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1、24. make noise 出动静,制造噪音25. point at sb/sth 指某人/某物II. 重要句型1Could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 请你告诉我厕所在哪儿好吗?2where the food is both delicious and cheap食品既好吃又便宜。3. Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesnt bother me like it used to.尽管我仍然犯很多错误,但这个问题不像过去那样困扰着我了。4. Youre not suppose

2、d to eat anything with your hands except bread, not even fruit! 除了吃面包以外,你不应该用手吃任何东西,甚至是水果!III. 重要语法宾语从句 【课文解析】重点单词1wonder v想知道,疑惑1 wondered why she had left我想 知道她为什么离开了。思维拓展He walked toward(s)the door他向着门走去。(2)toward(s)和to都可以表示方向,但又有所不同:toward(s)只表示朝着目的地方向移动,而to则含有到达的意思。We drove toward(s)Miami我们朝着迈阿

3、密的方向开车。We drove to Miami我们开车去迈阿密。(3)toward(s)用于表示时间、数量时,意为“接近”。 He came toward(s)the middle of March他是在将近三月中旬 的时候来的。4point v指。指向“Thats the man who did it,she said,pointing at me.“那件事就是这个人干的,”她指着我说。(1)point意为“指;指向”时,为不及物动词,其后可以跟介词at或to,然后跟指人或指物的名词。point at意为“指着”,表示用某物对准较近的某人或某物;point to意为“指向”,表示用于或指针

4、朝向较远的某人或某物。He pointed at the child with his pen他用他的钢笔指着那个小孩。The needle of a compass points to the north罗盘针指向北方。(2)point意为“(以某物)瞄准或对着”时,为及物动词,point的宾语后可接由 at或towards引导的短语。Its rude to point your fingers at people.用手指指人是很失礼的。We pointed a telescope towards the moon我们用望远镜对着月亮。 (3)hang up挂起(衣服等),挂断电话She i

5、s hanging up her suit她在挂衣服。After arguing for ten minutes she hung up争吵了10分钟后,她挂断了电话。2dress up穿上盛装,装扮 Many children like to dress up as ghosts on Halloween许多 孩子喜欢在万圣节前夕装扮成鬼的样子。思维拓展 (1)dress up in后通常接衣服等事物。All the girls enjoy dressing up in their beautiful clothes所有的女孩子都喜欢穿上她们漂亮的服装。(2)dress up as后通常接某

6、人。The girl likes to dress up herself as an actress.那个女孩喜欢把自己打扮成一个演员的样子。(3)dress sbup“把某人打扮起来,给某人穿上某种农服”。The girl dressed herself up for her friends party那个女孩穿上漂亮的衣服去参加朋友的宴会。3be supposed to应该;应当You are supposed to write to her as soon as possible.你应该尽快给她写信 。 be supposed to用在句中,主语是“人”时,表示“应该”“被期望做”,用来

7、表示劝告、建议、义务、 责任等。其否定形式为be not supposed to。You are supposed to ask the teacher if you want to leave the classroom如果你想离开教室,你应当先问问老师。You will get used to the weather here你会习惯这里的天气的。In the end,I got used t0 doing hard work最后,我终于习惯于做艰苦的工作了。I was used to driving in all kinds of weather我习惯了在各种气候条件下开车。【中考在线】

8、 根据汉语提示完成句子 John hates going to schoo1He(闲荡)in the street all day Now more and more boys like to _some cool actorsAdress up in Bdressed up for Cdressed in Ddress up as In China,students _greet the teachers when classes beginAare supposed to B. are suppose to Csuppose to My grandfather _us stories wh

9、en I was youngAwas used to tell Bis used to telling, Care used to tell Dwas used to telling答案:hangs out。点拨;“闲荡”用hang out表示,由于是一般现在时,因此填hangs out。D点拨:本题考查常用搭配的应用。句意:现在越来越多的男孩喜欢打扮成某些酷演员的样子。在like to后接动词原形,所以B、C两项不合题意。dress up后通常接服装等,故符合本题的短语只能是dress up as,即正确答案为D。A 点拨:考查短语be supposed to do,sth“应该做某事”。此

