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1、整理北京故宫英文导游辞9 所有外部电缆连接要求良好,不能有松动现象 通过 未通过 施工单位(盖章): 建设单位(盖章):? 室外天线的安装角度按照设计要求进行方向、角度的调整,使无线信号的主波束能够对准覆盖目标? 如果 AP壁挂安装在大楼墙面上,必须做好防盗措施,建议将 AP 安装在定做的机箱之中,并保持通风良好、通气孔畅通,保持工作环境清洁无灰尘参加测试人员:建设单位名称:15 (2)相切: 直线和圆有惟一公共点时,叫做直线和圆相切,这时直线叫做圆的切线,惟一的公共点做切点.13 5、 设备安装位置表 北京故宫英文导游辞 forbidden city(紫禁城) (in front of th

2、e meridian gate)ladies and gentlemen: i am pleased to serve as your guide today. it is believed that the palace museum, or zi jin cheng (purple forbidden city), got its name from astronomy folklore, the ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the ziwei yua

3、n(north star). the constellation containing the north star was called the constellation of heavenly god and star itself was called the purple palace. because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word pu

4、rple in the name of his residence. in folklore, the term ”an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, laozi, to the hanghu pass. here, purple is associated with

5、auspicious developments. the word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people. the red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic. red represents h

6、appiness, good fortune and wealth. yellow is the color of the earth on the loess plateau, the original home of the chinese people. yellow became an imperial color during the tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture. manpower and mat

7、erials throughout the country were used to build the forbidden city. a total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed. marble was quarried from fangshan country mount pan in jixian county in hebei province. granite was quarried in quyang county in hebei province. paving blocks were

8、 fired in kilns in suzhou in southern china. bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in shandong province .timber was cut ,processed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions. the structure in front of us is the meridian gate. it is the main entrance

9、to the forbidden city. it is also knows as wufenglou(five-phoenix tower). ming emperors held lavish banquets here on the 15th day of the first month of the chinese lunar year in hornor of their counties .they also used this place for punishing officals by flogging them with sticks. qing emperors use

10、d this building to announce the beginning of the new year. qing emperor qianglong changed the original name of this announcement ceremony from ban li(announcement of calendar)to ban shou(announcement of new moon )to avoid coincidental association with another emperor s name, hongli, which was consid

11、ered a taboo at that time. qing dynasty emperors also used this place to hold audience and for other important ceremonies. for example,when the imperial army returned victoriously from the battlefield ,it was here that the emperor presided over the ceremony to accept prisoners of war. WadeGiles roma

12、nization Wu-tai Shan , Pinyin Wutai Shan mountain and mountain chain in northeast Shansi Province, China. The mountain chain is a massif with a southwestnortheast axis, separated from the Heng Shan (mountains) to the northwest by the valley of the Hu-to Ho (river), which curves around its southern f

13、lank to flow into the North China Plain in Hopeh Province. Mt. Wu-tai is actually a cluster of flat-topped peaks from which the mountain takes its name (Five Terraces). The highest peak is 10,033 ft (3,058 m) above sea level. Mt. Wu-tai is particularly famous as one of the great holy places of Chine

14、se Buddhism. Great numbers of temples, including some of the oldest wooden buildings surviving in China, are scattered over the mountain; the largest templessuch as the Hsien-tung, the Ta-ta-yan, and the Pu-sa-ting-shen-jung-yanare grouped around the town of Tai-huai-chen. Mt. Wu-tai appears first t

15、o have become a holy mountain to the Taoist adepts of the later Han dynasty (AD 25220) but came into prominence in the 5th century under the Northern Wei dynasty (386534/35) when, as Ching-liang Shan, it became identified as the dwelling place of Mãnjuśr bodhisattva (a heavenly being who

16、 voluntarily postpones his Buddhahood in order to work for worldly welfare and understanding). The cult of Mãnjuśr was intensified under the Tang dynasty (618907). In early Tang times Mount Wu-tai was closely associated with the patriarchs of the Hua-yen Buddhist school, becoming the pri

