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1、”陷阱类型1. 主被动2. 因果倒置3. 先后颠倒4. 正话反说After 1815, .prior to 18155. 单词题1. 构词法以及单词题 内容: a. 基本构词法 -17页图片 前缀解题原则exceptional-extraordinary; illuminate-light; heterogeneous-varied; proliferation-growth; superseded-replaced 构词法:440题;官方核心词汇400;近义词总结归纳“正负向”分析,前缀归类最终只是解题线索,辅助手段b. 70%是基本含义,可以直接选;但是30%要依赖语境;所以保险的策略Cc

2、. 语境优先原则:把单词带回文章,自己给出一个最接近的近义词;然后用自己的理解词对应选项;绝对不要先看选项,很可能“先入为主”,掉进陷阱;即使自己对5个单词绝对有把握也一定要带回原文验证。d. 原文语境很可能有一个词语对应正确选项,这取决于文章逻辑呼应的思路, 例如:正确答案很可能是我们不熟悉的第二第三义项Context clues:BEA supernova is a.ORThe inclination or tilt of the earth.A skyscraper, or building more than twenty stories high,.APPOSITIVEThermal

3、 power stations are designed to pass as much energy as possible from the fuel to the turbines, machines whose blades are turned by the movement of the steam.Adjective clause or phrase The sun crosses the equator twice a year at the equinoxes,when day and nights are nearly equal in length Prescribed

4、fire,ignited by forest rangers under controlled conditions to restore balance in the forest,is a safe way to mimic natural fire conditions The radiating surface of the sun is called the photosphere,and just above it is the chromosphere,which is visible to the naked eye only during total solar eclips

5、es,appearing then to be a pinkishviolet layer LIST or SERIES Because of their similar teeth,seals and walruses are believed to have evolved from the same ancestral groups as the weasels,badgers,and other mustelids If someone is said to have“a chip on his shoulder,”he is angry, pugnacious,sullen,and

6、looking for trouble EXAMPLE For example, for instance, like, such as Several personnel managers complain about the lag of business colleges in eliminating obsolete skillsFor instance,shorthand is still taught in many secretarial programs although it is rarely used Intangible assets,such as a company

7、s recognized name and its goodwill,are neither physical nor financial in nature CONTRAST alternatively different instead rather but however nevertheless unlike conversely in contrast on the contrary whereas despite in spite of on the other hand while For example 1.Twilight rays are nearly parallel,b

8、ut because of the observers perspective,they appear to diverge 2.Songbirds are early risers and remain active throughout the day, except during the warmest hours in summerOwls,on the 0theF hand,are primarily nocturnal Unlike sun pillars,which are caused by reflection of light,arcs and haloes are cau

9、sed by refraction of light through ice crystals 标点符号;并列 :- ,_ ,双逗号之间, ( ), 解释 Example Crepuscular rays-alternating bright and dark rays in the skyappear to radiate from the sun Virtually every community college now offers contract education:short-term programs,ranging from a few hours to several day

10、s, for employees of specific companies, which pays a share of the cost. Folate supplementation before and during pregnancy can prevent certain defects of the brain and spine, such as anacephaly (absence of a major part of the brain)e. KEY WORDS - clue for new words Accessories add interest to a room

11、They can accent or highlight an area and give a room, beauty and personality Light output,measured in lumens,depends on the amount of electricity used by a bulbf. 排除法g. “相同全舍”原则h. 相对概念,文中一般有对应表达Abu Hureyra was founded about 9500B.C., a small village settlement of cramped pit dwellings (houses dug pa

12、rtially in the soil) with reed roofs supported by wooden uprights.Q6 The word “cramped” in the passage is closest in meaning to primitive secure extended confined作业:TPO18-24里面的单词题遇到生词,老是“卡壳”1. 不要纠结,实在不认识,先跳过, 不重要不看-科技型词汇2. 如果特别重要,结合前后单词理解3. 理解到哪类事物,正负态度即可句子改写题-recognizing paraphrases2. 长难句以及句子改写题A.

13、出题理念: 快速抓住关键信息,理顺逻辑关系B. 表达特征:paraphrasing with synonyms, sentence structure, synonyms clues, pronoun clues Original Sentence Culture consists of the language,values,norms,and artifacts that define and unite a society These can be spread from one society to another through culture contact Paraphrase

14、Contact with other cultures is a way of spreading language,values,norms,and artifacts In l 889an Austrian Physicist named Ernst Mach created a system of numbers for measuringsupersonic” speedsThis is why, when a plane travels at a speed faster than the speed of sound,its speed is referred to as Mach

15、 l Paraphrase A plane moving faster than the speed of sound has a speed of Mach 1,after the inventor of the numbering systemC. 长难句思路和练习题(自己的资料)D. 该题型思路总结:A) 只看本句B) 语法结构分析阅读法C) 长句分层次,短句找主干,D) 抓住关键信息点E) 使用符号图解法: A B CF) 重视标点符号,: ()G) 理清关键信息之间的逻辑关系,例如因果,列举,转折,递进等, 关注关联词和从句标志H) 正确选项:原文关键信息不能省略掉,但可以概括;信息

