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1、A. Neither B. None C . Each D. Any29.一Could you go to the bookshop with me? I want to buy Secret Garden-an inky treasure huntand coloring book.一Sorry,I . I promised Mum to go home right after school.A. mustnt B. neednt C. cant D. couldnt30.一How is Susan?一Oh,she lives abroad, so I even see her .A. ha

2、rdly B. greatly C. really D. nearly31.一The fire at around 3 a. m. local time when people were celebrating with fireworks.一I am sorry to hear that.A. ran out B. went out C. put out D. broke out32.一Have you ever read the book Jane Eyre?一Yes. Its a famous book and it is really worth .A. to be read B. t

3、o read C. being read D. reading33.一It is reported that the Chinese womens volleyball team got the champion in the Rio Olympic Games.一 exciting news!A. How B. How an C. What D. What an34. My family always go somewhere interesting the holiday begins.A. as goon as B. unless C. so that D. though35. Prac

4、tice mare, you will do better in singing English songs. A. but B. or C. and D. so36. Neither the headmaster nor the teachers take a vacation next week. A. were going to B. are going toC. was going to D. is going to37.一Your uncle looks weak these days.一Yes .were sure something is wrong with him aced

5、we doubt the disease can be cured.A. if; whether B. that; that C. whether; if D. that; whether38. He practiced even harder and got the coach his mind.A. change B. changes C. to change D. changed39.一What did Tom say to you just now,John? 一He asked . A. why I am so happy today B. what will I do for th

6、e weekend C. who did I play football with after school D. if I could go to the movies with him tonight40.一Id like to choose yellow as the color of our bedroom.一 The color brings me a warm and comfortable feeling.A. Sounds great. B. I cant decide. C. In your dreams. D. No way.B)完形填空 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后

7、在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,将其编号填入答题卷相对应的空格内。 SuperheroesA superhero is a fictional(虚拟)character with special power. Superheroes have 41 in many comic books around the world. 42 the first Superman story was written in the USA in 1938. But more recently they have 43 better known as film characters. 4

8、4 superhero powers are quite different,superhuman strength and the ability to fly are common . 45 superheroes do sot have special powers but have 46 other important abilities. In order to protect friends and family ,a superheros identity(身份)is always 47 secret, which often means superheroes have a d

9、ouble life. 48 have been more successful superheroes in other countries than he USA. Exampies include Cybersix from Argentina and the heroes of AK Comics from Egypt. Japan is the only country that has created as many superhero characters as the USA. 49 most Japanese superheroes are short-lived. Japa

10、nese companies 50 introduce new characters while American companies recreate supercroes, hoping they will stay popular.41. A. shown B. entered C. come D. appeared42. A. until B. since C. from D. before43. A. become B. returned C. changed D. grown44. A. Because B. If C. Although D. So45. A. Each B. S

11、ome C. Another D. Both46. A. made B. increased C. prepared D. developed47. A. held B. put C. kept D. got48. A. These B. That C. There D. Those49. A. And B. Or C. So D. However50. A. often B. never C. seldom D. sornetirnes三、阅读理解(共12小题;每小题2分,满分24分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项,把其编号填入答题卷相对应的空格内。A

12、My Favorite Sweater By Bonnie Highsmith TaylorMy favorite sweater grew too small.I love that sweater best of all.My grandma made it when I was three.She made that sweater just for me.I picked the yarn(纱线),a special blue.The color of bluebells(风铃花),When I was three I was very small.But now Im five an

13、d much too tall.I have a new jacket now thats greenSo I gave my sweater to our cat Queen.Queen just gave birth to kittens in her room.My favorite sweater is now their bed.51. Who made the sweater?A. The grandma. B. Miss Taylor. C. The kittens. D. The cat Queen.52. The underlined word kittens in this

14、 poem most probably means .A. a kind of food B. baby cats C. a kind of drink D. beds for babiesB53. The advertisement says the computer game . A. was bought this month B. does not work on the sellers computerC. is only suitable for younger players D. is almost new and m good condition54. What should

15、 Peter do? A. Tell Stefan not to come. B. Wait for Stefan inside the cinema. C. Tell Stefan which film he wants to watch. D. Let Stefan know if he will be late.55. What can we learn from Mums note to Natasha? A. Lira wanders if Natasha has finished her history homework. B. Lina wants to compare(比较)h

