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版一轮优化探究英语江苏译林版练习选修七 Unit 1 Living with technology Word版含答案Word文件下载.docx

1、答语句意为:就我个人看,这由你自己决定。故选A项。A3Are you still mad at her?Not really,but I cant _ that her remarks hurt me.Adeny BrefuseCreject Ddecline你仍然生她的气吗?不了,不过我不能否认她的话伤害了我。deny否认,否定,符合句意。refuse拒绝;reject拒绝接受,不予考虑;decline减少,下降,衰退,谢绝。4The city will _ no more than 10 thousand new car licenses each year in order to set

2、 a limit on the number of cars and improve the environment.Awitness BevaluateCdistribute Ddeclare该市每年将发放不超过1万张的新汽车牌照,借以限制汽车数量和改善环境。distribute分发,分配,符合句意。witness目击,见证;evaluate评估,评价;declare宣布。5Why were you late for such an important concert?The plane arrived at the airport after a _ of three hours.Adel

3、ay BrestCtour Drequest上句询问迟到的原因,因此下句中的名词应与“迟到”意义有关,所以只能选择“延误”,即A项为正确答案。6They advocate the proposal we were opposed _ rediscussed at the next meeting.Ato be Bshould beCto was Dwas考查固定短语和虚拟语气。他们主张我们反对的那个提议应该在下次会议上重新讨论。be opposed to sth.为固定短语,由此可知此处首先需要补充完整,故排除B、D两项;再分析句子成分可知,advocate后的从句为宾语从句,需要用虚拟语气,

4、即“(should)动词原形”,故A项正确。7She glanced _ through the magazine as she was waiting for the bus.Acasual BcasuallyCserious Dseriously她一边等公共汽车,一边漫不经心地翻着杂志。修饰动词短语,故用副词形式。casually漫不经心地,符合句意。B8Under no circumstances _ late for your party.Ashall I be BI shall beCI am Dam Iunder no circumstances放在句首时,句子要用倒装语序,且根据

5、句意知应用将来时态,故答案为A项。9The French Revolution was successful in _ society of inequality,which had a great effect on many other countries,particularly those in Europe.Ainforming BremindingCridding Drobbingrid society of inequality消除社会上的不平等现象,符合题意。10Jack came from a poor family,so his parents had to _ a lot

6、 to pay for his schooling.Aaccuse BqualifyCpurchase Dsacrifice杰克来自一个贫困家庭,因此他的父母为他上学牺牲了很多。sacrifice牺牲,献出,符合题意。accuse指责,控告;qualify使具有资格,使合格;purchase购买。D11A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience,_ if you are travelling at high speed.Aeventually BstrangelyCmerely Despecially考查副词辨析。突然停下来可能是一次非

7、常可怕的经历,尤其是你正在高速行驶时。especially特别,尤其,符合语境。eventually最终;strangely奇怪地;merely仅仅,只。12Some people believe _ has happened before or is happening now will repeat itself in the future.Awhatever BwheneverCwherever Dhowever考查宾语从句。believe后是宾语从句且从句中缺少主语,四个选项中只有whatever可以作主语。13If we cant agree,lets vote _ it.Afor

8、BagainstCon Dabout如果咱们意见不一致就投票表决吧。vote on为投票表决,就投票,符合句意。vote for投票支持;vote against投票反对;vote不与about搭配。14Its difficult to climb up the mountain.We had to take the only path _ up the hillside.Abending BrisingCwinding Dwounding要爬上山很难。我们不得不走唯一的沿着山坡蜿蜒而上的小路。winding up the hillside为现在分词短语作后置定语。the only path

9、winding up the hillside意为“唯一的沿着山坡蜿蜒而上的小路”。15Only those who have a lot in common can get along well._.Opposites sometimes do attract.AI hope not BI think soCI appreciate that DI beg to differ考查交际用语。只有那些志趣相投的人才能够友好相处。恕我不敢苟同,有时兴趣相反的人却能相互吸引。根据答语第二句“Opposites sometimes do attract.”可知,答话者并不同意对方的说法。I beg t

10、o differ恕我不能赞同,符合语境。I hope not我希望不是这样;I think so我认为是这样;I appreciate that我很欣赏,都与语境不符。.完形填空(建议用时17)Many people are constantly waiting for their life to start.“When Im older Ill do this.” and “In a few years Ill do that.” They think the life they are _16_ is boring and meaningless.Who has never viewed

11、himself or herself _17_ worthless and unattractive?In others eyes,you are always “the funny one” and become loud and overconfident to mask what you are actually feeling,_18_ few people know about the way you feel.All of us may _19_ from depression and frustration,lose guidance and support,and thus n

12、eed _20_ physically,or spiritually.Just think like this way: _21_ feelings I am feeling will eventually go away.I need to stop feeling so sorry for myself and actually want to _22_.I am an incredibly lucky person who has come from a family _23_ there is full of love and support.I have to be the one

13、to make the _24_ to change my way of thinking.All the good things and all the wonderful people in my life would pass eventually too._25_ I am feeling miserable,my life is still going on and I am missing out on _26_ those precious moments.We all have terrible things which happen to us and will _27_ e

14、ach of us differently,The most important thing to remember is that our _28_ arent what define us.What defines us is how we _29_ what has happened to us and how we change the way we think about it.We can either let it become us or we can use our newlyfound _30_ to change a little bit of the world aro

15、und us all.Theres something much bigger than us and our problems.It is always _31_ to remember that there is always someone who is in a _32_ much worse than our own.Nevertheless,I am well on the _33_ to becoming the person I want to be and I have goals and expectations of myself.I am now _34_ that m

