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1、份考试大学英语3第一次作业doc2012年9月份考试大学英语(3)第一次作业一、单项选择题(本大题共60分,共 60 小题,每小题 1 分)1. A:Can you say something about Pop music in China?B: - ( ).A. What is pop music? B. know that.C. Ive never been to China.D. Yes, Id like to.2. A: Could you tell me where you were studying at that time? B: ( ).A. Oh, really?B. Ye

2、s, I could.C. enjoyed the game very much.D. was studying at the University of Sydney3. A: I enjoyed our conversation last week. B: ( ).A. did too. B. Nice to see you again.C. Well, I am fine.D. Thats a good idea.4. It is ( ) of Beijing to have such hot weather in July.A. tropicalB. typicalC. trialD.

3、 tradition5. The explorer told the boys about his ( ) in the Arctic.A. adventuresB. investigationC. applicationD. improvement6. Illneverknowallthatwasinhismind,().A. AnorwillanyoneelseeitherB. BnorwontanyoneelsetooC. CnoranyoneelsewillD. Dnorwillanyoneelse7. The ( ) of establishing a new amusement p

4、ark seemed to be very attractive.A. outlineB. projectC. progressD. method8. AminutelaterJohnandIran()themandsooncaughtup()them.A. Aafter.withB. Bwith.forC. Cto.byD. Dfor.to9. He kept working, ( ) he was very tired.A. soB. howC. neverthelessD. though10. - What special skills do you have? - ( ).A. can

5、 speak English well.B. I dont understand.C. I will study computer. D. My house is big.11. It will take him about 5 months ( ) writing this book.A. finishingB. finishC. to finishD. finished12. This took place in( ) Philadelphia.A. a 1930s B. the 1930s C. the 1930s D. 1930s13. By2000,scientistssurely(

6、)acureforthiskindofdisease.A. AhavediscoveredB. BmustdiscoverC. CarediscoveringD. Dwillhavediscovered14. He()towriteahistoryofcivilization.A. AsetoffB. BsetinC. CsetoutD. Dsetabout15. We ( ) supper when a policeman came to the door.A. just have B. were havingC. just hadD. had had just16. I can never

7、 remember ( ) drawer he keeps his shirts in.A. what. B. as C. which D. where17. Although George has many personal problems, he ( ) present every day since the first day of class.A. has been B. had been C. is D. was18. Inscorchingsummerdaysmanypeoplehaveto()anelectricfan,letaloneanair-conditioner.A.

8、AdoupB. BdoawaywithC. CdowithD. Ddowithout19. Mary can riot work ( ) John.A. as quicker as B. as quickly asC. more quick than D. more quickly as20. Notlongago,apersonwhomIknowverywellwas()anaccident.A. ArelatedtoB. BinvolvedinC. CincludedinD. Dsubjectedto21. - What youre your career goals? - ( ).A.

9、20 dollars a week. B. I want to be an engineer.C. Its very hard. D. I will try my best.22. Itsmyadvicethatshe()rightnow,orshemightbelatefortheplane.A. AstartB. BstartsC. CwouldstartD. Dwillstart23. The study of ( ) can be very interesting.A. the history B. historiesC. a history D. history24. - Im a

10、history major. And you? - ( ).A. Well, its nice. B. I know.C. Biology. D. You know that.C25. Several screws(螺丝) need ( ).A. widening B. enlarging C. tighteningD. shortening26. Mr. Hudsons report covered ( ) of the information that we had to consider about that problem.A. total B. every C. many D. al

11、l27. He grows flowers ( ) vegetables.A. as soon asB. as good asC. as wellD. as well as28. They said they would not make their final ( ) until the election result came out.A. decideB. decisiveC. decisionD. depict29. If the customer is ( ) to pay a bill, the company turns their account over to a colle

12、ction agency.A. unusualB. unwillingC. unworthyD. unwanted30. It was a hot day and many people were ( ) their way to the beach.A. taking B. guiding C. setting D. making31. He couldnt remember( )A. what was the formulaB. what were the formulaC. what the formula was D. what the formula were32. Taking p

13、hotographs inside the museum is ( ) forbidden.A. narrowlyB. exactly C. strictlyD. firmly33. Ill ignore you ( ) you give me dozen of red roses.A. so thatB. as toC. now thatD. even if34. The clerk ( ) stole some money from the bankA. supposed to B. supposedlyC. supposedD. suppose35. You can send it ei

14、ther by air mail, ( ).A. or send it by ordinary B. nor by ordinary C. or by ordinary D. or ordinary mail36. Many college students like to chat on the Internet. They think talking with friends on the Internet is ( ) casual and exciting ( ) face to face.A. not only.but alsoB. less.thanC. more.thanD. n

