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1、九年义务教育五年级英语Module1同步练习册和单元检测五年级英语同步练习册和单元检测Module 1单元检测一、按正确的字母排列写出单词 二、在下列各组单词中找出不同类的一个( ) 1. A. food B. fire C. pear D. banana( ) 2. A. teacher B. worker C. farmer D. England( ) 3.A. bus B. car C. bike D. house( ) 4. A. brother B. sister C. grandchildren D. lady( ) 5. A. miss B. read C. write D. l

2、isten三、根据划线部分字母的发音分类,同类用线连起来四、选择正确答案序号( ) 1. I _ a television programme about England last night.A. watch B. watched C. watches( ) 2. An old lady talked _ her life ten years ago.A. on B. with C. about( ) 3. Many years ago my grandmother didnt have a television _ a radio,A. and B. or C. with( ) 4. Th

3、ere _ any buses or televisions many years ago.A. arent B. wasnt C. werent( ) 5. I hope you are _.A. good B. bad C. fine五、选词填空life grandchildren any different televisionsInterviewer: How was it different?Old lady: There werent _ buses. There werent any _. We lived in a smallhouse. We didnt have enoug

4、h food.Interviewer: How about now?Old lady: There are lots of buses and cars. We live in a big house. We have got lots of food. I watch TV every day. Yesterday I watched TV with my _.六、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号1. any, buses, werent, there, ago, many, years_2. live, a, in, house, big, we, now_3. was, life, dif

5、ferent, very, China, in, years, ago, five_4. I, yesterday, TV, watched, my, with, grandchildren_5. food, didnt, have, we, enough_七、用动词的适当形式填空1. Look! Shes _ (come).2. Now there _ (be) lots of planes.3. There _ (be) no televisions many years ago.4. I _ (talk) to my friend last night.5. She _ (work) i

6、n the fields yesterday.6. My grandmother _ (live) in a small house 2 years ago, but now she _(live) in a big house.7. Thank you for _ (help) us.8. She could _ (read) and _ (write).八、阅读短文,判断下面的句子是()否()正确,并回答下面的问题We watched a television programme about China last night. An old lady talked about her li

7、fe many years ago. She cooked on a fire. She didnt have a television or a radio. She didnt have a telephone. She worked in the fields. She couldnt read or write.( ) 1. We watched TV yesterday.( ) 2. There is an old lady in television programme.( ) 3. She talked about her family.( ) 4. She couldnt li

8、sten to the radio.( ) 5. She worked in the fields.问题:1 .What did we do last night?2. Who talked about her life many years ago?3. Where did she cook?4. Did she have a television or a radio?5. Could she read or write?参考答案、略二、1. B 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. A三、1-3, 2-4, 3-5, 4-2, 5-1四、1. B. 2. C 3. B. 4. C 5. C

9、五、略六、略.七、1. coming 2. are 3. were 4. talked 5. worked 6. 1ived is living 7. helping8. read,write八、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 问题答案略Module 1一、判断每组单词画线部分的发音是(T)否(F)相同。( )1. naughty autumn( )2. farmer warm( )3. party warm( )4. star quarter( )5. fast past( )6. lady have( )7. cook food( )8. old ago( )9. all autumn( )

10、10. rain play二、选出不同类的一项。( )1. A. radio B. telephone C. lady( )2. A. bus B. food C. car( )3. A. watched B. have C. do( )4. A. or B. write C. read( )5. A. night B. day C. week三、词图连线。1. an old lady A.2. a television B. 3. in the fields C.4. write a letter D. 5. a new radio E.三、单项选择。( )1. We _ in a smal

11、l house now.A. live B. lives C. lived( )2. There _ three books on the desk one hour ago.A. was B. were C. are( )3. I watched TV _.A. now B. tomorrow C. yesterday( )4. Its a programme _ America.A. with B. about C. at( )5. There arent _ buses.A. any B. some C. no( )6. Yesterday I watched TV _ my grand

12、pa.A. and B. with C. to( )7. She _ TV every day.A. watching B. watched C. watches( )8. She _ have a bike last year.A. doesnt B. didnt C. dont( )9. My mother worked _ the fields.A. in B. on C. at( )10. Thank you for _ me.A. help B. helping C. helped五、情景交际。选择最佳答案。( )1.同桌问你昨晚做什么了,你会说:A. I watch TV with

13、 Li Le. B. I watched TV last night.( )2.老师问你,你家十年前住在什么样的房子里,你会说:A. We lived in a small house. B. We had a radio.( )3.叔叔从美国回来探亲,发现中国正在发生很多变化,他会说:A. China is changing. B. Im coming.( )4.你想告诉同学你们家有一部新电话,你会说:A. Weve got a new television.B. Weve got a new telephone.六、阅读短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。Im Li Fang. Here

14、 are the photos of my family. This is my grandmother. She was a singer. So she wore beautiful clothes. My grandfather was a doctor. And my father and my mother are teachers. They teach in different schools. My father teaches Chinese. And my mother teaches English. Now, my grandmother is learning Eng

15、lish. My mother teaches her. She is a good student.( )1. Li Fangs father teaches English.( )2. Li Fangs grandmother was a singer.( )3. Li Fangs parents teach in the same school.( )4. Li Fangs grandfather was a doctor.( )5. There are five people in Li Fangs family.参考答案一、15 TFFFT610 FFTTT二、15 CBAAC三、1

16、D 2A 3E 4C 5B四、15 ABCBA610 BCBAB五、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. B六、15 FTFTTModule 1一、从所给字母中圈出你认识的单词,并写在横线上。1. chagnprogrammet _2. interviewerigt _3. ichnrhpfireoat _4. tidicouldackiy _5. zvetenoughigti _二、选出与所给单词属于同一类的一项。()1. UK A. USAB. CD C. TV()2. field A. listenB. firC. write()3. radio A. manB. telephoneC.