16、er history homework with Natashas. C. Lina hopes to look at Natashas notes far the history homework. D. Lina needs to copy Natashas history homework.56. Why has Monica written the e-mail? A. To check if Anna is going on the trip. B. To ask Anna to book places on the trip. C. To remind Anna of the da

17、te of the trip. D. To tell the organizer theyre going on the trip.C Good food has seven important things. CARBOHYDRATES give you energy. There are carbohydrates in bread,sugar,potatoespasta and rice. FATS make you strong and give you energy. There are fats in meat,butter and cheese and oi1. VITAMINS

18、 are important for your eyes, your skin, your bones, your hair end for other partsof your body. There are thirteen types of vitamins ( A,B,C,and so on)。There are vitamins inmany types of food.PROTEIN helps you to grow and gives you energy. There is protein in meat, fish and milk. WATER is important

19、for dour blood. It also cleans your body from the inside. Drink lots ofwater every day!MINERALS make your hones and teeth strong. There are different types of minerals in milk,vegetables , eggs, meat, cereals and many other foods.FIBER cleans the inside of your body . There is fiber in nuts, beans a

20、nd cereals.We are what we eat. Hamburgers,French fries and hoc dogs are usually high in carbohydrates, high in sugar and salt, high in fats but low in fiber and vitamins. Why not keep away from them ? Be friends with good food and stay healthy.57. Which of the following cant give you energy ? A. Car

21、bohydrates. B. Fats. C. Protein. D. Fiber.58. What can clean the inside of our body?A. Minerals and water. B. Fats and water.C. Vitamins and water. D. Fiber and water.59. The best title for the article is . A. Stay Away from Junk Food B. Eat Well and Stay HealthyC. Important Things D. Good FoodD My

22、Job at a Summer Camp, by Charlie Rose Every year I work at a summer camp for kids and I really enjoy seeing the children do thingsthey never thought they could do. Nearly all the kids know how to swim and play table-tennis before they come, but things like rock climbing are new experiences for most.

23、 Some of them are vervous , but after a bit of encouragement,they agree to try and they all get to the tap in the end,which makes them feel great. The kids stay several weeks and some do miss home. You might expect it to be the really young ones who feel like that the most but its actually the ten t

24、o thirteen-year-olds. We dont let them use their mobile phones all the time. First we tell them they can phone home after lunch. Then when they ask again, usually after dinner, we say its a bit too late to phone and suggest doing it the next day. Most children are fine in a couple of days and at the

25、 end of their stay, its amazing many students came and thank us because they have had a great time. Its hat just the children who get lonely. We get parents who are on the phone the whole time.asking how their child is getting on,which is quite unnecessary. Often their son or daughter will be busy,p

26、laying games or doing something else,so we have to tell parents to ring back another time. 60. What is the writer trying to do in this text? A. Ta describe how children make friends at a summer camp. B. To suggest how parents should choose a summer camp far children. C. To explain what it is like fo

27、r children at a summer camp. D. Ta advise children how to behave at a summer camp.61 .What surprises the writer about the children why stay at the camp? A. The youngest ones end it hard to be away from home. B. They camplain that they cannot phone their parents. C. They miss meal times with their pa

28、rents. D. They seem thankful for their experience here.62. What does the writer think about some parents? A. They should visit their children instead of phoning them. B. They dont need to keep on phoning the camp. C. They shouldnt allow their children to bring phones to camp. D. They need to be remi

29、nded to phone their children.四、单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 根据下列句子所给的汉语注释及句意,在答题卷标有题号的横线上,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。每空只写一词。63. There was a (日历)on the wall above, with large squares around the date.64. Do you know how the matter was (处理)with yesterday?65. The (领导)influence was so strong that many people became his fo

30、llowers.66. You ought to be much (严格的)with him. He is very naughty.67. What great difficulty he had (解决)the math problem!68. Dannys father moved to China in his (三十).Two years later, he married Dannys mother.69. All of us want to (成功)in life.70.Anyone who is the law must be punished. 一I agree. Law is fair to everyone.

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