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1、 You think your son/ daughters room is in a mess (乱七八糟). You want him/her to clean it up this weekend. Your father/mother thinks your room is in a mess (乱七八糟). He/She wants you to clean it up this weekend.B 朗读儿歌 Read Aloud*单词读错率不得超过2个(不包括有注释的单词)。其他内容朗读流利,表达流畅,语句通顺,语音语调基本正确。There is nothing more impo

2、rtant to life than the sun. Without the sun all living things on the earth would die. The sun is a star. In the sky there are thousands of stars like the sun. At night you can see many stars, but in the day-time you can only see one star- the sun.We all live on the earth. The earth turns round once

3、a day. As it turns, some people see sunrise and day comes to their houses. At the same time people see sunset and night comes to their houses. As the earth goes around in its orbit(轨道), we have four seasons.G 看图说话 Talk about the picture根据图片,至少说5句话。内容切题,表达流畅,语句通顺,无重大语法错误,语音语调基本正确。Set1Set2H 看看说说 Look

4、and say根据实物,表达内容切题,语句通顺,无重大语法错误,语音语调基本正确。考试时间为0.5分钟。要求考生至少讲5句话。(必须说出实物名称,其中要有一句复杂句,说出物品用途和作用。)实物:象,鸵鸟,猕猴桃,长沙发,郁金香、菊花,厨师,笛子,锤子,萝卜,消防车三星口语2010年12月真题(听力项目)D听说相反 Listen and say the opposite考生听录音中的5问题,说出相反句,说对3句算通过。1) Tom didnt say anything wrong. (Tom didnt say anything right.)2) We grew up in the same

5、place. (We grew up in different places.)3) I remember everything about the professor. (I forget everything about the professor.)4) Its the British actors best movie. (Its the British actors worst movie.)5) Many people wish to work for him. (Few people wish to work for him.)1) It doesnt look like a t

6、errible dish. (It doesnt look like a delicious dish.)2) She became quiet and next day. (She became noisy the next day.)3) Where did you lose your wallet? (Where did you find your wallet?4) Grandpa never talks about his past. (Grandpa always talks about his past.)5) Mike is a hard-working shop assist

7、ant. (Mike is a lazy shop assistant.)E 听听做做 Do what you hear考生听录音并按指令逐个完成一系列的动作。考试时间为1分钟。活动中有7个指令,完成5个指令规定的动作即通过。Set1 道具:一支铅笔,一叠白纸,一块橡皮Are you ready? Now lets begin.1) At the top of the paper, draw a big square.2) In the middle of the square, draw a line from the left to the right.3) Now erase the t

8、op half of the square.4) Now its a rectangle, isnt it? Write the letter “W” on the left in the rectangle.5) And letter “E” on the right.6) Between the letters, write the word “road”: r-o-a-d.7) Now draw a line from the bottom of the paper to the rectangle.Ok. Thats the end.道具:桌子上放一份报纸和一份杂志,报纸下面放三个信封

9、(粉色、蓝色、黄色),杂志上面放两张卡片 注:报纸放在桌子中央1) Pick up all the envelopes under the newspaper.2) Now you see, these envelopes are of different colors. Put the yellow envelop on the newspaper.3) Put the blue envelope on its left and the pink one on its right.4) Pick up a card on the magazine.5) Put the card into t

10、he envelope in the middle.6) Give this envelope to the teacher.7) Put the magazine between the pink envelope and blue envelope.F 快听快答 Listen and respond quickly考生听录音中的8问题,答对6句算通过。1) What shape are blackboards? (A rectangle/ Rectangular.)2) Which is bigger, a refrigerator or a kettle? (A refrigerator

11、.)3) How many wardrobes are there in your room? (One.)4) Who wakes you up every morning? (My mother/father/I wake up by myself./None.)5) Do swallows fly to the south in autumn?(Yes, they do.)6) Whats the capital city of Britain? (London.)7) Where do you put your schoolbag in the classroom? (Under my

12、 desk/In the drawer.)8) What do you do before you go to bed? (I turn off the light)1) What shape is your pencil-box? (A rectangle/Rectangular.)2) Which is smaller, a hammer or a rubber? (A rubber.)3) How many bookcases are there in your room?4) Who knows very well about your study? (My mother/father

