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1、(2)较复杂句式的使用也是该文的一个亮点,如:with复合结构和so that引导的结果状语从句。(3)作者成功地使用了多个副词来表达强烈的感情,如:equally,definitely等。.写作必记单词1behaviour n行为behave v举止,表现2damage n& vt.毁坏,损害3destroy vt.破坏,毁坏destruction n破坏,毁灭4distant adj.远的;远处的distance n距离5effort n努力,艰难的尝试6influence n&vt.影响7permit vt.许可,允许;n.许可证permission n允许,许可8pollution n

2、污染pollute vt.使污染9prevent vt.防止,预防10protect vt.保护protection n保护11recycle vt.回收;再循环12volunteer n志愿者13waste vt.& n浪费;滥用;废料14wave v挥手;向致意;n.波浪;挥手.阅读识记单词15advocate vt.拥护,支持;提倡16atmosphere n大气;气氛17blow vt.吹;刮;n.吹;重击18challenging adj.具有挑战性的19decrease v减少,变小20decline v减少,下降;衰退;谢绝21disappearance n消失disappear

3、 vi.消失,失踪22ecology n生态,生态学23environment n环境24evolution n进化,演变25extinction n灭绝26garbage n垃圾27harvest n& vt.收割,收获(物)28harmony n和谐29irrigate vt.灌溉30material n原料;材料31primitive adj.原始的,远古的32preserve vt.保护;保留,保存33protection n保护34punishment n惩罚35puzzled adj.迷惑不解的36radiation n放射,放射物37responsibility n责任,负责re

4、sponsible adj.有责任的,应负责任的38rubbish n垃圾;废物39substitute vt.取代,代替40survival n存活,幸存语境活用用所给词的正确形式填空1Rideouts team thinks that the California condors average survival(survive) time in the wild is now just under eight years.(2016北京)2Professor David Wilson explains that gossip is important in policing behavi

5、ours(behave) in a group.(2016浙江)3Video games can be a poor influence(influent) if left in the wrong hands.(2015湖南)4From a distance(distant),Lucy switched on the prerecorded sound of angry bees while at the same time recording the elephants with a video camera.(2014安徽)5I know you take good pictures a

6、nd youve always wanted to do something for environmental protection(protect)(2016全国)6It is not yet clear who would administer the scheme,but the UK government is looking at introducing it on a voluntary(volunteer) basis.(2016上海)7Group exercise is challenging(challenge),yet fun and empowering!(2015福建

7、)8If it werent for Rachel Carson,the environmental(environment) movement might not exist today.(2016全国)9At no time did they actually break the rules of the game.It was unfair to punish(punishment) them.10This morning,when I was walking on the street,I saw that two travelers were reading a map,lookin

8、g puzzled(puzzle)1call on do sth.号召/呼吁某人做某事2cut down砍倒3die out灭绝4do harm to对有危害5have disastrous effect on对有灾难性的影响6live in harmony with与和谐相处7prevent.from.阻止做8run out用完;耗尽9take steps/measures/action to do sth.采取措施做某事10take/be responsibility for对负责任运用上述短语完成片段Recently many trees in the forest 1.we

9、re cut down(被砍倒) by the farmers,which 2.did great harm to(给带来很大危害) nature.Many animals and plants have 3.died out(灭绝)This will 4.have disastrous effect on(对有灾难性的影响) human being.I think human beings should 5.take responsibility for(对负责) their actions and in harmony with(与和谐共处) nature.The gover

10、nment should 7.take measures/steps/action to 8.prevent them from(阻止他们) doing these things again and on(号召) them to plant more trees.1with复合结构With the number of cars increasing fast in our city,our environment is getting increasingly worse.在我们的城市,随着汽车数量的快速增长,我们的环境正急剧恶化。仿写Tori的眼睛闪着光吹嘘道,“我敢打赌,Se

11、an两天前告诉我的。”(2016With her eyes shining,Tori brags,“You bet I did.Sean told me two days ago.”2Its (high) time that.Its high time that we paid much attention to protecting our environment.到了我们应该高度重视保护我们的环境的时候了。是我该着手考虑那篇文章的时候了。Its time I got down to thinking about that essay.3过去分词(短语)作状语Faced with this

12、situation,we are supposed to raise the awareness of environmental protection.面对这种情况,我们应该提高环境保护的意识。因为被灌木丛中的蛇咬到,苏珊被送回到露营地。Bitten by the snake in the bush,Susan was sent back to the camp. damage n& v损害;伤害;破坏(1)Once the damage is done,it will take many years for the farmland to recover.一旦造成损害,要花费许多年的时间耕

13、地才能恢复。(2)An oil ship suffered damage in a terrorist attack in Red Sea.一艘油轮在红海因遭到恐怖袭击而受损。cause/do damage to对造成损害suffer damage遭受损害repair damage修复损害名词damage的复数意为“赔偿费”。基础知识训练单句语法填空(1)What was said is really damaging(damage)(2)Smoking does great damage to ones health.写作能力提升句式升级(3)His reputation was damag

