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1、专四写作强化教案考纲解读英语专业四级考试大纲分析2005年起执行的英语专业四级考试大纲(修订本)在写作方面的测试要求是:“能根据所给的作文题目、提纲或图表、数据等写一篇200个单词左右的作文。能做到内容切题、完整、条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体。考试时间35分钟。”修订后的大纲在写作方面的变化是在写作时间不变的前提(35分钟)下,把大作文的字数由150词增加到200词左右。 第一,作文写作的字数由原来的150字增加到200字,净增1/3的写作量,而用于写作的时间不变,难度的提高是显而易见的。第二,便条写作的记分由5分增加到10分。相应地,写作总分由原来的20分增加到25分

2、。测试目的:按照教学大纲的要求测试学生在基础阶段末期用英语书面表达思想的能力。测试要求:(a)写短文:要求根据所出的题目和列出的写作提纲或图表、数字统计表等(也附有写作提纲)写一篇200词左右的短文。能做到内容切题、完整、条理清楚,文章结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺恰当。考试时间35分钟。(b)写便条:要求根据提示写大约5060词的通知、便条、请帖等。要求格式正确,语言得体。考试时间10分钟。测试题型:本部分为主观试题,分两节: Section A和Section B。Section A是作文(Composition),题目主要属于记叙文、说明文或议论文的范围。Section B是便条(Note


4、误,语句不完整,只有少数句子可以理解,词汇拼写错误严重真题点评(2005年)SECTION A COMPOSITIONThe students Union of your university is planning to hold an arts festival next semester, and they are inviting students to contribute their ideas and suggestions as to how it should be organized or what should be included.Write on ANSWER SH

5、EET TWO a composition of about 200 words n the following topic:MY IDEA OF A UNIVERSITY ARTS FESTIVALYou are to write in three pars. In the first part, state specifically what your idea is. In the second part, provide one or two reasons to support your idea OR describe your idea. In the last part, br

6、ing what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.Marks will be awarded fro content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.审题 1话题:校学生会计划下学期举办艺术节,现向同学征集两个方面的想法和建议:一是如何组织这次活动,二是应该包括什么样的活动节目。2要点:只能就上述两个方面中的一个来写,切不可同时涉及。3

7、思路:文章须写三分部分(但未必是三个段落)。第一部分(这部分用一个段落来写)具体交代自己的想法,第二部分(可以是一或两个段落)可以有两种写法。第一种是提出一至两个理由来支持在第一部分提出的想法,另一种是具体描写自己的想法。第三部分(这部分用一个段落来写)总结或概括第二部分的讨论或描写。4文体:第一种写法为议论文,第二种写法为说明文(局部可以进行议论。)。5其他:字数200词左右。时间为35分钟。真题点评(2005年)优秀习作一My Idea of the Arts Festival I have just heard that the Students Union of our univers

8、ity will hold an arts festival next semester. As a student, I hope it will be a great success. The arts festival held in the past and they are approximately the same, that for the coming arts festival of ours, To begin with, we can start the festival with an evening party. Of course, it will not be

9、a common party. Rather, we can invite some students with special talent to give performances while some other students to act as judges. The student-featured evening party will likely attract a large enthusiastic student audience. Meanwhile, teachers presence will also be expected to enhance student

10、-teacher interaction. From their participation the students can find a new role in themselves. In addition, we can some programs that serve to enrich the students knowledge of art, such as arts lectures and exhibitions. In this way, we can some new meaning to the arts festival; that is, our purpose

11、of having an arts festival will not be to entertainment but educating the students. Particularly with the exhibits, the arts festival will have a more effect than ordinary festivals. All in all, I look forward to its coming and having a good time then.14 观点明确,阐述充分,内容切题、完整、有新意;条理清楚,文章结构严谨,过渡与衔接自然;语法正

12、确,语言通顺地道,句式、用词富有变化,有“闪光点”用词准确,使用了一些“高级”词汇;无拼写等错误。背景交代清楚,观点明确,理由中肯,下文给出的两点建议能紧扣文章的主旨(即创造性)展开,表面上提出大家熟悉的东西(如evening party),实际上却赋予不俗的内涵,令人耳目一新。最后总结点题,简单明了,表达期望,让人顿生同感。组织:在第一段中,首先交代话题,接着亮出自己的观点。中间一段从两个方面具体阐明自己的观点,并合理使用to begin with和in addition提示两点建议,有助于读者轻松把握。最后一段以all in all来提示对上文做出总结。不仅如此,句与句之间的衔接也比较紧凑

13、,让人读来一气呵成。语言:全文无明显的语法错误和用词错误。相反,作者十分注意遣词造句,句子结构多样,长短变化恰当,能够比较地道地使用无人称主语组织句子。To begin with, rather, student-featured, likely, student audience, presence, enhance, launch, attach, confine, go as far as, enduring等的使用均显示了较好的英语写作水平。优秀习作二My suggestion to the Arts FestivalIm excited that our school will ho

14、ld an arts festival. Surely it will be in the interests of all the students because it can definitely enliven our college life. Personally, I suggest the arts festival include a stage play contest.When it comes to holding an arts festival, some people always think of singing and dancing. However, no

15、t every student is fond of these activities. They may be too common to arise the students strong interest. Another disadvantage is that only a small number of people can get a chance to sing or dance on the stage. By contrast, stage plays can involve more students in performances. They can write the

16、ir own plays and design their own ways of acting so that their creativity and imagination can be given full play. By staging the actual picture of their life and study on campus, they can give expression to their true thoughts, and emotions. On the other hand, the audience will be stirred and impres

