶尔”握一下作者的手。 B项表示“紧紧的”,病情严重的人应该是软弱无力;C、D两项分别表示“令人满意的”“温暖的”,带有说话人强烈的感情色彩,但结合病情可将这两项排除。6. A. dead B. mad C. gone D.excited 答案:C 指导:作者度假回来后发现病人不在了。 dead死”,与下文两人重逢矛盾;mad疯的”,脱离实际;excited兴奋的”,下一句提到作者没有问病人在何处,可见二人根本没有见面。7. A. right B. chance C. nerve D. time 答案:C 指导:作者恐怕护士会说出病人已经死亡的消息,所以不敢打听。第四段“I got up

17、 the nerve to”也提供了暗示。right权力”,与作者身份不符;B、D两项分别表示“机会时间”,与所给语境不符。8. A. cheat B. tell C. remind D. warn 答案:B 指导:作者担心护士“告诉”自己病人已经死亡的消息。护士没有必要“欺骗”助手,所以A项错误;C项意为“提醒”,如果选择此项,意味着作者已经知道了病人死亡的消息,这与下文两人相见矛盾;wam警告”,与护士的身份不符。9. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years 答案:D 指导:根据第一段第一句“When l was in seventh grade”可知作者当

18、时上七年级,再结合后面whenlwas a junjor in high schoo1”可推测是几年时间。10. A. realized B. wondered C. heard D. asked 答案:A 指导:作者看到了一张熟悉的面孔,才“意识到”他是谁。 B、D两项分别表示“想知道”、“问”,与后面myeyes filled withtears”矛盾;根据whenlnoticedafamiliarface可知作者看到了对方而不是听到了声音,所以C项错误。11. A. great B. alive C. successful D. lucky答案:B 指导:作者原以为再也见不到MrGill

19、espie了,想不到他还“活着”。倒数第二段that had kept himalive也提供了暗示。great伟大的”,MrGillespie只是一位普通病人,文中没有提到他有任何与众不同之处;successful成功的”,文中没有信息支持;lucky幸运的”,与所给语境不符。12. A. happy B. uncertain C. nervous D. proud 答案:B 指导:MrGillespie刚一开始没有认出作者是谁,所以当一位陌生人说出自己的名字时,自然会满腹狐疑。happy幸福的”,不合常理;nervous紧张的”,作者当时只是一名稚气未脱的学生,因此他没有必要感到紧张;pr

20、oud“自豪的”,根据常识可判断此项错误。13. A. apologized B. rememberedC. explained D. admitted 答案:C 指导:作者从对方的表情看出他没有认出自己,所以要“解释”原因。apologized道歉”,作者没有做错任何事情,不必道歉;remembered记得”,与所给语境不符;admitted承认”,言外之意是作者做了不应该做的事情,显然不正确。14. A. dreamed B. shown C. wanted D. received 答案:D 指导:作者“接受”了对方的拥抱。A、C两项表明作者渴望对方给予热情的拥抱,显然不恰当;shown展

21、现”,是对方拥抱作者,而不是作者主动拥抱对方。15. A. because B. if C. unless D. as 答案:D 指导:当他昏迷不醒的时候。 前三项分别表示“因为”“如果”“除非”,逻辑关系不合理。16. A. notice B. feel C. imagine D. appreciate 答案:B 指导:MrGillespie在昏迷中“感觉到”有人在一直握着他的手。A、C、D三项分别表示“注意到想像”“感激”,结合他的病情可知这三项不正确。17. A. hardly B. immediately C. firmly D. wrongly 答案:C 指导:firml坚定地”,M

22、rGillespie认为正是由于作者的帮助,他的病情才得以好转。hardly几乎不”,无法表达出病人对作者的感激之情;immediately立即”,不合情理;wrongly错误地”,有悖于病人的初衷。18. A. humour B. encouragementC. touth D. treatment 答案:C 指导:根据第二段第一句“I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him”可知是作者的“抚摸”,因为my voice与talking to him对应,touch与holding hishand对应。 humour幽

23、默”,作者当时在照顾一位昏迷不醒的病人,不可能给他说幽默的话;encouragement“鼓励”,文中没有信息支持;treatment治疗”,作者只是护士助手,没有给病人治疗。19. A. forgotten B. called C. missed D. seen 答案:D 指导:作者从那以后再也没有“见到”过他。forgotten忘记”,如果选择此项,意味着作者在加油站遇到他之前把他忘记了,显然错误;called打电话”,作者以前也没有给他打过电话;missed想念”,作者对他一直念念不忘。20. A. joy B. regret C. respect D. sympathy 答案:A 指导

24、:作者没有想到自己的点滴恩惠竟然挽救了一个人的生命,自然会感到很“高兴”。后三项分别表示“遗憾”“尊敬”“同情”,逻辑关系不合理。扫荡狂练:完形填空夹叙夹议40.A group of 29 children who had before handed in robot drawings were then given lessons about what robots at present do in the real world, including a field trip to see an industrial robot. They were then asked to1a robo

25、t.2, only one child drew a man-like robot that could dance3instead drew industrial robots doing things like food processing or building cars. “The 4were just as creative and complex, but they5the fictional elements of robots,” says Zimmerman.Whats more, the change in feelings stuck. After a three-mo

26、nth6, repeat robot drawings were much the same. Zimmerman believes this 7 the teaching “narrowed the gap” between science fiction and 8. It is more realistic to think of a robot under human 9 than a robot with free will, she says, adding that a better10of real robots may help students11related caree

27、rs.12Noel Sharkey, a robotics researcher at the University of Sheffield, UK, doubts that “decreasing the childrens13”will create a new generation of robot14. Existing man-like robots can perform many15, from caring for the elderly to folding towels, he adds.Sharkey isnt surprised that the childrens

28、robots16: a search on YouTube will show many real dancing man-like robots have been built over the1710 years, he says. “We should 18a realistic view of robots among19, but we should not limit this so as to get rid of their20.”1. A. redrawB. rewriteC. repeatD. reread 2. A. AfterwardsB. ThereforeC. Ho

29、weverD. Instead 3. A. noneB. fewC. manyD. most 4. A. robotsB. drawingsC. studentsD. children 5. A. showedB. tookC. lackedD. indicated 6. A. studyB. restC. gapD. holiday 7. A. showsB. doubtsC. knowsD. lets 8. A. theoryB. realityC. practiceD. society 9. A. watchB. directionC. ruleD. control 10. A. und

30、erstandingB. grasp C. knowledgeD. learning 11. A. move intoB. depend onC. believe inD. care for 12. A. SoB. ThenC. ButD. Also 13. A. opinions B. ideasC. thoughtsD. plans 14. A. usersB. studentsC. teachersD. designers 15. A. operationsB. jobsC. tasksD. shows 16. A. walkedB. ranC. sangD. danced 17. A.

31、 nextB. pastC. followingD. bad 18. A. putB. encourageC. valueD. get 19. A. scientistsB. teachersC. engineersD. children 20. A. creativity B. planC. hopeD. mind 参考答案40.AADBCCABDBACBDCDBBDA:典型例题It was the district sports meet. My foot still hadnt healed(痊愈)from a(n) 1 injury. I had 2 whether or not I should attend the meet. But there I was, 3 for the 3000-meter run. Ready. set. The gun popped and we were off. The other girls rushed 4 me. I felt 5 as I fell farther and farther behind. Hooray! shouted the crowd. It was the loudest 6 I had eve

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