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1、根据上表以及其他年份的高考完形填空题分析,所选文章以记叙文为主,还常涉及夹叙夹议文,有 时也出现说明文或议论文,话题贴近学生生活,内容深刻,篇章与语句的结构变化丰富多彩,文章篇 幅相对稳定,一般在 260300词之间;所选短文结构严谨,层次分明,逻辑性强。命题规律1完形填空的设题越来越有规律,设空处一般是为了综合考查学生的理解能力,分析问题以及解 决问题的能力。2.题目注重对上下文或整个篇章的理解,避免纯语法考查。3.设题考向以实词为主,虚词为辅,突出词汇语境化,也就是说,以考查动词、名词、形容词、 副词、介词(介词短语)为主。4.所给的四个选项基本上都属于同一种词性或词形。5.在语境性理解的

2、基础上,个别设空处考查推理性及常识性的问题。Cloze 1Larry works with Transport Drivers n orth after deliveri ng to one of his he got closer, he found 44 _45 shooti ng out from un der theA Heroic Driver,Inc.One morning in 2009 , Larry was _41_ along 165_42 . Suddeniy , he saw a car with its bright lights on._43 vehicle up

3、side dow n on the road. One more look and he no ticed _46 vehicle.Larry pulled over , set the brake and 47_an emerge ncy the broken window.They told her to stay she thought thethe fire ext in guisher ( 灭火器).Two good bursts from the ext in guisher and the fire was put out.The man who had his bright l

4、ights on _48_ and told Larry he had _49_car was going to move 55 shecall.They _50 heard a womans voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的)vehicle._51 vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the _52_ until the emergency personnel arrived , _g3_and let them go to to go.They let him and the o

5、ther_54_. Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not injured her n eck.Once fire and emergency people arrived , Larry and the other man 6_work.Then , Larry asked the _57 if he was needed or 5857. A . woma nB. PoliceC . manD . driver58 . A.forbiddenB . ReadyC. askedD . fre

6、e59. A . for certa inB . for con siderati onC. reportedD .Checked60 . A.p atie neeB . SkillsC . effortsD . pro mise56. A.stepped forward B . backed off go.bur ning vehicle! His60 most likely saved the woma ns life.41. A.walkingB . Touri ngC . travelli ngD . rush ing42A . passengersB . Colleagu

7、esC . empio yersD . customers43. A.SineeB . AlthoughC . AsD . If44. A.eachB . An otherC . thatD . his45. A.flamesB . SmokeC . waterD . steam46. A.usedB . DisabledC . removedD. Abandoned47. A. got hold ofB . Prep ared C.took charge of D . con trolled48. A. came downB . came through C . camein D . cam

8、e over49. A. returnedB . ReceivedC . madeD . con firmed50. A. thenB . Agai nC . fin allyD. even51. A. Starti ngB . Parki ngC . Pass ingD . App roach ing52. A . quietB . StillC . awayD . calm53. A . forB . SoC . andD . but54. A . expl ode B . sli p awayC . fall ap artD . Crash55. A . as ifB . Un less

9、 C .in caseD . after59_ Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to theOne thing ismoved on D. set outCloze 2Hundreds of people havedesk.A nd theyve n ever actuallydevice sometimes from hun dreds of miles away._23 the sound of your voice.Thats how po werful thePowerful , yes,

10、 but not alwaysformed impressions of you through that little device (装置)on your 21_ you.Everyth ing they know about you 22_ through this_ they feel they can know you _24_ fromZ_25_ is._26 . For years I dealt with my travel age nt only by phon e.Ra ni ,my faceless age nt whom rd n ever met 27_, got m

11、e rock bottom p rices on airfares , cars, andhotels.But her cold voice really _28_ me.I sometimes wished to _29_ ano ther age nt.One morning , I had to _30_ an immediate flight home for a family emergency.l ran into Ranisoffice _3_ . The woman sitting at the desk , _32_ my madness , sympathetically

12、jumped up.She gave me a _33_ smile , nodded while listening patiently , and then printed out the _34 immediately.“ What a won derful lady !” I thought.Rushing out _35- I called out over my shoulder , “By the way , whats your name ?” “ImRani , ” she said.1 turned around and saw a _36 woman with a big

13、 smile on her face waving to wishsmile, her nods ,her Im here for youC .40 were all sile nt sig nals that did nt travel through wires.21. A.acceptedB. Noticedheardmet22. A.cameB. Movedrandevel op edard23. A.ThusB. YetThe nIn deed24. A.ratherB. Alsojustalready25. A.telephoneB. VoiceconnectionD . imp

14、ressi on26. A. directB . Usefuleasyaccurate27. personB . by myselfin publicon purpose28. A.annoyedB . In teresteddiscouragedD . con fused29. A.promoteB . TrainC.findD. know30. A.arrangeB . PostponeC . con firmD. bookSitting back in the car on the way31.B. at any timeme a safe tripwas _37_ ! Why

15、 had I thought she was cold? Rani was , well , so the air port , I figured it all out.Ra nis _39_ her warm32 . A.ex pect ingB . Seeing.test ingavoid ing33 . A.shyB . Comforti ng.familiarforced34 . A.billB. Form.ticketlist35 . A.ho pefullyB . Disa ppoin tedlyC . gratefullyD . regretfully36 .

