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1、Credit 是否重修Credit earned on repeat attempt总计学分学院审核意见School Assessment 审核人签名:Signature 年 月 日 Date 三、论文开题 Research Proposal论文题目 Title开题日期Date 考核结果Assessment 注:开题报告需与此表一同交学院研究生工作办公室留存。Note: This certificate, together with the research proposal, is to be forwarded to and archived by the School Office of

2、 the Graduate Student Affairs. 四、博士候选人资格认证小组成员Committee Members for Qualification Assessment 姓名Name 职称Academic Title 研究方向Research Focus组长Chair 组员Members 秘书Secretary 五、博士候选人资格认证情况 Summary of qualification assessment for doctoral candidates组长签名:Chair Signaturedate 年 月 日六、考核意见 Assessment 导师意见(含文献分析和实验技

3、能考核)Assessment from supervisor (about literature analysis and experimental skills)导师签名: Signature 年 月 日考核小组意见Assessment from the committee 组长签名: 年 月 日 学院意见Assessment from School 负责人签名:Person in charge SignatureStamp (学院)章: 年 月 日East China University of Science and Technology博士学位论文开题报告Research Propos

4、al for Doctoral Dissertation姓 名:Name 学 号:Student number 学 院:School 导 师:Supervisor 论文题目:Title 开题时间:Date 说 明Instructions 1.博士学位论文的开题报告是保证论文质量的一个重要环节,为了加强对博士研究生培养的过程管理,规范其学位论文的开题报告,特制此表。Since the research proposal is important for the completion of the doctoral dissertation, this qualification certific

5、ate is required as a necessary procedure in the management and regulation of doctoral programs, as to assess the academic quality of the research proposal. 2.开题报告一般安排在博士入学后第三学期末前完成。The research proposal is to be completed by the end of the third semester of the doctoral program. 3.由所在学院组成开题审查小组,并组织开

6、题报告会,听取开题报告答辩。审查小组由至少3位本学科博士生导师组成,其中设组长一名,另设秘书1名。审查小组负责对学生的开题报告内容和质量进行审核并做出评价。The School that hosts the doctoral program is to form the research proposal examination committee and to hold the defense cession for research proposals. The committee is composed of three or more doctoral supervisors, one

7、 of whom serves as the chair, and one secretary. The committee is to assess the merits of the research proposals and provide a summary of the assessment. 4.此表为A4大小,于左侧装订成册。This certificate is to be printed out on A4 sheets and bound on the left. 5.此表一式两份经导师和审核小组签字后,交学院研究生管理办公室存档。This certificate, si

8、gned in duplicate by both the candidates supervisor and the committee, is to be forwarded to and archived by the School Office of the Graduate Student Affairs.博士学位论文开题报告内容与格式要求Format Guide: Research Proposals for Doctoral Dissertations博士学位论文开题报告一般由6个主要部分组成,依次为:The research proposal generally consist

9、s of six parts, as follows:1.封面 Title page;2. 中文目录Table of contents in Chinese;3. 中文摘要 Abstract in Chinese;4. 英文摘要 Abstract in English;5. 正文 Main body of the text;6. 参考文献 Bibliography 1 封面 Title page 采用研究生院指定的统一封面。A designated title page is provided by the Graduate School. 2中文目录 Table of Contents in

10、 Chinese目录由序号、标题名称和页码组成。包括:正文(含引言、结论)的一级、二级和三级序号和标题、参考文献等内容。The table of contents is comprised of lists, headings and page number, including the primary, secondary and tertiary lists and headings of the main text (covering the introduction and conclusion), and the bibliography, etc.3中文摘要 (300字左右)Abs

11、tract in Chinese (300 words or so)论文摘要由题目、摘要正文、关键词(3-5个)三部分组成。The abstract consists of the title, the main text of the abstract and key words (3-5 words/phrases).4 英文摘要 Abstract in English 内容同3。For content composition, refer to section 3.5正文 (不得少于10,000字) The main body of the text (no less than 10,

12、000 words)5.1课题背景 Research Background 课题来源及背景、研究目的、理论意义和实际应用价值 The research background, objective, implication and application5.2文献综述 Literature Review国内外在该研究方向研究现状及发展动态,引文应标注出自的参考文献序号。The present research advancement both home and abroad. In-text citations numbered and linked to the bibliography en

13、try.5.3研究目标 Research Objective5.4研究内容 Research Content5.5主要研究方案、技术路线与可行性分析 Research Plan, Techniques and Feasibility Analysis5.6预期研究成果和(或)创新点 Expectations and/or Innovations至少列出与前人不同的成果和(或)创新点 Demonstration of differences in achievement and/or innovation in comparison to the previous researches. 5.7