16、y life has started.It started years ago and its not _35_ over yet.Its happening right now.Yours is too.语篇解读很多人都在等待最好的生活,但其实最好的生活就在当下。16A.making BpredictingCexperiencing Dexpecting根据第一段第一句“很多人一直都在等待生活的开始。”可知,他们认为现在正在经历的生活是无趣的。experience经历,符合语境。make制作,使得;predict预言,预料;expect预料,期望。17A.of BasCfor Dwithvi

17、把看作,为固定搭配。故选B项。18A.and BorCso Dbut设空前的“In others eyes,you are always the funny one and become loud and overconfident to mask what you are actually feeling”(在别人眼中,你永远是个滑稽的人,为了掩盖自己真实的感觉而表现得喧哗,过于自信)和该空后的“few people know about the way you feel”(没有几个人知道你的感觉)之间是转折关系。故选D项。19A.suffer BariseCdiffer Dre

18、sult根据设空后的“from depression and frustration,lose guidance and support”可知选suffer。suffer from意为“遭受”,其后常接表示疾病、自然灾害的词,或接loneliness,overpopulation等词。arise from由引起;differ from与不同;result from由造成。20A.growth BserviceCaid Dsacrifice根据上文中的“All of us may _ from depression and frustration,lose guidance and suppor

19、t”可知,下文是说我们都需要身体上或精神上的帮助。growth增长,成长;service服务;aid援助,帮助;sacrifice牺牲。21A.pleasant BhorribleCsensitive Dcomplicated根据第八段第一句“All the good things and all the wonderful people in my life would pass eventually too.”可知,设空处所在句与该句形成对比,因此该处表示“糟糕的感觉最终会消失的”。pleasant令人愉快的;horrible糟糕的,可怕的;sensitive敏感的;complicated

20、难懂的,复杂的。22A.relax BmoveClearn Dchange根据空前的“I need to stop feeling so sorry for myself”(我需要停止顾影自怜)可知,下文应是作出“改变”。relax放松;move移动,搬动;learn学习;change改变。23A.where BwhatCthat Dwhich我是个非常幸运的人,来自于一个充满爱和支持的家庭。分析句子结构可知,设空处引导定语从句,先行词是family,且从句中缺少状语,故用where引导。24A.mistake BdifferenceCdecision Dcomment根据设空后的“to ch

21、ange my way of thinking”可知,此处应是“决定改变我的思考方式”,make the decision作决定,符合语境。make a mistake犯错误;make a/the difference起作用,有影响;make a comment作出评论。25A.Because BWhileCUnless DWhen尽管我现在感觉很痛苦,但生活还是要继续,我会错过欣赏这些宝贵时刻的机会。“I am feeling miserable”与“my life is still going on”之间是转折关系,while意为“尽管”,表让步,符合语境。26A.calculating

22、BpracticingCforgetting Dappreciating句意见上题。根据设空后的“precious moments”(宝贵时刻)可知,应是“欣赏”。calculate计算,预估;practice练习;forget忘记;appreciate欣赏。27A.attract BtreatCaffect Dbenefit我们都会遇到一些不幸的事,它们会对我们产生不一样的影响。根据常识可知,发生在我们身上的事总是影响我们。attract吸引;treat对待;affect影响;benefit有益于。28A.characters BproblemsCadvantages Dexperience

23、s我们要记住最重要的是:不是我们的问题限定了我们。character个性,性格,角色;problem问题;advantage优点;experience经历。根据倒数第三段第一句“Theres something much bigger than us and our problems.”也可推出此处选problems。 about Bmake upCdeal with Dwait for限定我们的是我们如何处理这些问题以及改变我们思考这些问题的方式。care about关心,在意;make up形成,构成,编造,化妆;deal with处理;wait for等待。30A.wis

24、dom BenergyCchance Dpatience根据设空前的newlyfound及空后的“to change a little bit of the world around us all”可知,改变世界应是用“智慧”。wisdom智慧;energy能量;chance机会,机遇;patience耐心。31A.difficult BunnecessaryCimpossible Dimportant根据前一句“Theres something much bigger than us and our problems.”可知,记得总有人的处境比我们的更糟糕,这是很重要的(important)

25、。 BrelationCposition Ddistance根据语境可知,此处指有些人的处境比我们的更糟糕。position位置;game游戏;relation关系;distance距离。33A.turn BwayCcorner Ddirection然而我仍然还在这条路上,我想成为一个我想成为的人,我有自己的目标和期望。on the way to.意为“在去的路上”,符合句意。turn转变;corner拐角处;direction方向。34A.aware BsurprisedCafraid Dworried根据最后一段可知,“我”现在意识到我的生活已经发生了改变。aware意识到

26、的,明白的;surprised惊讶的;afraid害怕的;worried担忧的。35A.even BnearlyConly Dmuch多年前生活就已经开始,到现在还远远没有结束。not nearly意为“远非,绝不是”,符合语境。.阅读理解(建议用时7)People with Type diabetes,usually found in children and young adults,must take special medicine and watch their diet to keep their blood sugar levels balanced.Recognizing th

27、e disease usually requires taking blood samples,a frightening experience for many youngsters.But researchers in the United Kingdom say they have developed a simple test,which requires only the patients breath.It is estimated that each year,as many as 80,000 children develop Type diabetes.The disease can be deadly if untreated,so early discovery is of vital importance.One of the side effects of diabetes is sweetsmelling breath.It is due to the buildup of c

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