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1、小学二年级上学期英语复习资料小学二年级上学期英语复习资料2A不常用的单词(要求会读会认)Mrs夫人 today今天 thank谢谢 hope希望 and和 Miss小姐 touch摸 your你的 pick 捡,摘 snake蛇 do做 again再 skip a rope跳绳 ride a bicycle骑自行车 gate大门 sister姐妹 brother兄弟 friend朋友 mummy妈妈 daddy爸爸 kind和蔼的 dear亲爱的 has有Giant巨人 Supergirl超女 look看 long长的 now现在 up起来 down下去 like喜欢 play玩 they他们

2、 man男人 please请 pencil case铅笔盒 car小汽车 room房间 sorry对不起 love爱 my我的 use使用 clean干净的 every day每天 leg腿e来 eat吃 kitchen厨房 jump跳 floor地板 sit坐 sky天空 bright明亮的 little小的 high高的 diamond钻石 smooth光滑的 soft柔软的 animal动物 so很 cute聪明伶俐的 hop单脚跳 naughty调皮的 brown棕色的 black黑色的 raindrop雨点 fall掉落 close关 with用her她的 climb爬 draw画

3、colour涂色 cut剪 this这 that那 park公园 beautiful美丽的 help救命 cry哭 too也 in在。里 on在。上 under在。下介词冠词练习:2A小练习9 ( X5 e& u/ T* q9 b7 n% U3 Q班级_ 姓名_ 学号_一、用介词in, on, under, at填空1. A big apple is _ a big bag.$ i s/ $ q# X6 k3 ! D$ e2. A girl is _ the gate.3. She has a plate _ her hands.4. Harry has an insect, an insec

4、t is _ a jar.5. The mouse is _ the net.6. Put the book _ the desk.7. Look _ your room.6 j& N# o% T5 & 8. Its _ a plate.9. There is a table and a chair _ the room.10. The bowls are _ the floor.11. The queen is sitting _ the chair.12. Look _ the sky.9 p, s$ n# v% 6 I$ E6 d0 N! n* m13. Toms rabbit sits

5、 _ the table.# M; ?% Q* p& B j8 ?14. Look _ me.; D G9 o2 r% ?# f$ y& x4 D* w7 D0 Z% J15. Wendy is _ a van, with two umbrellas _ her hands.16. There is a tiger _ the zoo.* f2 M* R1 & x3 y: K* d3 j二、用冠词a, an, the填空6 R3 a0 z% G, n$ Y! n% X0 U& 8 l# E( g1. _ apple and _ bag./ Z: o; O; t$ r1 T1 M2. Im _

6、girl. Youre _ boy.8 . ?$ 0 C: l# H |/ . U, O3. This is _ elephant. 4. Can you skip _ rope? Can you ride _ bicycle?5. The fox likes _ meat.3 ! S5 f7 S0 p w; _6. This is _ old man.7. Harry has _ insect in _ jar.6 Z# p p5 4 q8. _ big lion and _ small kite.1 x F9 E+ $ g5 P) d7 d3 q8 A& Q9. I can see _ m

7、ouse. X2 n* C: U3 B+ f $ X/ L10. Paula has _ orange.11. Can you see the stars in _ evening?12. I like to run in _ morning.13. Do you ride a bicycle in _ afternoon?/ L( h/ w$ Y/ t5 P14. Look at _ animals.15. The hippo likes _ grass.16. _ sun is bright. But I like _ moon.! j& e3 p4 + t+ e4 J17. Give m

8、e _ egg, please. Here you are.18. Wendy has _ umbrella.语法小知识:. |, q+ ?& p: / e, o$ $ d/ 2A语法小知识) y! j; v- p5 t3 pBe动词:8 p, $ H 4 j2 Q+ FI am我是=Im, We are我们是=Were$ h O y; n6 7 b3 You are你是=Youre, You are你们是=Youre% d0 z. C1 f! c- _. Q R9 W0 HHe is他是=Hes, She is她是=Shes, It is它是=Its, They are(他她它)们是=The

9、yre, m5 m# J- 0 k+ B* C q; O# S, 8 j/ j0 x9 3 M2 x E L , 物主代词:my我的, your你的, her她的,# F5 Z: G5 z/ C( # oToms rabbit-Tom的兔子;the hippos mouth河马的嘴巴3 n0 s- C) - D1 n1 0 介词:in在里, on在上, under在下# S% P3 C$ u% g k3 T4 c5 U$ b1 $ E0 b8 : A反义词:6 Z2 |5 m% O$ J- B9 G元音字母开头用an: an apple, an egg, an ear, an eye, an

10、elephant, an insect, an orange, an old man, an umbrella/ K. a1 8 I% d0 l8 s H这些单词复数加es: box-boxes, fox-foxes, dress-dresses, peach-peaches, wolf-wolves5 r! * p6 T1 U/ f4 9 s s e( w, i* Y& d这个单词变复数很不规则:mouse-mice0 E; y1 - U1 E% i这些单词是不可数名词;没有复数;后面不加s:hair, meat, grass, jelly, ice cream, milk, soup, w

