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1、theresoon. C. Shetakemansfoodorderrightaway. 4. Onwhichdayreturntowork?A. Wednesday. B. Friday. C. NextWednesday. 5. What happened to the man just now?A. Hemetanoldfriendonstreet. B. Hemistookhisfriend. C. Lydia paid an unexpected visit to him.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、

2、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至第7题。6. Why doesnt the man want to book the seats downstairs?A. Theytooexpensive. B. Theyuncomfortable. C. Theyclosestage. 7. When does the man plan to see the performance?A. On Oct. 1st. B. OnOct. 21st.

3、C. OnOct. 25th. 听第7段材料,回答第8至第10题。8. Whycallwoman?A. Toinviteherfootballgame. B. TogetticketC. Toaskwayplayground. 9. What should theman do when he arrive sat the restaurant?A. Gosouth. B. Tumright. C. Turnleft. 10. Whatadvisedo?leavehomeearly. B. Tobuyearly. C. Tolistenradio. 听第8段材料,回答第11至第13题。11. W

4、hy does the woman think it hard to lose weight after Christmas?A. Becauseofmood. B. Becauseholiday. C. Becauseweather. 12. Whatsuggestweswimming. B. Doanythinglike. C. Havecompanion. 13. Whichdospeakersfocusloseweight?A. Dieting. B. Exercising. C. Staying in the sun. 听第9段材料,回答第14至第16题. 14. Whathewan

5、tsurvey. tellpersonality. designquestionnaire. 15. WhatismostprobablerelationshipbetweenA. Strangers. B. Friends. C. Doctorandpatient. 16. Whatkindof personJeffreyaccordingsurvey?A. Impatientcreative. B. Outgoingtalkative. C. Lazy听第10段材料,回答第17至第20题。17. Whatcharacteristicof learnersof specialEnglish?

6、A. They learnEnglish to find well-paid jobs.knowclearlywhattheylearn. changeEnglishtaught. 18. WhoneedsESP coursesmost?A. Professionals. B. Collegestudents. C. Intermediatelearners. 19. What are the most popular ESP courses in Britain?A. Coursesdoctors. B. Courseslawyers. C. Coursesbusinessmen. 20.

7、Whatspeakermainlytalkingabout?A. ThreegroupsB. English for Specific Purpose.C. The importance of business English.二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸/卡上将该项涂黑。21. Thepopulationof Africais sorapidlyascauseconcernwholeworld. A. expanding B. stretching C. extending D. spr

8、eading22. Haveyoueverbeeninembarrassingsituation, mydearfriends, _cantchange buthaveface?A. where B. who C. which D. when23. Nowadayseachclassroomequippedwithwhiteboardsystemmajorityschoolsin Wuxi, makinginternetmore tostudents. A. alternative B. effective C. practical D. accessible24. Withclockfixe

9、dwall, studentsourcityaccustomed thewatchesin theexams. A. notwear B. tonotwear C. towearing D. notwearing25. Everyonesheartpiecesea, _bottomlessblue. A. shone B. shining C. toshining D. havingshone26. Wisdomcourageare needto makeitthroughcases of emergency. A. allthat B. allwhat C. thatall D. whata

10、ll27. Thenewexaminationshouldbe toeducationreformcarriedoutin Jiangsunextyear. A. advocated B. accomplished C. allocated D. adjusted28. At the BRICS summit in Xiamen, China and member countries continued to enhance the development and practicalcooperation economy, trade, science, technology, educati

11、on, culturehealth. A. asresultof B. inregardto C. infor D. inplaceof29. 一Iswrong, Tony?Youlooksad. 一Oh, nothingmuch. Infact, I of my friends. A. have justthoughtB. wasjustthinkingC. wouldthinkD. will30. Inthatsociety, yougivenif youobeyorders, butwhensystem_peopleno longerorders. A. breaksdown B. br

12、eaksup C. breaksout D. breaksin31. 一Sorry,Daddy. I amgettingwellmystudies. 一Well. _hadntwastedsotimeplayingonlinegames. A. Asif B. Evenif C. If only D. Onlyif32. 一Imafraidthis painting should_a recordsum. 一Cantagreemore. A. pay B. spend C. fetch D. need33. InBritainpersonalfireworksarentpermitted, s

