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1、1A.class BemotionCtime Dstress解析:选D根据下文中的“Our stresses and _10_ in life are like that glass of water.”可知,本文讲的是压力管理。stress management意为“压力管理”。2A.wondered BexpectedCagreed Dargued选B当她举起一杯水时,每个人都预计他们会被问到“杯子是半空的还是半满的”的问题。wonder意为“想知道”;expect意为“预料,预计”;agree意为“同意”;argue意为“争论”。3A.However BMeanwhileCAnyhow

2、DTherefore选A根据语境可知,教授微笑着问:“这杯水有多重?”这与学生预计的不同,故选A。however意为“然而”;meanwhile意为“同时”;anyhow意为“无论如何”;therefore意为“因此”。4A.ranged BrepliedCread Dexchanged选A根据下文中的“from eight to twenty ounces (盎司)”可知,喊出的答案从8到20盎司不等。range from .to .意为“范围从到”,符合语境。5A.exist BchangeCmatter Dincrease选C根据下文中的“But it counts how long y

3、ou hold it.”可知,此处表示绝对的重量不重要。matter与count同义,意为“要紧”。6A.head BarmCleg Dstomach选B根据下文中的“If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb.”可知,此处指的是手臂。因此选B。7A.shape BpositionCweight Dsize选C根据下文中的“but the _8_ I hold it, the heavier it becomes”可知,此处指的是水的重量。shape意为“形状”;position意为“位置”;weight意为“重量”;size意为“大小,尺寸”。

4、故答案为C。8A.better BdeeperClonger Dfurther选C每一种情况下,这杯水的重量都没有改变,但是举的时间越长,它就会变得越重。根据“If I hold it for a minute”,“If I hold it for an hour”及“If I hold it for a day”可知,此处说的是时间。9A.fantasies BthoughtCdreams Ddiscussion选B根据下文中的“all the students kept silent and listened to the professor carefully”可知,此处表示“(学生们)

5、陷入沉思”,(be) lost in thought为固定搭配。10A.doubts BjoysCsurprises Dworries选D根据空前的“stresses”和下文中的“burdens”可知,这里表示“我们生活中的压力和烦恼就像那杯水”。11A.cover BcarryChide Dshow选B根据下文中的“_13_ you have to do is put all your burdens down”可知,此处表示如果我们一直背着(carry)沉重的负担,故选B。12A.pick up Bwork outCcarry on Dcatch on选C如果我们一直背着沉重的负担,迟早我

6、们将感到筋疲力尽,甚至难以坚持下去(carry on)。pick up意为“捡起,恢复健康、体力等”;work out 意为“算出”;carry on意为“继续进行,坚持下去”;catch on意为“流行起来”。故选C。13A.Something BAllCNothing DAnything选B根据语境可知,此处表示你需要做的一切事情就是卸下负担,故选B。14A.eagerly BnaturallyCquickly Dearly选D根据“Dont carry them through the evening into the night”可知,此处表示晚上尽早卸下负担。15A.refreshe

7、d BentertainedCdepressed Damazed选A通过这样做我们第二天可以重新振作精神,能够(able)奋勇向前。refresh“使恢复精神”;entertain意为“使快乐”;depress意为“使沮丧”;amaze意为“使惊奇”。故选A。 BanxiousCpassive Dambitious选A参见上题解析。able意为“有能力的”,符合语境。anxious意为“焦虑的”;passive意为“被动的”;ambitious意为“有雄心的”。17A.fear BthinkCrest Dget选B通常,当我们想得太多时生活就会变得糟糕。18A.catch up

8、 with Blook down onClet go of Dput up with选C根据上文中的“_13_ you have to do is put all your burdens down”可知,当你卸下负担的时候,你会发现你自己更加放松。catch up with意为“赶上”;look down on “轻视”;let go of意为“放手,松开”;put up with 意为“忍受,忍耐”。因此选C。19A.happy BsorryCdisappointed Dgreedy选B与其感到不安,自我怜悯,不如开始做一些事。feel sorry for oneself意为“自我怜悯”,

9、为固定搭配。 BtreatCdrive Dabandon选D毕竟人生苦短,不要使自己沉浸在让自己不开心的事情中。abandon oneself to“沉湎于,陷入”,符合语境。help oneself to意为“自用,自取,依靠自己”;treat oneself to意为“犒劳自己”;drive oneself to意为“自己开车去”。(二)The day I received my letter of acceptance to New York University, I was extremely excited. It was my dream university,

10、and my _1_ were pleased for me. But they also hadnt _2_ me to get into such a competitive school. In fact, the best thing they ever did for me was to _3_ me from doing things _4_ indeed, when I was in elementary school, they offered to buy me a present _5_ I got a C.It _6_ when I was in the third gr

11、ade. An only child in an Asian family, I had just _7_ with my family to Los Angeles. Months into the third grade, I developed a strong feeling of _8_ about getting bad grades. Seeing my anxiety, Dad said, “Kate, tell you what. If you get a C or _9_, Ill buy you a present. If you score higher than th

12、at, I wont buy you anything, because you wont _10_ it.”Clearly dad wasnt the _11_ Asian tiger parent, pressuring me to work tirelessly for the best _12_, and neither was my mom. They didnt want to push me. They wanted me to be _13_ and healthy. Dads _14_ of a “failing grade” gift amazingly _15_ my w

13、orries and pressure. Whats more, I _16_ getting As and Bs throughout high school, but without the added stress and fear of failing. I think it was my parents lack of stress on grades that gave me _17_ to encourage my own desire for achievements.I now realize I was _18_ when I thought I didnt receive