11、ater, cola, juice, rice单数、复数相同;后面不加s:sheep9 q7 T/ k% x8 H t+ k) 常用复数的名词:noodles;shorts;chopsticks* O0 M, ! H( b# v x世界上独一无二的东西前要加the:the sun, the moon; q: j+ b, Q. s- K第三人称单数的动词(书本上出现过的):Harry has a jar.$ j* ) 3 C7 ) QThe man has a net.6 c& n1 A& s) C! Paula has an orange.Toms rabbit sits on the tab

12、le and eats Toms soup.4 - | t+ E1 m$ J6 ?It likes meat. It likes bananas. It likes grass., k9 p, J0 o+ 9 t D) O3 B& LShe takes them to her friends.Wendy closes the window with her hand.BE动词专项练习:8 b* n+ l2 M& l! Q; h4 W2A be动词(am, is, are)专项练习班级_ 姓名_ 学号_* V h8 t8 0 H! Q1 How _ you today? I _ very wel

13、l. Thank you.2 A big apple _ in a big bag.7 Z6 j! % F% B3 k5 k3 Hello, I _ Danny. You _ Kitty.4 Oh, you _ tall. I _ short.5 Who _ I? You _ Miss Fang.6 I _ big. You _ small.% R4 Q6 # Z% m7 _ it a cat? Yes, it _ a cat.8 This _ Peter. That _ my grandmother.9 _ you Alice? _ you a girl? _ you seven?. X F

14、- ( a R10 Who _ she? She _ Sally. She _ my sister. P, p, p8 G |$ F$ Q11 Who _ he? He _ Jim. He _ my brother.12 _ that a boy? Yes.13 My hair _ short. My face _ round. My nose _ small. My eyes _ big. 14 You _ Giant. You _ big and tall. Your hair _ short. And your eyes _ big.15 What colour _ it? It _ y

15、ellow.16 The mouse _ in the net. n3 q2 M% s( d- g6 v; : G 17 It _ on a plate. It _ for her pig. Her pig _ fat and big./ U1 F$ k4 Y4 p18 Here you _, Mum.19 How many spoons? There _ one.20 There _ a table and a chair in the room.2 W ?+ g6 s/ u1 f N7 , 21 There _ two bowls on the table.: j % D9 ) O+ O6

16、 L4 j22 Ginger _ on the chair.23 The bowls _ on the floor.% a+ H& r/ N u& J) j J& m! 24 The queen _ fat. She _ sitting on the chair. L; X/ d$ |: ( X$ b- K25 Toms rabbit _ smooth and soft., r6 N/ Y& G% ?6 e7 u0 e5 F3 w26 _ it big? Yes, it _ big. It _ bright.27 Wendy _ in a van. One _ black.28 I _ sor

17、ry.29 The flowers _ beautiful. They _ nice. m7 v3 x; R9 z3 1 v5 v30 We _ singing. We _ dancing.必须掌握的句型:2AM1必须掌握的句型0 n4 j8 D% ?1 k! X, X! G$ Good morning.0 i; r0 W5 # B8 q1 o* j, sGood afternoon.Good evening.Good night. C$ O, l y: F, G( SHello.Hi.1 F$ 5 ! x: W3 c: $ N! eGoodbye.1 O/ D# / t; o- D. How

18、 are you (today)?-Im fine. / Im very well. Thank you. How do you do?-How do you do?Who am I? Who are you?-Im (名字)! j X. i$ v( C# X3 C, I+ vIm (名字、体型、年龄)Youre (名字、体型、年龄). -Yes. / No. Im 2 f1 M# l8 f# i5 wIm a (性别)& Z7 S% m$ i! 6 6 UIs it a ?-Yes, its a Touch your 3 1 T; l$ Q) f% u7 1 cPick up + c& |%

19、 J7 q# g# x/ nDraw a Are you (名字、体型、年龄)?-Yes. / No. Im Are you a (性别)?-Yes. / No. Im a 2AM2必须掌握的句型$ % n; z; m+ v) d9 Z Can you write? 你会写吗?-Yes, I can. 是的;我会。/ # V. u( M7 Q9 t4 ! u/No, I cant.不;我不会。 Can Danny read? Danny会读吗?-Yes, he can. 是的;他会。/No, he cant.不;他不会。7 A: h5 Y( D9 r0 h$ Can Supergirl run

20、? Supergirl会跑吗?-Yes, she can. 是的;她会。/No, she cant.不;她不会。$ e3 - A) F( i: m3 ? What can you do?你会什么?$ J, Z9 Y) s- a. C0 z9 d-I can swim. 我会游泳。 What can he do?他会什么?-He can sing.他会唱歌。 What can she do?她会什么?% F l( f; g7 l; B-She can draw.她会画画。 c7 z* a- s6 n n L9 D9 fI can read.I can draw.But I cant fly. 但

