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外研版八年级上册天津专版综合能力评估试题Modules 79Word下载.docx

1、s reading a book. 9. Whats the population of the city? A. About 3,120,000. B. About 312,000. C. About 31,200.10. When will they visit the Great Wall? A. This Friday. B. Next Saturday. C. Next Sunday.11. What is Jack going to learn next year? A. The guitar. B. The piano. C. The violin.12. What does T

2、om think he will be in ten years? A. An astronaut. B. A pilot. C. A scientist.13. What does the man think the price of things in 100 years? A. Everything will be free. B. Everything will be more expensive. C. Everything will be cheaper.14. What are they talking about? A. The pollution. B. The road.

3、C. The jobs. C)听下面长对话或独白。每段对话或独白后都有三个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17小题。15. Where did the accident happen? A. Outside the school gate. B. In the school. C. Near the hospital.16. Why did the accident happen? A. Because the student cant ride the bike. B. Because the student rode his bike to

4、o fast. C. Because the traffic was too busy.17. What did the students bike hit? A. A car. B. A train. C. A us. 听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20小题。18. Whats the weather in Macao like in winter? A. Warm. B. Hot. C. Cool.19. Which language is often used in business in Macao? A. Portuguese. B. Chinese. C. English.20.

5、How many people live in Macao? A. About 580,000. B. About 680,000. C. About 780,000.二、单项选择(共15小题;共15分)21. Linda has accident on her way to work this morning. A. / B. a C. an D. the22. This is a huge city 8,000,000 people. A. on B. for C. in D. with23. My sister likes animals very much. are her favou

6、rite animal. A. Rabbits B. Islands C. Novels D. Baseballs24. - Mark, you look . How are you feeling now? - Im feeling worse. A. glad B. pale C. worried D. excited25. Lisa found she was on a piece of thin ice. So she cried. A. Especially B. Suddenly C. Usually D. Really26. A red car around the corner

7、 and hit a boy. A. landed B. appeared C. fell D. left27. The girls were dancing the boys were singing in the park at that time. A. or B. while C. because D. if28. My sister a film at the theatre at 7:00 p.m. yesterday. A. watched B. watches C. will watch D. was watching29. The students their homewor

8、k when the teacher came in. A. do B. did C. are doing D. were doing30. Linda didnt want to tell that to the teacher. She is what she should do. A. looking for B. thinking about C. trying on D. going over31. The government spent on the programme last year. A. 5 billions B. 5 billions of C. 5 billion

9、D. 5 billion of32. It will take the workers a month the work. A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished33. Jack worked hard and passed the exams. There was about that. A. something strange B. strange something C. nothing strange D. strange nothing34. Mrs. Brown was too to her child. A. busy; l

10、ook after B. busy; looking after C. busily; look after D. busily;35. - I hurt my knee during the last nights tennis match. - A. I cant believe it! B. Dont worry. C. Thats too bad. D. Thats a good idea.三、完形填空(共10小题; Hello, everyone! Im a thirteen-year-old boy. Now, Ill tell you what will happen in 20

11、30. In 2030, I will grow up. Yes, I will be 36 years old. My parents want me to be a doctor when I grow up. However, in fact, I want to be a 37 . Im good at science at school. I think science can change the world. In 2030, there will be more 38 in factories, even on the street. They will 39 do almos

12、t everything that people can do. That will make our life much 40 . Robots will do lots of jobs in place of (代替) people. Then people will have more free time. But there will be more pollution 41 so many factories. So will some people have to 42 other planets(行星)? I think so. Maybe I will live on the

13、space station. I think 43 must play a part in saving the earth, or nobody can live on the earth in the future. 44 can we do? We can use 45 water and plant more trees.36. A. 20 B. 25 C. 30 D. 3537. A. manager B. cook C. driver D. scientist38. A. people B. plants C. robots D. animals39. A. can B. be a

14、ble to C. cant D. not be able to40. A. easier B. busier C. worse D. bigger41. A. such as B. in front of C. across from D. because of42. A. move to B. pay for C. wake up D. look after43. A. someone B. everyone C. everything D. something44. A. What B. Where C. When D. How45. A. much B. more C. less D.

