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1、 选择& 设计 /span 自动售货机作为一种先进的零售业态,受到喜欢追逐时尚的年轻人的欢迎。自动售货机是一种高智能化的产品,因其没有语言障碍,操作简便,可以充分补充人力资源的不足,适应消费环境和消费模式的变化,24小时自动售货系统在运营时需要更少的资本、占用更小的面积,拥有吸引人们购买好奇心的自身性能,以及解决人工费用上升的问题等优点。自动售货机行业长期以来在美国、日本等国家得到迅猛发展,目前已在45个国家得到广泛普及。据业内人士估计,中国的自动售货机拥有量仅有2万台,相对于13亿的人口大国和零售业态发展的趋势而言,中国自动售货机行业的发展空间将更加广阔。 (咨询qq: 非此咨询qq均为非法

2、网站) PLC物理结构的选择根据物理结构,可以将PLC分为整体式和模块式,整体式PLC每一I/O点的平均价格比模块式的便宜,在小型控制系统中一般采用整体式PLC。但是模块式PLC的功能扩展方便灵活,I/O点数的多少、输入点数与输出点数的比例、I/O模块的种类和块数、特殊I/O模块的使用等方面的选择余地都比整体式PLC大得多,维修时更换模块、判断故障范围也很方便,因此较复杂的、要求较高的系统一般选用模块式PLC。毕业设计说明书目录1 引言132 设计方案152.1动作要求152.2机型选择152.3容量的选择16 2.4 PLC物理结构的选择16 2.5基本单元的选择16 2.6编程方式的选择1

3、73电路设计和论证173.1电源电路设计和论证173.2 PLC硬件系统的论证183.3 I/O分配及梯形图223.4基本指令234软件设计2341软件结构23(毕业设计) 42扫描的工作过程2443梯形图及其主程序2644各子程序285软硬件系统的调试3251软件的模拟调试32 52硬件调试326 附录337参考文献39 参考文献1张鹤鸣,刘耀元主编.可编程控制器原理及应用教程.北京:北京大学出版社,2007.22马小军主编.可编程控制器及应用.& 南京:东南大学出版社,2007.43瞿大中主编.可编程控制器应用与实验.& 武汉:华中科技大学出版社,2002.124李树雄主编.可编程控制器原

4、理及应用教程.& 北京:航空航天大学出版社,2003.95程周主编可编程控制器原理与应用&高等教育出版社,200346李长久主编PLC原理及应用&机械工业出版社,200687廖常初主编FX系列PLC编程及应用&机械工业出版社,200548张兴国主编可编程序控制器技术及应用&中国电力出版社,20069罗光伟主编可编程控制器教程.& 成都:电子科技大学出版社,20072 10王也仿主编可编程控制器应用技术&机械工业出版社,2001911林春方主编可编程控制器原理及其应用& 上海:上海交通大学出版社,200412王卫星等主编可编程序控制器原理及应用&中国水利水电出版社,2002 p大学生就业市场调查

5、分析(字)摘& 要:近几年来,大学生就业问题成为比较热门的话题,大学生是建设祖国的后备军,如何把大学生就业问题处理好关系到国家以后的发展。据数据统计,近几年来大学毕业生人数逐渐增加,2010年大学毕业生达到了630多万,其中大学生就业率仅有55.7%,这就意味着有将近一半的应届毕业生没有找到工作。据报道,2011年普通高校毕业生人数将达到660万,就业形势将更加严峻。文章分析了当前的就业形势,研究了大学生就业市场存在的主要问题以及解决的主要对策,包括政府宏观调控和学校帮助就业等措施来促进就业。改革就业体制与调整就业定位,对于我们认清就业形势,调整自己的就业路线有现实意义。大学生;就业市场;宏观

6、调控;就业体制;Survey and Analysis of College Students’ Employment MarketAbstract: In recent years, the& problem of college students& employment become a hot topic, university student is to build our reserves. how the college reserves the right to employment with the development of the country. Accor

7、ding to data,University graduate in 2010 will achieve to more than 6.3 million students, while the employment rate is only 55.7%, which means that nearly half of the fresh graduates couldn&t find work. According to reports, the number of graduates in 2011 will reach 6.6 million, the employment situa

8、tion will even more severe.The essay analyzes the current employment situation, the main problems and the solution to the regulation of the student employment market, including the government and schools use employment measures to promote the employment rate. Employment system reform and readjusting

9、 the employment, is the realistic significance of us recognizing the employment situation and adjust their employment line. Eys805Key words: college students,& employment market,& Macro control,& employment system, WTO框架下的粮食贸易规则及我国的应对措施(字)中国是粮食的生产和消费大国,在WTO框架下,粮食贸易规则在执行上出现了两大特点,即以美国的粮食战略为主导和技术性贸易壁垒的

10、盛行。本文首先对WTO框架下的农业协议以及粮食贸易规则的特点进行了分析,然后结合数据分析了我国的粮食贸易现状。最后得出结论,从政府支持、法律体系、粮食生产等角度,提出了我国应对当前粮食贸易规则的措施。中国;粮食贸易规则;WTO;应对措施;Grain Trading Regulations under the Framework of WTO and Our Corresponding MeasuresAbstract:China is gigantic in grain production and consumption; Grain trading regulations have two

