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1、Now the test will begin.1. A) $ 116. B) $ 150. C) $ 115. D) $ 126. 2. A) He cant explain the instructions clearly. B) He speaks too fast. C) He doesnt understand the instructions clearly. D) He is deaf. 3. A) John is a close friend of the womans. B) John is the best hairdresser in town. C) John is a

2、 hairdresser. D) John often helps the woman. 4. A) New York. B) Rome. C) Paris. D) San Francisco. 5. A) Sitting on her desk. B) Sitting at her desk. C) Standing near her desk. D) Walking on her desk.Conversation 1 6. A) The tree was broken. B) All the leaves fell down. C) One of the branches fell do

3、wn. D) The tree was cut down. 7. A) Good. B) Terrible. C) Worse. D) Wet. Conversation 2 8. A) She was troubled by a difficult mathematics question. B) She was worded about next Monday. C) She was afraid to take part in an examination. D) She was excited about the coming exam. 9. A) The exam is very

4、easy. B) Be relaxed and calm and she will make it. C) It is necessary to bring a dictionary with her. D) It is possible to discuss questions with others during the exam. 10. A) Some draft papers. B) Papers with some information. C) Dictionaries. D) Reference books.11. On what date did the house catc

5、h fire? The house caught fire on _, 1982. 12. Why did the old woman have trouble in walking? Because she was in _. 13. Who put the fire out? _. 14. whom was the man going to give the gifts to? He was on his way to give gifts to _. 15. what happened to the house at last? The house _.16. In spite of w

6、hat we said, he refused to _ to the police station. A) give away B) give off C) give himself away D) give himself up 17. It is imperative that the students _writing their papers by the end of the month. A) finish B) must finish C) will finish D) are to finish 18. I invited Tom and Ann to dinner, but

7、 _ of them came. A) both B) none C) either D) neither 19. The heart is an important organ of circulation _ function is to pump blood to all parts of the body. A) which B) whose C) of it D) its 20. _ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all. A) when compared B)

8、 Compare C) While comparing D) Comparing 21. Training astronauts _ not an easy thing. A) are B) is C) were D) be 22. Would you be _ by the idea of going to Paris? A) exciting B) excitably C) excited D) excitedly 23. There is no _ that women are playing an important role in the world today. A) of den

9、y B) to denying C) denying D) of denying 24. I am rather concerned _ her, for I havent heard from her since last winter. A) of B) at C) with D) about 25. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _ your advice. A) had followed B) would follow C) follow D) have followed26. Flying across the A

10、tlantic for the first time was a great (achieve) _ 27. The number of students in our department (be) _ more than 500. 28. The lecture was so (bore) _ that everyone went to sleep. 29. I am sorry that I have kept you (wait) _ for so long. 30. He made a suggestion that they (visit) _ their friends in N

11、ew York. 31. Youre always forgetting your assignments. Youre a very (forget) _ person. 32. Not only the students but also their teacher (have) _ participated in that football game. 33. Things got so bad (recent) _ that he decided to take a vacation in Greece. 34. It is a pity that those skirts are n

12、ot (avail) _ in your color and size. 35. When I arrived at the theatre, all the tickets (sell) _ out.36. Which of the following arguments is TRUE according to the article? A) The classical Greeks did not know the existence of suicide. B) Suicide has always been prevalent in all parts of the world. C

13、) In todays society, there are quite a number of people who commit suicide. D) Nowadays suicide is not as common as it was in the past. 37. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a motive for suicide? A) Insanity. B) Pressure. C) The need for attention. D) Great anger. 38. Which of the following

14、 statements is NOT true? A) People who want to take their own lives often disguise their feelings. B) It is difficult to describe what kind of people tend to commit suicide. C) Suicide has been a problem in most cities since ancient times. D) People who commit suicide all share certain characteristi

15、cs. 39. The word “benevolent” (Line 3, Para. 3) means _. A) relevant B) kind C) serious D) effective 40. The third paragraph mainly tells us that _. A) a network of centers has been quite effective in reducing suicide B) a network of centers help the callers to realize that suicide is a common socia

16、l problem C) people are making efforts to help those who tend to commit suicide and in a way, they are successful D) in the US, people who want to commit suicide call a network of centers to get help Task 241. What were those American women tested for during the whole month? A) For the selection of