21、是我不会飞。4 M. A; c2 h1 k w, y* q3 F g. eA girl at the gate. 一个女孩在门口。( _# _+ V/ R; I& J, z0 She has a plate in her hand.她有一只盘子在她的手里。A boy at the gate.He has an insect.8 _! P- v& x3 s3 n5 l$ |8 x8 x v/ t! o e6 P! bWhos she? 她是谁?-Shes Sally. 她是Sally., b6 $ e5 f ?$ t4 $ c/ xIs she your sister? 她是你的姐妹吗? E/

22、) ?) Q$ ! r6 I4 n-Yes, she is. Shes my sister.是的;她是我的姐妹。Whos he? 他是谁?7 b/ Y+ a+ B8 q0 g/ ! d-Hes Jim. 他是Jim.3 * L9 R b9 S+ Z6 A3 X. % YIs he your brother?他是你的兄弟吗?-No, he isnt. 不;他不是。Hes my friend.他是我的朋友。: e5 X- l1 T q X0 d+ Q% _Whos this?1 z5 O# Z p% V/ b& E; l$ h! n x-This is Peter.# R5 L3 q8 f A e

23、Whos that?-That is Alice.This is my grandmother.这是我的祖母。( I4 R% w2 W- ?% n- JShe is old. 她是年老的。Is she tall? 她是高的吗?-No, she isnt. 不;她不是。# O; x9 W, | B* # - KIs she thin? 她是瘦的吗?-Yes, she is.是的;她是。I like my grandmother.我喜欢我的祖母。Is that a boy?那是一个男孩吗?-Yes. Hes a boy. 是的。他是一个男孩。No. shes a girl.不是。她是一个女孩。,

24、1 n, Z: ( RHarry has a jar. Harry有一个广口瓶。5 v. x2 r/ C/ F9 4 GHarry has an insect. Harry有一只昆虫。Harry has a small insect.+ Z X( S/ X5 V* ?9 W8 ) H* h5 c , x$ i; Im Giant now.我现在是巨人。Im big and tall.我是大的和高的。My head is big.我的头是大的。My hair is short.我的头发是短的。& r3 k$ c6 I/ s8 F u iMy mouth and eyes are big.我的嘴巴

25、和眼睛是大的。; q. z, v0 A0 x& 8 YMy ears are big.My hands are big.* v- m 2 S* r: bYou are Supergirl.你是Supergirl。 D: z8 z8 G* c$ x4 k9 S) V/ You are small and short.你是小的和矮的。2 G4 p+ F/ _ sYour face is round.你的脸是圆的。Your eyes are big and your hair is long.你的眼睛是大的和你的头发是长的。0 o% v0 S ?7 o M6 q2 f6 r+ A& I I like

26、 you.我喜欢你。. o F# F+ v4 7 W7 B9 F; W i) O5 _6 5 x1 L8 U2AM3必须掌握的句型What can you see? 你能看见什么?5 n R9 R4 e3 ?6 L9 KI can see a slide.我能看见一个滑滑梯。4 x: W9 Q! m g0 ! A, T8 v- cWhat colour is it?它是什么颜色的?Its red. 它是红色的。They like to play. 他们喜欢玩。& u) r S4 _: j/ bThe man has a net.这个男人有一个网。The mouse is in the net.

27、这只老鼠在这个网里。3 M$ 4 C+ r* N3 kPut the box on the chair, please.请把盒子放在椅子上。4 h b7 n2 U. L5 T& OK./ Yes./ All right.行;好的。1 i h6 q3 t* e/ k. eLook at your desk. 看着你的书桌。Im sorry, Mum. 我很抱歉;妈妈。3 C& % Q1 N+ iI love my room like Kitty and Ben. 我爱我的房间就像Kitty和Ben一样。7 d- J8 O+ : W- S0 9 p, SI use the box every da

28、y!我每天使用盒子!$ U3 z2 C+ f o: b4 UI keep it clean every day!我每天打扫干净!% b M2 D2 v$ ?/ ( hPaula has an orange. Paula有一个橘子。Its on a plate. 它在一个盘子上。Her pig is fat and big with four short legs. 她的猪是肥胖的还有四条短腿。* q4 e8 t* X& ?: v 过来吃橘子。9 M h C3 Y |-A spoon?一个调羹?-No, thanks.不;谢谢。-Chopsticks? 筷子?-Yes, please.好的;请吧

29、。-Give me a plate, please.请给我一个盘子。-Here you are.给你。/ B# d2 G! K* e5 m9 b6 N-Dinner is ready! 晚餐准备好了!-I.我来了。 , z1 c7 w W* Y5 R, oThis is my kitchen. 这是我的厨房。-How many bowls? 有多少碗?-There are four bowls.有四个碗。$ |6 z1 ?6 y! I-How many spoons?有多少调羹?-There is one. 有一个。2 1 y4 y( _( h4 F! p n- A7 E0 f0 iThere is a table and a ch

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