14、 a present from my dad that day. He gave me two invaluable _19_: the space to develop my own desire for excellence, and the healthy mind to _20_ it.本文是一篇记叙文。“我”是来自亚洲家庭的独生女,被极具竞争力的纽约大学录取,父母为“我”高兴;其实在小学时,父母并没有给“我”学习上的压力,相反,在“我”考不好时,他们常给“我”送礼物。他们的行为使“我”消除了对学习的紧张,“我”得以自由地发展自己,让自己成为优秀的学生。1A.friends Bclas

15、smatesCparents Drelatives选C根据第一段第二句“It was my dream university, and my _1_ were pleased for me.”,结合下句主语“they”和第二段中的“Dad”和常识可知,“我”考上了纽约大学,那是“我”梦想中的大学,“我”的父母(parents)都为“我”感到高兴。2A.convinced BpushedCrecommended Dhelped选B根据第三段中的第一、二句“Clearly dad wasnt the .They didnt want to push me.”可知,父亲并不是强迫“我”努力学习的人;

16、结合该句“But they also hadnt _2_ me to get into such a competitive school.”可知,父母并没有强迫“我”考进这所竞争力极强的学校。pushed“强迫”符合语境,第三段中的“They didnt want to push me.”是提示。3A.discourage BkeepCinspire Dprotect选A根据该句中的“indeed, when I was in elementary school, they offered to buy me a present _5_ I got a C”可知,在小学时,如果“我”得了C,

17、他们会给“我”买礼物;再结合第二段内容可以判断,事实上父母在阻止(discourage)“我”将事情做得完美(perfectly)。下文中的“failing grade”是提示。4A.perfectly BpositivelyCpassively Dproudly5A.though BifCunless Dbefore选B根据该句中的“indeed, when I was in elementary school, they offered to buy me a present _5_ I got a C”可知,在小学时,如果(if)“我”得了C,他们会给“我”买礼物。6A.came Bap

18、pearedCremained Dhappened选D根据第一段可知,在小学时,如果“我”得了C,他们会给“我”买礼物;结合该句“It _6_ when I was in the third grade.”可知,这件事发生(happened)在“我”上三年级的时候。7A.travelled BmovedCreturned Dleft选B根据该句“An only child in an Asian family, I had just _7_ with my family to Los Angeles.”可知,“我”是一个亚洲家庭的独生女,“我”刚和家人搬到(moved)洛杉矶。8A.worry

19、 BembarrassmentCguilt Danger选A根据该句中的“about getting bad grades”,再结合下句中的“Seeing my anxiety”可知,对于自己得低分,“我”感到很焦虑(worry)。9A.higher BlessCmore Dlower选D根据下句中的“If you score higher than that, I wont buy you anything”可知,如果“我”考分超过了标准,父亲将不买东西给“我”。故此处表示,如果得C或者更低(lower)分,父亲将买东西给“我”。10A.accept BreceiveCneed Dmake选

20、C根据该句中的“If you score higher than that, I won因为父亲认为“我”不需要(need)。11A.normal BtypicalCgeneral Dcommon选B根据语境并结合常识可知,显然,父亲并不是典型的(typical)亚洲虎父,并没有强迫“我”孜孜不倦地学习。12A.reputations BsubjectsCmajors Dgrades选D根据该句中的“pressuring me to work tirelessly for the best”,结合第二段第三句中的“grades”可知,“我”的父母不是虎父虎母,他们并没有为让“我”取得最优成绩(

21、grades)而强迫“我”学习。13A.energetic BsmartCoutstanding Dhappy选D根据上句“They didnt want to push me.”可知,他们不想强迫“我”。结合该句“They wanted me to be _13_ and healthy.”可知,他们想让“我”幸福(happy)健康。14A.offer BsupplyCpurchase Dpersuasion选A根据该句中的“of a failing grade gift”可知,父亲所提供(offer)的“成绩不佳”的礼物,为“我”消除了(removed)担心和压力。15A.piled on

22、 BremovedCgave off Dsolved选B参见上题解析。16A.held on Bturned outCended up Dset about选C根据下文“but without the .failing”和“to encourage my own desire for achievements”可知,整个高中,“我”都以得到A和B的高分而结束(ended up)。17A.hope BtimeCroom Dchoice选C根据最后一段中的“the space to develop my own desire for excellence”可知,“我”认为是“我”父母对成绩的不重视

23、,给了“我”鼓励自己取得良好成绩的空间(room)。与“space”为同义词复现。18A.shocked BunfortunateCpuzzled Dmistaken选D根据下文内容可知,“我”现在意识到“我”错(mistaken)了,错以为那天“我”没有收到父亲的礼物。 BsuggestionsCtools Dexperiences选A根据上句中的“a present”可知,事实上,父亲给了“我”两个礼物(gifts):给了“我”追求优秀的空间;给了“我”去实现(achieve)梦想的健康思想。20A.track BcatchCachieve Dact选C参见上题解析。(三

24、)Justin knew there was only one way out of his neighborhood basketball.So he _1_ hard, running with the ball like the _2_ dogs were chasing (追逐) him.He could defeat any of the guys at the _3_, and he saw his way out and he ran for it.One day when Justin was playing basketball, he _4_ his right knee badly.The doctor said he might never play _5_.Justin was extremely sad.Every day Justin just _6_ in bed, watching TV and eating potato chips.When he _7_ like a balloon, his sister came home from the university on holiday, bringing exciting _8_ of a faraway land

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