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1、听第四段对话,完成第9小题。( )9.What does Bob want to have for beakear?A.Noodles. B.Sandwiches. C.Dumplings.听第五段对话,完成第10-11小题。( )10. What is li Yan doing?A.Watching TV. B.Searching the Internet. C.Reading a newspaper.( )11. What habit does ui Yans father have?A.Smoking. B.Poing exercise. C.Eatingjunk food.听第六段对话

2、,完成第12-13小题。( )12.When did the boy lose his schoolbag?A.While he was playing soccerB.When he watched a football match.C.When he bought a football.( )13. How long has he had the schoolbag? A.About I5 days. B.Halfa week. C.30days.听第七段对话,完成第14_-15 小题。( )14.What will Jane do this weekend? A.Join a club.

3、 B.Go to a concert. C.See a movie.( )l5.How much does a ticket cost?A.¥20. B.¥40. C.¥60.第三节短文理解。(共5小题,每小题1分)根据你所听到的短文内容,填写表格,每空一词。CountriesSituationsGood CountriesChinaVisit a Chinese family16._at the door first17._Before 18._into the houseTake 19._your shoesEuropean countriesEnter the house with sh

4、oes语言知识运用(共45分).单项选择(共20小题,每小题0.5分,共10分)( )21.-I think this is _ useful dictionary. -Yes,you are right. A.the B.a D./( )22.-Hi,Jim!Whats your plan? -I will go on _ visit to Xiamen. A.a two-day B.a two day C.a two-days D.a two-days( )23.-How much did you _ for your new car? A.spend C.cost

5、D.take( )24.Itsdangerous _ him _ in this river. A.of; to swim B.of; swimming C.for; to swim D.for; swimming( )25.The _ you do, the _ mistakes youll make. A.more careflly less B.most careful; fewer C.more careful; less D.more carefully;fewer( )26.-Listen!Helen is singing in the next room. -It _ be He

6、len.She went to Beijing on business yesterday. A.cant B.neednt C.may D.should( )27.I spent much time _ which one _ . decide,to buy B.deciding,to buy decide,buying D.deciding,buying( )28.-Tom,its cold outside.Why not_ your coat when you go out?-OK,Mom. A.put on B.carry out C.pick up D.put a

7、way( )29.If there _ no buying and selling of animals,there _ no killing in nature.,will be B.will be,will be,is D.will be,is( )30.Which ofthe two coats do you like better? -_ are OK. A.All B.Either C.Each D.Both( )31.The writer is famous _ his novels and he is known _ many pcopleacross the

8、 world. A.for; to; to C. for; as; for( )32.Mr.Green told us the earth _ around .the sun. A.was B.moves C.moved D.move( )33.- like the two shirts,Mom. -You can buy only one,_ the black one _ the blue one A. not; but B. both; and C.not only;but also D.either;or( )34.Everyone is going on the

9、trip _ Tony. He has to look after his sister at home. A.except B.with C.and D.besides( )35.My mother used to _ to bed early, but now she gets used to _ to bed lale because she always does some housework after supper. A.go; goes B.go; going C.going; goes D.going; go( )36.It was _ bad weather _ I had

10、to stay at home A.too; to; that C.such; that; as( )37.-Tere arent enough chairs in the classrom.Would you please get _ ? - Certainly. A.more two chairs B.two another chairs C.other two chairs D.another two chairs( )38.I have some tickets for the basketball match.I wonder _. A.where you buy

11、 the tickets B.why you like to go there C.if youd like to go with me D.when you watch the match( )39.-Im somry Icant help you, - _ Other classmates can give me a hand. A.With pleasure. B.Never mind. C.Thats right. D.Its a pity.( )40.找出划线部分发音不同的选项: A.south B.southem C.blouse D.proud.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)A

12、beautifulsmileWhenIwasthirteenyearsold,agirlgavemeanimportantgift,Itwasasmile.It was the early autumn of my 4l yearatnewschool.Its also the first year of middleschool.Noone knew me.Iwas very 42 .and afraid to make friends with anyone.Every timeI 43 the other students talking and laughing,Ifelt even

13、more lonely.I could not talk to anyone about my problem,and 1didnt want my parents to 44 me.One day,my classmates were 45 with their friends,but I sat in slience(沉默)and felt so down that everying didnt sound real.Atthatmoment,a girl entered theclassroom.I did not know who she was.She passed me and t

14、hen tumed back.She looked at me and,without a word 46. Suddenly,Ifeltthetouchofsomethingbrightandfriendy.Itmade me 47 happy,lvelywam.It was like a hidden treasure(宝藏). That smile 48 my life.Istarted to talk with other students.Day by day,I learnt to trust (信 任 )peopl. The girl with the bright smile

15、has become my best fricnds now,and we stick together likeg glue.I can talk to her about my study,feelings and hobbies.I am so lucky that I met 49 nice girl. One day, I asked her 50 she smiled at me that day. She said she could not remember! Now I believe that the world is like a mirror(镜子).It is jus

