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1、趣味英语之韵律诗 周英Contents前言 Preface在英语学习中,加强培养学生正确良好的语感,能使学习收到良好的效果,得到越来越多的社会的认可。 所谓语感,就是人们对言语的感受,是对语言文字或语言现象的敏锐感和迅速领悟的能力,是对语言文字从语表到语里,从形式到内容,包括语音、语义、语法等在内的一种正确丰富的“了解力”。 我国著名教育家叶圣陶先生认为:“语言文字的训练最要紧的是语感。”因为语感是学习理解和运用一切文字的基础,也是准确把握语言文字的前提,它不是与生俱来的,它需要长期生活经验的沉淀,众多信息知识的储备,教师要通过英语课堂教学、课外活动等途径,用心引导,螺旋式地循环往复加强训练和

2、培养,帮助学生养成一种正确的语言习惯,一种敏锐的语言直觉,当学生接触到新的语言文字时,立即就能直觉地判断正误是非,进而获得文感、意感和情感,达到准确全面地理解语言文字的目的。为了打好基础,在小学开始语感启蒙也就非常必要,该学习教材主要是针对初学英语的儿童,参考清华少儿英语语感启蒙,收集了英语国家教育儿童所广泛采用的15首手指游戏和动作歌谣,采用多媒体学习模式,以动为主,动静结合,内容编排循序渐进、科学合理。并配合视频以妙趣横生的卡通形象,一个个不完全相同的句子,精选的词汇、句型在不同的画面中反复出现,自然的语音、语调,用动画和教学演示的方式让学生自然主动甚至无意识的培养“语感”。 1. Lit

3、tle Bee【手指游戏】Little bee, little bee 小蜜蜂小蜜蜂,Round round round 飞飞飞。Little bee, little bee 小蜜蜂小蜜蜂,Sound sound sound 嗡嗡嗡。Bzzzzzzzzzz 嗡【读一读】bee round sound【词义解析】1. bee: 蜜蜂little bee: 小蜜蜂2. round: 旋转,环绕,兜圈子3. sound 【参考动作】小蜜蜂,要做翅膀飞的样子,然后round要画圆圈,sound就是把双手放在嘴上,说明是蜜蜂的嘴发出的声音.2 Jack And Jill【手指游戏】Jack and Ji

4、ll went up the hill 杰克和吉尔,to fetch a pail of water 上山去打水。Jack fell down 杰克滑倒了,and broke his crown 脑袋摔着了。and Jill came tumbling after 吉尔跟着滑倒了。【读一读】hill pail a pail of water【词义解析】1. hill: 小山,斜坡2. fetch: (去)拿来3. pail: 桶a pail of water: 一桶水例句:Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water. 杰克和吉

5、尔上山取了一桶水。4. crown: 敲(某人的)脑壳broke his crown: 敲到了他的脑袋5. tumble: 使摔倒,摔倒6. come after: 跟着来,跟在后面例句:Jill came tumbling after.吉尔跟着摔倒了。【延伸拓展】Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water And Jill came tumbling afterUp got Jack, and home did trot As fast as he could caper He went to bed and bound h

6、is head With vinegar and brown paper Jill came in and she did grin To see his paper plaster Mother, vexed, did scold her nextFor causing Jacks disasterJack and Jill作为一个经典英文童谣,它的起源其实已不甚清楚,但一般意义上认为Jack和Jill暗指18世纪路易十六国王( Louis XVI )和他的皇后玛丽(Marie Antoinette )。在这首童谣中,Jack是腐败邪恶国王的代名词(路易十六),而Jill指他的妻子(玛丽),

7、hill指的是top power(最高权力),water指gains from corruption(不义之财或者好处)后来Jack and Jill逐渐引申为少男少女的意思。在英语谚语中,有很多用到Jack and Jill,Jack和Jill在英语文化中泛指男生和女生而不指具体的某个人,这已经演变为英语语言的约俗成,譬如说:All shall be well Jack shall have Jill.有情人终成眷属A good Jack makes a good Jill.夫善使妻贤Every Jack shall has his Jill.人各有偶All work and no play

8、 makes Jack a dullboy.用功不玩耍,孩子会变傻If Jack is in love, he is no judge of Jills beauty.情人眼里出西施3 The Chimney【手指游戏】Here is the chimney. 一个烟囱,Here is the top. 一个盖儿,Open the lid, 揭开这个盖儿,Out Santa will pop. 圣诞老人冒出来!【读一读】chimney lid Santa pop【词义解析】1. chimney: 烟囱,烟筒例句:Here is the chimney. 这是一个烟囱。2. top: 盖子例句:

