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本文(广东创新设计高考英语一轮复习提能训练 Unit 1 A land of diversity附解析新人教版选修8.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

广东创新设计高考英语一轮复习提能训练 Unit 1 A land of diversity附解析新人教版选修8.docx

1、广东创新设计高考英语一轮复习提能训练 Unit 1 A land of diversity附解析新人教版选修8【人教广东版创新设计】2020高考英语一轮复习提能训练选修8Unit 1A land of diversity.词汇运用1We express ourselves _(用词语)2In the team,young people _(占多数)3The company can only supply _(我们所需的百分之二十)4Oil doesnt _(和水混合)5Well try our best to achieve _(种族的) harmony.6He _(已经申请了这份工作)7He

2、 is devoted to studying _(社会主义) principles.8Many accidents _(发生在家里)9_(研究表明) that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.10Her anxiety _(大家都看得出)11We _(租了一辆汽车去旅行)答案 means of words2.are in the majority3.20 percent of what we need4.mix with water5racial6.has applied for the job7.socialist

3、8.occured in the home9.Research indicates10was apparent to us11.hired a car to travel.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The other day I was invited to a friends house for supperand had a meal I have never had before.All the friends invited were a little _1_.Its not that Ben is unsociab

4、le,or a bad cook,but its just that he never _2_ more than he has to.So how come he was inviting us round for a meal?Had he bought something _3_ for his friends?He greeted us at the door and showed us into his dining room where a _4_ table was waiting for us.“Nothing but the _5_ for my friends!” said

5、 Ben.We all sat down and looked _6_ at each otherwhat was he up to?Ben returned with four bowls of hot soup.“Its a _7_ of carrots,potatoes and tomatoes,” said Ben.The next _8_ was also a little strange in that we didnt quite know what it was again.Its just another mixture of vegetable.As we ate we c

6、hatted and finally the _9_ turned back to what we were eating.“Was there a recipe(食谱)for this,”asked Marina,“or did you _10_ it up?”Ben put his fork down.“What I cooked _11_ what I could find.”Marina was surprised.“But you can find anything in supermarkets these days.”“But theres _12_ choice in what

7、 you can find outside supermarkets,” he replied._13_ that we had all finished the food,Ben decided to tell the truth.He had read recently that supermarkets usually throw away 5 percent of their food every day.So Ben decided to look inside his local supermarket bins.There he found food that was sligh

8、tly out of _14_,boxes of throwaway vegetables and fruit.So Ben had successfully provided a decent meal for his friends,and made us away of the fact that there are many poor people who need the food,but the amount of food thrown away in enough to _15_ millions of people.【解题导语】 本文讲的是作者去参加朋友给他们准备的只有素菜没

9、有大鱼大肉简朴的晚宴,其朋友用心良苦,旨在告诫人们要节约和环保。1 Aexcited Bdisappointed Csurprised Ddelighted解析:从下文的“. he never spends more than he has to”这一通常的行为可推知Ben这次邀请这么多朋友让人吃惊。答案:C2A.takes Bspends Cuses Ddoes解析:结合上下文可以推出Ben一般情况下是不请朋友吃饭的。答案 Bspecial Cpractical Dusual解析:作者不明白为什么这次Ben会有这样的举动,因此猜测可能是什么特别的东西。答案

10、 Bseparate Cbooked Dlaid解析:桌子已经摆放好,表示Ben已经为此作了一些准备,符合招待客人的语言情景。答案:D5A.freshest Bmost Cbest Dleast解析:nothing but后面应该取有褒义的词,best在此才能描述Ben要给朋友提供的食物的特征。答案:C6A.nervously Bcarefully Csadly Dhappily解析:由于Ben把这件事搞得很神秘,从而给他们带来紧张感。答案:A7A.mixture Bliquid Cmatter Ddish解析:从下文的“of carrots,potatoes,and tomatoes”,可推

11、出Ben给朋友们的是一碗多种蔬菜混合在一起的混合食物。答案:A8A.course Bfood Csoup Dsalad解析:course在此表示一道菜。答案:A9A.dinner Bidea Cfood Dsubject解析:从聊天再把话题转移到当时所吃的食物上来,非常符合语言情景。答案:D10A.pick Blook Cmake Dtake解析:make up有“编造”的意思,同上文的“Was there a recipe for this”形成对照。答案:C11A.referred to Bdepended on Clay in Dresulted from解析:承上文,Ben对自己所做的

12、食物作解释。由下文可推知,他只是用他所能find的东西做成刚才的食物,而没有什么特别的东西。答案:B12A.less Bmore Csome Dany解析:同上文的anything形成对照。答案:A13A.Feeling BSeeing CRealizing DThinking解析:由于已经达到目的,便告诉朋友真相刚才自己所做的食物的材料来源是每天被丢在超市外的bin中的东西。答案:B14A.order Bplace Cseason Ddate解析:过期的东西才最有可能被扔掉。答案:D15A.enrich Bplease Caffect Dfeed解析:在此点题,说明Ben的真实用意所在。答案

