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1、新概念一册(37-72课)测试卷 (满分120分) 姓名:_成绩:_一、听 力 测 试 (共计10分) Where is Jimmy ? He is in _ . Whats the matter with him ? He feels ill . He _ ill. We must _ the doctor . Yes ,we must . Can you remember the doctors _ number ? Yes . It s 09754. Open your _, jimmy . _ me your tongue . Say “ Ah”. What s the matter

2、with him , doctor ? He has a bad _,Mr Williams , so he must _ in bed for a week. Thata good news for Jimmy . Good news ? Why ? _ he doesnt like _. 二、笔 试 部 分(共计100分)一、单项选择(20分)( )1.I usually go to school_ A. by bike B. on bike C. on the foot D. by a bike ( ) 2. Would you like some apples?_ A No, I do

3、nt B. No, please. C. Yes, please. D. Yes, wherere they?( ) 3. Is your mother going to _ the clothes ? A .wash B. washing C. wash D. washed ( ) 4 .There is _ water in the bottle . A. a B. some C. a D. /( ) 5. Hurry _ ! The bus is coming . A .on B up C. to D. down ( ) 6 .What _ the climate _ in your c

4、ountry ? A .does , like B. is ,like C .is , likes D. do , like ( ) 7. Where _ he come from ? A. is B .do C. does D. are ( ) 8. He has four lessons _ the morning , no lessons _ noon ,and two lessons _ the afternoon. A .in , in, in B .on , in , on C. in ,at ,in D .on ,in ,at ( ) 9. He usually does her

5、 homework in the afternoon ,but this afternoon he _ . A. plays football B. is playing football . . doesnt play football D. isnt playing football.( ) 10 ._ your mother want _ envelopes ? A .Does , a B. Does , some C. Does , any D .Does , an ( ) 11 .Its sunny tomorrow .We can _ swimming . A .goes B. g

6、o C.goes to D. going( )12 .You look ill . You must _ the doctor . A . see B .take C .send D .watch ( ) 13. My grandfather feels ill . He _ a headache . A. have B .had C .is D. are ( ) 14 .Dont play _ that dirty ball . A .in B .to C. of D. with( ) 15 .You must _ some medicine . A. take B. do C. eat D

7、. be ( ) 16 .I usually enjoy _ on weekend . A .my B. me C. I D .myself( ) 17 . We get up _ half _ six . A .at , past , to C. on , to D .for , past ( ) 18. I _ ill last week . A .do B. am C.was D. were ( ) 19 .What did she do last night ? _ A .She listened to music B .She is listening to music C

8、 .She listens to music D .She is going to listen to music .( ) 20 .Tom _ TV last night , now he _ again A .watch , watching B .watched , watching C. watched , is watching D .watched ,watched 二、找出对应的答案 (10分)( ) 1. Where are you going? A. Yes, Id like a bowl of noodles.( ) 2. What time is it? B. Im fr

9、om China. ( ) 3. How old are you? C. No, thanks( ) 4 How do you feel? D .Im going to the farm.( ) 5 How is the weather? E. I feel very happy.( ) 6 Where are you from? F .By bike.( ) 7.What day is it today? G.Cold, but sunny.( ) 8.May I help you? H. Its Monday.( ) 9.How do you go to school? I. Im 12

10、years old.( ) 10.Would you like some apples? J. Its 12:20三、按要求完成(12分) 1 . family_(复数) 2 . tall_(反义词) 3. do_(现在分词)4 . sit_(现在分词) 5 . take_(现在分词) 6. wind_(形容词) 7. boss_ (复数) 8. watch_(复数) 9. go_(单三) 10. have_(单三) 11 .teach_(单三) 12 .tomato_(复数)四、 根据汉语提示完成下面的句子 (10分)1 .天有时下雨。 It rains _ .2.但是今天,他们步行去上学。

