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1、纸牌屋第6季第1集字幕对白纯英文看美剧学英语打印word版What did the girl say to you?She said she hopes I die and that you become the president.I want a woman in the White House.We need you to implicate yourself in the death of Zoe Barnes.I dont think your husband should be front and center.What I want is for Francis Underwoo

2、d to go to jail.Im guilty.I killed Zoe Barnes.You have all used me far long enough.So I shall resign the office of President of the United States.You made me look absolutely ridiculous.- No! Claire. - Ill-prepared and ignorant.Were a few hours away from my official resignation.and you still have not

3、 agreed to pardon me.I was going over our list for vice president.A lot of the people I spoke to suggested me.Its hard to know who to trust these days.If she doesnt pardon me.Ill kill her.My turn.Stop. Claire Hale. Stop!Id like to fry her eyeballs.If no one else steps up to kill the president, I wil

4、l.Id enjoy it.A tweet out of North Dakota.What else?God never intended a woman to rule this land.She is the anti-Christ.- And a Jew. - A Jew?- Do we really need to hear all of this? - Yes.An unpublished editorial.Someone pointing a gun at your likeness.Lots of other online stuff, including a.contest

5、.For?For the most creative way to kill you.And the winner?Rather not say, maam.I want to hear. Just hand me the report, Rick.It involves, essentially, skinning you.Cutting your body into dozens of piecesand arranging them in the shape of the American flag.Flesh for the white stripes, blood for the r

6、ed.What else?Lot of threats involving the C-word, maam.Lots and lots of the C-word, unfortunately.- You mean Claire? - Its a long list.If you really want me to, Ill-Listen, I am not the first president to face threats.I know with Francis, sometimes there were several a day.Is it about the samewhat w

7、ere dealing with here?Its.significantly up.By how much?There are roughly four times as many threatson any given day since you took office.Now its twice that since Francis died.I thought everyone loves a widow.Not if shes also Commander-in-Chief, I guess.These are not rational people, Madam President

8、.But, maam, as far as todays threat,regarding your first scheduled appearance-Were canceling the appearance.Were not canceling.Its a military base.Thats got to be the safest place on Earth for a president.An anonymous soldier has made a serious threat-To shoot me in the cunton behalf of the United S

9、tates of America.Yes, Mark, I heard.The threats unconfirmed.He says hes among those shipping out today.Anyone can claim that.And that you have no right waging war in Syria.You, in particular.I think we stay away. Rick, dont you agree?Theres no proof the threat is credible. Isnt that right, Rick?Our

10、intelligence division is investigating,and the advance team is already there,but itll take at least a dayto comb through that base.I think what the vice president says is the best course.Maybe by tomorrow you could-Tomorrow is the fifth of July.- Yes, maam. - So what do you suggest I do?Wish the nat

11、ion a happy belated birthday?Our only concern is your safety-Were not cancelling.I am sending those soldiers onto a battlefield.The first female president of the United Statesis not gonna keep her mouth shut on the Fourth of fucking July.Lieutenant General Gallagher would understand.I could appear i

12、nstead.- Speak for you. - Stop.Is it my safety that concerns you,or my potential endorsement of Gallagher?Your safety first, of course.But singling her out, thats a provocation.And so?I cant provoke them?Youre forwarding a candidate the Shepherds are against,in their home state.- After months of neg

13、otiation. - This is not a negotiation,this is an ultimatum. Sign the bill or what?Or what, Mark?When Francis was looking to finance his foundation,why did you point him towards Bill and Annette?I didnt. Raymond Tusk arranged it.Or maybe they reached out to him?I dont remember.I- What does it matter?

14、 Theyre working with you now.I need to meet with the Shepherds directly.Madam President.Ill see them before my appearance at the base.- You cant. - I what?Ill let them know.Thank you.Youre due at the base by 4:45,which will have you back here by 8:30.The fireworks show begins right after nine.And th

15、e Examiner would love your okay on the photos.Is there any progress on the source of the sound?The GSA is still looking into it.Theyre checking the floorboards above and below,- in case theres- - I dont want to wait anymore.Please tell the executive housekeeperId like the former presidents belonging

16、s packed up.Ill have it taken care of.Its not true what he told you all those years ago.That there are two kinds, useful and useless.Theres only one kind.Pain is pain.Francis.Im done with you.There.No more pain.You do this all day?Im under psychiatric observation, Seth.This is what you do.Whos your

