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北师大版学年高中英语选修七同步检测Unit 21 Human Biology211含答案Word文档格式.docx

1、oppose9. The _ (年度) conference attracted lots of journalists.annual10. The presidents speech on unemployment was _ (站不住脚的)lame. 选词填空1. The teams success was largely _ Marys efforts.due to2. He had never really _ as an actor until he met the famous director.made it3. I spent three days putting up a c

2、ottage but a storm made it vain4. Its management that is at fault _ the workers.rather than5. The parents are determined to support their daughters college education all costs. 完成句子1. _, I would have learned the method earlier.如果我参加那次会议的话,我就会早些知道那个方法。Had I attended the meeting2. Were _.我们正

3、在修理车。having our car repaired3. The company is _ improve its profitability.公司正在试图提高利润。seeking to4. Joe _ the struggle.Joe积极参加了斗争。took an active part in5. He looked around and _.他环顾四周,发现一个男子正把手伸进一个乘客的口袋。caught a man putting his hand into the pocket of a passenger.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1. China Daily has nine

4、 websites in three languages and three mobile platforms, _ (form) Asias biggest network of Englishlanguage news and information.forming句意:中国日报有使用三种语言的九个网站和三个移动平台,这使它成为亚洲最大的英语新闻和信息网络。根据句意和句子结构可知,此处应用非谓语动词作结果状语,且这种结果是顺其自然的,故应用现在分词。2. The president stated that his country would not tolerate anybody _ r

5、aised a hand against their Allies.who/that分析句子结构知,空格后为定语从句。先行词为anybody,且定语从句中缺主语,故用关系代词who/that。3. The lucky fans will be picked out _ random rather than chosen beforehand to perform with the singer during the party. at“at random”随意地,固定搭配。4. Smoking leaves Sam in poor health. His wife has tried to p

6、ersuade him to quit smoking, though _“in vain”白费力气地,固定搭配。5. If we have illegal immigrants (非法移民) _ (come) in, a lot of local workers will lose their ing“have sb. doing”让某人一直做,允许或容忍某人做。6. The local people opposed _ (build) the new hotel because of the great cost.building“oppose doing sth.” 反对

7、做。7. For medical purposes, scientists have already found ways to build muscle and increase _ (strong) by changing peoples genes.strength“strength”n.力气,作increase的宾语。8. Doctors believed that there was no evidence of _ (use), though the woman claimed to have been illtreated.abuse“abuse”n.&vt.滥用,妄用,虐待。句

8、意:医生们认为没有虐待的证据,尽管那位妇女声称被虐待。9. The villagers left their home _(seek) their fortune in big seek动词不定式作目的状语,意为:为了。10. A bank is the place _ they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.where分析句子结构知,空格后为定语从句,修饰先行词place。定语从句中不缺主语和宾语,故用关系副词where。提升实战能力. 完形填

9、空Everybody has dreams. I had a _1_, too. When I slept, I would dream of living it; when I _2_, I would work for living it.One day, somebody told me, “To _3_ is better than to arrive.” Hearing this, I _4_ laughed it off, not quite understanding how that was even _5_. And I didnt realize how true it w

10、as _6_ I had what I wanted. Then I suddenly realized that the person living the dream was different from the one who had _7_ for it. Since then, I have made a great _8_ to work for the realization of my dream. _9_, I achieved what I had wanted, and I have now become a wiser, calmer, stronger and mor

11、e passionate person.The journey has _10_ me a lot. I made mistakes and learned from them. I _11_ and learned to get up again. I cried and I learned to wipe away my tears. I made friends and learned to _12_ people. I made enemies and learned to value _13_. The journey has transformed a caterpillar (毛

12、虫) into a beautiful butterfly, eagerly waiting to _14_ the world with her newlyfound wings.We all know that our _15_ isnt as perfect as it is in the fairy tales. It _16_ great ambition (志向) and courage to fulfill our dreams. But we should remember that even if _17_ gets in our way, nothing will _18_

13、 us.So friends, always remember: experience is the best _19_ and there are no guarantees that one will become an artist. Only the _20_ matters. So lets drink to a new journey. Cheers!语篇导读:人生从来都不是一帆风顺的。为了实现梦想,我们需要坚定的决心和辛苦的付出。有时候人们往往忽略了在路上的旅程,它远比到达目的地更有意义。1. AdreamBreasonCpermission DquestionA根据文章首句“E

14、verybody has dreams.”可知,作者说自己也有一个梦想(dream)。2. Ago in Bgot awayCgot back Dgot upD联系上文并结合句意可知,当作者睡觉时,她会梦见实现了梦想;当作者起床(get up)了,她会为实现梦想而工作。此处(got up)和上文中的slept相对应。3. Aescape BstruggleCtravel DreturnC根据第三段中两次提起的“The journey”可知,有人告诉作者,在路上旅行(travel)比到达目的地要更好。4. Aever BjustCeven DalmostB结合空后的“not quite unde