10、题考查be used to doing sth,意为“习惯于做某事”。考点句型 请你告诉我公共厕所在哪里好吗? 上句是一个含有宾语从句的复合句,where the restrooms are作动词tell的宾语。当一个句子作宾语时,这个句子被称为宾语从句。宾语从句既可以作及物动词的宾语,也可以作介词的宾语和形容词的宾语。Do you know where he lives? 你知道他住在哪里吗?He said that he was from the USA他说他来自美国。(1)宾语从句的连接词 that 引导宾语从句,that无意义,只起连接作用,在口语中或作非正式文体中常省略。He sai

11、d(that)it was very cold in Moscow他说莫斯科非常冷。ifwhether引导宾语从句,表示选择,意为“是否”。He asked me if I knew her name他问我是否知道她的名字。Please tell me whether you can come or not请告诉我你究竟来不来。由连接代词whowhomwhichwhatwhose或连接副词whenwherewhyhow引导宾语从句表示疑问。I wonder whom our teacher wants to see我想知道我们的老师要见谁。Do you know why he was late

12、 again?你知道他为什么又迟到了吗?(2)宾语从句的语序宾语从句是疑问句时,必须用陈述语序。即:连接词+主语+谓语+其他。试比较:Whats your name?你叫什么名字?I dont know what your name is.我不知道你叫什么名字。(3)宾语从句的时态 若主句是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词可根据实际情况选用所需要的时态。I know you were having a meeting at that time我知道那时你正在开会。若主句足一般过去时,则宾语从句应选用相应的过去时态。She said she missed us very much她说她非常想念我们。S

13、he told me she was writing a letter她告诉我她正在写一封信。若从句叙述的是永恒的真理或客观事实,不管主句是什么时态,从句必须用一般现在时。Our physics teacher told us light travels faster than sound我们的物理老师告诉我们光比声音传播得快。2Could you tell me how to get to the post office?你能告诉我怎样才能到达邮局吗?(1)这是一个简单句,how to get to the post office是“疑问词+不定式”结构,在句中作tell的宾语。Could

14、you tell me how to work out the problem? 你能告诉我怎样才能做出这道题吗?He doesnt know where to go他不知道要去哪儿。(2)“疑问词+不定式”结构中常用的疑问词包括疑问代词who,what,which和疑问副词how,when,where,why等。(3)“疑问词+不定式”结构常常转换为复合句,即把 “疑问词+不定式”变成“特殊疑问词+主句主语+情态动词+动词”的结构形式。I really dont know what to do nextt know what I should do next我实在不知道下一步该做什么。I a

15、sked him how to learn English well I asked him how l could learn English well.我问他怎样才能学好英语。3Theres always something happening那里总有事情在发生。There isaredoing sth意为“有:“正在进行”。Look! There are many students standing under that tree看!有许多学生正在那棵树下站着。There is an old man living here.有位老人住在这儿。There are many people r

16、eading magazines in the readingroom有很多人在阅览室看杂志。4However in order not to offend people 然而,为了不冒犯别人。 in order to表示“为了”,后接动词原形,在句中作目的状语,其否定形式是在to之前加not既in order not to do。如果后面接的状语从句,要用in order that Lets close the window in order to keep the room warm让我们关上窗户以保持房间温暖。She went to England last year in order

17、to learn English一She went to England last year in order that she could learn English为了学习英语,去年她去了英国。5Spending time with family and friends is very important to us对我们来说,和家人、朋友一起度过时光是很重要的。此句中的spending time with family and friends是动名词短语作整个句子的主语,动名词作主语时要看成一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式。Playing with fire is dangerous玩火是危

18、险的。Doing morning exercises is good for your health.做早操对你的健康有好处。Learning English well is important to us学好英语对我们来说很重要。6,I find it difficult to remember everything我发现记住每件事情是很难的。“find it+形容词+动词不定式”表示“发现做某事”,这里的it是一个形式宾语,后面的动词不定式为真正的宾语,形容词作宾语补足语。I find it interesting to surf the internet我发现在网上冲浪很有趣。He fo

