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1、三、申请材料正文均需编注页码,页码可手动填写。III. The text part of application materials must be paginated, which can be in handwriting.四、申请材料中提供的所有外文证明材料均需附上必要的中文翻译。IV. All certifications in foreign languages must be attached with the Chinese translation.五、申请材料提交一式4份及扫描件光盘1个。申请材料内容原则上需与领军人才申报书上相关内容一致。V. application mate

2、rials shall be submitted in quadruplicate, combined with one CD of the scanning version. The content of application materials shall be, in principle, consistent with that written in the declaration submitted by the talents.六、申请材料要求胶装。封面纸为200g白色的A4卡纸,单面打印,其余内容用普通白色A4纸打印,双面或单面打印。封面内容及格式请见附件4。胶装后需加盖骑缝章

3、。VI. Application materials shall be cemented with single-sided white 200g A4 paperboard as the cover and ordinary white A4 paper for the content in single-sided or double-sided printing. Please refer to Appendix IV for cover content and format. Seal on the perforation is needed after cementing.七、申请材

4、料如复印或扫描,需加盖公章,并标注“此件与原件一致”等字样;申请材料如非复印或扫描,而需重新排版打印的,字体统一为:VII. Photocopied or scanned application materials shall be sealed with the official stamp, noted with the photocopied (scanned) version is consistent with the original document. Application materials not photocopied or scanned but needing typ

5、esetting shall follow:(一)材料名称:二号宋体加粗,居中。(二)一级标题:三号宋体加粗,居左。(三)二级标题:三号楷体加粗,居左。(四)三级标题:三号仿宋加粗,居左。(五)正文内容:三号仿宋不加粗。(六)页眉:五号宋体,居中。(七)页码:四号宋体,居中。(八)数字和字母:Times New Roman体。(1) Title: centered bold Song typeface in Size 2.(2) Heading 1: left-justified bold Song typeface in Size 3.(3) Heading 2: left-justifie

6、d bold regular script in Size 3.(4) Heading 3 : left-justified bold imitation Song-Dynasty-style typeface in Size 3.(5) Body text : imitation Song-Dynasty-style typeface in Size 3.(6) Header: centered Song typeface in Size 5.(7) Page number: centered Song typeface in Size 4.(8) Numbers and letters:

7、Times New Roman.附件:1. 广东省引进第四批领军人才基本情况信息表; 2. 广东省引进第四批领军人才专项资金申请书(参考样式);3. 广东省引进第四批领军人才工作任务合同书/承诺书(参考样式);4. 申请材料封面参考样式。Appendix Appendix I : Basic Information Form of the Leading Talents of the Fourth year, Guangdong;Appendix II: Application Form of Leading Talents Introduction Special Funds of the

8、fourth year, Guangdong (example)Appendix III : Work Contract/Letter of Commitment of Leading Talents of the Fourth Year, Guangdong (example)Appendix IV : Cover Template 附件1( Appendix I):广东省引进第四批领军人才基本情况信息表Basic Information Form of the Leading Talents of the Fourth year, Guangdong 姓名Name中文Chinese性别Ge

9、nder照片Photo英文English出生日期Date of birth年 月 日Year/month/day出生地Place of birth国籍Nationality身份证/护照号ID card/passport No获得最高学历(学位)的院校及专业、学历(学位)Highest degree,、major and university来粤前工作单位及职务Previous Position & Workplace before coming to Guangdong引进单位及职务Present Position& Workplace国内有效联系电话Contact information i

10、n China电话(Tel):手机(Mobile):邮箱E-mail国内有效联系人及电话Secondary Contact in China联系人: ,电话: ,手机: 。Contact person: ,Tel: ,Mobile:工作合同签订日期Contract signed on (date)聘任时间Date of employment到岗工作时间Expected date for duty领军人才项目名称Project name领军人才工作经费Work funds总额: 万元,其中:省财政 万元,单位配套 万元。RMB (10,000 yuan) in total,including R

11、MB (10,000 yuan) from provincial financial support and RMB (10,000 yuan) from the employer.需贴近期免冠正面彩色照片或彩色打印本页。Note: this page shall be pasted with a recently-taken hatless full-face color photograph or a color photocopying.附件2( Appendix II):广东省引进第四批领军人才专项资金申请书Application Form of Leading Talents Int

12、roduction Special Funds of the fourth year, Guangdong(参考样式)(example)一、领军人才基本情况(含签订合同日期、聘任时间、到岗工作时间等)I. Personal information of leading talents (including date of signing contract, date of employment and expected date of duty, etc)二、开展科研工作情况(一)开展科研工作的基础条件。(二)开展项目名称及研究的主要内容。(三)项目实施计划。第一年:第二年:第三年:第四年:第