11、 But today they go to school _ _.3 .你现在好些了,但是还不应该起床。 You are better now ,but you mustnt _ _ _.4 .在我们镇子附近每年都有一场汽车比赛。 There is _ _ _ near our town every year .5 .他昨天晚上给你打电话了吗? Did he telephone you _ _ ? 五 、用所给动词的正确形式填空(10分)1. Now were _(listen )to the stereo. 2. Dont_ (put)it on the table. 3 He _ ( go

12、 ) the library yesterday .4. Look, he is_(do)his homework.5.What are you going to _(do) with it? 6. _ _ (not open) your window,please .7. Can you_ (see) some birds in the sky? 8. Jim always _(go) to school on foot.9.Does she _(want) any meat? 10. Its time_(go) to work.六、补全对话(8分)A.Whos the baby in th

13、e picture?B.She is beautiful.C.What does your father do? D. Let me see.E. Its a picture of my family.F. Is it your sister?G. I know its you.H. Youre right.A: Look at the picture! _1_B:Oh, _2_Is this your father?A:Yes. He is my father.B:_3_A:He is a teacher.B:Is this your mother?_4_A:Thank you. She i

14、s teacher, too.B:_5_A:Guess!B: Is it your brother?A:No.B:_6_A:NoB:_7_A: Yes._8_七、完形填空(15分) Now it is the summer holiday and time always_1_fast. In the holiday, the weather is hot and I cant do much_2_ , but I live_3_ . The afternoon is hot , _4_ I do my homework in the morning. I get up at 6:30 and

15、take a walk in the park for half an hour. After breakfast, I begin to_5_English and Chinese, and_6_some maths exercises. I work very hard. I spend the afternoon outside. I go to the beach. I like to_7_in the sea. It is very_8_. I will not go home until it is about five oclock. Sometimes a friend of

16、mine will come to see me and we will spend a few hours singing_9_. In this way I spend_10_holiday happily.( )1.A. stops B. flies C. sleeps D. walks( )2.A.homework B. rain C. food D. wind( )3.A. slowly B. quickly C. quietly D. happily( )4.A. because B. but C. so D. or( ) B. see C. watch D. loo

17、k( )6.A. make B. do C. pick D. post( )7A.walk B. ride C. drive D. swim( )8.A. funny B. easy C. cheap D. quiet( )9.A. books B. movies C. songs D. stamps( )10.A. your B. my C. his D. Her八、 阅读理解:(10分)When Bill is very young, he loves pictures. His mother often draws some for him on old pieces of paper.

18、 She is very bad at drawing. But Bill likes her pictures and always wants more. When he is a little boy , Bills mother gives him some pencils and a drawing book, and he begins drawing pictures, too, but they are never good. When Bill is five years old, his mother gives him a small blackboard and som

19、e pieces of chalk. He likes those very much. One day he is trying to draw a picture of a baby on the blackboard. He draws lines and rubs them out,draws more and rubs those out for ten minutes, but when he looks at his picture, he is not happy.” Well,” he says to his mother, “Iput a tail on it and ma

20、ke it a monkey.”( )1. Bill_when he is very young. A. likes old pieces of paper very much B. wants his mother to buy pictures C. wants his mother to draw pictures for him D. is good at drawing( )2 .He is a little boy , so his mother gives him_ A. some pencils and a drawing book B. some pens and a boo

21、k C.a blackboard and some old paper D.some paper and ink( )3.He is trying_ when he is five. A. to read B. to write C. to draw lines D. to draw a baby( )4.The picture looks like a _ after Bill put a tail on it. A. monkey B. dog C. tiger D. cat( )5. Which of the following sentences is right? A. Bills tearer is happy to see his picture. B. Bills mother is good at drawing. C. Bill isnt happy to see his picture. D. Everyone likes Bills pictures. 九、 书面表达。(15分) 介绍一下你自己( 不少于70个词)_十、口语背诵(10) 背诵第( )课课文4

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