16、t what you think you are lonely,you might always be alone.But if you smile at it,it will alway smile back!( )41. A.first B.second C.third D.last( )42. A.happy B.lonely C.friendly D.excited( )43. A.looked B.felt C.heard D.missed( )44. A.shout at B.disagree with C.worry about D.cheer up( )45. A.eating

17、 B.talking C.drawing D.dancing( )46. A.left B.laughed C.played D.smiled( )47. A.felt feel C.feeling D.feel( )48. A.broke B.found C.hit D.changed( )49. B.such C.such a D. so a( )50. A.why B.when D.what.阅读理解(每小题1分,共25 分)(A)Beijing RestaurantMENUSOUPSTofusoup ¥10.00 Bonesoup ¥15.00 Chic

18、ken soup ¥20.00 STAPLESFried rice ¥8.00 Fried noodles ¥10.00 Hot dog ¥4.00Meat pie ¥10.00 Sandwich ¥10.00 Hariburger ¥10.00 MAIN COURSESRoast chicken ¥30.00 Italian pizza ¥9.00 Indian curries ¥15.00Pork and cabbage ¥15.00 Cheese pie ¥10.00 Beef ¥15.00Beijing Roast Duck ¥50.00 Sausage ¥15. 00 DESSERT

19、SFruit salad ¥8.00 Pear pancake ¥6.00 Apple pie ¥6.00 Ice cream ¥4.00DRINKSCoke ¥5.00 Coffce ¥5.00 Tea ¥3.00Apple juice ¥3.00 Beer ¥10.00 Wine ¥30.00Milk ¥3. Lemonade ¥4.00( )51. Which soup cant you have in this restaurant? A.Tofu soup. B.vegetable soup. C.Bone soup. D.Chicken soup.( )52. How many k

20、inds of main courses are there in this restaurant? A.7. B.8. C.9. D.10.( )53.Whats the price of a pear pancake and a cup of tea? A.¥9.00. B.¥10.00. C.¥11.00. D.¥12.00.( )54.lf you have twelve yuan, what can you buy in this restaurant? A. Four ice creams. B.A bottle of wine. C.An apple pie and a pear

21、 pancake. D.A sandwich and a hot dog.( )55.Here is Mr. WangsbillHomuchdoesheneedlopay?BEIJING RESTAURANT BILLBeijing Roast DuckChicken soupTwo bottles of beerTeaFried riceTOTAL:¥ _Thank you for coming! A.91 B.92 C.93 D.101(B)We walked in so quietly that thc nurse at the desk didnt even lift her eyes

22、 from the book.Mum pointed at a big chair by the door and I knew she wanted me to sit down.WhileI watched with my mouth open in surprise,Mum took offherhat and coat and gave themto me tohold.She walked quietly to a small room and took out a wet mop (拖把).She pushed the mop past thedesk and as the nur

23、se looked up,Mum nodded and said,“Very dirty floors.”“Yes,Im glad theyve finally decided to clean them,”the nurse answered.She looked at Mum strangely and said,“But arent you working late?” Mum just pushed harder,each swipe (拖一下) of the mop taking her farther and farther down the hall.I watched unti

24、l she was out of sight (视野) and the nurse had tumed back to writing in the big book. After a Jong time Mum came back.Her eyes were shining She quickly put the mop back and took my we turned to go out of the door,Mum bowed politely to the nurse and said,“Thankyou” Outside,Mum told me,“Janeisf

25、ine.Nofever.” “Yes,saw her Mum? “Of course.I told her about the hospital rules, and she will not see us until tomorrow.Dad well.It s a fine hospital.But such floors! A mop is no good.You need a brush.”( )56. When she took a mop from the small room, what Mum really wanted to do Was _. A.toclean the f

26、loor please the nurse suprise the stoy-telle see a patient( )57.When the nurse talked to Mum, she thought Mum was a _. A.nurse B.cleaner C.patient D.visitor( )58.After reading the story,what can we infer(推断)abouthe hospital? A.It has strictrules about visiting hours. B.It is a childre

27、ns hospital. C.The environment there is very good. D.The nurses and doctors there dont work hard.( )59.From the text we know that maybe Jane is _. A.Dads boss B.the story-tellers sister C.the story-tellers classmate D.Mums friend( )60.Which ofthe following words best describes Mum? A.strange B.wamm-

28、hearted C.clever D.hard-working(C)Winter is dangerous because its so difficult to know what is going to happen and accidents take place so easily.Fog (雾) can be waiting to meet you over the top of a hill.Ice might be hiding under the melting (融化) snow,waiting ahead to send you off the road.The car c

29、oming to you may suddenly slip across the road.Here are some rules you can follow: Rule Number One for driving on icy roads is to drive smoothly: Sudden movements can makecarverydifficulttocontrol.So every time you pick up your speed or slow down,youmust be as gentle and slow as possible.Suppose (假设) youare driving with a full cup of hot coffee

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