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1、dis稿件dis稿件1.请问ISO9001:2008 DIS稿中的DIS是什么意思 国际标准(ISO/IEC)制定的常规程序:1、预备阶段(预备工作项目/PW1),提案阶段(新工作项目提案/NP),预备阶段(工作草案/WD),委员会阶段(委员会草案/CD),咨询看法阶段(咨询看法草案/DIS(ISO)、CDV(IEC)),批准阶段(最终国际标准草案/FDIS),出版阶段(国际标准/ISO、IEC或ISO/IEC)。 WD:work draft,CD:committee draft,DIS(ISO):draft international standard、CDV(IEC):committee

2、draft for vote,FDIS:final draft international standard。 2.dis开头的词 disagreeable discontent disgraceful dishonest dissatisfactory disagreement dishonesty discomfort disagree disbelieve discourage disroot dismask disburden disable discussion distance diaturbia disturb district distinct disply dispose d

3、isco disk discuz discuss discovery discipline 3.震撼世界的演讲幻想英语演讲稿 I dont know what that dream is that you have, I dont care how disappointing it might have been as youve been working toward that dream, but that dream that youre holding in your mind, that its possible!Some of you already know, that its

4、hard, its not easy, its hard changing your life. That in the process of working on your dreams you are going to incur a lot of disappointment, a lot of failure, a lot of pain. There are moments that you are going to doubt yourself. You said, God why is this happening to me? Im just trying to take ca

5、re of my family, trying to give them a good life, Im not trying to steal or rob from anybody. Why does this have to happen to me. For those of you that have experienced some hardships dont give up on your dream.The rough times are gonna come, but they have not come to stay, they have come to pass. G

6、reatness, is not this wonderful, esoteric, illusive, God like feature that only the special among can achieve. Its something that truly exists, in all of us. Its very important for you to believe that you are the one!Most people they raise a family, they earn a living and then they die. They stop gr

7、owing, they stop working on themselves, they stop stretching, the stop pushing themselves. Then a lot of people like to complain but they dont wanna do anything about their situation. And most people dont work on their dreams why?1. Is because of fear, fear of failure “what if things dont work out“?

8、2. Is fair of success “what if they do and I cant handle it?”These are not risk takersYou have spent so much time with other people, you have spent so much time trying to get people to like you, you know other people more than you know yourself. Youve studied them, you know about them, you want to h

9、ang out with them, you want to be just like them. Youve invested so much time on them, you dont know who you are. I challenge you to spend time by yourself.Its necessary, that you get the losers out of your life, if you want to live your dream. But people who are running towards their dreams, life h

10、as a special kind of meaning. When you become the right-person, what you do is you start separating yourself from other people you begin to have a certain uniqueness, as long as you follow other people, as long as you are being a copy-cat, you will never ever be the best copy-cat in the world but yo

11、u will be the best you can be!I challenge you to define your value.Everybody wont see it, everybody wont join you, everybody wont have the visionits necessary to know that you are an uncommon breed. Its necessary that you align yourself with people and attract people into your business, who are hung

12、ry, people who are unstoppable and unreasonable, people who are refusing to live life just as it is and who want more!The people that are living their dreams are parting with winners, to attach themselves to the and the people who are living their dreams are the people that know that if its going to

13、 happen its up to them!If you want to be more successful, if you want to have and do stuff you never done before then Im asking you to invest in you!Someones opinion of you does not have to become your reality.You dont have to go through life being a victim. And even though you face disappointments,

14、 you have to know within yourself that I can do this, even if no one else sees it for me, I must see it for myself!No matter how bad it is, how hard it gets, say to yourself, Im going to make it!I wanna represent an idea. I wanna represent possibilities. Some of you right now, you wanna go to the ne

15、xt level. You wanna be a civil engineer, you wanna council, you wanna be a doctor.Listen to me: You cant get to that level. You cant get to that level until you start to invest in your mindI dare you to invest in your mind.I dare you to invest time.I dare you to be alone.I dare you to spend an HOUR

16、alone to get to know yourself.I challenge you to get to a place where people do not like or do not even bother you anymore. Why? Because youre not concerned with making them happy anyway. Because youre trying to blow up. Youre trying to get to the next level. Because youre investing in your mind.If

17、youre still talking about your dream and your goals but you have not done anything just TAKE THE FIRST STEP.You can make your parents proud, you can make your school proud you can touch millions of peoples lives and the world will never be the same again because you came this way. Dont let anybody s

18、teal your dream!After we face a rejection and a “no” or we have a meeting and no one shows up, or somebody says “you can cou。 4.跪求一篇“一企业团结的文章”,我很急用 企业文化次要包括两部分内容,一个是企业核心价值观,一个是企业利益。 各个企业的价值观是不一样的。不管一样不一样,就像我们攀珠穆朗玛峰一样,最重要上到山顶。 核心价值观的意思是要上到山顶,你可以从南坡上,也可以从北坡上,但是不能一半人从南坡上,一半人从北坡上。要让员工了解什么是本人能得到的,什么是坚决不能