17、new tailor?You gotta look the part.So, when do they decidewhether youre crazy or not?Because if youre not,you should come work for us.Us?Have you been working there for about five minutes?Its been a month, actually.So his body wasnt even cold.Its what he would have wanted.The Underwood Foundation wa

18、s basically gonna be modeled afterthe Shepherd Freedom Foundation.I dont need the job.Well, for a confessed murderer, youre pretty confident.Im about to be pardoned.Pardon?You really think that shes gonna give you one?As usual, you dont know what the fuck youre talking about.You know, there wasnt th

19、e kind of crowd that youd expect for himdown there in Gaffney.He wanted to be buried in Arlington.Not next to his father.Thats not what his wife said.Tell me something.She even shed a tear?You know.Im almost envious, to tell you the truth.That even beyond the grave,youd do anything for Francis Under

20、wood.Doug, do you have my lighter?Much obliged.Was that who I thought it was?Fred Amburg? He went off the deep end?Everyone has problems, Seth.Especially the ones who think they dont.- Claire. - Annette.Oh, did you get my note?Oh, I havent had the courage to read the condolences yet.Its good to see

21、you finally out and about.Oh, what youve been through.You know all about it.Well, for a long time, I pretended he was still alive.Out of town.It was our son Duncan that really saved me.Of course, we werent married anywhere nearas long as you and Frank.Claire Hale.Nine years.Late spring,Sun Valley.Yo

22、u look exactly the same.Well, its cities that age you,its what I tell everyone.I hope you dont mindsaying hello to a few of our closest friends.Theyre just here for a cocktail before the-the sun goes down and the rest of the party shows up.My sisters fireworks show have become a bit of a tradition.D

23、ont worry. They know how to be discreet.Scotty here just got his hands on Nexis Security.I heard you are speaking to the vice president about this.Its a company of peacekeepers, mostly.Oh, tremendous potential to create global partnerships.Your husband helped me secure the deal.I wanted to bring him

24、 onto the Board.Bill was saying.Yes, I was just saying.Why in the world do they play作品以曲中的炮火声闻名 一些演出中还会真用大炮the 1812 Overture at a fireworks show?Its Russian, for Chrissakes, in every sense.This is Tabitha.Peters, I know.Frank.- Wasnt he planning to be here today? - He was.You must miss him terribly.

25、I had some long and hard-fought conversations with him.He was going to help me resolve this AFL-CIO thingthats been going on forever out in Nevada,with your help, of course.When the union stands in the way of innovation,its sentencing itself to death.I do admire the way you hang on to your party.You

26、r loyalty.Did I hear that Lieutenant General Nancy Gallagherwill be appearing with you later today?I think shed make an excellent candidate,if she decides to run, of course.Oh, shes going to run.The president is on a tight schedule.Excuse me.Well, this is a surprise.You know how Midwesterners feel a

27、bout those.Oh, dont listen to him. Its about time you came out.Seems we have some things to discuss.Yeah.Well, as far as this special election is concerned, Claire,you need to know that the soon-to-be-retiring Miss Gallagheris out of question.And Im happy to see were both fansof the Declaration of I

28、ndependence,unalienable rights and all that.But it says down here in the speech youre gonna give later-Miss Gallagher has my support.I believe Mark conveyed our concerns.And communicated mine, I hope.Shes a tax and spend Democrat underneath that uniform.- A patriot with a pristine resume. - Claire.W

29、ho is very vocal about keeping private contractors- away from US military operations. - Even as a negotiating point,you can do better than her.And I am tired of these delays, Madam President.It is time for you to deliver.- Your husband and I had an agreement. - Francis is dead.- Promises were made.

30、- Not by me.Just like you, I like to negotiate my own agreements.And make no mistake about it,the lieutenant general is not an anomaly.I know that. Ive seen your list of candidates for the midterms-Yes, mostly women.I dont care what sex they are.And for the record, nobody loves women more than me.Bu

31、t this slate of yours, it will bankrupt the country.They will set us back a generation. They will completely-Support me and what I stand for.And what is that?- Oh, come on, Bill. - No, no. Tell me.I wanna know. Whats your mission?- I wanna know what your platform is. - Oh, please.I know youd like to drown DC all at once.Bu

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