17、the responsible persons. B) For the condition of different group of the women. C) To see if they were suitable for the space work. D) To see how they would react to conditions like those aboard the space shuttle. 42. From the passage we can learn that _. A) many women wanted to take part in the test

18、s B) the pay was important for the women C) the women often quarreled with each other so they had to tolerate each other D) they could drink some wine after work 43. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) They had to stand under the pressure three times the force of gravity. B) Ten days later

19、 in the test, they had to spend other twenty days in bed. C) During the whole test, they suffered backaches and other discomforts. D) Some of the women suffered great loss of calcium. 44. According to the passage, A) the women stayed together during the whole test B) most of the women taking part in

20、 the test are very active C) before the test, the women enjoyed smoking and drinking D) all the women taking part in the test traveled to space at last 45. What is the best title for this passage? A) Womens Power B) An Unforgettable Experience C) Tests Show Women Suited for Space Travel D) Man Shoul

21、d Not Travel to Space Any More Task 3 Directions: The following is a letter with complaint. After reading it, you are required to complete the outline below it (No. 46 to No. 50). You should write your answers briefly (in no more than three words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Examples:(A)第一次鸦

22、片战争 (K)国事访问 51()经济体制 ()自由贸易政策 52()中英联合声明 ()高度的自治权 53()九龙半岛 ()第一任行政长官 54()立法委员会 ()领事馆 55()文化参赞 ()外交惯例 Task 556. Which day is the World No Tobacco Day? It is _ every year. 57. What is the World No Tobacco Day theme for 2003? It is _ Tobacco Free Fashion Action. 58. Who were invited to join the worldwi

23、de movement to rid films of their tobacco-promoting role? Many famous _. 59. What is the main idea of this report? It is the introduction to the World _ theme for 2003. 60. Who is calling to the entertainment industry to ensure their responsibility? They are _ and the Smoke Free Films project at the

24、 University of California in San Francisco.61. In terms of the economic situation, the policy has been largely ineffective. A)在这一阶段对经济进行改革的形势下,这一政策的作用不大。 B)就如何提高经济水平而言,这个政策很大程度上作用不大。 C)就改进经济形势方面而言,这个政策很大程度上作用不大。 D)就改进经济形势方面而言,这个政策很大程度上发挥了很大的作用。 62. Seen from space, our earth, with water covering 70%

25、 of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”. A)如果从太空中看地球的话,地球像一个蓝色的行星,而且地球的表面70%都是水。 B)地球表面的70%都被水覆盖着,从太空中看地球,它就像一颗蓝色的行星。 C)从太空上看我们的地球,它的表面的70%都被水覆盖着,看上去像一颗蓝色的行星。 D)从太空中看到地球的表面的70%都是水,它是一个蓝色的行星。 63. One should always keep in mind the old truth “First impressions are lasting”. A)人们应当永远把这个古老的真理记在心中,即“

26、先入为主”。 B)人们应当经常记住这样一句俗语“先人为主”。 C)人们应当永远记住这样一句俗语“一见钟情”。 D)人们应当经常记住“一见钟情”这个古老的法则。 64. Statistics show that the average family size increases in inverse ratio to the mothers years of education. A)统计数字表明,按平均数计算,母亲受教育年限越长,她的家庭人口就越少。 B)统计数字表明,家庭平均人口的增长与母亲受教育的年限成反比。 C)统计数字表明,母亲受教育的时间越长,她的家庭就越大。 D)统计数字表明,母亲

27、受教育的水平随着她的家庭人口的增多而增高。 65. Dear Sirs, We are pleased to recommend you Shanghai Carpet, which is available for export at present. This product has been widely sold to various markets abroad, and we believe that there is also a demand for it at your end. Now we enclose a copy of our catalogue for your

28、reference. Please study it and let us know your comments, so that we may discuss the business possibilities. Direction: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Notice according to the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to write it in no l

29、ess than 80 words on the Composition/Translation Sheet. 事由:秋游 参加者:一年级新生 活动内容: 上午:参观植物园并看人与自然的展览 下午:颐和园 集合时间和地点:l2月27日上午7:00;校大门口 注意事项: 1)自带午餐 2)参加者在本周四前到学生会报名 Words for reference: the botanical garden植物园试卷答案Part I Listening Comprehension Section A 1. M: Where are you going on vacation this summer? W: A nice place called Montague ap

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