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高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检验19 试题解析.docx

1、高考英语一轮复习课时跟踪检验19 试题解析课时跟踪检测19(B3Unit 5.单项填空1In the _ future, all the people living in the village _ will have to move to another place because of the expansion of the factory.nkgSmAIZyYAnear; nearby Bnear; nearlyCnearly; nearby Dnearby; near答案与解读:A第一个空用形容词near“就近的;附近的”;第二个空用形容词nearby“在附近”作后置定语,故A项正确

2、。nkgSmAIZyY2What _ did the country leave you after a year of your staying there?nkgSmAIZyYWell, I think what _ me most was the friendliness of the people there.nkgSmAIZyYAimpression; impressedBwas impressed; impressedCwas impressed on; impressingDhad impressed; was impressed答案与解读:Aleave sb. a(n.impr

3、ession“给某人留下的印象”;第二个空impress在what所引导的名词性从句中作谓语,由was可知,应用一般过去时。nkgSmAIZyY3Though lacking money and support from his family, he _ to complete the task by himself, which brought him confidence and experience.nkgSmAIZyYAtried BattemptedCran Dmanaged答案与解读:Dmanage to do sth.意为“成功做成某事”。A、B两项均表示“试图去做某事”,与题意

4、不符。nkgSmAIZyY4The 5% price rise is well _ the limits set by the government.nkgSmAIZyYAwithin BinCon Dto答案与解读:A句意:百分之五的物价上涨未超过政府限定的范围。within意为“不超过;在之内”。nkgSmAIZyY5Many road accidents occurred because motorists could not _ the speed of approaching vehicles.nkgSmAIZyYAconclude BcountCmeasure Dvalue答案与解

5、读:Cmeasure意为“评估;测量”时,为及物动词,后可直接接宾语。conclude“推断出;得出结论”;count“数”;value“评价”。nkgSmAIZyY6_ is no possibility _ Bob can win the first prize in the match.nkgSmAIZyYAThere; that BIt; thatCThere; whether DIt; whether答案与解读:A句意:鲍勃不可能在比赛中得第一。there is no possibility “没有可能”,为固定句型。第二个空引导同位语从句,故用that。nkgSmAIZyY7An

6、order came from the command _ all the PLA men should rush to the disasterhit area to help the people there.nkgSmAIZyYAhow BthatCwhich Dwhere答案与解读:B句意:司令部命令所有的中国人民解放军战士必须火速赶往灾区,帮助那里的人们。that引导同位语从句,解释说明command的内容。nkgSmAIZyY8In your opinion, who is the best basketball player in the world?nkgSmAIZyYYao

7、Ming. I think he has a(n _ for basketball.nkgSmAIZyYApresent BlimitCinterest Dgift答案与解读:Dhave a gift for“有的天赋”。9Seeing the _ sight, the little girl was nearly _ to death.nkgSmAIZyYAterrifying; terrified Bterrifying; terrifyingCterrified; terrified Dterrified; terrifying答案与解读:A考查terrify的ing和ed形式的区别。句

8、意:这个小女孩差点被那恐怖的场景吓死。terrifying“可怕的;令人恐怖的”,用于修饰物;terrified“感到惊恐的”,用于修饰人。nkgSmAIZyY10She was so upset by the accident that she couldnt _ to explain just what happened.nkgSmAIZyYAsettle down Btake downCput down Dbring down答案与解读:Asettle down此处意为“平静下来”。take down“记下,写下”;put down“放下,写下”;bring down“使降价”。nkgS

9、mAIZyY11It is the test system, _ the teachers, that is to blame for the heavy burden of middle school students nowadays.nkgSmAIZyYAother than Bor ratherCrather than Dmore than答案与解读:C句意:是考试制度而不是教师们应为目前中学生们的沉重的负担负责。rather than“而不是”,符合句意。other than“除以外”;or rather“更确切地说”;more than“不仅仅”。nkgSmAIZyY12The v

