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1、英语科幻常见科技词汇单词 英语科幻常见科技词汇单词科幻电影中总有许多炫酷奇妙的科幻词汇,对于这些科技词汇你知道哪些呢,今天 在这里为大家介绍英语科幻电影常见科技词汇,欢迎大家阅读!Time travel时空旅行While time travel has been considered since as early as The Mahabharata, H. G. Wells gave the English language much-used terminology on the subject. In 1894 Wells coined terms related to time tra

2、vel such as time travelling and time traveller in his story with the heading "Time Travelling: Possibility or Paradox."虽然时空旅行的想法在摩呵婆罗多中就出现过,但是,将这个术语带入英语的是H;G;威尔斯。1894年,威尔斯在名为时空旅行:可能还是悖论的故事中创造了时空旅行、时空旅行者等相关词语。Robotics机器人学While the noun robotics is commonplace today, it wasn't back in th

3、e 1941 when sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov coined the term in a short story published in Astounding Science Fiction. It took another 20 years before the term really took off, and by the 1980s, robotics had firmly planted itself in the English language.虽然今天听起来很常见,但机器人学这个名词其实是1941年才出现的,当时科幻作家艾萨克;阿西莫夫在Asto

4、unding Science Fiction上发表的一篇短篇小说中创造了这个词。过了20年它才真正被接受,到1980年代,机器人学这个词终于进入英语(课程)语言中。Zero g零重力Zero gravity was coined by Arthur C. Clarke in Sands of Mars, his first science-fiction novel. A year later, he coined the term zero g, where g is short for "gravity," in his novel Islands in the Sky

5、. This concept of zero g became official terminology of astronauts as the Space Race accelerated in the 1960s, and today, it's viewed more as a science term than a sci-fi term.亚瑟;C;克拉克在他的首部科幻小说火星之沙之中创造了零重力这个词。一年后,他又在小说空中列岛中创造了零重力的缩写Zero g。1960年代,太空竞赛加速,零重力的概念成为了宇航员的官方术语。如今,它更多地被看作是科学术语而非科幻术语了。Dr

6、oid类人机器人Droid, or a robot in human-like form, is a shortened form of android which was used as early as the 1700s. Droid was first published in the 1950s in magazines like If that printed sci-fi short stories. The 1977 film franchise Star Wars brought droid into mainstream usage.Droid是android的简称,意为类

7、人机器人。Android一词早在18世纪就有,droid则是1950年代才在If等刊登科幻小说的杂志上出现。1977年的星球大战电影系列使类人机器人这个词开始被大量使用。Warp speed翘曲速度If you're traveling in a spacecraft at a speed faster than light, you're moving at warp speed. The word warp comes from the Old English wearp which refers to threads running over fabric. The fi

8、rst known usage of warp in relation to speed was in a 1968 Star Trek script, "All Our Yesterdays."如果你在宇宙飞船里以超光速飞行,你就是以翘曲速度在前进。Warp一词源自古英语wearp,指织物上的线。Warp首次表达跟速度相关的用法是在1968年的星际迷航:原初剧本中。Alien外星人Alien comes to English from the Latin alienus meaning "belonging to another." When it f

9、irst entered English in the 1300s, it referred to an outsider, someone born in another country, or someone who is unfamiliar. It was not until the late 1920s that alien took on its sci-fi meaning of "an intelligent being from another planet." Similarly, when earthling first entered English

10、 in the late-1500s, it meant someone who lived on earth, not in heaven. Only in the mid-1800s did it take on the sci-fi meaning of a person who is not an alien.Alien一词源自拉丁语的alienus,意为“属于另一个的”。14世纪进入英语时,alien指的是外来者、生于其他国家的人或不熟悉的人。直到1920年代,alien才有了科幻含义“外星人”。同样,当earthling一词最早进入英语时,指的是地上的人,而非天堂的人。19世纪中期