17、sed now that they have similar experiences and feelings. Through the contest, the students enthusiasm for the whole event will be heightened. Based on the above considerations, I believe a stage play contest will be a good choice for our Students Union in organizing the arts festival. I am sure it w

18、ill become quite popular among our students.得分13总评内容切题、完整,观点明确,较有新意;条理清楚,层次分明,衔接过渡自然;语法正确,语言通顺,句式、用词富有变化,能积极使用“高级”词汇,但个别词使用不当;无拼写错误。评头论足内容:作者围绕所给话题和要求,提出在艺术节节目中要包括舞台表演竞赛,并给出了两点理由。作者在陈述第一条理由时,不仅说明了舞台表演竞赛的好处,更是通过对比,从歌舞的弊端出发反面论证舞台表演竞赛的必要性,显得较有说服力。作者提出的第二条理由也颇有新意,一般的舞台表演节目往往是采用现成的剧本。组织:作者在交代背景后通过Persona

19、lly, I suggest引出自己的观点,显得较自然。在第二段中通过when it comes to , however, another (advantage), by contrast, on the other hand等把两点现由有机地整合在一起,层次感很强,同时句与句之间的衔接也较合理。最后一段通过based on the above considerations, I believe很好地总结了上文中的讨论。当然,第二段第5、6、7句之间似乎有点脱节。语言:全文无明显的语法错误,作者较熟练地使用了一些短语,如in the interests of, when it comes t

20、o, give full play (to), give expression to, now that等,enliven, stage (v.), stir, consideration等的使用也体现了较好的语言水平。但也有个别词使用不当,如arise, emotion.优秀习作三My Idea of Universitys Arts FestivalWhen talking about our universitys Arts Festival, some people are always thinking about singing and dancing. Personally sp

21、eaking, I think we can expand the arts festival into some new fields, thus we can make it more colorful and popular. On this point, I would like to recommend a stage play which involves more students in it. Here are several reasons for this suggestion.One primary reason is that a stage play can invo

22、lve more students in the arts festival. Actually, not every student is fond of singing or dancing, while many students are interested in performing. Moreover, a stage play can reflect our true life and true feelings. Since the play is close to our life, it is more likely to become popular among the

23、students. Lastly, a well-organized stage play will have more effect than several songs and it is in accordance with the creative idea of this years arts festival.Taking into account all the above factors, I think a stage play is a good choice for our Students Union in organizing this years arts fest

24、ival. I think it will become quite popular among our students.得分13总评内容切题、完整,但个别地方不够简洁;条理清楚,结构较严谨,过渡较自然;语法正确,语言较通顺,有个别不太严重的语言错误;个别词使用不当。评头论足内容:作者针对给定题目提出了自己的建议,并给出三个比较贴切的理由,因而主题明确,说理充分。不足之处在于第一段与第二段相比不够简洁。可删除第二句全句以及第三句中的定语从句。组织:作者首先交代了背景,由别人的想法过渡到自己的想法,并在下面的段落中陈述了三点理由,并在最后一段中进行了总结,因此条理较为清楚;同时,作者注意使用了

25、一些衔接和过渡手段,如On this point, Here are several reasons for this suggestion, one primary reason, moreover, lastly, take into account all the above factors等。语言:(1)第一段第二句中将thus当作连词,不妥。(2)个别用词较单调,如popular, I think。良好习作一My Suggestion to the Arts FestivalIm excited that our school will hold an art festival. I

26、 believe it will be to all the students liking as it can definitely make our dull lives more colorful. My suggestion to the art festival is to hold a painting competition. Many of our students are versatile. They are good at singing, dancing, painting, etc. As the singing and dancing competitions ha

27、ve been held many times, only painting competition has never been held. Why should we neglect these people who are good at painting? Secondly, holding a painting competition can not only give students a stage to show their ability but also improve the art atmosphere in our campus. Since our universi

28、ty is one of science and technology, the atmosphere in our campus is a little dull, so we desperately need some art activities to enliven it. After the competition, we can hang up the students masterpieces to create an art atmosphere.From the above analysis, it is obvious that holding a painting com

29、petition is a good choice for the coming art festival. And I believe it will be all the students favor. 得分总评内容切题、完整,主旨明确,说理充分;条理较清楚,结构较清晰,在过渡衔接方面略有不足;语法基本正确,语言较通顺,有个别语言错误,带有一点口语化倾向。评头论足内容:作者针对给定题目提出举办绘画竞赛的建议,并陈述了两个理由,有一定的说服力。最后的总结重申主旨。从提出观点,论证观点到总结观点,环环相扣,一气呵成。组织:总体上看,作者能注意使用衔接与过渡手段,如secondly, from

30、the above analysis等。不足之处在于第二段缺少一个主题句来引入两条理由。语言:(1)从语法上讲,全文基本上没有明显的语法错误。不过第二段第三句的句子组织有欠考虑,as使用不当。(2)能努力使用一些“有档次”的短语和单词,如to sb. s liking, versatile, neglect, desperately, masterpiece, favor等。不过,个别词的重复过多,如atmosphere, hold等。(3)诸如Im, so, its以及句首的and显示该文带有一点口语化色彩。良好习作二My Idea of University Arts FestivalIn

31、 my mind, a perfect university arts festival should be traditional and creative.Every university has its own history and traditions, and there should be some programs concerned about those. We can hold a knowledge contest about university history. Also, a exhibition of photographs about old universi

32、ty campus can be held. Then we can have better understanding of our university.But an arts festival which is just traditional cant attract students attention. It should also be creative. We can collect creative idea from all the students an choose those better ones. Contests among painting, dancing and singing is needed. We can also hold a contest about DIYs and invite common students to be umpires. So more students wi

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