16、点之间的逻辑关系必须与原文一致;I) 近义词替代J) 错误选项:忽略关键信息;关键信息错误(F);关键信息原文未提及(NG)K) 适当运用排除法,尤其针对原文又长又乱的题目L) 细节信息可以省略If the water table intersects the land surface, groundwater will flow out onto the surface at springs, either to be collected there or to subsequently flow farther along a drainage. Where the water table

17、 meets the land surface, groundwater flows out through surface springs.M) E. 内容及作业:自己的资料TPO18-24里面的句子改写题3. 事实细节题A. 题目问道文章中的一个细节,事实:真实发生-正在发生、已经发生、正确、有时是一个支持细节细节:比较具体的信息,例如事例,原因,统计数字,一段描写,一副插图表达形式:B. USEFUL SKILLS:SCROLLINGC. TRANSITIONSD. PARAPHRASING- 分析选项改写的思路改写方法例子同义词As a meteorological term, “ey

18、e” describes a circular region at the center of a severe wind storm. As a meteorological concept “eye” refers to a round area in the middle of an extreme wind disturbance.语态主动/被动In the eye of a hurricane, you may experience light, variable winds.In the eye of a hurricane, light, variable winds may b

19、e experienced.词形或句子结构Because this area is so small and irregular, it is difficult to observe.People have difficulty observing this small and irregular area.短语/分词结构However, the eye of a hurricane and the eye of a tornado differ in various ways based on size and speed.However, they of a hurricane and

20、the eye of a tornado differ in various ways based on how big they are and how fast they go.P: Tony asked Rose to go shopping Q: Tony was asked to go shopping E. WRONG ANSWER CHOICESRight but not answering questionsFALSEINACURATENGF. PROCEDURE: SPI in Q-CHOICE STUDY-LOCATING-JUDGING & ELIMINATINGG. R

21、ELATED EXPAGES 20-284. 选非题-NEG-identifying negative informationA. 一篇文章一道题,或没有B. 难度较低,考察能力:快速定位,简单分析理解C. 题干定位D. 大多针对列举类信息,例如:事物列举:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in . as a disadvantage of the .?All of the following are mentioned .EXCEPT .all of the following could be seen.EXCEPT 性质/特征:.which

22、of the following is NOT true of . all of the following characterize .EXCEPT起因: .is affected by all of the following EXCEPT.each of the following contributes to .EXCEPT.believes that all of the following contributed (positively )to .EXCEPT.all of the following are reasons why.EXCEPT结果影响:.all of the f

23、ollowing are problems that . To overcome EXCEPT.provides all of the following essential functions for .EXCEPT解决方案:.all of the following are mentioned in .as ways that .EXCEPT.which of the following was NOT necessary for .EXCEPT 分布位置.in all of the following geographic areas EXCEPT?结合细节:.answers all o

24、f the following questions about.EXCEPT .all of the following statements compared the caravel with the galley are true EXCEPT E. Contradictory / not mentioned/givenF. D-A逆序G. 排除法,排除正确信息, 有同学容易“晕”H. 直接矛盾;TPO18-24里面的细节题和反选题5. 推理题Paragraph 3 supports which of the following statements about?It can be inf

25、erred that part of the reason. is that. TPO19 Q11Imply, infer, suggest, assume, mean, most likely true about.Probably occur, most accurately reflect.第二,我们在解答这类题目的时候,要注意下列特征:1. 正确选项不能是文章中的直接表达,这是暗示推理题的第一项重要要求,同学们往往忽视;2. 正确选项的思维逻辑归类如下:总结归纳型, 具体/笼统型, 推论型, 条件/因果/目的推定型,时间先后型, 数量比较型,反向表达型,正话反说型3. 该题型具备其他选

26、择题的普遍特征:选项信息不能和原文不一致,逻辑关系不能和原文矛盾,文章未提及的信息点不能作为正确答案;4. 常识的使用以不和原文矛盾为限;5. 在这种题型里,“陷阱”选项的特征往往是:极端表达,过于笼统,原文无法支持或未提及.6. 写作目的题完整阅读关键词所在句“回头看”信号词: Notice, notify, define, explain, compare, criticize etc.主题句, 首尾句目的表达:argue define illustrate prove caution describe introduce show classify emphasize persuade

27、summarize compare explain point out support contrast give examples praise trace criticize identify predict warnWhy do the author mention “” ?The author mentions “343 men at one fort engaged on tasks like shoemaking, building a bathhouse, operating kilns, digging clay, and working lead in order toPos

28、sible Distractions:FALSE: Inaccurate or contradictory Too generalTPO18-24里面的对应题型阅读思考练习A. Why does the author write the article?B. What attitudes does he hold for the topics presented?C. How does of each paragraph serve the whole article?D. What details serve for the authors intention?E. What vocabulary words are employed for this purpose?7. 文本插入题 -recognizing coherenceReorder the following sentences -The trunks inner core consists of vertically oriented cells that are closely packed together in parallel row-Millions upon millions of such cells form the heartwood-the nonliving

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