15、 little四、阅读理解(共10小题;AHelp others and get prizes!46. How many kinds of prizes are there? A. Seven. B. Eight. C. Nine. D. Ten.47. If someone sells 20 candles, he could get . A. a T-shirt and a baseball B. a theatre ticket and a bat C. a notebook and a model plane D. a storybook, a bat and a baseball48

16、. If someone wants to get a pair of sports shoes, he should sell A. 10 candles B. 10 boxes of cookies C. 15 candles D. 15 boxes of cookies49. How many boxes of cookies must someone sell to get two prizes from Column A? A. 10. B. 15. C. 20. D. 40.50. The second chart(图表) shows A. how to get a prize B

17、. who can get a prize C. what prizes people can get D. where people can get prizesB Mike was a cat. He had a mouth, two ears and a short tail(尾巴). Wait a minute! A short tail? Other cats had long tails. Some tails were fluffy(毛茸茸的) and some were not. But they were all long. Mike decided to get a lon

18、g tail. But how? Mike travelled to many places. He tried to find a long tail. Along the way, he spoke with many cats with long tails. Oh, what a special cat you are! they would say. We never knew a cat with a short tail. The cats sat around Mike and asked all kinds of questions about what it was lik

19、e to have a short tail. Mike told his stories to them. Mike became popular! Other cats came to him to hear his wonderful stories. Soon, Mike forgot that he wanted to find a long tail! Because of his short tail, Mike made many friends. Maybe being a cat with a short tail isnt so bad, Mike thought. I

20、think Ill keep my short tail.51. The other cats thought Mike was A. special B. healthy C. lucky D. silly52. The other cats sat around Mike because they wanted to A. take pictures of Mikes tail B. ask him questions about his tail C. show him their long and fluffy tails D. find out how they could have

21、 a tail like his53. Why did Mike think that his short tail wasnt so bad? A. Because he was tired of travelling. B. Because he made many friends because of his tail. C. Because he didnt like the long tails of the other cats. D. Because he saw how the other cats wanted to have his kind of tail.54. Nex

22、t, Mike will probably A. find out how to get a long tail B. find another way to be different C. live a happy life with his short tail D. ask the other cats to have short tails55. What can we learn from the story? A. The only way to have friends is to be different. B. Lots of people dont like to be d

23、ifferent. C. It is important to be like others. D. Being different is not so bad.五、补全对话(选择)(共5小题;共10分)A: Jack, did you know the accident this morning?B: 56. I saw the accident on my way to school. 57. When a boy was riding his bike to school, a car hit him round the corner. 58. Yes, he was. 59. I he

24、lped the driver to take the boy to the hospital at once. 60. I agree with you. A. Was the boy badly hurt? B. I think we should be careful when riding bikes. C. Yes, I did. D. Who was the boy? E. What happened then? F. Dont ride too fast. G. How did the accident happen?六、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共5分)61. T

25、im和他父母每年要去旅游一两次。Tim and his parents go to travel a year.62. Jenny和她的同学们及时赶到了博物馆。Jenny and her classmates got to the museum 63. 不要在马路上并排骑车,太危险了。Dont ride on the road. Its dangerous.64. 注意!要变红灯了。! The traffic lights are turning red.65. 那家书店去年关闭了,咱们去另一家书店吧。That bookstore last year. Lets go to another o

26、ne.七、阅读与表达(填空式)(共5小题; Billy is twelve years old, and his sister is fifteen. It was Saturday yesterday, and Billys father gave him some money. There is a big tree behind Billys house, and he climbed it and sat in it. He likes that place in the tree very much. Then Billy looked at his money and said t

27、o himself, Im going to the shop tomorrow on my bicycle, and Im going to buy some seeds(种子) with this money. Then Im going to plant them under this tree. Im going to have a lot of flowers, fruit and plants, and Im going to sell them. A lot of people are going to come to my house every day, and theyre

28、 going to buy my nice flowers, fruit and plants, and in the end Im really going to have a lot of money. Then Im going to university, and Im going to be a doctor when I grow up. Then my sister will come to me and say, Doctor, Doctor, I broke my left leg! Please help me! And Im going to set(接上) her br

29、oken leg. The sky was blue and the weather was hot. Soon Billy was tired and felt sleepy in the tree. But then he fell out of the tree and broke his right arm. His mother took him to the doctor, and the doctor set it.根据短文内容完成句子。66. Billys sister is years older than him.67. Billy wants to buy some seeds tomorrow by 68. Bil

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