11、,它才有了科幻含义“地球人”。Nanotechnology纳米技术Nanites, or tiny robots built on the small scale, were a concept first realized in science fiction and later researched by scientists in the hopes of making these minute robots a reality. Sometimes called nanomachines, nanorobots, or nanobots, these robots will one d

12、ay have many real-life applications. Perhaps one of the first science fiction writers to imagine nanotechnology was Nikolai Leskov, whose 1881 story described imperceptible robots, requiring 5,000,000 times magnification to be seen.纳米人,或小尺寸微型机器人的概念最早出现在科幻小说中,后来被科学家所研究,希望能将这一概念变为现实。这种机器人有时也被称作nanomac

13、hines、nanorobots或nanobots,未来它们将在生活中有很多应用。首次畅想纳米技术的科幻作家可能是尼古拉;列斯克夫,他在1881年的一个故事中曾描述过这种难以察觉的机器人,需要放大500万倍才能看见。Clone克隆When clone first entered English in 1903, it was used in the context of botany. It comes from the Greek klon meaning "a twig" and is related to klados meaning "offshoot o

14、f a plant." Later, clone took on the sci-fi sense of "artificially duplicated person" thanks to Alvin Toffler's 1970 book Future Shock.克隆一词首次进入英语是在1903年,当时是植物用语,源自希腊语的klon,意思是“嫩枝”,它还和klados有关,这个词的意思是“一棵植物的分支”。后来,阿尔文;托夫勒在1970年出版的未来的冲击中赋予了它科幻含义,指“复制人类”。Cyberpunk赛博朋克The second half o

15、f the 20th century saw the birth of the cyberpunk sci-fi subgenre. Often set in industrial dystopias, the cyberpunk genre features plots related to computing, hackers, and large corrupt corporations. Perhaps the earliest recorded use of the term was in Bruce Bethke's 1983 story "Cyberpunk.&

16、quot;20世纪下半叶出现了科幻小说亚类赛博朋克。这类作品一般背景设定为工业化的反乌托邦,情节涉及计算、黑客、大型贪污公司等。这个词有记录的最早使用出自布鲁斯;贝斯克1983年的作品赛博朋克中。Virus病毒Science fiction writers of the cyberpunk persuasion introduced the world to a new sense of virus: the computer virus. This sense of virus appears in a short story by Gregory Benford published in

17、1970 in which a malevolent computer program called VIRUS infects computers via their modem connections. Within five years David Gerrold, Michael Crichton, and John Brunner had all published sci-fi novels featuring computer viruses, and from there, computers along with the viruses that aim to corrupt

18、 them became part of language and life beyond science fiction.赛博朋克派系的科幻作家赋予了病毒一词新的含义:计算机病毒。杰格瑞;班福德1970年发表的短篇小说中出现了这种病毒。书中,一个名为VIRUS的恶意程序通过调制解调器感染了电脑。不到五年,大卫;杰洛德、迈克尔;克莱顿、约翰;布鲁勒尔都发表了有关电脑病毒的科幻小说。从此以后,携带病毒的计算机就不单存在于科幻小说中了,它成为了我们语言和生活的一部分。有关科技的英文阅读:假期没有高科技的生存指南A Tech-Free Holiday Survival Guide假期没有高科技的生存

19、指南Have you ever been on holiday and suddenly your phone pinged and reminded you of that skype call that you HAVE to take?你去过度假时有没试过,突然手机砰地发声,提醒你有网络电话需要接吗?What do you think holidays are for? We believe that they are a time to be explorers, adventurers and most of all, tech-free. When your hand inches

20、 towards that game of Candy Crush? Take up some knitting ( Men too!). Its a fabulous stress buster and keeps you tech-free while you clock in those holes after holes with soft, comforting yarn.你认为假期是什么?我们相信它们是探险家的时光,冒险家和最重要的是,没有高科技。当你的手一点对糖果的游戏粉碎吗?去做一些一些针织(男人也是!)。一种令人难以置信的减压方式,让你拨时钟时一点在那些洞洞后,轻柔和安慰的纺

