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Windchill 监控工具.docx

1、Windchill 监控工具windchill 系统管理之 -Windchill 监控工具 java默认监控工具Jconsole监控methodserver的运行情况:service:jmx:rmi:/:6049/jndi/rmi:/:6049/jmxrmi监控tomcat的运行情况:service:jmx:rmi:/:8999/jndi/rmi:/:8999/jmxrmiwindchill 系统管理之 -Windchill Release 操作工具 发布历史记录:发布管理工具目录:重启terminate的ESI流程:先把EC状态设成Cancelled,再执行 XXX是EC Numberwt.

2、load.LoadFromFile 参数解释-d Full pathname of file with data to be loaded.-m Full pathname of file with mapping of attribute names to sequence of data in the data file.-o Not currently implemented. To be a trace or recovery file.-t The token used to delimit fields of data in the data file.-g A string us

3、ed with the object name (the first field) from the data file to key into the mapdata file. The line in the map data file will then contain the method name to pass this information to and the ordered list of fieldnames to match with the line in the data file.-u The user to execute the method, if no u

4、ser is given in the line from the data file.-p Specifies the password for the authenticating user. The password argument is optional for the command line, however, the LoadFromFile utility will prompt for user authentication using a pop-up window.-CONT_PATH Specifies the target container for the dat

5、a when the target container is not Exchange. By default, the target container is Exchange.cmd_line - Name/Value variables that can be substituted into the data from the data file. windchill 系统管理之 - 密码管理 windchill中很多配置文件使用明文管理,特别是比较敏感的密码。但是在WC10中增加了关于如果进行明文加密的功能,可以说是一个漏掉的修复。一.对明文加密1.使用xconfmanager进行加

6、密1 修改/bin/adminTools/sip/validProperties.list ,将要加密的properties key加到这个文件中2 执行/bin/xconfmanager s = p命令,进行加密和传播2.使用EncryptPasswords进行加密1 修改/bin/adminTools/sip/validProperties.list ,将要加密的properties key加到这个文件中2 执行/bin/adminTools/sip/EncryptPasswords.xml encryptPw DpropertyName=-Dpassword= 进行加密WC10的Ajax

7、 Request对象的构建函数/ Dynamic object creation - minding the namespace issues.var pAjax = new Object();pAjax.ContentLoader = function(url, onload, onerror, method, params) / Where url is . the url / Where onload is the callback function on success / Where onerror is a custom error handler on failure / Whe

8、re method is either GET or POST / Where params are form parameters to be passed to the url this.url = url; this.req = null; this.shouldContinue = true; / pass the reference to the callback function this.onload = onload; this.onerror = (onerror) ? onerror : this.defaultError this.shouldContinue = thi

9、s.loadXMLDoc(url, method, params); return this.shouldContinue;/简单处理response值var urlValue = netmarkets/jsp/plan/planMilestonesAssociate.jsp;var params = selectedProject=+oid;var loader = new ajax.ContentLoader(urlValue, null, null, POST, params);var data = loader.req.responseText;document.getElementB

10、yIdx_x(milestonePikcer).innerHTML = data;/通过设置返回值处理函数处理response值function dashboardOrgPickerCallBack(objects)if(document.getElementByIdx_x(containerOrgTypeList$label$) != null) document.getElementByIdx_x(containerOrgTypeList$label$).value = objects.pickedObject0.orgId;var jspName=netmarkets/jsp/workf

11、low/fetchActualObject.jsp;var fullURL = jspName;var selection =OrgName=+objects.pickedObject0.orgId;var loader = new ajax.ContentLoader(fullURL, organizationValue, null, POST, selection);function organizationValue() if (this.req.readyState = 4) if (this.req.status = 200) var response = new String(th

12、is.req.responseText);var temp1=response.split(OR);var result=OR+temp11;setContainerToRefineContextPicker(result);关于使用task创建文档及附件的几种方法(2012-11-20 11:06:32)标签:tasksadd-contentitem杂谈关于使用task创建文档及附件的几种方法: 1.通过上传附件,在session中设置BLOB_COUNT=12.通过URL获取inputstream3.通过本地文件对于第一种方法,有很多OOTB的例子,这里就忽略,重点说后两钟。关于URL:

13、.URL neturl = new .URL(url);.HttpURLConnection connection = (.HttpURLConnection)neturl.openConnection();connection.setRequestMethod(GET);byte b = Base64.encode( user_password.getBytes(UTF-8) );String s = new String( b, UTF-8 );connection.setInstanceFollowRedirects(false);connection.setRequestPropert

14、y(Authorization, Basic + s);connection.connect();com.infoengine.object.IeMultipartInputStream inputstream = new com.infoengine.object.IeMultipartInputStream(connection.getInputStream(),application/octet-stream, fileName, fileName);setInputStream(inputstream);关于本地文件: STAGED_FILE_ID 和 STAGING_AREA必须成对

