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1、 付子堂Legal Representative:Fu Zitang注册地址: 重庆市渝北区宝圣大道301号Registered Address:301 BaoSheng Avenue, HuiXing Town邮编:401120Post Code:乙方: (以下简称“乙方”)Party B: _(hereafter referred to as “Party B”)国籍: 性别:Nationality: Gender: _护照号码 : 出生日期: 年 月 日Passport No.:_ Date of Birth:在华通讯地址:Permanent Address in China: _邮政编

2、码:_国外住所地通讯地址:Postal Address for Original Domicile: _Post Code:电子邮箱:Email Address: _电话:_ 传真:Tel. No. :_ Fax No. : 根据中华人民共和国法律、法规,双方在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上签订本聘用合同。 甲、乙双方的权利和义务由本合同中约定,双方确认已经充分理解,并且将完全履行合同的任何条款。除非乙方在订立合同当时明确表示保留或者取消,否则乙方放弃任何针对本合同条款的抗辩权。The rights and obligations of Party A and Party B are estab

3、lished in the Contract. Both Parties confirm they fully understand and will implement completely any provisions in the Contract. Unless Party B explicitly expresses his reservations over and his wish to cancel certain provisions when making the Contract, Party B waives his right of defense on any of

4、 the provisions.一、合同期限Chapter I. Contract Term 第一条 Article 1.1.1 本合同期限自 2014 年 9 月 1 日起, 至 2015 年 7 月 15日止。 The Contract covers the term from 1 day of Sept. , 2014 to 15 day of Jul. , 2015 .其中 2013 年 9 月 1 日至 2014 年 6 月 30 日计算薪水。2014 年 7 月 1 日至 2014 年 7 月 15 日不计算薪水。这段时间作为乙方在华处理未尽事务之时间。如果乙方打算于 2014 年

5、 7 月 15日以后继续停留在中国,则由乙方自行承担所有费用。 Salary was calculated from June 30, 2014 to September 1, 2013.From July 1, 2014 to July 15, 2014, the salary is not calculated. This time that Party B deal with some affairs in China. If Party B intends to stay in China after July15,2014, the Party B will bear all the

6、 costs.1.2 本合同规定乙方的试用期为 1 个月,自 2014 年 9 月1 日至 2014 年 9 月 30 日止。The probationary period for Party B is one month, starting from 1 day of Sept. , 2014 to 30 day of Sept. , 2014. 1.3 甲方可根据乙方的实际工作能力和表现决定是否缩短试用期。试用期内任何一方可依法书面通知对方解除本合同。Party A will decide whether or not to shorten the probationary period

7、based upon Party Bs proved capacity. During the probationary period, either Party can terminate the Contract upon informing the other Party in a written form according to law. 1.4 试用期内乙方有不符合甲方录用标准的行为,由于乙方故意隐瞒原因使甲方在试用期满后才得以知晓的, 甲方有权按照试用期内解除本合同的规定解除与乙方的聘用合同, 甲方不需向乙方支付经济补偿金。 Should Party B conduct acts

8、 during the probationary period that do not meet Party As recruitment requirements and Party A does not know them until after the probationary period because of Party Bs intentional efforts to conceal them, then Party A has the right to terminate the Contract in accordance with provisions concerning

9、 termination of the Contract during the probationary period without paying any compensation to Party B. 1.5 如果乙方在试用期内解除本合同,甲方有权不履行本合同第七条规定的为乙方购买往返机票之义务。 If Party B terminates the contract during the probationary period, Party A has the right not to perform the obligation of purchasing return air tic

10、kets for Party B under the provisions of article seven in contract.二、工作岗位Chapter . Job Description 第二条 工作岗位 Article 2. Job Description. 2.1 甲方根据工作需要及乙方的岗位意向,聘用乙方在部门,担任英语教师专业岗位工作。 Party A employs Party B served in English teacher post in the Service, according to Party As needs and Party Bs desire. 2

11、.2 乙方应始终胜任受聘岗位,并且高效履行相应的各项职责和义务。 Party B should all along remain qualified for the post and perform relevant responsibilities and obligations in a highly efficient manner. 2.3 乙方在本合同履行期间不能直接或间接地受聘于其他单位。 Party B should not be employed by any other company or individual either directly or indirectly d

12、uring the Contract term.三 、工作报酬及纳税Chapter.Salary and Income tax 第三条 工资 Article3.Salary 3.1 甲方按国家分配制度的有关规定确定乙方应得的工资报酬。乙方的月工资为5000元人民币(税前) 。 Party A fixes Party Bs salary in accordance with relevant rules under the national allotment system. Party Bs monthly payment is 5000 RMB Yuan (taxable).3.2 甲方将在

13、每年春节前向乙方支付人民币2200元作为假期奖励。如果乙方顺利完成教学任务,甲方将会支付乙方合同履行费。费用金额为半个月工资。Party A shall pay RMB 2200 yuan to Party B before the coming to Spring Festival every year as a reward for the holidays. If Party B completes the teaching task successfully, Party A shall pay fee performing the contract to Party B,which

14、values half a month salary. 3.3 乙方病假工资按照中国相关法律规定发放。 When taking sick leave, Party B is paid in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in China 3.4 由于乙方违反甲方规章制度损坏甲方财产,或者违反聘用纪律和制度受到经济处罚, 或者违反本合同应当支付违约金、 赔偿金的,甲方有权从乙方的工资中予以扣除。 Party A has the right to make deductions from Party Bs salary in c

15、ase Party B disregards Party As rules and damages Party As property, fined economically for violation of employment rules and regulations, and pay penalty or compensation for violating the Contract. 第四条 工资支付 Article4.Payment of salaries 4.1 甲方每月10 日以前以货币形式支付当月的工资。如遇法定节假日,则提前至最近的一个工作日发放。 Party A shal