21、纱。 brings to you this brilliant infographic that helps you remain disconnected and incommunicado while you have the best time of your life sky diving, snorkeling or rock climbing. Don’t believe me? Read on.英国假期指南公司带给你这个才华横溢的信息图表,帮助你保持断开通信和保持单独在你人生中最美好的时光的天空潜水,浮潜或攀岩。不相信我吗?继续

22、读下去。Technostress in this generation is caused by being constantly attached to a virtual world that does nothing to decrease your stress or make you more productive. The tech-free way makes every moment of yours that much more deep and essential instead of paving the way for stress induced disorders.

23、重压技术在这一代是由不断的被附加到一个虚拟的世界,并不能减少你的压力和让你更有成效。没有高科技使你的每一刻更加深入且至关重要的,而不是为应力诱导疾病铺平了道路。Those regular late nights that you think are adding to your career are actually decreasing minutes of your life that you can spend with your loved ones. Midnight mobile use destructs your sleep and is only a symptom of a

24、n addiction that you must take control of.那些有规律的你认为是增加你的事业的午夜实际上是减少你的生活,减少你可以陪你爱的人的时间。午夜移动使用破坏你的睡眠,只有上瘾的症状,你必须控制。Take that vacation; this infographic insists on concentrating on meditation, reading, listening to music and walking. Take in that fresh sea air and taste the salt. Find yourself on a bea

25、ch without having the urge to take a picture to make your timeline look great. Paint, get a massage, ride a camel or play a board game. Take that tech-free vacation that can relieve you from the prospects of diabetes, heart attacks and cancer that can wait for you back home, in a stagnant life.采取假期;

26、这张资讯图像所坚持的是专注冥想,阅读,听音乐和散步。在海上的呼吸新鲜空气,品尝盐。在海滩上发现自己没有拍照的冲动,让你的时间表看起来很好。绘画,做按摩,骑骆驼或玩棋类的游戏。没有高科技的度假,可以减轻一点你糖尿病、心脏病和癌症的前景,在一个停滞不前的生活等待你回家。关于科技的英文阅读:脸书利用人工智能对抗恐怖主义Facebook is fighting terrorism with artificial intelligence.脸书利用人工智能来对抗恐怖主义。Tech companies often face criticism for not doing enough to stop ex

27、tremist content from being shared online.科技公司经常遭到批判,被指责没有尽职防止极端信息在网上传播。In light of this, Facebook made a blog post sharing details of its counterterrorism work, such as how AI is used to spot images tied to terrorist groups and pick up on language used in propaganda.因此,脸书发表了一篇博客,分享了它的反恐怖主义工作细节,比如人工智

28、能如何识别出与恐怖主义相关的照片并且挑选出在宣传中使用的语言。The Amazon Dash Wand is back but now it comes with the Alexa Voice Assistant.亚马逊Dash Wand回归了,不过这一次它还带着Alexa语音助手。This Wi-Fi barcode scanning wand is designed to quickly reorder grocery items.这款无线条形码扫描器的作用在于快速重订零售杂货品。Prime members pay $20 for the wand but are given $20 t

29、o spend on Amazon in return.高级会员使用扫描器时需要支付20美元,同时也会得到20美元在亚马逊上消费。The device is a way for Amazon to get more people to subscribe to its Amazon fresh grocery delivery service, which costs $15 a month.亚马逊开发这款设备是为了让更多用户订购它的新鲜食品送货服务,服务费每月15美元。Google is making it easier to back up your entire computer online.谷歌让备份整台电脑变得更加容易了。A new app called Backup and Sync is coming out June 28th.它将于6月28日推出一款名为Backup and Sync的新软件。You'll be able to pick which folders on your computer you want to have automatically backed up to the Google Drive cloud service.你可以选择电脑上的哪些文件需要自动备份到谷歌云服务上。

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