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1、大学英语四级考试听力原文大学英语四级考试试题2000年1月大学英语四级考试听力原文 Section A 1. M: Hello, Mrs. White, what can I do for you? W: I dont know whats the matter with me? Im always feeling tired, Im usually worn out at the end of the day. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 2. W: What do you think of the apple pie? I made

2、 it myself. M: Very delicious indeed. Even my mothers cannot match this. Q: What does the man mean? 3. M: The music is so beautiful that Id like to dance. But I dont know the ste ps. W: It doesnt matter. No one will be looking at us in his crowd. Q: What does the woman suggest they do? 4. M: Id bett

3、er read one of the articles for our political science class. W: You cant read just one. They say each presents a different theory. Q: What does the woman tell the man he must do? 5. W: Mary is always complaining about her job. M: Maybe if you tries typing letters every day, youd see what its like. Q

4、: What ies the man mean? 6. M: Good morning. this is John Parker speaking. Im just ringing to confirm my appointment with Mr. Smith for this afternoon. W: Yes. Mr. Smiths expecting you at 3 oclock. Q: Why is the man maiking the phone call? 7. W: Tom looks awfully nervous, doesnt he? M: Yes. Im afrai

5、d he is not used to maing speeches. Q: What do they think of Tom? 8. M: I bought a few books at the new bookstore. Would you like to have a look at them? W: A few? It looks like you bought out the bookstore Q: What does the woman mean? 9. M: Jane, you wont be able to get to the airport in time to ca

6、tch the 10 oclock flight. W: I realize that now. Ill have to get my ticket changes. Q: What will the woman have to do? 10. M: Would you get me through to Dr. Lemon please? W: Im sorry. Hes with a patient. Q: What does the woman mean? Sections B Passage one Paul, a salesman from London, was driving p

7、ast a sports car parked outside a supemarket, when he saw it start to rool slowly down the hill. Inside the car were two young girls on the passenger seat but no driver Paul stpped quickly, jumped in front of the sports car and tried to stop it, pushing against the fron t of the car. Another man who

8、 was standing nearby got into the car and put on th e handbrake, saving the girls from injury. It was at this point that Paul noticed his own car rolling slowly down the hill and going too fast for him to stop it. It crashed into a bus at the bottom of the hill and was so badly damaged that it had t

9、o be pulled away to a garage. As if this was not bad enough, Paul now found he had no one to blame. He was so busy chasing his car that he didnt get the name of the driver of the sports car, who just came out of the supermarket and drove away without realizing what had happened. 11. Which car was ba

10、dly damaged? 12. Where was the driver of the sports car when the accident happened? 13. Who did Paul think was to blame for the accident? 14. Who was injured in the accident? Passage Two My friend, Vemon Davies kept birds. One day he phoned and told me he was going away for a week. He asked me to fe

11、ed the birds for him and said that he would leave the key to his front door in my mailbox. Unfortunately, I forgot all about the birds until the night before Vemon was going to return. What was worse, it was already dark when I arrived at his hous e. I soon found the key Vernon gave me could not unl

12、ock either the front door or the back door. I was getting desperate. I kept thinking of what Vemon would say when he came back. I was just going to give up when I noticed that one bedroom window was slightly open. I found a barrel and pushed it under the window. As the barrel was ver y heavy, I made

13、 a lot of noise. But in the end, I managed to climbe up and open the window. I actually had one leg inside the bedroom when I suddenly realized that someone was shining a torch up at me. I looked down and saw a policemna and an old lady, one of Vernos neighbours. “What are you doing up there? said t

14、he policeman. Feeling lise a complete fool, I replied, “I was just going to feed Mr. Daviess birds. 15. Why couldnt the man open the door? 16. Why did the man feel desperate? 17. Why did the man feel like a fool? Passage Three When Iragi troops blew up hundreds of Kuwaiti oil well at the end of Gulf

15、 War, scientists feared environmental disaster. Would black powder in the smoke from the fires circles the globe and block out the sun? Many said “No way?; rain would wash the black pwder from the atmosphere. But in America, airsampling balloons have detected high concentrations of particles similar

