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5、为一项语言能力,如果不运用的话就会失去学习它的意义。所以我提倡通过运用的方式来学习。不管是阅读词汇,还是听力、口语、写作词汇,都要运用才能掌握。阅读词汇的运用就是读文章。听力词汇的运用就是听。口语词汇和写作词汇的运用就是说出来、写出来。希望大家别仅仅是背单词,然后忘记,然后又背,又忘。而是要用,才不会忘,并且越用越活,越用越熟。易筋经之阅读技巧篇如何突破长句结构名词后跟动词的过去分词,先不读,找后面是否有谓语,有则不读此过去分词。没有则此过去分词是谓语的过去式3 t r% B T V: % P# I如:Government agencies charged with protecting th

6、e environment were assured by Alyeska and Exxon that such a pipeline was unnecessary because.Alyeska and Exxon assured government agencies charged with protecting the environment that.划分清楚长句的结构,尤其是并列的从句1、 n1,n2,n3.处理方法是挑一个认识的去读就可以了。比如Aggressive behavior is intended to cause injury,pain,suffering,dam

7、age,or destruction.只要认识pain,知道它是伤痛的意思,就可以猜出其它几个并列的词的意思也和这个词相近。在阅读里面句子和句子或者单词和单词的关系只有两种:顺承和转折。这一堆词是顺承的关系,它们的意思实际上差不多,都表示负面影响。所以只要挑其中一个认识的来读,就可以避免看到生词,节约时间。2、n1 of n2 of n3处理方法:首先看n1 of n2结构,比如Beijing is the capital of China。实际上说的是Beijing is the capital, capital 修饰的是n1,不是n2。同样n2也是修饰n1的。因此核心词是n1,读的时候就只

8、读n1。如果是n1 of n2 of n3这种情况,核心词还是n1,后面的n2,n3.全是修饰成分。修饰关系是从后往前推。n3修饰n2,n2修饰n1。此种结构例如An understanding of the derivation of the word competition supports that.应该读成An understanding supports that.而the word competition 修饰derivation,derivation 修饰an understanding。这些表修饰的部分就省略不读了。3、n1 or n2 和 n1 and n2处理方法:不要把o

9、r想成或,不要把and想成和。and 和 or都是表顺承的词。所以n1和n2都说的是一回事,只要挑一个认识的读了就行了。比如Base-20,or vigesimal,systems are less used.vigesimal这个词很可能不认识,就不用管它,因为没有意义。既然n1和n2说的是一回事,就直接看Base-20,意思是基于20.的系统,如果带入到原文中就很容易理解为基于20进制的系统。而实际上vigesimal与之意思相同。不管多少名词并列,肯定会出现一个or或者and。比如中文是n1和n2和n3和n4和n5,英文表述是n1,n2,n3,n4,and n5。处理方法也一样。4、A

10、such as B,C,D 或 such A as B,C,D处理方法:两种其实是一样的,不过是换一种表述。它的本质其实是A。遇到它们就只读A,不读BCD。比如Verbal attacks such as screaming and shouting or belittling and humiliating comments can also be a type of aggression.直接看成Verbal attacks can also be a type of aggression.口头攻击也是一种侵略性行为的类型。5、In addition to.,.It is not just

11、.,.Rather than.,.Although/while.,.处理方法:In addition toA,B 的意思是除了A还有A。这个A往往就是上文提到的,而B就是要附加的。所以遇到In addition to.,.这种结构就找逗号,只读逗号后面的内容,In addition to 和逗号之间的.就不读。It is not just.,.意思是不止.,还有.。处理方法也是找逗号,读逗号后面的。Rather than.,.意思是与其.不如.。遇到这种也是找逗号,然后读逗号后面的。解释一下,前面的In addition to 强调的是逗号后面的内容。In addition to,那个to后面

12、的内容一定是前面讲过的内容,所以不用读。而It is not just.后面的不读,是因为表示否定。否定的内容一般不作为出题点。因为如果否定的地方作为出题点,答案往往不唯一。Although/While.,.也是读逗号后面的。因为although和while表示让步,所以前后的词语就是转折的关系。相当于把although和while去掉,把逗号换成but,实际上作者想强调的是but后面的。(文章中but后面的一定是重点)。Cooperation,rather than evoking a characteristic at the opposite extreme of human natur

13、e from competition, is in reality a necessary factor in competition.看到有rather than马上找逗号,在后面competition后面。直接翻译为合作是竞争的必要因素。rather than后面的复杂结构就不用管它了。6、more.than.处理方法:more A than B。与其B不如A,强调的是A。读的时候than后面的东西全部扔掉,只读A。比如More first-borns have served in the U.S. Congress and as U.S.presidents than have thos

14、e born in other birth-order positions.只读More first-borns have served in the U.S. Congress and as U.S.presidents .7、as well as = and处理方法:直接看成and,去掉逗号,然后找并列。8、主语,.,谓语宾语 或 主语谓语,.,宾语处理方法:这两种表示一个句子没完就被隔开了。遇到这种,就直接找那两个逗号,两个逗号中间的不读,前后的连起来读就可以了。Aggression Aggressive behavior is any behavior that is intended

