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1、he saidThen you apologize (道歉)Calvin dropped his headSorry Trudy,he muttered (嘟囔)Here,Mama saidHappy birthdayAt the breakfast table she handed Calvin an envelopeInside were tickets to the matinee show of Lomax the Magnificent,the worldfamous magician and hypnotistYouve got two tickets there,Mama sai

2、d,and I know someone whod really love to go alongShe smiled at TrudyYou dont mean here,do you?Calvin asked,eyeing his little sisterWell,that would be really niceBut those tickets are yoursIf you want to ask somebodyCalvin didnt wait for his mother to finishHe rushed out of the house to cell Rodney,h

3、is pal next door,that the two of them were going to see Lomax the Magnificent36Who screamed at the beginning? ACalvinBCalvins sisterCCalvins friendDCalvins mother37Calvin apologized to Trudy Aunwillingly Btruly Chappily Dexcitedly38Calvin received his present Ain the kitchen Bin his bed Cinside the

4、theatre Doutside his house39Calvins mother Rally wanted Calvin to Aask his friend to the show Bfind out what his friend thoughtCdo what she thought was right Dwatch the show without his sister40What is the best title for this passage?ATrudys Spider BMothers Ticketss Birthday DRodneys PresentPassage

5、2The businessman traveled far and worked hard until, finally, it was time to set off home He packed all the presents he had bought, but decided to get a fresh rose for his youngest daughter called Bella when he was closer to home On his journey home, a terrible storm cameLuckily, the businessman fou

6、nd a place to shelter(躲避)He ran to the door To his surprise, it was open but the house seemed empty It looked warm and welcoming In he wentIs there anybody home? he called But there was nobody to be seen or a sound to be heard Tired and wet, the businessman sat down by the fireInvisible(无形的)hands ga

7、ve him warm drink and good food Invisible hands put a cushion(垫子)behind his head He couldnt believe his eyes I must be dreaming, he thoughtNext morning, the businessman awoke and remembered he had to get a rose for Bella In the garden, he found a beautiful rose bush He started to dig up a small part

8、 of it Then he heard a terrible roar(咆哮),How dare you take my rose!Suddenly, a great hary beast(野兽)appeared, roaring loudlyPlease dont hurt me! begged the businessman Ill do anything Then you must promise to send me the first creature(生物)you see when you get homeAha! thought the businessman, I will

9、see the chickens around my door first So he gave his promiseSadly, the first creature he saw was not a chicken, a cat or a dog It was Bella, who came running out to greet him The businessman went as pale as moonlight He told her the whole story Bella did not think twice A promise is a promise, she s

10、aid (To be continued)52 What present did the father want to give his youngest daughter?A A bookB A cushionC A chickenD A rose53 Which is the right order according to the story?He got some nice drink and food, then had a good sleepHe bought some presents for his daughtersHe promised to send the first

11、 creature he met to the beastHe went into a warm house because of the terrible stormABCD54 We can tell from the last paragraphthat Bella would A plant the rose in her gardenB keep her fathers promiseC hate her fatherD go to kill the beastPassage 3Name:Daniel Jacob RadcliffeDate of Birth:23rd July 19

12、89Place of Birth:London,EnglandStar Sign:CancerHeight:1.73mDaniel Radcliffe is known all round the worldHe stars as the young wizard in the film versions of JKRowlings bestselling Harry Potter booksFrom the age of fiveDaniel knew that he wanted to be an actorWhen he was ten years old,he was offered

13、his first part in a television dramaIn 2000,after several auditionshe was chosen to play the part of Harry Potter in the film Harry Potter and the Philosophers StoneThe film was a worldwide success and with the release of The Order of the Phoenix,Daniel will have starred in five Harry Potter filmsHa

14、rry Potter is Daniels most famous role,but the young actor has also appeared in a number of other filmson the stage and in TV dramasHe is one of the bestknown young actors in Britain todayDuring 2007,he appeared in a play in London,in which he had to play a scene with no clothes on!As a young actor,