10、illage is _ on all sides by green mountains, which is rich in natural resources.nkgSmAIZyYAsurrounded BcoveredCdivided Ddepended答案与解读:A句意:这个村庄四面被青山环绕,有丰富的自然资源。be surrounded by意为“被包围”,故选A项。nkgSmAIZyY13_ I know, the place where we used to _ our flag has become a modern teaching building.nkgSmAIZyYASo

11、far as; rise BAs far as; raiseCAs long as; rise DSo long as; raise答案与解读:B句意:据我所知,过去我们常常升旗的地方已经变成了一栋现代化的教学楼。as far as I know“据我所知”;rise是不及物动词,raise是及物动词,故选B项。nkgSmAIZyY14It is a(n _ for Chinese people at home and abroad to observe the Spring Festival.nkgSmAIZyYAhabit BbehaviorCaction Dtradition答案与解读:

12、D句意:对国内外的中国人来说过春节是一个传统。根据句意可知选D项。15I need a _ bigger house so that I could share more room.nkgSmAIZyYAslightly BlightlyCnarrowly Dhardly答案与解读:A句意:我需要稍微大点儿的房子以便我可以分享更多空间。lightly“轻轻地”;narrowly“勉强地”;hardly“几乎不”。slightly“稍微”,可以修饰比较级,故选A项。dJK48Hqwpv.完形填空The BoatOn my path to the great distant mountain pe

13、ak, I came to a wide river. Looking far to the right and the left, I saw no _16_, and pondered how to cross. Suddenly a pretty little _17_ appeared, came to the shore and offered to take me across, to _18_ me in completing my journey.dJK48HqwpvThe trip started _19_, and I was pleased with the little

14、 boat, and _20_ for the assistance it provided. There were a few areas of _21_ waters, one that even spun us around a few times, but presently we reached the far _22_.dJK48HqwpvThe trip had been so _23_, my gratitude and happiness so full, that I _24_ to leave that little boat, even though I knew I

15、must, to continue my journey. Much as I wanted to _25_, to spend more time drifting on the river in that little boat, the mountain beckoned (举手招唤, and my _26_ had been set.dJK48HqwpvAs I _27_ my journey, I kept looking back at that little boat with deep _28_. It had been so pleasant and had _29_ me

16、across the great river; I had grown to _30_ that boat deeply. Yet I knew that the boat had its _31_ in the river, and that it couldnt follow my path to the mountain. _32_ I tried to take that boat along, it could not have made the journey with me, and would have stopped my own _33_.dJK48HqwpvAnd as

17、I watched, the little boat turned around and went back to the far shore, there to assist yet another _34_ the path to the mountain. And I realized how“all _35_ together for good”, for each part of this magnificent universe perfectly plays its role in assisting all other parts.dJK48Hqwpv16A.tree Bbri

18、dgeCflower Dbird17A.girl BangelCfish Dboat18A.assist BencourageCthreaten Dpersuade19A.slowly BmysteriouslyChappily Ddifficultly20A.upset BgratefulCgreedy Dsuitable21A.fresh BcleanCdirty Dstrong22A.shore BbeachCmountain Dvillage23A.tiresome BmiserableCwonderful Drough24A.attempted BhatedCrefused Dhad

19、 BcontinueCsettle Dstay26A.record BcourseCpace Dstandard27A.stopped BstartedCcontinued Dremained28A.comfort BsympathyCregret Dsadness29A.guided BfliedCforced BrowClove Dpity31A.shelter BplaceCload Dpurpose32A.Only if BIf onlyCWhat if DEven if33A.progress BpreparationCroute

20、 Dexpectation34A.choosing BblockingCfollowing BmixesCjoins Dplays答案与解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者以拟人的手法,描写了自己在一艘小船的帮助下顺利地渡过一条河的情景,并且刻画了自己对小船依依不舍的感情。作者意在告诉人们世界上的万物都发挥着自己的作用。dJK48Hqwpv16B根据前面的“river”以及后面的“and pondered how to cross”可知没有桥。树、花、鸟与过河没有联系。dJK48Hqwpv17D根据后面的“and I was pleased with the lit