9、 Here is the top. 这是一个盖子。3. lid: 盖,盖子4. pop: 突然从某物中出来,蹦出【参考动作】把右手握拳当烟囱,左手当盖子,做打开盖子的动作,然后把右手大拇指伸出来即代表圣诞老公公。4 Here is the beehive【手指游戏】Here is the beehive 蜂窝在这里,Where are the bees 蜂窝在哪里?Hidden away 藏起来,where nobody sees 找不着。Watch and youll see them 快来看,come out of the hive 飞出来。one two three four five

10、一、二、三、四、五,Bzzzzzzzzz 嗡【读一读】beehive one two three four five【词义解析】1. beehive: 蜂窝,蜂巢,蜂箱例句:Here is the beehive. 蜂窝在这里。2. bee: 蜜蜂例句:Where are the bees 蜜蜂在哪里?3. hide: 藏,隐藏hide away: 躲藏,把隐藏起来4. hive: 蜂房,蜂巢,蜂群come out of the hive: 从蜂巢里飞出来【动作参考】匀速念:“Here is the beehive, where are the bees?”动作:(右手抱拳抱住大拇指作蜂窝状)

11、(hold up fist)匀速念:“Hidden away where nobody sees.”动作:(左手慢慢张开包住右拳)(move other hand around fist)快速念:“Watch and youll see them come out of the hive.”动作:(左右端详一下“蜂窝”)(bend head close to fist)慢慢念:“One, two, three, four, five.”动作:(慢慢从“蜂窝”里先松开大拇指,再一一松开其他手指)(bring out fingers quickly one by one) (hold finger

12、s up one at a time)快速念:“BZZZZZZZZZZZZ”动作:(十指张开做蜜蜂飞到宝宝脸上、身上.)(wave fingers)5 Open and Shut【手指游戏】Open, shut. Open, shut, 张、合、张、合,Give a little clap. 啪啪啪啪拍拍手。Creep, creep, creep, creep, 爬、爬、爬、爬Give a little flap. 啪啦啪啦飞得快。【读一读】open shut clap creep flap【词义解析】1. open: 开2. shut: 合拢(打开着的东西)3. clap: n.拍手,拍手声

13、 v.鼓掌,轻敲give a little clap: 拍拍手4.creep: 慢慢地、悄悄地或偷偷地移动(尤指弯着腰走)5. flap: n.拍打,拍打声,轻击v.(使某物)上下或左右移动、摆动、摇动等(通常发出声响)give a little flap: 让它左右移动,就是飞起来【延伸拓展】Open, shut them.Put them in your lap.Creep them, creep them,Creep them, creep them.Right up to your chin.Open up your little mouth,But do nor let them i

14、n.Falling, falling, Falling, fallingRight down to the ground.Then you pick them up again,And turn them round and round.Faster, fasterFaster, fasterGive a little clap.Slower, slowerSlower, slowerPlace them in your lap.6 Peek-a-boo【手指游戏】Peek, peek, 猫儿猫儿Peek-a-boo, 躲猫猫Peek, peek, 猫儿猫儿I see you. 看到你啦【读一

15、读】peek I see you【词义解析】1.peek: 偷看,窥视2.Peek-a-boo: 躲猫猫3.see: 看,看到例句:I see you. 我看到你啦。7. Little Fingers【手指游戏】One little, two little, three little fingers 小小手指,一二三Four little, five little, six little fingers 小小手指,四五六Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers 小小手指,七八九Ten fingers on my hands 十根手指,是一家

16、【读一读】three little fingers six little fingers nine little fingers ten fingers on my hands【词义解析】1.little 小的;比较小的2.finger 手指3.hand 手例句:ten fingers on my hands 十根手指,是一家【参考动作】One little(双手握拳,先从右手的小拇指依序数起,左手继续数下去,右手的5个手指头此时全是张开状)Ten fingers on my hand!(双手食指全部张开,再拍2次手)Ten little,Nine little,Eight little fi

17、ngers,(十指都张开以后,再倒数回去,这次从左手小拇指开始,每数一次收一根手指)Seven little,Six little,Five little fingers,(继续收回右手指)Four little,Three little,Two little fingers,(随着数目越来越少,手指头也越比越少)One finger on my hand!(最后只剩一只右手小拇指还竖起来,可以故意左右摇摆)【延伸拓展】Fingers 可以换成 Indians,little ducks等。8. Dance Your Fingers【手指游戏】Dance your fingers up,danc

18、e your fingers down 手指向上跳,手指向下跳Dance your fingers to the side,dance them all around 手指旁边跳,手指到处跳Dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head 手指肩上跳,手指头上跳Dance them on your tummy,put them all to bed 手指肚上跳,手指睡大觉【读一读】dance your fingers to the sidedance them all arounddance them on your shoulders

19、,put them all to bed【词义解析】1.up 向上2.down 向下3.side 旁边4.all around 四周,到处5.shoulder 肩膀6.head 头7.tummy 肚子8.bed 床例句:dance them on your tummy,put them all to bed 手指肚上跳,手指睡大觉【延伸拓展】This is also fun to do with shakers. Just change the words to (换成) shake your shakers up. 9.Two Little Black Birds【手指游戏】Two litt