14、工作基础和条件 Research Progress and Conditions包括试验研究条件、已经开展的相关工作、存在的不足与问题等。The experiment condition, research and experiment in progress, and weaknesses or limitations, etc. 5.8研究进度安排 Research Schedule 包括文献调研,课题设计,预期研究结果,实验操作,实验数据的分析处理,撰写论文等。以季度为单位列出。Literature study and investigation, research design, ex

15、pected results, experimental procedures, data analysis and processing, manuscript drafting, etc. should be listed on a quarterly basis. 6 参考文献 Bibliography参考文献不少于50篇,其中外文文献不少于25篇,格式严格按照华东理工大学学报自然科学版格式要求著录。 No less than 50 titles of bibliography, at least 25 of which written in foreign languages. Ref

16、er to the Journal of East China University (Natural Science Edition) for documentation format guide. 导师意见Supervisor Assessment签名:Signature年 月 日开题审查小组意见(从选题的前沿性、实用性、可行性及不足等方面进行评价)Assessment from the proposal examination committee (on whether the research subject being advanced, practical, feasible, o

17、r flawed, etc.)开题报告审核小组成员Members of the proposal examination committeeAcademic title单位Unit签名ChairSecretary华东理工大学博士研究生学位论文开题报告评分表Score Sheet of Research Proposal for Doctoral Dissertation评审项目Item 权重percentage评 分 标 准Criteria 得分 score (百分制100 mark system)一、选题依据Significance(A)20%80100分80-100 选题有很强的理论价值、

18、或具有先进性和实用性,并预期将获得重大的科技影响、经济效益和社会效益。The research is either significant in theoretical breakthrough or advanced in application. It is expected to have strong and positive impacts on science and technology advancement, economic growth and social progress. 6080分60-80 选题有较强的理论价值、或具有先进性和实用性,并预期获得较大的科技影响、经

19、济效益和社会效益。The research is helpful in theoretical breakthrough or advanced in application. It is expected to improve science and technology advancement, economic growth and social progress. 60分以下Below 60 选题缺乏先进性。The research is not original or advanced. 二、文献综述Literature review (B)10%80100分80-100 报告内容全

20、面阐述该研究方向的现状和发展动态。The literature review is exhaustive in summarizing the full and latest development in the relevant research area.6080分60-80 报告内容基本跟踪该研究方向的现状和发展动态。The literature review is relatively exhaustive in summarizing the full and latest development in the relevant research area.60分以下Below 60

21、 综述一般,未达到上述标准。The literature review is incomplete. 三、文献阅读量 literature quantity (C)90100分90-100 文献阅读量在70篇以上,外文期刊占80%。More than 70 titles (at least 80% written in foreign languages) 8090分80-90 文献阅读量在60篇以上,外文期刊占70%。More than 60 titles (at least 70% written in foreign languages)文献阅读量在50篇以上,外文期刊占50%。More

22、 than 50 titles (at least 50% written in foreign languages)文献阅读量在50篇以下。Less than 50 titles 四、创新性 originality (D)30%研究课题属本学科发展方向并居前沿位置,研究成果具有很强的创新性The research falls within the scope of the discipline within which the PHD program is offered. And the research is leading to new development of the disci

23、pline and shows originality. 研究课题属本学科的发展方向,并有自己独特的思考、并具有一定的创新性The research falls within the scope of the discipline within which the PHD program is offered. And the research is based on independent exploration and shows a certain degree of originality.60分以下 below 60 研究成果的创新性不明显。The research is not o

24、riginal. 五、文字表达writing proficiency(E)80-100条理清晰,分析严谨,文笔流畅The reasoning is adequate and logical and the text is coherent and fluent.60-80条理较好,层次分明,文笔较流畅The text is well-structured and fluent. Below 60写作能力较差The text is not well written. 六、口头报告Oral presentation (F)思维严密、逻辑性强、表达清楚。The presentation is wel

25、l-thought, logical and articulate. 基本概念清晰、层次分明。表达较清楚。The presentation is well-structured and easy to follow.表达较差The presentation is inarticulate. 总分Total 总分=0.2A+0.1B+0.2C+0.3D+0.1E+0.1FSum=0.2A+0.1B+0.2C+0.3D+0.1E+0.1F 注:评审专家按百分制在六项指标每一栏的最后一列内打分。 Note: Please mark the score according to the 100 mark system in the right column of the table.

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