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1、 Professor Brown, I registered late. Could you add my name to your class list? Im Joe MacDonald.M: I know its a Scottish family name. Its M-A-C-D-O-N-A-L-D. What is the students last name?选 B. MacDonald.4. W: Class, one student has failed to show up since the course started. Does anyone know David J

2、ansenDavid Michael Jansen? I do, Professor. David decided not to attend university this fall because he found a job he liked. What is the teacher doing?选D. She is calling the roll.5. M: Hello, I phoned about registering for the dancing class. Im Jason Wright. Yes, hello Jason. I think thats Wright w

3、ith a silent W. Whats the mans surname? 选D. Wright.Part 3 Passage 2文本 Harvard University began in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. It was named after john Harvard. He gave the college 400 books when he died.Today, Harvard has 80 libraries, which have more than 12 million books. There are 14 schools

4、 at Harvard. Its medical college, law school and business school are among the best in the country. It also offers graduate programs in government, education and science.At first, Harvard had one teacher and nine students. Today it has almost 20,000 students.Many years ago, Harvard students were all

5、 white men. Most of them were from rich families. That has changed. Today, about 33% of the first-year students at Harvard are from minority groups. Most Harvard students are not rich, and they have loans, financial aid or jobs that help pay for their education.Section A1. Q: Which statement is true

6、 about Harvard?选 B. It was named after John Harvard.2. Q: Which of Harvards school is NOT among the best in America?选 D. Its art school.3. Q: What do you know about Harvard students?选 C. Many years ago, Harvard students were all white men.4. Q: How can most of the students pay for their education?选

7、D. All of the above.Section B.1. 400 books.2. 12 million3. government, education and science.4. rich white families.Unit 2.Part 1 Exercise A.1. W: Your son is very bright, Mr. Clark, but hes not doing his work. Yes, but he always seems to find time to play computer games. What is the probable relati

8、onship between the two speakers?选 D. Teacher and father.2. W: This x-ray shows youve fractured your arm. Table tennis can be a rough sport, the way I play it anyway. What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?选 B. Patient and doctor.3. M1: I clocked you at 35 km/hr over the spee

9、d limit.M2: But I had to speed. I didnt want to miss the start of the basketball game. What is the first speakers occupation?选 D. Policeman.4. M: Do you mind if I smoke? It helps me to clear my head. Yes, I do. You might clear your head, but youll spoil the game for the other players. What have the

10、two speakers been doing?选 C. Playing cards.5. M1: Im afraid this racket will need new strings. Cant you just replace the broken string and save me a few dollars? Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?选 A. Repairman and customer.Hi, Im George. My brother, his wife, and their two da

11、ughters are in town. I promised the girls Id take the family to an amusement park. I dont really like roller coasters, but I knew the kids would. On Saturday morning, the family and I drove down to the theme park. We parked and took a shuttle bus to the park entrance. We looked at the ticket prices

12、and decided to buy a day pass for each of us. Maria, the younger of the two kids, is only two years old, and children under three get in free. The first thing we did was to stand in line for the biggest attraction in the park: a huge roller coaster. Actually, only Grace and I stood in line since Mar

13、ia was too young to ride it. Grace and I finally made it to the head of line, and we climbed into the little car. Grace loved it, but I really dont like roller coasters. When we got off, I felt sick and had to sit down for a few minutes before I could walk again. But all in all, we had a god day at

14、the amusement park. Section A.1. 选 A. Saturday morning.2. 选 D. 53. 选 C. 44. 选 D. George did not like it.5. 选 B. sick1. an amusement park.2. a shuttle bus3. get in free4. the biggest attraction5. a good dayUnit 3 Hi, Helen, havet seen you for ages. Would you come to my house for dinner this evening?