15、Daniel has had to combine acting with his schoolworkIn 2006,Daniel got excellent results in his examinations and wants to go on to university to complete his educationIn his spare time Daniel enjoys playing the guitar and listening to rock musicHe enjoys playing table tennis and video games,tooHe is

16、 a big football fan and loves watching his favourite teamFulham,who plays in the English Premier LeagueDaniel can afford to buy the best seats when he goes to watch footballHis success as Harry Potter has earned him nearly $20million,which makes him one of the richest teenagers in the world61When wa

17、s Daniel offered his first part in a television show?AIn 1994BIn 1999CIn 2000DIn 200362Daniel likes to do all the following in his spare time EXCEPT Aplaying the guitarBplaying video gamesCwatching basketball games Dplaying table tennis63What has made Daniel one of the richest teenagers in the world

18、?AHis success as a football playerBHis success as Harry PotterCPlaying table tennis DA play in LondonPassage 4The Trousers Shop New Arrivals from Europe!Trousers PatternsFromMaterialColorSizePrice()Italysilkwhite / blueL / M / S60-90Francecottonred / yellowM / S45-80Englandwoolchecked (花格的)L / M80-1

19、05Germanyblack / brownXL / L55-80Welcome e-mail orders for all our trousers and we also welcome credit card Free post and packingTel: 67867822E-mail: trousershopyahoocom1. You can buy _ in this shopA. trousers B. shoes C. shorts2. Size L black trousers are from _ A. England B. Germany C. Italy3. How

20、 much will you pay if you buy a pair of silk trousers and a pair of checked trousers? _ A. More than 195 B. Lessthan140 C. About $1604. You cant buy the trousers _ A. By letter B. by credit card C. by e-mail5. Which are the cheapest trousers?A. The red cotton trousers B. The black cotton trousersC.

21、The checked wool trousers Passage 5Many expressions that we use in American English come from novels. Today we will look at some of them from Lewis Carrolls famous novel Alice in Wonderland in detailThe story is about a young girl falling down a rabbit hole. When she finally lands, she finds herself

22、 in a strange world and meets some strange charactersThe first character Alice meets is the White Rabbit, who runs past her and says some strange words. Alice chases(追赶)him,and that is where her adventures begin. In English, chasing a white rabbit means chasing an impossible clue and finding yoursel

23、f in a misleading situationThen,as she runs after the rabbit,she falls down the rabbit hole into Wonderland. To fall down the rabbit hole can mean to enter a confusing(令人困惑的)situationHowever,usually we use this expression to mean we get interested in something to the point of distraction(分神)It often

24、 happens by accident and is about something not that meaningfulLater in the story,Alice meets the March Hare and the Hatter at a crazy tea partyHares(野兔)have long been thought to behave excitedly in March,which is their mating(交配)seasonScientifically,this may not be trueBut to be mad as a March Hare

25、 means that someone is completely mad,or crazy. The expression mad as a Hatter also means to be completely crazyOf the two,mad as a Hatter is more commonBut dont tell the March HareWho knows how he will react(反应)!Near the end of the story,Alice meets the Queen of HeartsA woman who is called a Queen

26、of Hearts likes controlling others and always tries to control everything and everyone around her58. Which of the following situations best fits the expressions to fall down a rabbit hole?A. When Tom was taking a walk in the forest,he suddenly fell over onto the groundB. When Mary turned on the TV,s

27、he chose to watch the talk show programmed as usualC. When Jim was looking for a sport book online,he lost himself in many report on superstarsD. When Lily was thinking about how to solve a math problem,she came up with a good idea59. According to the passage,the expression to be mad as a March Hare

28、 A. describes how hares behave in MarchB. shows hares characteristics in a scientific wayC. is used more often than the expression mad as a HatterD. has the same meaning as the expression mad as a Hatter60. Which character in Alice in Wonderland wants others to obey his or her orders in every situation?A. The Queen of HeartsB. The March Hare.C. The Hatter.D. Alice.61. The writer mainly wants to in the passageA. introduce a famous novel and its language styleB. introduce a famous writer Lewis Carroll and his novelsC. explore some English expressions fr

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