15、出现,其中STAGING_AREA是相对路径,实际读取文件系统会拼接一个绝对路径出来: wt.adapter.stagingAreaRoot/STAGING_AREA/username其中wt.adapter.stagingAreaRoot是wt.properties里面的一个属性,默认值是在WT_HOME/tmp目录,username就是执行这个tasks的用户名STAGING_AREA可以是多级目录下面附录Add-ContentItems的详细说明:data=$(SERVERaccept_language)/data=$(SERVERauthorization0)/ATTRIBUTESpe

16、cifies the attributes to be returned in the output group for each object. Multiplevalues can be specified for this parameter. If this parameter is not specified, adefault set of attributes is returned. The default set of attributes for a type isconfigured in a DefaultAttributes property value of the

17、 file. If a DefaultAttributes property is not defined,all attributes of all objects are returned. This parameter is optional.AUTHORIZATIONSpecifies a valid HTTP Authorization header value. Only HTTP basicAuthentication is supported. If specified, this parameter serves

18、as the source of theusername and password to associate with the execution of the webject, andDBUSER and PASSWD are ignored. If credentials are not supplied via theAUTHORIZATION/DBUSER/PASSWD parameters, Info*Engine attempts toprovide values for these parameters by way of its credentials mappingmecha

19、nism.Note: In a standard Windchill installation, request signing is always configured,which means the server will trust the user name supplied to the webserver forauthentication. This user name will be used during webject invocation routed tothe local Windchill and the DBUSER, PASSWD, and AUTHORIZAT

20、IONparameter values will be ignored. For more information about authentication anduser authentication specifications, see the Info*Engine Users Guide.CONNECTION_ATTEMPTSDefines the maximum number of times to attempt establishing a connection to anadapter before returning an error. The default value

21、is 1. This parameter isoptional.If multiple INSTANCE parameter values are specified, the value ofCONNECTION_ATTEMPTS defines the maximum number of times to iteratethrough the list of adapter instances.4-10 Windchill Adapter GuideCONNECTION_ATTEMPT_INTERVALDefines the amount of time, in seconds, to d

22、elay between connection attemptswhen connections to a Windchill system are failing. The default value is 60seconds. This parameter is optional.If multiple INSTANCE parameter values are specified, the value ofCONNECTION_ATTEMPT_INTERVAL defines the number of seconds to waitbetween the attempts to ite

23、rate through the entire list of adapter instances.CONTAINER_REFSpecifies a Windchill container to apply the webject against. This parameteraccepts the following types of input: The UFID of a Windchill container. Multiple UFIDs can be specified for thisparameter. MEMBERSHIP - Specifying MEMBERSHIP as

24、 the value for this parametercauses for the query to find only those containers of which the user is amember.When this parameter is specified, the scope of queries executed against the TYPEand WHERE parameters are restricted to the associated container.DBUSERThe DBUSER webject specifies the user nam

25、e to use when authenticating to theWindchill system. For this parameter to be applied, PASSSWD must also bespecified. If AUTHORIZATION is specified, DBUSER and PASSWD areignored. If credentials are not supplied via theAUTHORIZATION/DBUSER/PASSWD parameters, Info*Engine attempts toprovide values for

26、these parameters by way of its credentials mappingmechanism.Note: In a standard Windchill installation, request signing is always configured,which means the server will trust the user name supplied to the web server forauthentication. This user name will be used during webject invocation routed toth

27、e local Windchill and the DBUSER, PASSWD, and AUTHORIZATIONparameter values will be ignored.For more information about authentication and user authentication specifications,see the Info*Engine Users Guide.DESCRIPTIONSpecifies the description of a corresponding content item. Each instance of theDESCR

28、IPTION parameter corresponds to a content item and specifies thedescription of that content item. If no DESCRIPTION parameters are specified,the description of the content items defaults to an empty string. Similarly, if thereare fewer DESCRIPTION parameters than content items, empty strings areimpl

29、icitly added to the list of DESCRIPTION parameters. This parameter isoptional.The Webject Library 4-11DESCRIPTORSpecifies the name of an attribute to be included in the command filter of theunderlying command executed by a webject. This parameter may be specifiedmore than once to identify multiple a

30、ttribute names to be included in the filter.These are the attributes that will be returned in database queries executed by theunderlying command. In most cases, this set of attributes is combined with the setof attributes identified by ATTRIBUTE parameters. However, ATTRIBUTEparameters also determine the set of attributes returned in each element of awebjects output group while DESCRIPTOR parameters help control the businessobject attributes selected from the database by Windchill comm

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