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1、 老师们在哪里? They are in the teachers office . 在老师的办公室里。问路 How can I get to Zhongshan Park ? 我怎么去中山公园?You can go by the No.1 bus. You can take the No .1 bus .交通規則(traffic rules )Stop at a red light . 红灯停Wait at a yellow light . 黄灯等Go at a green light . 绿灯行In China and the US , drivers drive on the right

2、 side of the road . 在中国和美国,司机向右行驶。In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. 但是在英国和澳大利亚,司机向左行驶。基础练习题:一汉译英1.乘坐_ 2.脚_ 3.自行车_ 4.公共汽车_5.火车_ 6.飞机_ 7.船_ 8.地铁_9.怎样_ 10.上学_ 11.交通_ 12. 交通灯_13. 交通规则_ 14.停_ 15. 等_ 16. 到达_二 英译汉1.fifth_ 2.remember_ 3.find _ 4.difference _5.sam

3、e _ 6.every_ _ 8.mean _ 9.drive_ 10. right _ 11.side _ 12. England _ 13. Australia_ 14. however_ 15.left _ 16. if _17. must_ 18. always_ 19. know _三.背课文,完成对话1 A: _? B: My home is near . _. _. What about you ? A: I usually go to school by bus .2 A:_? _. Can I go on foot ? B :Sure ,if you li

4、ke .Its not far.四 根据上下句写句子 1 A: _?I go to school by bus. 2 A: You can go by the No.1 bus . 3 A:_? My home is near the post office . 4 A:_? I go to Shanghai by ship. 5 A:_? Peter and John go to the park by bike . 6 A: How do you go to school ? (骑自行车)_. 7 A: How do they go to school ? (走路) B:_. 8 A: H

5、ow can I get to the bookstore? (坐二路公车)_.五.完成短文。The _ _ are the same in every country. There are always three lights: _ 、_ and _. Red means “_”. Yellow means “_”, and green means “_”. In China , drivers drive on the _ _ of the road . In the US ,drivers drive on the _ _. In England and Australia , how

6、ever , drivers drive on the _ _ of the road. If you go by car ,by bike or on foot , you must know the _ _.六选择填空1 ( )You must know the _. A. traffic rule B. traffic rules C. traffic lights 2 ( ) Red _ “Stop”. A. meaning B. mean C.means 3 ( ) Go _ a green light . A. at B. on C. in 4 ( ) My home is on

7、the _ floor. A. fifth B. five C.fifty5 ( ) I go to school _. A. by bike B by the bike C. by a bike 6 ( ) I go to school _. A. on foot B. by foot C. on the foot 7 ( ) In China, drivers drive _ the right side . A. on B .in C. to 七完成对话A:Excuse me, _ the zoo , please ?B:Oh, its not _ . Its near here ._

8、can I _ there?Let me _. You can _ there _._ bus can I take ?You can _ a No.11 bus.Thank you!_.综合练习:一根据提示或下下文完成句子,每空一词1. I go to Beijing_ _(乘飞机)2. _ do you _ _ _ ? We go to school on foot.3. Hello. Im Sarah. I often go to school _ _. (骑自行车)4. Lets go to Xishan Park _ _. (乘公共汽车)5. I like to go to Hain

9、an _ _. (乘轮船)I dont like to go by train.二连词成句1.have, Im, busy, going, a, weekend, to (.), where, going, your, father, afternoon, this (?)_3.where, going, are, they, this, evening (?三选择填空( )1.Mike is going to America _. A. next month B. every day C. by a plane( )2.My mother is going to _this mor

10、ning. A. washing clothes. B. visit her friends. C reading books.( )3._ are you going ? Sunday morning. A. When B. What C. Who( )4.The park is far _ the cinema. A. with B. from C. to( )5.Shes going to the museum _ her friends tomorrow. A. and B. to C. with( )6.Go _ a green light. A. to B. at C. in( )

11、7.The _ are the same in every country. A. traffic lights B. traffic rules C. traffic( )8.In the USA, drivers drive_ the right side. A. in B. on C. to( )9.Look at the lights. Yellow_ “Wait “. A. means B. mean C. meaning( )10.Now I am standing on the left side _ the road. A. in B. on C. of( )11._ can