16、A.carefulB . Seriousn ervouspl easa nt37 . A.amusedB . Worriedhelpl esssp eechless38 . A.calmB . Niceproud D .clever39 . A.forgive nessB . eager ness.frien dli nessD . skillful ness40 . A.ex plan ati onB . Attitude.conceptbehaviourD. in good timeCloze 3A.for the first timeC . from time to timeWhen I

17、 was 13 my only purp ose was to become the star on our football team.That meant _41_ _Miller King , who was the best _42_ at our school.Football seas on started in Sep tember and all summer long I worked out.I carried my football everywhere for _43_ .Just before September , Miller was struck by a ca

18、r and lost his right armwent to see him after he came back from _44_ . He looked very _45_ , but he did nt cry.That seas on , I _46_ all of Millers records while he _47 the home games from the ben ch.We went 10 1 and I was n amed most valuable pl ayer , 48_ I ofte n had crazy dreams in which I was t

19、oblame for Millers _49_One after noon , I was cross ing the field to go home and saw Miller _50_ going over a fencewhich was nt _to climb if you had both arms.Im sure I was the last person in the world he wan ted to acce pt _52_ from.But eve n that challe nge he acce pted .I _53_ him move slowly ove

20、r thefence.When we were fin ally _54 on the other side , he said to me , “ You know , I did nt tell you thisduri ng the seas on , but you did _55 . Thank you for filli ng in for _56 . ”His words freed me from my bad _57 . I thought to myself , how even without an arm he was more of a leader.Damaged

21、but not defeated , he was 58 ahead of me.I was right to have -59_him.From that day on , I grew _60_ and a little more real.41.A.cheeri ng forB . beati ng outC . relyi ng onD . stay ing with42. A.coachB . Stude ntC . teacherD . p layer43 . A. practiceB. ShowC . comfortD . p leasure44 . A.schoolB . Va

22、catio nC . hos pitalD . trai ning45. A . p aleB . CalmC . relaxedD . Ashamed46 . A.heldB . BrokeC . setD . tried47 . portedB. JudgedC . orga ni zedD . watched48 . A.a ndB. ThenC . butD . thus49 . A.decisi onB . MistakeC. accidentD . sacrifice50 . A.stuckB . HurtC. triedD . lost51. A.steadyB. Ha

23、rdfunD . fit52. A.praiseB. Adviceassista neeD . apo logy53. A.letB. HelpedhadD . no ticed54. A.droppedB. ReadytrappedD . safe55. A.fineB. WrongquicklyD . no rmally56. A.usB. YourselfmeD . them57. A.memoriesB. IdeasattitudesD . dreams58. A.stillB . Also.yetD . just59. A.challengedB . vitedD

24、. admired60. A.healthierB . Bigger.clevererD . coolerCloze 4I hated him.In factBefore teaching my first college class at a private university in Virginia , I _1_ to make friendsall my students.Each week, I would try new things to _2_ the students and make the class 4_. One day I asked the class to w

25、rite about an,I wan ted to like Scott .1 wan ted him to like me.withfun._3_ Scott rolled his eyes with each new imp orta nt person in their lives.Scott let out a 5 that could be heard 6 the room.He became my _7_ . The night before class , rd lie in bed thinking about how I had to _8_ him the next da

26、y._9_ I still thought rd win him over._10_, as the weeks rolled by, things got _11_. He started to be more _12_about hating me and hating the class.He was a virus , and he was _13 every one around him!One day in class , I _14_ the students one on one to talk about their projects.The others waited fo

27、r their _15_ . But Scott grew _16一 and started to walk out before I caught him and asked him tosit.He did so reluctantly ( 不情愿地).Fi nally , rd had _17_ . I called him to my office and told him I wan ted him out of the class.I had no other choice.He was having a bad effect on the other students , I e

28、xplained._18_ , he seemed toun dersta nd.He did nt argue .In stead , he no dded and left.I ran into Scott mon ths later on _19 . I was nt sure what hed say or do.Would he swear ( 咒骂)at me? In stead as we got closer , he _20_. He was p leasa nt and asked how I was.We did nt talkabout the class .In stead ,sport, but also as a _1_ to exercise.Though _2_ runners may spend mon ths training to comp ete ,other runners and walkers might not train at all._3_ _ not competing to win might run in

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