13、:D.阅读理解A friend asks me “Why dont Chinese go Dutch?” So I want to regard this question as the topic and write an article. As everyone knows,westerners will go Dutch while having a meal in the restaurant. But Chinese dont go Dutch. Chinese will pay the bill and check out generously. Westerners dont o

14、ften entertain guests;but Chinese often invite friends to dinner. A lot of westerners feel puzzled to this question.Why does there exist such a difference? First of all,food systems between China and West are different. Chinese put into practice Gather Dining System;westerners put into practice Indi

15、vidual Dining System. Everybody can share the delicious food of all over the table when eating Chinese food. Please note it is sharing,but westerners just eat the food in ones own plate. If you eat beef and he eats chicken,it is impossible that you taste the flavor of his chicken. The result of the

16、Individual Dining System is that you can only eat the food in your plate.So to eat Chinese food is happier than to eat Westernstyle food. And I want to ask you a question. Do you like the free thing? I think nobody doesnt like the free thing. OK! Suppose I invite you to eat the delicious Chinese foo

17、d,then I pay the bill. This is equivalent to that you have enjoyed a delicious Chinese food free. So you will be very glad. It will strengthen the relation between us in the happy atmosphere.Secondly,westerners eat for the health;Chinese eat for the friendship. Westerners advocate individualism and

18、independence is strong. So westerners express that respect for each others independence through the way go Dutch. Chinese like making friends and solidarity. Chinese value the interpersonal relationships and the friendship very much.Third,it is only simple “Have a meal!” for westerners to entertain

19、guests. Unlike the purpose and the means that Chinese entertain guests,in Americans idea,“Have a meal” definition is to add fuel to the body for keeping health and normal life activity. That is to say,there is not any additional value. In the Chinese idea,“Have a meal” not only is a kind of life enj

20、oyment,but also is the means to promote friendship between the friends. After enjoying the sumptuous delicious food,you are glad,and I am glad,too. The friendship between the friends has been strengthened in this kind of atmosphere.【文章大意】 在西方国家,人们吃饭总是各付各的钱,而在中国则不一样,本文主要分析这种产生现象的原因。1What does “go Dut

21、ch” mean?AThey will pay for the meal separately. BEither part will pay for the meal.CThey will go to Dutch for a meal. DThey can enjoy a meal free of charge.解析:推理判断题。根据文章的第一段的第三、四、五句可知。难度适中。答案:A2The differences between Western and Chinese Dinning System lie in the following aspects EXCEPT _.Aindivid

22、ual and gatheringBthe purpose for health and for the friendshipChealth maintenance and life enjoymentDopposition and dependence解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段可知A项正确;根据第三、四段可知B、C两项正确;只有D项不对,所以选择D项。难度适中。答案:D3Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AWesterners will share the food in their p

23、lates with each other.BChinese would like the free meal so they never pay the bill.CWesterners dont value the friendship so they never pay the meal for others.DChinese attitudes towards the meal seem more complicated than westerners.解析:推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,西方人是为了健康价值,而在中国,不但是为了健康,而且为了生活娱乐和增进友谊。可见,中国对于me

24、als的态度要比西方人的态度要复杂一点。故选D。难度适中。答案:D4The underlined word “means” in the fifth paragraph refers to _.Athe definition of “Have a meal!”Bthe way of strengthening the friendshipCthe meaning of a mealDthe dinner set used for a meal解析:推理判断题。根据文章的第五段可知,中国人和美国人对于饮食不一样的地方在于加强友谊这一点上,所以本题选择B项。难度适中。答案:B5The passag

25、e mainly analyzes the cause of _.Athe different cultures between the West and ChinaBthe various styles of food between the West and ChinaCthe ways of paying the bill between westerners and ChineseDall kinds of tastes of food from different countries解析:主旨大意题。根据文章的第一段可知,第一段为本文的中心段。难度适中。答案:C.基础写作2020上海

26、世博会(Exposition 2020)将使中国成为世界的焦点;以其 “Better City,Better Life”的主题,必将吸引世人的目光。【写作内容】请根据以下中文提纲,写一篇短文介绍中国2020年上海世博会:1到2020年世界55%的人口将居住在城市,未来城市生活成为世界关注的对象;2作为首个以城市为主题的世博会,上海世博会将引人注目;3参展者将展示城市文明、交流城市发展的经验并探寻城市可持续(sustainable)发展的途径;4它将是探讨21世纪城市生活的盛会。【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。【参考范文】Fifty

27、five percent of the world population is expected to live in cities by the year 2020.Therefore,the prospect of future urban life,a subject of global interest,concerns all nations,developed or less developed,and their people. Being the first World Exposition on the theme of city,Exposition 2020 will a

28、ttract governments and people from across the world,focusing on the theme “Better City,Better Life.” During the exposition,participants will display urban civilization to the full extent,exchange their experience of urban development,and explore new approaches to the sustainable urban development. It is widely acknowledged that Expo 2020 Shanghai China will be a great event to explore the full potential of urban life in the 21st century.

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