16、 to those collected in Kuwait. didnt catch fire. It has formed huge lakes in the Kuwaiti dersert. They trap insects and birds, and poison a veriety of other desert animals and plants. The only good news is that the oil lakes have not affected the underground water resources. So far, the oil has not

17、been absorbed because of the hard sand just below the surface. Nothing, however, stops the oil from evaporating. The resulting poisonous gases are choking nearby residents. Officials are trying to organize a quick cleanup, but they are not sure how to do it. One possibillity is to burn the oil. Get

18、those black-powder detectors ready. 18. What were the scientists worried about soon after the Gulf War? 19. What was the good news for scientists? 20. What are the officials trying to do at the moment?2000年6月听力原文Section A1. M: Would you like a copy of profesor Smiths article? W: Thanks, it its not t

19、oo much trouble. Q: What does the woman imply?2. W: Did you visit the Television Tower when you had your vacation in Shanghai last summer? M: I couldnt make it last June. But I finally visited it two months later. I planto visit it again sometime next year. Q: What do we learn about the man?3. M: Pr

20、of. Kennedy has been very busy this semester. As far as I know, he works until midnight every day. W: I wouldt have troubled him so much if I had known be was so busy. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?4. W: If I were you, I would have accepted the job. M: I turned down the offer because it

21、would mean frequent business trips away frommy family. Q: Why didnt the man accept the job?5. M: How are you getting on whith your eassay, Mary? Im having a real hard time with mine. W: After two sleepless nights, Im finally through with it. Q: What do we learn from this conversation?6. W: Where did

22、 you say you found this bag? M: It was lying under a big tree between the park and the apartment building. Q: Where did the man find the bag?7. M: Wouldnt you get bored with the same routine year after year teaching the same things to children? W: I dont think it would be as boring as working in an

23、office. Teaching is moststimulating. Q: What does the woman imply about office work?8. M: I was terribly embarrassed when some of the audience got up and left in themiddle of the performance. W: Well, some people just cant seem to appreciate real-life drama. Q: What are they taling about?9. W: Oh, i

24、ts so cold. We havent had such a severe winter for so long, have we ? M: Yes the forecast says its going to get worse before it warms up. Q: What do we learn from the conversation?10. M: You were seen hanging about the store on the night when it was robbed, werentyou? W: Me? You must have made a mis

25、take. I as at home that night. Q: What are they taling about?Section BPassage One There are three groups of English learners; beginners, intermediate learners, and learners of special English. Beginners need to learn the basics of English. Students who have reached an intermediate level benefit from

26、 learning general English skills. But what about students who want to lean specialist English for their work or professional life? Most students, who fit into this third group have a clear idea about what they want to lean. A bank clerk, for example, wants to u se this specialist vocabulary and tech

27、nical terms of finance. But for teachers, deciding how to teach specialist English is not always so easy. For a start, the variety is enormous. Every field from airline pilots to secretaries has its own vocabulary and technical terms. Teachers also need to have an up-to-date knowledge of the that sp

28、ecialist language, and not many teachers are exposed to working environments outside the classroom. These issues have influenced the way specialist English is taught in schools. This type of course is usually known as English for Specific Purposes, or ESP and there isnt ESP courses for almost every

29、area of professional and working life. In Britain, for example, there are courses which teach English for doctors, lawyers, reporters, travel agents and people working in the hotel industry. By far, the most popular ESP courses are for business English.11. What is the characteristic of learners of s

30、pecial English?12. Who needs ESP courses most?13. What are the most popular ESP courses in Britain?14. What is the speaker mainly talking about?Passage Two The first step to stop drug abuse is knowing why people start to use drugs. The reasons people abuse drugs are as different as people are from o

31、ne to another. but there seems to be one common thread: people seem to take drugs to changes the way they feel. They want to feel better or feel happy or to feel nothing. Sometimes, they want to forget or to remember. People often feel better about themselves when they are under the influence of dru

32、gs. But the effects dont last long. Drugs dont solve problems. They just postpone them. No matter how far drug s may take you, its always around trip. After a while, people who miss drugs ma y feel worse about themselves, and they they may use more drugs. If someone you know is using or abusing drugs, you can help. The most important part you can pl ay is to be there. You can let your fr

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