12、you get to the zoo? By bus. A. How B. What C. Where四阅读填空_ do you go to Hainan? I go by ship.I usually go to visit my grandma _ foot. _ (有时)I go _ bike.Im a student. _ _ you? Im a student, too.4.Lets go to the zoo _ afternoon. OK. See you _ 3 oclock._ _ then.五根据汉语意思,完成英语句子1Sarah怎样去动物园?她乘公共汽车去。_ _Sara

13、h go to the _? She _ by _.2到医院那里向右拐,然后直走三分钟,图书馆就在左边。_ _ at the _, then go _ for three minutes, the _ is_ the _.3今晚你要去哪里?我要去书店买漫画书。_are you going this_? Im going to the _to_a_book.4午饭后我爷爷经常看报纸。My grandpa often _ _ after _.Unit 2 Where is the science museum?places:south(南)地点 必须掌握:where 在哪里 please请 nex

14、t to 与相邻right 右边,正确的 left 左边 straight成直线地 then 然后 turn转弯 excuse me 对不起 want 想要 a pair of 双 minute分钟 tell 告诉 take乘坐 far 远 after school 放学以后 get off上车 get on下车 twelfth 第十二 party聚会;晚会 start 开始 buy买 句型一问路1Where is the cinema, please? 请问电影院在哪儿?next to the hospital. 在医院的旁边。in front of the school. 在学校的前面.b

15、ehind the park 在公园的后面Its near the zoo. 在动物园的附近.on the right/left of the bookstore. 在书店的左/右边.east of the bank. 在银行的东边.far from here. 离这儿很远.2. Excuse me, is there a cinema near here 请问这附近有电影院吗?Yes, there is. 有.3. How can I get to the hospital? 我该怎样到达医院呢?You can go 二指引路1You can go by the No.312 bus. 你可

16、乘坐312路公交车去那儿.2. Get on / off at the 在地方上车/ 下车.3. Walk straight for three minutes. 向前直走在分钟.4. Turn right/ left at the 在 地方向右/ 左转.5. Walk east/ west/ south/ north for minutes. 朝东/ 西/南/北/ 走分钟.三Is it far from here? 离这儿远吗?Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.基础题练习:1.图书馆 _ 2.邮局_ 3.医院 _ 4.电影院 _5.科学博物馆_ 6.在哪里_ 7.请 _8.

17、与相邻_ 9.北_ 10.南_ 11.东_12.西_ 13.转弯_ 14.右边_ 15.左边_16.成直线的_ 17.然后_ 18.书店_ 19.远离_20.在前面_ 21.在下面_ 22.直走_ 二英译汉1.far_ 2.supermarket_ 3.bank_4.after school_ 5.buy_ 6.shoe store_ 7.get off_ 8. twelfth _9.party_ 10. start_ 11. look for _ 12. want_ 13. a pair of _ 14.minute_ 15. tell_ 16. take _17. excuse me _

18、18 .on the left _ 19. on the right_ 20. east of the cinema _ 21. south of the hospital _ 22. start from_23. take the No.17 bus _ 24. by the No.1 bus _三背课文,完成对话。 _, _ a cinema near here ? Yes , _. A :_? _. Is it far from here ? No , _. Thank you . B: _.2 A :Excuse me._? Its _. And then?B: _, then _.

19、_.四根据上下句写句子 _? The post office is next to the hospital . _? No , there isnt a cinema near here.3A: Where is the science museum ?(医院旁边) B:_.5 A: How can I get to the park?(直走三分钟,然后向左转弯) _.6 A:Is there a food shop near here ?(否定回答) B: _.7 A: Where is the bookstore ?(银行后面) B: _.8 A: _? No, its not far from here .五从A、B、C三个选项中选择最合适的一项。( )1.Walk straight _ four C.for( )2.Stop at a _ light.A.yellow )3.The Science Museum is _ the right.A.on )4.Is there a cinema near your home ? _

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