21、tle boat”可知这里是指一条小船出现了。dJK48Hqwpv18A结合前面的“offered to take me across”可知这个小船要帮助作者过河,所以选assist“帮助”。encourage“鼓励”;threaten“威胁”,指有可能给他人造成损害;persuade“劝说”,均与语境不符。dJK48Hqwpv19C作者正在为如何过河发愁的时候,小船出现了,将帮助他过河,所以他很高兴地开始了行程。slowly“慢慢地”;mysteriously“神秘地”;difficultly“艰难地”,而与后面“pleased”呼应的只有happily。dJK48Hqwpv20B由于作者在

22、为过河发愁的时候,有船过来,所以他很高兴,对这个小船给予自己的帮助很感激。upset“沮丧的”;greedy“贪婪的”,它的含义是想获得超出需要的东西,如金钱和食物等;suitable“适合的”,均与语境不符。dJK48Hqwpv21D从后面的“one that even spun us around a few times”可知河里水流湍急,小船有几次都被冲得急转弯。fresh“淡的,新鲜的”;clean“干净的”;dirty“脏的”,均不符合语境。dJK48Hqwpv22A作者要过河,所以要到达河的对岸,因此选shore。beach“海滩”;mountain“山脉”;village“村庄”

23、,均与语境不符。dJK48Hqwpv23C从后面作者不愿意离开这个小船可知,作者认为自己的行程是令人高兴的。tiresome“令人厌烦的”;miserable“痛苦的”;rough“粗糙的”,均与作者的心情不符。dJK48Hqwpv24B从上文中作者对小船的感激可知,他不愿意离开这艘小船,因此选B项。attempt“试图”;refuse“拒绝”,此处作者不是不走,而是从情感上与小船难舍难分,故C项不符合语境;而have to表示“不得不”,与作者的意图矛盾。dJK48Hqwpv25D根据上文作者不愿意走可知,他是想在这里多停留一会,故选stay。live“居住”;continue“继续”;se


25、引诱”,均与语境不符。dJK48Hqwpv30C作者感激小船的帮助,由此产生爱意。repair“修理”;row“一排”;pity“同情”。均与语境不符。dJK48Hqwpv31B作者虽然舍不得离开小船,但是知道小船应有它的恰当的位置,起着它原本应起的作用。shelter“庇护处”;load“负载”;purpose“目的”。dJK48Hqwpv32Donly if“只有”;if only“但愿”;what if“要是会怎样呢”;even if“即使”。此处意为:作者即使想带着小船走,它也不可能帮助作者走完其余的路程。dJK48Hqwpv33A假如作者带着小船走的话,会妨碍作者的“进程”。prep

26、aration“准备”;route“路线”;expectation“期望”,均不符合语境。dJK48Hqwpv34Cfollow the path“沿着这条小路”,符合题意。前一段中的“and that it couldnt follow my path to the mountain”有提示。而choose“选择”;block“阻塞”;find“找到”,均与语境不符。dJK48Hqwpv35A作者通过小船的启示说明了一个道理:宇宙间的万物携手共创美好未来,所以选A项。mix“(使混合”;join“连接,接合”;play“玩耍”,均与语境无关。dJK48Hqwpv.阅读理解Similar th

27、ings continuously happened in Haiti and Chile. Thousands of people were buried in the earthquake and lost their lives. What if we could have warned them? People are always trying hard to find a way of preventing building collapsing (倒塌. Better materials and technology help, but are not a solution. J

28、ust like humans, a building has its own life circle from “birth” to “death”. If we know when a building is going to collapse, we can repair it in advance or get out before it falls.dJK48Hqwpv Now, scientists at the University of Illinois have developed a material that turns red before it breaks. The

29、 invention could be used in things like climbing ropes, or bridge supports. The secret behind the colorchanging material is a type of molecule (分子. A molecule is a group of atoms held together by chemical bonds (化学键. Imagine you and your friends standing in a circle, holding hands. Each person stand

30、s for one atom, your hands represent the bonds, and the entire circle represents a molecule. If one person lets go of his or her hands, the molecule changes color. The research team put the molecule into a soft material. When the researchers stretched (拉紧 the material, it turned bright red a few seconds before it broke into two pieces. When they repeatedly stretched and relaxed the material, without breaking it, it only turned a little red.dJK48H

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