15、rstanding”和“didnt realize how true it was”可推知,听到那句话之后,作者只是(just)一笑了之,不太懂其中意义,也没有意识到一些东西。5. Apossible BcertainCdifficult DnecessaryA联系上下文可知,作者听到别人的一句话,不太理解那怎么可能(possible)。6. Aif BbecauseCuntil DafterC直到(until)作者拥有了自己想要的东西,她才意识到那句话多么正确。7. Apaid BworkedCwaited DpreparedB联系下文中的“to work for the realizati

16、on of my dream”可知,生活在梦想中的人和为之而努力的人是不一样的,故此处应用work。8. Aresearch BpromiseCeffort DdifferenceC联系空后的内容可知,为了实现梦想,作者付出了很大的努力(effort)。9. ANormally BRegularlyCFinally DActuallyC根据空后的“I achieved what I had wanted”,可知,经过努力,作者“最终”得到了自己想要的。10. Apleased BchangedCworried DpressedB根据第二段最后一句和下文可知,追梦之旅让作者改变(change)了

17、很多。11. Afell down Bsettled downClooked out Dfit inA根据上一句“I made mistakes and learned from them.”和本句的句意可知,作者犯了错就从中吸取教训,跌倒(fall down)了就学会爬起来。12. Asee BaskCmiss DvalueD根据上文和下一句“I made enemies and learned to value _13_.”可推知,作者交了朋友并学会了珍惜(value)。13. Aplans BchoicesClessons DconcernsC结合上文的几个排比句可推知,作者有了敌人就学

18、会了珍惜教训(lesson)。14. Asave BexploreCenjoy DimagineB作者将自己比作一只毛毛虫。旅行让一只毛毛虫蜕变成美丽的蝴蝶,带着新生的翅膀,怀着希望,等待着去“探索”世界。15. Astudy BlifeCcreation DplanB根据常识可知,我们都知道现实的人生(life)并不像童话故事中的人生那样完美。16. Aattracts BadvisesCpraises DtakesD生活并不完美,实现梦想需要壮志与勇气,故此处应用take。17. Asomething BnothingCanything DeverythingA根据上下文可知,在追求梦想的

19、旅程中,可能会有一些东西挡了我们的路。18. Apersuade BstopCmatch DcureB根据上下文可知,尽管会有困难挡了我们的去路,但没有什么能够阻止(stop)我们。19. Afruit BhopeCcourse DteacherD根据常识可知,没有什么能够保证一个人一定成为艺术家,经验才是最好的老师(teacher)。20. Ajourney BdecisionCtask DwealthA上文中提到追寻梦想的旅行过程使作者改变了很多,下文提到要为新的旅程干杯。由此可推知,此处指作者认为旅程(journey)很重要。. 阅读理解It was March 1996 when I

20、arrived in Havana. I had just turned twenty and had a million dreams in my head. I have to thank Havana for my college degree and my Masters.The first, achieved by sweating blood, I got while working at what was the Cuatro Caminos market or any place else that would allow me to finish my undergradua

21、te degree in “SocioCultural Studies”. For six years, I studied late in the afternoons and at night in the distance learning course of the University of Havana.The other degree, my masterswith the overblown title of “Science and Innovation Management” I earned with the aim of enriching my resume with

22、 the first masters program. I wanted to be better prepared for the moment that today motivates these words.Its impossible not to thank this city for its cultural life. Here I attended events that would have been impossible for me to experience in Santiago de Cuba: film festivals, theater, ballet, da

23、nce, music, exhibitions and book presentations. I also have to thank Havana for the people I met here. They are definitely good folks; they have their defects, but theyre essentially good. These are people who have managed to overcome their poverty to continue living, but in reality this is a qualit

24、y of all Cubans.Soon Ill be leaving Cuba. When will I return? I dont know. I need to see the outside world, to confirm with my own eyes that the earth is indeed round and that theres real life beyond the limits of this strange island. Will I return someday to live in Havana? If Gods willing then so

25、be it, but my leaving is with the idea of finding a job with a wage that will allow me to help my elderly parents and my sick sister.When I pass through the customs check at the Airport, Ill find in my farewell to my friends and family the feeling that will remain in me as I sit in that plane: an un

26、avoidable loneliness.作者在哈瓦那读完了四年大学,又攻读了硕士学位,为了找到一份能养家糊口的工作,作者离开了这个留给他很深印象的都市。1. What do you think of the author?A. He is a man with great ambition.B. He is particular about the life.C. He is diligent and independent.D. He is a man enjoying life.C推理判断题。根据第一段第三句中的“. for my college degree and my Master

27、s.”以及后面的“I got while working at. that would allow me to finish my undergraduate degree in SocioCultural Studies”作者在哈瓦那完成本科学历并取得了硕士学位,在此期间做了多种工作来赚取自己的费用,由此判断,作者很勤奋也很自立。故选C。2. The author wished to get a masters degree _.A. because he took interest in his subjectsB. because he got his ideas from his friendsC. because he intended to extend his stayD. because he hoped to find a good job easilyD推理判断题。结合第二段中的“. I earned with the aim of enriching my resume with the first masters program.”可知,作者想取得硕士学位是为了丰富自己的简历,目的则是找一份好工作,故选D。3. What does the author think of people in Hava

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