15、either.nor37. Itwasbecausetheapplicantwastooproud()hefailedintheinterview.A. AthereforeB. BthatC. CsothatD. Dso38. ProfessorClarkcontinuedhisresearchworkand()hiscolleaguesadvice.A. AignoredB. BdeploredC. CexploredD. Dimplored39. Illgiveyoumytelephonenumberincaseyou()wanttogetintouchwithmeagain.A. As

16、houldB. BwillC. CshallD. Dneed40. The lecture was so ( ) that everyone went to sleep.A. boring B. bored C. interested D. interesting41. The reason for all the changes being made ( ) to us.A. explained B. had explained C. was explained D. were explained42. This furniture is different from ( ) .A. one

17、s B. that C. one that D. the other43. Since giving up his job, Jim has had nothing to do ( ) the company.A. about B. from C. to D. with44. Everyone should have the right to express a view on political ( ).A. issuesB. itemsC. investsD. inventions45. IllnevergetmarriedIdontwanttospendmylifesurroundedb

18、ydirtywashingand().A. AchildrenscreamingB. BscreamingchildrenC. CscreamedchildrenD. Dchildrenscreamed46. Illneverforget()theAlpsforthefirsttime.Thesightwasimpressive.A. AseeB. BtoseeC. CseenD. Dseeing47. Could you kindly ( ) me a hand with this luggage?A. helpB. assistC. giveD. hold48. I wonder what

19、 ( )at this time tomorrow morning.A. he has done B. he will doC. he would do D. he will be doing49. Albert ( ) his homework yesterday, so he couldnt come to the party.A. must do B. may have done C. ought to do D. had to do50. We can ( )William to carry out the task, for his judgment is always reliab

20、le.A. lay on B. let on C. rest on D. lie on51. Have you told her about it ? Sorry, I forget ( ) about it.A. telling her B. being told C. to tell herD. having told her52. Ive ( ) for another job. Maybe I will move to another city soon.A. claimedB. competed C. appliedD. qualified53. He was a kind man

21、and ( ) agreed to help us out.A. readilyB. reluctantlyC. quicklyD. absolutely54. He spoke less and less at the ( ) of the exam.A. near B. aroundC. approachD. approaching55. I shall show you my photographs as soon as they ( ) ready.A. will beB. will have beenC. have beenD. are56. Mary ( ) be in Paris

22、 becauseI saw her in town only an hour ago.A. mustnt B. cant C. isnt D. may not57. The company offers a great ( ) of services to students.A. varietyB. varyC. variousD. variously58. The furniture in her room is quite different from ( ) in the exhibition hail.A. that B. one that C. ones D. those ones5

23、9. It was in Germany ( )Einstein spent his childhood.A. whereB. which C. that D. there60. Shewas,hethought,thebest()novelistinengland.A. AlivelyB. BlivingC. CaliveD. Dlive二、阅读理解单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 4 小题,每小题 10 分)1. Learning how to write is like taking a course in public speaking. I d ask whether anyone i

24、n class had ever taken such a course. Invariably a few hands would go up. “What did you learn in that course?” Id ask. “Well, the main thing was learning how to face an audience . not to be inhibited( 拘谨 ). not to be nervous Exactly, when you take a course in public speaking nowadays, you don t hear

25、 much about grammar and vocabulary. Instead, you re taught how not to be afraid or embarrassed, how to speak without a prepared script, how to read out to the live audience before you. Public speaking is a matter of overcoming your long-standing nervous inhibitions. The same is true of writing. The

26、point of the whole thing is to overcome your nervous inhibitions, to break through the invisible barrier that separates you from the person who ll read what you wrote. You must learn to sit in front of your typewriter or dictating machine and read out to the person at the other end of the line. Of c

27、ourse, in public speaking, with the audience right in front of you, the problem is easier. You can look at them and talk to them directly. In writing, you re alone. It needs an effort of your experience or imagination to take hold of that other person and talk to him or her. But that effort is neces

28、sary - or at least it s necessary until youve reached the point when you quite naturally and unconsciously “talk on paper(1). The topic of the passage is _ A. how to be a good writerB. how to be a good speakerC. how to express yourself with your wordsD. how to get rid of nervousness in public speaki

29、ng (2). The public speech course mainly teaches students _A. how to make an attractive speech using perfect grammar and vocabularyB. how to express themselves exactly and vividlyC. how to collect data needed and organize itD. how to get over their nervousness when making a speech(3). The similarity between making a public speech and writing is that _ A. you have to do a lot of preparation work beforehandB. you should get over your nervous inhibitionsC. you should know grammar and vocabulary well to accomplish themD. both of them have audience(4). In the opinion of the author,

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