13、/teacher.)5) Whats the last letter in the word “snail”? (L.)6) Is New York an American city? (Yes, it is.)7) Where do people usually go to have a delicious dinner? (They go to a restaurant.)8) What do you do before you answer a question in class? (I put up my hand.)2011年4月三星口语真题及解析来源:E度论坛 文章作者:周济 20

14、11-04-26 10:09:10标签:2011三星口语 真题 解析 三星真题 A 情景对话 Play the roles 两位考生一组根据文字提示,进行对话。 评分标准: Set 1 A: You ve read a few books in the三星真题 Youve read a few books in the winter holiday. Now you are talking about one of them with your classmate. Many of your classmates have very fancy(花哨的) pencil-boxes. Now y

15、ou are asking your mother/father for a new pencil-box Your son/daughter is asking you for a new pencil-box, but you dont agree. And you tell him/her your reason. You are a teacher. One of your pupils always looks sleepy in class these days. Now you are talking to him/her about it. You are always sle

16、epy in class these days. Now your teacher wants to talk to you about itSet 4 Your deskmates English is very good. You admire(羡慕) him/her. You ask him/her how he/she learns English so well. Your deskmate admires(羡慕)you for your good English. He/She is asking you how you learn English so wellMany peop

17、le believe that their pet dog can understand human language. For example, when you give an order to your pet dog: get up;lie down; go awayhe would do as you order him. He can even help you. When you say, “Go and get my slippers,” your dog goes and gets them for you at once.Cockroaches live everywher

18、e. They can be found not only in deserts but also in cold places. They can last for five months on dry food without water. Five months! Its difficult to believe, isnt is? Scientists tell us men can live for about one week without food, but without water they cannot live that long.Pigs were probably

19、tamed(驯服) in China about five thousand years ago. They were tamed and kept mainly for food. In the old days, the poor people had no money to buy mutton and beef. Pigs were cheaper to keep, because thay ate grass. They also found much of their food among the rubbishNana, a little elephant, is being t

20、rained. The trainer(驯兽师) waves a stick and shouts to her “Up!”. He gives the order again and again until Nana understands. Now the trainer shouts “Up!” At once Nana lifts her front legs and stands on her hind legs(后腿) with her trunk high in the air.C 看图说词 Look at the picture and say the word展示10张卡片,

21、考生说对8个就算通过1) There is little water in the bottle. (There is much water in the bottle.)2) He remembers what he said yesterday. (He forgets what he said yesterday.)3) Nobody in that family is honest. (Nobody in that family is dishonest.)4) Its impossible to meet him in the zoo. (Its possible to meet h

22、im in the zoo.)5) The baby always wakes up at night. (The baby never wakes up at night.)1) The teachers office is near the library. (The teachers office is far from the library.)2) How many people refused his gifts. (How many people accepted his gifts.)3) Mr. Li has a store on a quiet street. (Mr. L

23、i has a store on a noisy street.)4) Chemistry is a difficult subject for Jane.( Chemistry is an easy subject for Jane.)5) He often felt very tired at noon. (He seldom felt very tired at noon.)1) All the three trunks are empty. (All the three trunks are full.)2) Its interesting to do maths exercises.

24、 (Its boring/dull to do maths exercises.)3) My cousin and I have the same hobbies. (My cousin and I have the different hobbies.)4) He walks out of the room happily. (He walks out of the room sadly.)5) I hope the number can rise next week. (I hope the number can drop next week.)Set41) A team of docto

25、rs left on Tuesday. (A team of doctors arrived on Tuesday.)2) What a delicious dish it is! (What a terrible/an awful dish it is)3) Many pupils can follow the teacher. (Few pupils can follow the teacher.)4) Why did you sing so happily yesterday?( Why did you sing so sadly yesterday?5) We made a right

26、 decision for him. (We made a wrong decision for him.)一支铅笔,一叠白纸,一盏台灯,两支水笔(一红,一蓝)1) Turn on the desk lamp with your left hand.2) On a piece of paper, draw a big circle in the middle.3) With the red pen, draw three small cherries in the circle.4) It looks like a birthday cake, doesnt it.5) Now draw two candles on the cake.6) In the top left-hand corner of the paper, write the letter “K”.7) Put the paper under the desk lamp. Turn off the desk lamp.一叠白纸,一支铅笔,一管固体胶,一把剪刀1) On a piece of paper, draw the shap

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