11、 big executive characteristics under the WTO framework: leaded by the American grain strategy and the Technical Barriers to Trade is more and more popular. Firstly, this paper analyzes the <Agreement on Agriculture> and the characteristics of grain trading regulations. Then it analyzes the sit

12、uation of Chinese grain trading with some data. Finally, it puts forward our response to the current grain trading regulations from the support of our government, the legal system and the production of grain and so on. Zyw547 China; Grain Trading Regulations; WTO; Measures&摘 要:金融是现代经济的核心,贯穿着整个社会经济,而

13、银行是金融的中枢神经。尽管进行了多年银行业改革,我国商业银行仍然受到大量坏账的困扰,不良资产问题仍是中国银行业改革和发展过程中不得不面对的一个严重问题,如果不尽快解决,会严重地阻碍我国商业银行的改革步伐,削弱我国商业银行的竞争力,直接影响到国家的金融安全和经济的稳定运行,也不利于中国经济的快速发展。本文着重分析了我国商业银行不良资产的成因,并提出了相应的化解对策。商业银行;不良资产;贷款 Finance is the core of modern economy system throughout the entire social economy, and banking is the ce

14、ntral nervous system of the finance. In spite of banking reform had been taken for many years, China commercial banks are still plagued by a large number of bad debts. Thus the existing of non-performing assets is still a serious problem inevitably met in the process of reform and development of Chi

15、na banking. If not correctly solve the bad assets problem, it would seriously stunt the reform pace and weaken the competitiveness of China commercial banks, which may not only directly affects national financial safety and economic stability operation, but also rapid economy development. This paper

16、 analyzed the causes of non-performing assets of commercial bank, and put forward the corresponding resolution. Yoo703Keywords: commercial Banks;non-performing assets;loans目& 录& 字摘要1 关键词1 一、我国商业银行不良资产现状2 二、我国商业银行不良资产的成因3 摘要水电是清洁能源,可再生、无污染、运行费用低,便于进行电力调峰,有利于提高资源利用率和经济社会的综合效益。在地球传统能源日益紧张的情况下,世界各国普遍优先开

17、发水电大力利用水能资源。随着我国社会主义市场经济快速发展和电力工业体制改革的不断深入,原水点厂各自配备检修队伍的分散型检修管理模式已不适应新形势下的要求,一些新建的水电厂,也不再配备专业检修队伍,这就为设备新的检修管理理论提出了要求。本文着重探讨了水利发电企业在设备自主保全管理体系方面的研究和探索。本文综述了TPM的发展过程和理论体系,引出自主管理概念,设计了一套自主管理体系,在结合映电总厂的背景和实际要求,对映电总厂的设备管理思想提出了些意见,在映电总厂第一阶段TPM方案规划与实施后,总结了成果和经验。 TPM,设备维护,自主保全Abstract Hydropower is clean en

18、ergy, renewable, non-polluting, low operating costs, facilitate the electricity peak load regulation, will help improve resource utilization and economic and social benefits. Earths conventional energy in the increasingly tense situation, all countries in the world in general priority to the develop

19、ment of hydropower use of water resources. As Chinas socialist market economy and the rapid development of power industry reform continued to deepen, the original water plant, equipped with their own maintenance teams scattered overhaul management model no longer suited to the requirements under the

20、 new situation, some of the new hydropower plant, is no longer with Maintenance of professional teams, and this new equipment for the overhaul of management theory put forward demands. This article focuses on the hydropower enterprises in the self-protection equipment management system of research a

21、nd exploration. Qxy476This paper reviews the TPM process of development and theoretical system and leads to self-management concept, design a set of self-management system, with video in the background, plant and the actual requirements of video equipment, plant management ideas put forward some vie

22、ws, Ying power plant in the first phase of the programme planning and implementation of TPM, summed up the achievements and experience.Keywords:TPM, equipment management,Self-preservation论文的研究意义与研究内容全面生产维护,又简称全员生产保全(Total Productive Maintenance, TPM)活动是一种来源于生产现场的改善活动。本文从TPM的一个方面初步探索适合我国企业实情的TPM方案规划和

23、设计,而PTM的先进理论正是可以帮助我们解决企业的设备管理问题。使企业的设备经常处于完好可用的技术状态,以达到最大限度地发挥设备的综合效能。课题研究内容:TPM的内容很广泛,本课题研究主要是针对项目第一阶段的内容,包括5S、提案和自主保全活动的推进实施进行探讨。第二章主要介绍TPM全员生产保全理论体系。第三章主要介绍中小型水电站管理体系的现状,分析指出问题,对这些问题提出自己的改善方法,并设计一套基于TPM的中小型水电站管理体系设计。第四章主要通过对实际例子的应用,对实施效果分析。第五章主要对实施效果进行总结,展望未来的工作方向。课题来源,本课题主要来源于映秀湾水力发电总厂的委托项目“映电总厂发电部TPM培训与咨询”及&映电总厂发电部第一阶段TPM方案规划及实施&。目录&摘要& IIAbstract& 21& 绪论& 41.1 论文的研究背景&1.2 论文的研究意义与研究内容& 12& TPM全员生产保全理论概述&2.1 TPM活动的起源与发展&2.2 TPM理论概述& 32.3 TPM国内外研究现状及发展趋势& 52.3.1日本方面&2.3.2

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