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1、”she told me. We became friends. I always enjoyed listening to this “time machine” as she 7 her experience with me. And Rose easily made friends 8 she went.She loved to 9 to make herself look younger. At the end of the term we invited Rose to make a speech. I will never forget 10 she taught us. As s

2、he started to make her prepared 11 ,she dropped some cards on the floor.“I am so 12 , ”she said,“I will never get my speech back. Forget the cards! As we laughed, she cleared her throat and began,“we grow old 13 we stop playing. There are some secrets to staying young, being happy, and achieving suc

3、cess. You have to laugh and find humor every day. Youve got to have a dream.” “There is a huge difference 14 growing older and growing up. Remember, we cant stop growing up, but we can 15 how to grow up. ( ) 1. A. touched B. beat C. moved D. shook ( ) 2. A. looking B. pointing C. shouting D. smiling

4、 ( ) 3. A. carefully B. comfortably C. happily D. peacefully ( ) 4. A. so B. as C. quite D. such ( ) 5. A. seriously B. hopefully C. really D. truly ( ) 6. A. dream B. job C. education D. uniform ( ) 7 A .shared B. spent C. talked D. provided ( ) 8. A. whenever B. when C. wherever D. where ( ) 9. A.

5、 wake up B. dress up C. get up D. put up ( ) 10. A. what B. which C. why D. how ( ) 11. A. dinner B. speech C. rule D. plan ( ) 12. A. worried B. happy C. weak D. nervous ( ) 13. A. so B. but C. because D. and ( ) 14. A. between B. before C. from D. after ( ) 15. A. manage B. promise C. remind D. ch

6、oose二、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分,共计30分)阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A,B,C,D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 (A)Gaode map is one of the most professional mobile phone maps. Its based on the location of life services and may be the most comprehensive, most informative mobile phone map nowadays.This software is a mobile phone camera tool. It can

7、 help people who like both taking photos and making them into a comic style. Its such an interesting application and is popular with the young.This software is suitable for friends who are going to take exams, or for the users to remember more words. Its designed to be easily used by offering users

8、pictures, sounds as well as short videos in English.How many steps did you take today? This App does not just mark down the number of steps you take. Your real steps can take you on a virtual journey around the world. It can really give you the power to move ahead.( ) 16. Which of the following App

9、can tell you the route to a place? A. Gaode map App B. the camera App C. the 100 App D. the walking App( ) 17. What can you do with the 100 App? A. find the way to a place B. take pictures C. remember the words D. mark down the steps( ) 18. Which of the statement is wrong? A. Gaode map is the most p

10、rofessional mobile phone map. B. The camera App is popular with the young. C. The Walking App can encourage you to move ahead. D. The 100 App provides the users with pictures, sounds and short videos. (B) A friend asked me for my Calgary address last week. “Oh, are you sending me a present?” I asked

11、. “I love presents.”“No, its not for you. Its not about you,” he said, “its for baby Rowan.”Damn. Hes right. No one cares about me any more. At 5:30 the other morning, exhausted after another sleepless night, I hit my nose on the bedroom wall while walking. There was a lot of blood and I wanted comf

12、ort, so I called my mommy.“So did you e-mail the list yet?” my mother asked.What? Didnt she hear me? I had just told her that I -her daughter had walked into a wall and had likely broken my nose and would have to go to a doctor.“We need to buy all the things for the baby Rowan,” she answered. “Youd

13、better get on with that.”My husband and I are coming back to Toronto for a visit next week and my mother offered to buy and set up a baby room in our house before our arrival. My list was very long and included everything for baby Rowan.Whenever people call now, they want to know about baby Rowan fi

14、rst. On my husbands birthday several weeks ago, even his parents asked how Rowan was before wishing himtheir son-a happy birthday.We took baby Rowan out for her first dining experience. I was so hungry that I thought I would faint.“So, how old is she?” the waitress asked.“Shes four weeks old,” I ans