15、 to cause injury, pain, suffering, damage, or destruction. While aggressive behavior is often thought of as purely physical, verbal attacks such as screaming and shouting or belittling and humiliating comments aimed at causing harm and suffering can also be a type of aggression. What is key to the d

16、efinition of aggression is that whenever harm is inflicted, be it physical or verbal, it is intentional.Questions about the causes of aggression have long been of concern to both social and biological scientists. Theories about the causes of aggression cover a broad spectrum, ranging from those with

17、 biological or instinctive emphases to those that portray aggression as a learned behavior.Numerous theories are based on the idea that aggression is an inherent and natural human instinct. Aggression have been explained as an instinct that is directed externally toward others in a process called di

18、splacement, and it has been noted that aggressive impulses that are not channeled toward a specific person or group may be expressed indirectly through socially acceptable activities such as sports and competition in a process called catharsis. Biological or instinctive, theories of aggression have

19、also been put forth by ethologists, who study the behavior of animals in their natural environments. A number of ethologists have, based upon their observations of animals, supported the view that aggression is an innate instinct common to humans.Two different schools of though exist among those who

20、 view aggression as instinct. One group holds the view that aggression can build up spontaneously, with or without outside provocation, and violent behavior will thus result, perhaps as a result of little or no provocation. Another suggests that aggression is indeed an instinctive response but that,

21、 rather than occurring spontaneously and without provocation, it is a direct response to provocation from an outside source.In contrast to instinct theories, social learning theories view aggression as a learned behavior. This approach focuses on the effect that role models and reinforcement of beha

22、vior can be learned through a combination of modeling and positive reinforcement of the aggressive behavior and that children are influenced by the combined forces of observing aggressive behavior in parents, peers, or fictional role models and of noting either positive reinforcement for the aggress

23、ive behavior or , minimally, a lack of negative reinforcement for the behavior. While research has provided evidence that the behavior of a live model is more influential than that of a fictional model, fictional models of aggressive behavior such as those seen in movies and on television, do still

24、have an impact on behavior. On-screen deaths or acts of violent behavior in certain television programs or movies can be counted in the tens, or hundreds, or even thousands; while some have argued that this sort of fictional violence does not in and of itself cause violence and may even have a benef

25、icial cathartic effect, studies have shown correlations between viewing of violence and incidences of aggressive behavior in both childhood and adolescence. Studies have also shown that it is not just the modeling of aggressive behavior in either its real-life or fictional form that correlates with

26、increased acts of violence in youths; a critical factor in increasing aggressive behaviors is the reinforcement of the behavior. If the aggressive role model is rewarded rather than punished for violent behavior, that behavior is more likely to be seen as positive and is thus more likely to be imita

27、ted.解读:Aggressive behavior is any behavior that is intended to causeinjury, pain, suffering, damage, or destruction. 后面的五个并列名词只挑一个简单的去读就行了,读成Aggressive behavior is any behavior that is intended to causeinjury。Whileaggressive behavior is often thought of as purely physical, verbal attacks such as scr

28、eaming and shouting or belittling and humiliating comments aimed at causing harm and suffering can also be a type of aggression. What is key to the definition of aggression is that whenever harm is inflicted, be it physical or verbal, it is intentional.遇到wihle,就找后面的逗号,因为wihle后面一直到verbal attack之间的内容,

29、和verbal attack后面的内容是转折关系。while表示让步,所以可以理解为把while去掉,后面的逗号换成but。就成了aggressive behavior is often thought of as purely physicalbutverbal attacks.看到没有,作者实际上想强调的是but后面的,或者是逗号后面的,所以只从verbal attacks开始读就可以了。verbal attacks后面有such as,就只读such as 前面的名词。后面的名词全部省略不读,一直到can also be.所以应该读成verbal attacks can also be

30、a type of aggression. What is key to the definition of aggression is that定义攻击性行为的关键在于whenever harm is inflicted, 不管什么时候造成伤害,be it physical or verbal, 不管是物理上的还是口头上的伤害,it is intentional.关键是故意的。Questions about the causes of aggression have long been of concern to both social and biological scientists.攻

31、击性行为的起因长期困扰了social and biological scientists.文中both提醒下面会说道两种情况,并且可以猜测出重点会讲到起因。外国人的思维是总是文中直接给出观点,而不是说一大堆无用的铺垫,最后再引出观点。或者可以是先直接给出观点,然后再说一大堆说明性语言。所以首句就是表明观点的句子,很重要。 尤其是在议论文中,每段第一句话通常都暗示此段会讲到什么,文中首段通常表明作者观点。Theories about the causes of aggression cover a broad spectrum, ranging from those with biologica

32、l or instinctive emphasesto those that portray aggression as a learned behavior.你看,开始讲起因了。spectrum不认识,看后面,ranging 分词做后置定语。逗号前后两个句子是顺承关系。ranging后面整句话都在解释broad spectrum,解释为ranging from . to .。文中两个those都是指代theories。此句就很容易理解了。.的起因很广,从.理论到描述攻击性行为为一种后天学习的行为的理论。biological or instinctive emphases中两个名词是并列关系,所以不认识instinctive emphases不要紧,只读biological就可以了。所以,此段讲了两个起因,instinctive先天的和learned后天的。Numerous theories ar

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