17、ncipal centre of their teaching. During this period it attracted scholars and pilgrims not only from all parts of China but also from Japan, who continued to visit and study there until the 12th century. Many of the other monasteries in the region were attached to Chan Buddhism, which in the 9th cen

18、tury found patronage in the region from the provincial governors of the neighbouring areas of Hopeh, who were able to protect Mount Wu-tai from the worst ravages of the great religious persecution that occurred from 843 to 845. Under Mongol rule in the late 13th century, Tibetan Buddhism (Lamaism) w

19、as first introduced to Mount Wu-tai. During the Ching dynasty (16441911/12), when the Tibetan Buddhist religion was an important element in relations between the Chinese court and their Mongol and Tibetan vassals and when the state gave lavish support to monasteries inhabited by lamas (monks), Mount

20、 Wu-tai was one of the principal monastic centres. Few of the present buildings are very old, but the main hall of the Hua-kuang Ssu, dating from 857, is the oldest surviving wooden building in China. The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha  La

21、dies and gentlemen, Welcome to Changsha museum. Well be here to visit “The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo  Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha and The Years of Unearthed  Most Valuable Cultural Relics”. I hope my explanation can satisfy you!      Now

22、, we are in the first exhibition hall. Here, it adopts panoramic technique, and restores the site of unearthing Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom. In 1996, during July to November, in the southeast of Wu Yi square, team up with Ping He Tang Department. The exhumations were carried on by Changsha relics w

23、ork teams. They unearth 61 archaic wells during the Warring States period and the Ming and Qing Dynasty, and found out 3000 kinds of relics, like copper, iron bamboo, wood, ceramics, and so on. To peoples astonishment, in the No.22 archaic well, they found lots of bamboo tablets and wooden slips. Af

24、ter confirming, they are the relics of Sun Wu in Three kingdoms 1700 years ago. These patches of relics would replenish the lacked historical materials of three kingdoms exactly. Our country once had four discoveries: The oracle bone inscription of Yin, bamboo tablets and wooden slips of Tunxu in no

25、rthwest China, Cultural books of Dunhuang stone room, Files of Qing cabinet. Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha can be mentioned in the same breath with the four discoveries, and become the searching subject of international academia. Everybody! Please look at the cross s

26、ection reconstruction of the NO.22 archaic well. Its upper part of opening was damaged when it was excavating. This is an irregular circular shape vertical shaft; the bottom has a bag form likely. The opening of the well has a length 3.5 m from south to north, 3.1 m from east to west, and 5.6 m in d

27、epth. The opening is covered with pure red brown color clay, 1.5 m deeper of which is the bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer. The bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer is 50 cm thick in center and 20 cm thin on all sides, piled up with slope form. The ropes tied the bamboo tablets and wooden slip

28、s have become rotten, but we can see they were buried by bundles at that time. There are more than 10,000 pieces of bamboo tablets and wooden slips by the initial statistics. The second layer is the gray brown clay layer of 3.1 m thick, among them mix up with lots of bamboo wood scrapes, grass scrap

29、es, leaves, fragmentary bricks, pottery and porcelain and so on. At the bottom of the well is another small well, which has square wooden frame. The four corners are nailed by a stick of spile inlayed with two wooden boards as the well wall. The circle of the well is 93 cm long, 58 cm tall. The func

30、tion of this small well is probably for gathering the groundwater from all sides of the well, and then put forward to pour out with water pitcher and other tools in order to maintain the well space dry. This is the living photo taken by the time of excavating.    Analyzing the structu

31、re and relics of the well NO.22, it is an ancient well for storing food. The climate of Changsha is so hot, wet and rainy that the food is easy to be rot, but the circumstance under the ground of 10 m depth is just like as a modern refrigerator. The archaeological discoveries approved that people ha

32、d used this storing method from the time of Shang dynasty.  You may ask that, why were the bamboo tablets of Wu Kingdom buried in the well? There are two statements. The first one considered that in the period of Three Kingdoms, there were so many wars, the suddenly burst-out war made people bury them here in a hurry. The other considered that to bury them in the well may be a way of dealing with the records in the past. Now please look at the photo. This is the photo of unearthing the No.22 well. We can see that the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the mud. W

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