19、碰的。 渐渐地,全都就构成了。企业还要求实、进取。 能不能说到做到、能不能使政策顺当上行下达,这都是求实。进取就不用说了,假如不努力进取很难生存。 怎样能够发觉人、用好人、留住人,这是企业家共同面临的一个问题。做好了,就有可能扶摇直上;假如做得不好,就可能停滞不前。 真正有力量的人来到一个企业的缘由,一个是这个企业有很大的进展空间,在这个企业工作的时候觉得有奔头;另外一个,当然他要拿到他本人认为物有所值的物质报答以及激励;第三条是在这个企业工作的时候,能够心情特别开心;第四,所在的企业有好的声望。我们本人的企业也经过这个过程,到今日这依旧是我们的严重议题。 企业文化实际是一个企业的灵魂。对于企

20、业来说,让大家在企业工作并赐予肯定激励,让大家团结全都、心情开心,这是留住人特别重要的一方面。 光有物质激励确定是不够的,让大家能够团结全都地工作,这能弥补中小企业激励方面的临时不足。真要把企业做好,企业文化是极其重要的。 在企业文化里面,有个内容叫做方法论,就是企业做事的时候,目的性要强。制定一个很高的目标,并分阶段来做。 提前把一些事想好了,然后一步步去做,最终是可以实现目标的。 5.求英语演讲稿子五句就够 The Power of the DreamWhen someone looks into your eyes they should see something alive with

21、in you. Having a dream is like owning a lighthouse1 which directs you on your journey.At every turn we come across its mystery. At each new level we become more of the person we were meant to become. In lonely times, when we pass through a storm of disappointment, we find our faith is unshaken, our

22、strength still strong.Believe in your faith. Set the vision before your eyes. Write down your most sincere dreams and when the opportunity comes, step into your dream. It may take one season or more, but the result is the same. Make big dreams and then go out and make them realities. The highest hop

23、es of the dreamer are revealed with every step taken in their journey to the impossible. For a season we must protect the dream so that it can grow quietly on the inside. But if we tenderly care for our deepest expectations, slowly but surely the dream will become new life.Dreaming is an act of fait

24、h. The light of your expectations will cast off the shadows of a disbelieving world. God has given us the dreamer as a gift to light an unbelieving world.Find your treasure within and cherish2 it. Tomorrow is waiting for you to take the first step.翻译:幻想的力气别人看你的眼睛时,他应当体会到你内心的活力。 怀揣幻想就像是拥有一座引领你前行的灯塔。每

25、个转机关头,它给我们带来奇观。 每个新的起点,我们脱胎换骨,焕然一新。孤单中我们挺过绝望的阴霾,发觉我们的信心不曾动摇,我们的力气依旧强大。 秉持信心,期盼将来。许下你最真诚的幻想,一旦机会来临,就为之拼搏。 或许要花一季甚或更多的时间,但结局不会转变。立大志,倾全力,成现实。 前途未卜,唯有一步一个脚印,幻想者的至高希冀才会实现。我们必需珍存幻想,给它一季的爱护,让它在内心悄然生发。 然而我们还得温顺呵护我们内心至深的期许,渐渐地幻想必将成就新的生命。幻想是实现信仰的第一步。 你的期盼熠熠光辉,它会驱除不信的阴影。上帝给予我们幻想的天资,去点亮不曾确信的世界。 让幻想的财宝寄于心中,珍爱它,

26、明天正等着你跨出第一步。励志小短文三:A Better TomorrowPeople often wonder why historians go to so much trouble to preserve millions of books, documents and records.Why do we have libraries? What good are these documents and history books? Why do we record and save the actions of men, the negotiations1 of government o

27、fficials and the events during wars?We do it because, sometimes, the voice of experience can cause us to stop, look and listen. Sometimes, past records, when understood in the right way, can help us decide what to do and what not to do. If we are ever to create lasting peace, we must seek its origin

28、s in human experience and in the records of human history.From the stories of courage and devotion of men and women, we create the inspirations of youth. History records the suffering, the self-denial2, the devotion, and the heroic deeds of people in the past. These records can help us when we are c

29、onfused and when we really need peace.The main purpose of history is to create a better world. History gives a warning to those who promote war, and inspiration to those who seek peace.In short, history helps us learn. Yesterdays records can keep us from repeating yesterdays mistakes. And from the p

30、ieces of mosaic4 assembled5 by historians come the great murals6 which represent the progress of mankind.翻译:一个更好的明天英语励志短文人们经常心存疑虑,为什么历史学家要费尽周折地保存数以万计的书籍、文献和记录。 我们为什么要有图书馆呢?这些文献和史书有何用处呢? 我们为什么要记载并保存人类的行为、政府官员的谈判和战斗中的大事呢?我们这么做的缘由在于有时候阅历之音能促使我们停步、观看和倾听。也由于有时候过去的记载经过正确地诠释,能关心我们打算何事可为、何事不行为。 假如我们想要制造永久的和平,我们就必需从人类的阅历以及人类历史的记载中去探究其渊源。从体现男性和女性英勇和奉献精神的故事之中,我们获得了青春的启示。 英语短文历史记载着人类的一切苦难、克己、忠实和勇敢的事迹。这些记载在我们困惑和渴望和平常能对我们有所关心。 历史的次要目的是制造一个愈加美妙的世界。历史对那些力主战斗的人给以警告,赐予那些寻求和平的人以启示。 简而言之,历史关心我们学习。昨日的记载可以使我们避开重蹈覆辙。 这些历史学家们创作的像马赛克一样颜色绚丽的历史片断汇聚成了代表人类进步的宏大壁画。

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