20、le black birds,sitting on a hill 两只小黑鸟,坐在小山上One named Jack,one named Jill一只叫杰克,一只叫吉尔Fly away Jack ,fly away Jill杰克飞走了,吉尔飞走了Jack come back,Jill come back 杰克飞回来,吉尔飞回来【读一读】two little black birdsfly away JillJill come back 【词义解析】 黑色2.bird 鸟 away 飞走e back 回来例句:two little black birds,sitting o

21、n a hill 两只小黑鸟,坐在小山上【延伸拓展】Two little black birdsSitting on the wall,One named Peter,One named Paul.Fly away Peter,Fly away Paul.Come back Peter,Come back Paul. 10. The Eentsy Weentsy Spider【手指游戏】The eentsy weentsy spider went up the water spout小小蜘蛛,爬上了水管Down came the rain ,and washed spider out 雨滴落下

22、,冲走了蜘蛛Out came the sun and dried up all the rain 太阳出来,蒸发了水滴And the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again 小小蜘蛛,再爬上水管【读一读】the eentsy weentsy spider went up the water spout out came the sun and dried up all the rain 【词义解析】1.spider 蜘蛛2.water spout 水管3.rain 雨4.sun 太阳5.shoulder 肩膀例句:and the eentsy

23、 weentsy spider went up the spout again 小小蜘蛛,再爬上水管【延伸拓展】The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout.Down came the rain and washed the spider out.Our came the sun and dried up all the rain.And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again. Extra Verses (Change your voice and hands as appropriate!)

24、The great big spider.The very quiet spider.The very noisy spider.The tiny baby spider.The old grandpa spider.The very fast spider.The very slow spider. 11. Skidamarink【手指游戏】Skidamarink a dinga ding,Skidamarink a doo, I love you.呜啦啦呜啦啦,我爱你Skidamarink a dinga ding,Skidamarink a doo, I love you.呜啦啦呜啦啦,

25、我爱你I love you in the morning, And in the afternoon,我爱你在清晨呀,爱你在午后I love you in the evening, And underneath the moon,爱你在夜晚,爱你在月光Oh, Skidamarink a dinga ding,Skidamarink a doo, I love you.哦,呜啦啦呜啦啦,我爱你【读一读】Skidamarink a dinga dingSkidamarink a dooThis little pig had roast beefAll the way home【词义解析】1.und

26、erneath 在.下面2.moon 月亮 例句:I love you in the evening, And underneath the moon,爱你在夜晚,爱着回了家。12. Five Rabbits【手指游戏】Five rabbits were hiding in the woods one day 有一天,树丛里,五只兔子,把身藏One,two,three,four,five jumped out,and then they run away 一、二、三、四、五,五只兔子跳出来,接着往外跑【读一读】five rabbits hidingand then they run away【

27、词义解析】1.rabbit 兔子2.hide 藏3.wood 树木4.jump 跳例句:one,two,three,four,five jumped out,and then they run away 一、二、三、四、五,五只兔子跳出来,接着往外跑13. Clap Your Hands【手指游戏】Clap,clap,clap your hands, As slowly as you can.拍手,拍手,拍拍手,慢,慢,慢!Clap,clap,clap your hands as quickly as you can.拍手,拍手,拍拍手,快,快,快!Shake,shake,shake your

28、 hands, As slowly as you can.甩手,甩手,甩甩手,慢,慢,慢!Shake,shake,shake your hands as quickly as you can.甩手,甩手,甩甩手,快,快,快!Roll,roll,roll your hands, As slowly as you can.转手,转转手,慢,慢,慢!Roll,roll,roll your hands as quickly as you can.转手,转转手,快,快,快!Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your fingers, As slowly as you can.搓手,搓搓手,慢,慢

29、,慢!Wiggle,wiggle,wiggle your finger as quickly as you can.搓手,搓搓手,快,快,快!Pound,pound,pound your fists, As slowly as you can.碰,碰碰拳头,慢,慢,慢!Pound,pound,pound your fists as quickly as you can.碰,碰碰拳头,快,快,快!【读一读】clap your handsshake your handsroll your handswiggle your fingerspound,pound your fists【词义解析】1.c

30、lap 拍2.slowly 慢3.quickly 快4.shake 摇5.roll 转6.wiggle 搓7.pound 碰8.fist 拳头例句:Pound,pound,pound your fists as quickly as you can.碰,碰碰拳头,快,快,快!14. Five Little Sausages【手指游戏】Five little sausages frying in the pan,the pan got hot and one went BAM!五根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,爆开一根砰Four little sausages frying in the pan,the pan got hot and one went BAM!四根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,爆开一根砰Three little sausages frying in the pan,the pan got hot and one went BAM!三根小香肠,躺在锅中央,平底锅,烫又烫,爆开一根砰Two lit

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