16、l give payment to Party B in the form of currency before the 10th of the corresponding month. If the date coincides with a legal holiday, the payday is moved up to the preceding workday. 九月的薪水将与十月的薪水一并于十月给付。 4.2 如果甲方因为不可控原因或者其他重大事件造成不能按时支付乙方工资的,甲方应提前三天通知乙方,经通知乙方后最长可以延期十日支付。 Should Party A be unable

17、to make the payment on time because of uncontrollable reasons or other significant events, Party A should notify Party B 3 days in advance. Party A can postpone the payment for a maximum of 10 days. 第五条 个人所得税 Article5.Personal income tax 5.1 申报和缴纳个人所得税是乙方的义务,甲方按国家有关规定在乙方的工资或其他报酬内代扣代缴。 It is Party Bs

18、 obligation to report and pay personal income tax. In accordance with relevant national regulations, Party A performs the duty of deducting the tax from Party Bs salary and other income and pays it to tax authorities. 5.2 除非甲、乙双方另有约定,乙方依据本合同取得的均为含税工资和其他报酬。 Unless Party A and Party B agree otherwise,

19、 all the salary and other income that Party B receives under this Contract are taxable.四、行政审批Chapter.Administrative examination and approval 第六条 行政审批 Article6.Administrative examination and approval 6.1 甲方负责提供乙方申请签证所需材料,包括但不限于工作许可 、 邀请确认函 。 Party A is responsible for providing the required materials

20、 for the application of the visa, including but not limited to work permit and invitation confirmation letter. 6.2 乙方负责在规定时间内提供甲方要求用于申请签证所需材料。如果乙方未能在规定时间内提供相关材料,则乙方应承担不能成功签证的责任。 Party B is responsible for providing the materials requested for application for visa application to Party A. If Party B f

21、ails to provide the relevant materials on time, Party B shall bear the responsibility for the failure of work visa. 6.3 乙方应当承担甲方要求提供的材料所产生的费用,包括但不限于签证申请费、所在国体检费、无犯罪记录证明费。 Party B shall bear the cost of the materials provided by Party A, including but not limited to the visa application fee, where th

22、e state inspection fee, no criminal record certificate fee. 6.4 甲方应当承担乙方抵达中国后的所有行政审批费用,包括但不限于体检费、居留许可申请费。 Party A shall bear all the expenses of the administrative examination and approval after Party Bs arriving in China, including but not limited to medical expenses, residence permit application f

23、ee.五、赴任和离任的交通费用Chapter.Traffic expenses of Post and outgoing 第七条 机票Article7.Tickets 7.1 甲方将承担乙方从其住所地到重庆最短航程的一张经济舱往返机票的费用。 Party A will bear the cost of the economy class between Party B and Chongqing. 7.2 乙方将先行购买机票,并向甲方提供标注有购票日期、乘客姓名的购票确认函。 甲方凭购票确认函在乙方抵达重庆后及离开重庆前将机票费用支付给乙方。 Party B shall buy tickets

24、 by himself firstly, and provide the ticket confirmation letter with the date and name of the passenger . Party A shall pay fees to Party B after the arrival of Party B in Chongqing,before leavig. 7.3 机票可以用往返或单程的形式购买。如果购买的是往返机票,乙方将会在其抵达后拿到票面价值的一半的机票费用,并在其离开前拿到票面价值另外一半的机票费用。 Tickets can be purchased

25、in the form of a round trip or a single way. If you buy a round trip Ticket, Party B get the half of the ticket costs when he will be in their arrival, and he will get the other half of the coupon value to get the ticket costs before leaving. 7.4 甲方将支付乙方行李超重费。行李超重费的计算公式为:机票价格乘以1.5%乘以24公斤。 Party A wi

26、ll pay Party B extra baggage. The calculation formula for the excess baggage charge is as follows: the ticket price is multiplied by 24 times 1.5% kg. 7.5 因乙方原因造成机票取消、改签航程或出行日期,由此产生的费用由乙方自行承担。 Becauses ticket cancellation, change the voyage or travel dates, the resulting costs shall be borned by Par

27、ty B.六、保险Chapter.Insurance 第八条 保险 Article8.Insurance8.1 乙方必须在其本国购买保险。Party B must buy insurance in their own country8.2 甲方将会为乙方在中国境内购买健康和意外保险。Party A will buy health and accident insurance for Party B in china. 8.3 一旦出现中国所购保险无法完全偿付损害,且甲方需先行垫付相关费用时,乙方有义务配合甲方联系其本国保险公司并进行沟通。一旦乙方获得其本国保险公司的理赔,乙方应偿还甲方先行垫付

28、的相关费用。 如果乙方本国保险公司赔偿的金额小于甲方为乙方垫付的费用,乙方仅需向甲方支付该赔偿金额。 Once the insurance purchased in China cannot be completely liquidated damages, and Party A shall pay in advance for the costs associated with, Party B shall have the obligation to cooperate with Party A to contact the insurance companies and to comm

29、unicate. If Party B obtains its own insurance company claims, Party B shall pay Party A in advance of the relevant expenses. If the domestic insurance companies can not meet the Party A pay for Party B in advance, Party B is required to pay the amount of compensation to the Party of the first part.七、住宿及餐饮Chapter.Accommodation and catering 第九条 住宿及餐饮 Article9.Accommodation and catering9.1 甲方为乙方提供两种住宿方式:Party A shall provide Party B with two types of accommodation: 9.1.1 甲方为乙方提供一套公寓。该公寓离校园的步行时间为10分钟内。公寓应包含空调、热水、厨房、网络等。甲方将负责一切费用,包括但不限于租金、水费、电费、气费、网费和物管费。 Party A shall provide Party B with a

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