17、lady()4. cooked A. eatB. writeC. talked()5. night A. June B. morningC. July三、单项选择。( )1. Ive got many _.A. different dog B. different dogs C. different from( )2. Lily and Mary are Mr Browns _.A. grandchildren B. grandchild C. grandsons( )3. Two weeks _, I read a good book.A. after B. before C. ago( )

18、4. There are _ for everyone.A. enough pens B. enough pen C. pens enough四、从B栏中找出A栏各句的合适答语。A()1. How is your mother?()2. Have you got enough food?()3. Where were you three years ago?()4. Did the old lady live in a small house?()5. Thank you for talking to us.BA. Youre welcome.B. No, I havent.C. I was

19、in Shanghai.D. She is very well.E. Yes, she did.五、根据图片提示,把句子补充完整。1.a. There _ _ buses.b. There _ lots of buses and cars now.2. a. We _ in a _ house _ _ _.b. We _ in a _ house now.3. a. My father _ _ _ to work many years ago.b. My father _ a car to work _.六、看图写话。根据图片提示,写几句话来描述这几年你们家的变化。Five Years Ago

20、Now1. _2. _3. _参考答案一、1. programme 2. interviewer 3. fire 4. could 5. enough二、1. A UK (英国)和USA (美国)都是国家名称,故选A。2. B field (田地)和fire (火)都是自然界事物的名称,故选B。3. B radio (收音机)和telephone (电话)都是电器类单词,故选B。4. C cooked (烹饪)和talked (交谈)都是动词过去式,故选C。5. B night (夜晚)和morning (早晨)都是时间类单词,故选B。三、1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A四、1. D “

21、How is+主语(第三人称单数).?”可以用来询问他人的身体状况。2. B “Have you.?”句型的答语通常为“Yes, I/ we have. /No, I/we havent.”。3. C “Where were you.?”用来询问对方过去在哪里。4. E did开头的一般疑问句的答语为“Yes,主语+ did /No,主语 + didnt.”, the old lady 在答语中用she代替。5. A “Youre welcome.”意为“不客气”,可以作为 “Thank you.”的答语。五、1. a. werent many b. are2. a. lived, small

22、, many years ago b. live, big3. a. rode a bike b. drives, now六、1. We lived in a small house five years ago.Now we live in a big house.2. We had a bike five years ago.Now we have a car.3. There was a dog five years ago.Now there are three dogs.赠送 五年级英语下册习题册第一模块一、重点单词:life生活 different不同的 ago以前 any任何,一

23、些 television电视机 field田地 us我们(宾格) grandchildren(外)孙子(女) radio收音机 fire炉火 grandmother(外)祖母 lady女士,夫人 telephone电话 hope希望二、重点短语及知识点:in China在中国 many years ago许多年前 enough food充足的食物 lots of许多 watch TV看电视 have got 有,拥有 every day每天 four years ago四年前 a television programme一个电视节目 last night昨晚 talk about讨论 on a

24、(the) fire在火上 in the fields在地里 a small(big) house一栋小(大)房子 过去式:iswas arewere livelived否定形式:werewerent diddidnt 现在分词:changechanging comecoming复数形式:busbuses 三、重点句型:1. We lived in a small house.我们住在一间小房子里。2Its a programme about China.它是一个关于中国的节目。3. Life was very different in China many years ago.许多年前中国的

25、生活完全不同。4. There are lots of buses and cars.有许多公交车和小汽车。5.We live in a big house.我们住在一间大房子里。6.Yesterday I watched TV with my grandchildren.昨天我和孙子们一起看电视了。7. Thank you for talking to us. 谢谢您和我们谈话。(for后面的动词要加+ing形式)8. She didnt have a television .她那时候没有电视。9. I watched a television programme about China l

26、ast night.昨晚我看了一个关于中国的访谈节目。10. An old lady talked about her life many years ago.一个年老的女士谈论了她许多年前的生活。11.She couldnt read or write. 她不能读也不能写。(could或者couldnt + 动词原形)否定句里要用 or,不用and12. A:How was it different?有什么不同?B:There werent any buses.那时候没有公交车。(否定句和疑问句中要使用any,不能使用some)13.A:Where were you three days a

27、go?三天前你在哪里?B: I was in Qiu Jiagou.我在邱家沟。14.A:What did you do there?你在那里干什么?(疑问句中有一个did 表示过去式,所以后面的动词要用原形,例如本句中的 do) B: I played with my friends.我和我的朋友玩。第二模块一、重点单词:learnt(learn的过去式)学习 these这些 dancer舞蹈演员 class班级 study学习 hard努力的 retired退休的二、重点短语及知识点:Chinese city中国城市 city(复数)cities foreign languages外语 f

28、ive years ago五年前 by school bus乘校车 walk to school步行去学校 read a book读书 make a cake做蛋糕过去式:dancedanced learnlearnt makemade teachtaught现在分词:learnlearning studystudied go(第三人称单数形式) goes dance(名词形式) dancer三、重点句型:1.A: Why is she wearing these clothes?她为什么要穿这些衣服呢? B: Because she was a dancer.因为她是个舞蹈演员。2.She danced in lots of Chinese cities.她在中国许多城市跳过舞

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