15、Hh, youre kind to ask me. I really would like to, but I happen to have an appointment. What does Helen mean?选 D. She can not accept the invitation. Bob, we can talk about the new contract when we meet for lunch tomorrow. OK, Ill have all the contract details in place by tomorrow at 12:00. What is th

16、e main aim of the two speakers?选 B. To prepare a contract.3. M: Mom, Ill be home for dinner on Friday. Is it OK to bring my new girlfriend? Of course, Id love to meet her. Ill make something special. What are they talking mainly about?选C. The mothers meeting the sons girlfriend. Betty, lets meet tom

17、orrow afternoon at my place and finish the report. Tomorrow night we can catch a movie. Ill be free to work on the report at 2:30, Richard, but I have a date tomorrow night. What are they going to do tomorrow?选 A. To finish a report. Hi, Jane! I got your email. Ill prepare for the biology test next

18、Monday. By the way, shall we go to a concert after the test? Id love to. What is the subject of the email?选 A. A biology test. It can take days to send a letter across the country and weeks to go around the word. To save time and money, more and more people are relying on email. Its fast, easy and m

19、uch cheaper than postage.What is email? In its simplest form, email is an electronic message sent from one device to another. While most messages go from computer to computer, email can also be sent and received by mobile phones and other devices. With email, you can send or receive personal and bus

20、iness messages with attachments, such as photos or documents. You can also send music, video clips and software programs.Just as a letter makes stops at different places along the way to its final destination, email passes from one computer, known as a mail server, to another as it travels over the

21、Internet. Once it arrives at the destination mail server, its stored in an electronic mailbox until the intended receiver opens his email account. This whole process can take seconds, allowing you to communicate quickly with people around the world at any time of the day or night.1. 选D. All of the a

22、bove.2. 选A. It is an electronic message sent from one device to another.3. 选D. Both A and B.1. time and money.2. personal and business3. Photos or documents.4. email account.5. takes seconds.Unit 4Part 1 Exercise A1. M1: Paul, I had a call from your teacher, She says your work is below her expectati

23、ons. Well, her work is below my expectations-her class is not very interesting. Anyway, its your fault, you got me interested in football.选 B. Father and son. Do you think Grandma will like her birthday card? Grandma always goes crazy over everything you make for her- she likes you better than me be

24、cause youre a girl. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?选 A. Brother and sister.3. S1: Joel, you like basketball as much as your dad and I did when we were your age.S2: Thanks, Uncle Jim. You and dad have been good teachers.Who is Joel?选 D. Jims nephew.4. S1: My dad says Gradma al

25、ways favored your dad, giving him the biggest piece of pie or cake. Really? Maybe thats why my dad is fatter than your dad. What is the relationship between the two dads?选 D. Brothers.Look, how quickly and well our grandchild learns t play the piano. Our side of the family has all the musical talent

26、. Maybe so, but do you see how he has my husbands features? What is the relationship between the man and the woman?选 D. Father and daughter.My names Edward, Im married, and my wifes name is Alice. We have two children, sixteen and six years old. Mary is tall and fair, and Jack is thin and dark-haire

27、d. Every year we go to Spain on holiday because my parents have lived there since they retired. My children love going to visit them. My parents, Ellen and Frank, have four children. My brothers names are Mike and Peter and my sisters name is Ann. Mike isnt married and has no children. But peter has

28、 two daughters, Diana and Susan. My sister Ann lives in Canada, and she and Nicolas have one daughter. Her names Tracy.Section A. 答案略Section B. 1.16 and 6.2. Because his parents have live there since they retired.3. In Canada.Unit 6 Which do you think is the best gangster film ever made, Godfather 1

29、 or Godfather 2? Well, they both won Oscars, but I like Godfather 1 a bit more. What does the second speaker like better?选 B. Godfather 1. Hi, Jenny! What did you think of the film The Lion King? I thought itd be like a Disney cartoon, but after seeing it, I found it more interesting. What was the womans opinion of The Lion King before she had seen it?选 C. Similar to a Disney cartoon. How can you sit indoors and watch a childrens program like The Simpsons when the weather is so lovely? The Simpsons is no childrens

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