13、五年:(四)项目目标及成果(含绩效目标,尽可能量化指标)。II. Information on Project (1) Conditions for project implementation;(2) Project name and content;(3) Project plan;First year:Second year:Third year:Fourth year:Fifth year:(4) Project objective and achievement (including performance objective and quantized indicators).三、

14、专项资金使用计划(一)工作经费使用计划(含单位配套经费)。(二)住房补贴经费使用计划(含单位配套经费)。III. Fund Utilization Plan (1) Project fund utilization plan (including financial support from the employer);(2) Housing subsidy utilization plan (including financial support from the employer);四、保障措施(一)工作条件。(二)生活待遇。(三)其他相关政策配套。IV. Treatment (1) Wo

15、rking condition;(2) Living condition;(3) Policy support;五、收款账户信息(一)单位账户信息。开户名称:开户账号:开户银行:(二)领军人才个人账户信息。V. Account Information (1) Company account: Account name:Account number:Bank name:(2) Talent personal account六、联系方式 办公电话: 手机:传真: 邮箱:VI. Contact Information Contact person: Tel: Mobile:Fax: Email:领军

16、人才签名: (单位公章)Signature of leading talent: (company seal) 年 月 日 年 月 日Date: Date:附件3(Appendix III):编号(No.):广东省引进第四批领军人才工作任务合同书Work Contract of Commitment of Leading Talents of the Fourth Year, Guangdong(科技创新类)(Technological Innovation)引进单位(甲方):Company (employer):领军人才(乙方):Talent (employee) : 专业领域:Resear

17、ch field:实施年限:Duration:为完成广东省引进第四批领军人才项目资助计划,根据广东省领军人才评审暂行办法、广东省引进领军人才专项资金管理暂行办法、引进领军人才工作经费使用管理实施细则等有关规定,在甲乙双方签订的工作合同的基础上,经双方平等协商,达成以下条款,签订本合同,以共同遵照执行。To implement he subsidy scheme for the introduction of the leading talents and in accordance with Interim Evaluation Measures For Leading Talent of G

18、uangdong , Interim Management Measures of Leading Talents Introduction Special Funds of Guangdong and of Measures For Leading Talents Introduction Special Funds Management of .(employer), on the basis of work contract signed and mutual consultation, have reached the following terms and entered the c

19、ontract for fulfillment.一、合同期限(合同期限不少于5年,工作合同期限必须覆盖领军人才项目实施5年的期限)I. Contract Term.(Contract term shall not be less than five years during which the talents shall complete the project). 二、到岗要求(自被批准入选“广东省领军人才”的3个月内到岗。从国内引进人员需注明人事关系转入用人单位时间,注明全职在粤工作;从海外引进人员需注明每年在粤工作时间累计6个月以上。)II. Duty Requirements (Lea

20、ding talents shall begin their duties within 3 months since the official approval. Domestic talents shall indicate the date when personnel archives are transferred to the employer as well as a full-time employment in Guangdong. Overseas talents shall work in Guangdong for more than six months each y

21、ear.)三、领军人才项目实施计划(一)项目名称及研究内容(二)项目计划及进度(三)项目目标及成果III. Project Implantation Plan (1) Project name and content(2) Project plan and schedule(3) Project objective and achievement 四、专项资金的使用管理(一)专项资金的使用计划及管理要求(二)工作经费的绩效目标IV. Funds Utilization and Management(1) Funds utilization plan and management require

22、ments(2) Performance objective of project funds五、甲方提供技术与条件保障(包括工作条件、生活待遇及资金、政策配套等方面)V. Technical Guarantees and Preferential Terms Provided by the Employer (Including working conditions, living conditions, financial and policy support)六、合同条款VI. Contract Terms(一)本合同作为甲乙双方 年 月 日签订的工作合同的补充合同。(a) This c

23、ontract is supplementary to the Work Contract signed by both parties on (date).(二)甲方有权对省财政厅下达的领军人才专项工作经费进行管理,实行专款专用,单独建账,单独核算,以保证专项工作经费的使用符合广东省引进领军人才专项资金管理暂行办法以及本合同的约定。(b) The employer shall be entitled to management over the project funds granted by the provincial department of finance for the purp

24、ose of special use, independent account and accounting so as to justify all expenses and to comply with relevant provisions in Interim Measures for Special Funds Management for Guangdong Talent Introduction and this contract.(三)甲方有权监督、检查乙方履行合同情况;合同履行期间,甲方根据需要有权对乙方履行本合同的情况进行专项财务检查、中期评估、财政支出绩效评价和实施情况检

25、查。(c) The employer shall have the right to supervise and examine how the employee fulfills the contract. During contract term, if necessary, the employer shall have the right to conduct special fund inspection, mid-stage assessment, fiscal expenditure performance evaluation as well as implementation evaluation.(四)乙方应坚持严肃的学术和科研态度,严

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