15、wered. “How big is your salad? Is it enough for a meal?”Was the waitress pretending not to hear me? “On, shes so small,” she responded. “How much does she weigh?“Yes, yes, she is small. Should I start with a Diet Coke?” “Shes really cute,” the waitress continued.Yah,yah, she is lovely but can I plea

16、se order now?All this has made me realize that indeed, its no longer about me. So Ive gotten smart. At the bottom of the list of things I want my parents to get for baby Rowan, I added a few things for me. Perhaps my parents will actually believe that a five-week-old can eat apples and yogurt and dr

17、ink bottled water.( ) 19. Rowan is _ A. a baby boy. B. five weeks old now C. able to eat apples. D. living with her grandparents.( ) 20. Why did the writer call her mother the other day?A. She had a sleepless night. B. She e-mailed a list to her mother.C. She got hurt and wanted comfort from her mot

18、her.D. She was going to see a doctor.( ) 21. Whats the meaning of the underlined word “exhausted”? A. excited. B. happy C. tired D.upset( ) 22. How did the baby influence the people around? A. Baby Rowan ruins the relationship between the writer and her husband. B. The writers parents buy a new hous

19、e for the baby.C. The waitress became politer because of the baby.D. Baby Rowan has changed the writers life and makes her feel less important. (C)Zhang Zhiyuan, who works in the film and television industry, uses the De Dao app when he goes to work every day, according to Xinhua News Agency. The ap

20、p offers written articles and podcasts from famous personalities that the user must pay for, with topics ranging from music to economics. Zhang is not alone. By May 2017, De Dao had 7 million users, according to Bloomberg. The De Dao platform is just a small part of Chinas knowledge economy. These d

21、ays, more Chinese people are willing to pay for knowledge online than before, according to an article published by AFP in September.Many Chinese people used to be unwilling to pay for content online. However, many internet users attitudes have changed since they began to see quality content as valua

22、ble, wrote China Daily.Meanwhile, Chinese people, especially the young, are suffering from so-called Knowledge anxiety. In such a rapidly changing society, people are afraid of not being able to get the latest information and feeling left out, according to The Wall Street Journal.” In big cities, pe

23、ople are too busy to read books and watch movies. Famous personalities can teach you knowledge that lets you seem as if you have read the book or watched the movie yourself,” De Dao user James Lu told the Financial Times.However, this way of learning has also been criticized. “Knowledge is not the s

24、ame as information. Its certainly not something that can be gained by watching a few television shows, any more than it can be gotten by reading a few books or listening to a few podcasts,” Sixth Tone reporter Tao Lixing noted. He believes that to get real knowledge, one has to ask questions, analyz

25、e and reflect, rather than rely simply on internet content.In spite of this, it seems that paying for knowledge online is a popular phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down.( ) 23. What do you know about De Dao?A. People can read articles on De Dao. B. People can only write articles on De Dao.

26、C. People cant listen to music on De Dao. D.Its free.( ) 24. Which is not the reason that people like to pay for knowledge online? A. The society changes so rapidly. B. people are afraid of being left out.C. Its cheaper to pay for knowledge online.D. people are too busy to read books and watch movie

27、s.( ) 25. Which statement is the writers opinion? A. By May 2017, De Dao had 7 million users, according to Bloomberg.B. Famous personalities can teach you knowledge that lets you seem as if you have read the book or watched the movie yourselfC. Knowledge is not the same as information. D. It seems t

28、hat paying for knowledge online is a popular phenomenon that shows no signs of slowing down. ( ) 26. This passage may come from _ A. a science book B. a newspaper C. a magazine D. a novel (D)Believe it or not, humans have been in debt(负债) to the Earth Overshoot Day this month. The Earth Overshoot Da

29、y fell on August 8th. As of that day, we have used as much from nature in 2016 as our planet can provide in a whole year. In other words, we have run out of this years “ecological budget”, and for the rest of the year well be eating into our “savings”.Global Footprint Network has been watching the Earth Overshoot Day since 1971. This year, the day came five days earlier than it did last year (Aug. 13th), 11 days earlier that the year before (Aug, 19th) and is the earliest date yet.Global Footprint Network said that humans now use 1.6 Earths

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