13、ojust_. A. gounpunished B. dowithout C. comeunsatisfied D. liveimperfect34. Had China and other countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiate not worked together, we great achievements in the financial development since 2015. A. hadnt achievedB. would not have been achievingC. did not achieveD. w

14、ould not achieve35. 一 Why did the girl perform so nervously on the play of our Cultural Festivals?一Oh, take it easy. She is in performing the play.A. a green hand B. a black sheep C. a dark horse D. a blue stocking三、完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)请认真阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的A. B、C. D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸(卡)上将该项涂黑。D

15、iagnosed with cancer at the young age of 27, Rebecca Saxon thought her life was over. However, in her darkest hour, inspiration 36 her and she made an attempt to transform her misfortune into 37 . During her cancer treatment, Rebecca 38 a successful business “Something Blue Bridal Shoes”a 39 range o

16、f wedding footwear, which is about wedding shoes for brides.Rebecca mentions, “I started doing 40 of wedding shoes with blue soles (鞋底) when I was halfway through my cancer treatment. I really felt frustrated and painful, 41 through that whole Will I live or die? situation. But I made a decision tha

17、t I was going to 42 , myself up and fight this cancer. The sketches (草图) were my just 43 and the way I 44 the many hours spent in a hospital room. ”“I had no idea what was going to happen to me. But I knew I had to be 45 if I was going to overcome this treatment. I told myself this was not going to

18、be the end for me. I was determined to 46 my negative feelings and start drawing. ”“When younger, I had always loved 47 . Several of my friends were getting married 48 , and weddings were very much in the air. So 49 I would be drawing designs for bridal gowns and other garments. ”“ 50 then I started

19、 sketching wedding footwear-designing shoes with 51 blue soles which were super comfortable too. I thought it would be a lovely way of 52 the something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue tradition. 53 really helped me deal with my treatment. ” Rebecca luckily defeated her cancer

20、in August 2017. 54 the encouragement of her boyfriend, Mike Bandar, she then turned her dreams into her reality and set up “Something Blue Bridal Shoes”. Each brand shoe from the collection has a blue sole, 55 the age-old tradition of what a bride should wear at her wedding for good luck. 40. A. out

21、lines B. maps C. pictures D. sketches41. A. going B. looking C. putting D. seeing42. A. build B. pick C. make D. give43. A. work B. goal C. release D. benefit44. A. wiped away B. took up C. finished up D. got trough 45. A. energetic B. happy C. realistic D. positive46. A. take B. hold C. channel D.

22、hate47. A. beauty B. fashion C. nature D. optimism48. A. at any time B. all the time C. in no time D. at the time49. A. eventually B. initially C. theoretically D. generally50. A. And B. So C. Therefore D. But51. A. plain B. special C. common D. shocking52. A. combining B. introducing C. explaining

23、D. including53. A. Drawing B. Laughing C. Designing D. Reading54. A. For B. As C. In D. With55. A. performing B. pretending C. predicting D. providing四、阅读理解(共15小题; 每小题2分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题纸(卡) 上将该项涂黑。AWhen it comes to the health problem, how can you, the workaholic (

24、工作狂), refocus and get the best out of life? A few suggestions are listed as follows. SLEEP FOR MORE THAN EIGHT HOURS! Make sure to get at least eight hours of sleep and plenty of rest. Dont believe that you can always “catch some sleep or rest later. ” Your body cannot make up for lost sleep or rest

25、 time because it is not physiologically possible. SET STRICT FAMILY TIME! Resolve(决意) to make Saturdays and Sundays strictly for family time. And stick to this! Mondays until Fridays you make an excuse not to relax and spend time with your family because its work time, why not make a similar excuse

26、for Saturdays and Sundays? “I cant work today because Im spending time with my family. ”GET SOME FOOD IN! Make sure you get food in your stomach. Workaholics are known to be food-skippers. If you cant afford to get off your desk or from doing paperwork, have food delivered to you. Its always a good

27、idea if you have crackers (薄脆饼) on your drawer to ease the hunger pain. CONFINE WORK! Resolve to confine work in your office. Dont bring work to your home! Keep those files in your office desk where they belong. Practice working only within your working hours. If you have an eight-to-five working schedule, stick to it. WORK UP THOSE MUSCLES! Exercise, exercise, exercise! Set aside at least an hou

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