14、ed,and he regretted having done so.(用with复合结构改写)With his reputation damaged,he regretted having done so. destroy vt.破坏;毁掉(1)When Natalie returned to Rockaway after the hurricane,she found her neighborhood was destroyed.飓风过后,Natalie回到Rockaway,她发现她居住的街区被毁了。(2016(2)All hopes of a peaceful settlement we

15、re destroyed by his speech.和平解决的希望都被他的讲话给毁了。destroy,damage,ruin(1)destroy表示毁灭性的破坏,不能或很难修复。多指不可抵抗的外界力量造成的损害。(2)damage一般指局部地、可修复地、非彻底地损害、伤害。主要用作及物动词,可用于被动结构;作名词时,表示“损害”。(3)ruin亦指彻底毁掉,但不含有以某种摧毁性的力量进行破坏,而含有在一定的过程中逐渐毁掉的意思;强调使某物失去优良的特性或特征。用destroy,damage,ruin的正确形式填空(1)After the earthquake,many buildings w

16、ere destroyed,but the local people still repaired the damaged ones and built some new ones to keep their hometown from coming to ruin.用destroy的正确形式填空(2)Smoking destroying his health,he is quite weak now.(3)His hope destroyed,he felt helpless. influence n影响;有影响的人(或事物)v影响(1)The study suggests that the

17、 cultures we grow up in influence the basic processes by which we see the world around us.该项研究表明,我们成长的文化环境会影响我们看我们周围的世界的基本过程。(2)He begins writing under the influence of his friend,Robert Frost.他在朋友罗伯特弗罗斯特的影响下写诗。be influenced by受的影响have an influence on对起作用/有影响under the influence of在的影响下(1)What exactl

18、y is the influence of television on children?(2)Its all too easy to be influenced by our parents.(3)The language we speak is said to influence(influence) the way we think.写作能力提升同义句改写(4)Van Gogh had an influence on the development of modern painting.Van Gogh influenced/affected the development of mod

19、ern painting.Van Gogh had an effect on the development of modern painting. permit v允许;许可;准许n通行证;许可证;执照(1)With the exception of using a small microwave oven to heat food,students are not permitted to cook in their rooms.除了用小微波炉热饭外,学生不允许在他们的房间里做饭。天津)(2)The owners dont permit parking cars in front of t

20、he shops.店主们不允许在其商店门口停车。允许某人做某事 permit doing sth.允许做某事 permit of容许(常用于否定句)(2)ask for permission请求许可with/without ones permissionwith/without the permission of sb.获取某人同意/没有获得某人许可(1)I was permitted to talk(talk) to the prisoner and the guards permitted me to bring(bring) my camera and tape recorder.(2)

21、The facts permit of no other explanation.(3)He asked for permission(permit) to leave the room.(4)Pages cant be copied without the permission of the publisher.(5)If time permits,I will visit the Great Wall.(用独立主格结构改写)Time permitting,I will visit the Great Wall. protect vt.保卫,防卫(1)We must find ways to

22、 protect our environment.我们必须找到保护环境的方法。(2)The chicks are under the protection of the hen.小鸡们在母鸡的保护下。(1)protect.from保护不受(危害)protect.against.保护免受(的伤害)(强调较大的事情,如战争、灾害、威胁等)(2)protection nU保护;C保护者;防护物;保护费under the protection of在的保护下keep sb.from doingstop sb.(from) doingprevent sb.(from) doing阻止某人做(在主动语态中

23、,与stop/prevent搭配的from可以省略;被动语态中from均不可省略。)(1)The protection(protect) of the country is the duty of everyone.(2)Some animals can protect themselves from their enemies by changing their colours.(3)This medicine will protect you against a return of the illness.(4)The trees are protected by teachers and

24、 students and they grow well.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)Protected by teachers and students,the trees grow well. do harm to 给带来危害(1)Light pollution does harm to the eyesight of animals.光污染对动物的视力造成伤害。(2)Theres no great harm in taking something to relieve a headache.吃点药缓解头痛也没什么大的坏处。(1)do harm to sb.harm伤害某人ca

25、use harm to sb.伤害某人mean no harm to.对没有恶意There is no harm in doing.做无害处(2)harmful adj.有害的be harmful to.对有害(3)harmless adj.无害的harm,injure,wound,hurt(1)harm意为“伤害,损害”,表示肉体或精神上受到伤害,也表示对环境的伤害。(2)injure意为“伤害”,多指事故中人或物受到损伤,也表示损害名誉、伤害感情等。(3)wound意为“使受伤,伤害”,主要指外界暴力或用武器造成身体上较重的伤害。(4)hurt意为“疼痛,受伤”,既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上、感情上的伤害。基础知识训练用harm,injure,wound,hurt的正确形式填空(1)Being injured in the leg made it impossible for me to walk as fast as usual.(2)The doctor was performing the operation on the boy wounded in the battle.(3)If you want to harm the environment,you have to pay to do it,and I agree with that.(4)Y

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