19、und it easy to work out the problem 他发现算出那道题很容易。【中考在线】 一Can you tell me ?一She is in the computer lab Awhere Linda was Bwhere is Linda Cwhere was Linda Dwhere Linda is We are going for a picnic tomorrowIll call Wendy to make sure_. Awhy to start Bwhen to start Cwhat to start Dwhich to start There is

20、nothing in the street Ahappens Bto happen Chappened Dhappening Dont you think important to protect our earth?Athat Bhow Cit Dthis根据汉语意思完成句子 多喝水对我们的健康有益。more water is good for ourHe got up very early _he could catch up with the early busAin order to Bso as to Cin order that Din order Did Mrs. King le

21、ave a message? YesShe wanted to know _this Sunday辨析:borrow,lend与keep都有”借”的意思。borrow指从主语的角度“借进、借入”,表示“从(向)借”,自己暂时使用,常与 from连用,构成borrow sthfrom sb.结构。lend指“把借给”,表示将自己的东西暂时借出给别人,常与to连用,构成lend sthto sb结构。keep指借阅或保留多长时间,常与how long,for引导的时问状语连用。ifwhether在宾语从句中,if和whether在一般情况下可以互换。但是当介词后面接宾语从句时,连词需要用Wheth

22、er,而不能用if。另外,if不能和动词不定式连用构成不定式短语。【语法讲解】宾语从句的概念 宾语是句子的重要成分之一,在多数情况下,是由名词性的词类充当的。如果宾语部分是由一个句子充当的话,则被称为宾语从句。我们以前学过的间接引语实质上就是宾语从句。如:Mary said that she was going to visit Hong Kong.(that引导的宾语从句) 宾语从句三件事,时态语序连接词; 主从时态要一致,陈述语序才合适; 一般问句做从句,连接词if别忘记; 特殊问句做宾从,特殊问词莫漏掉。宾语从句的三要素时态、语序、连接词 (1)时态:主句和从句的时态必须保持一致。即主句

23、为一般现在时,从句可根据需要选择各种时态;如果主句是一般过去时,从句只能用过去的某种时态(包括一般过去时、过去进行时、过去完成时、过去将来时等)。Were sorry to hear that your mother is ill.(主句是一般现在时,从句一般现在时)听说你母亲病了,我们很难过。Mr. Black didnt know why Jenny was late again.(主句是一般过去时,从句一般过去时)。布莱克先生不清楚为什么珍妮又迟到了。 (2)语序:不管什么类型的宾语从句,总是用陈述句语序。从句的连接词后是主语、谓语、宾语的语序。当连接词做主语时,后面直接跟谓语和宾语。I

24、 shall write to you what I want to say.(连接词+主谓陈述语序,what不是疑问词)我会写给你我想说的话。She asked who is the boss of this store.(连接词做主语+系表结构) (3)连接词:宾语从句是陈述句时,连接词用that;宾语从句是一般疑问句时,连接词用if或whether;宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,连接词直接用特殊疑问词做引导词,后面变为陈述语序,如who, what, why, where, whose等。具体类型,在下文详细讲述。宾语从句的类型 (1)由that引导的宾语从句,从句为陈述句,注意时态要保持一致

25、。 (2)由if, whether引导的宾语从句,要注意时态的一致以及陈述语序。If, whether的意思是“是否”,用来引导一般疑问句变成的宾语从句。I want to know whether(if)you can repair the recorder or not.不知道你是否能修理录音机? (3)由who, what, how, which, whose, where, when, why等引导的宾语从句,特殊疑问词作为引导词,没有疑问的作用,但本身的意思不变。要注意时态的一致和陈述语序。The reporter will tell us what he saw and heard

26、 in Japan.这个记者要给我们讲讲他在日本的见闻。Do you know where the Great Pyramid is? 你知道大金字塔在什么地方吗? 在这一单元中,我们重点练习where引导的宾语从句。Where后面的从句一定要用陈述语序。Do you know where I can get a dictionary?你知道我在哪里能买到字典?Can you please tell me where I can get some magazines? 你能告诉我在哪儿能买到一些杂志?单元测试题I单项填空(20分) ( )1What you said made me_ sad.

27、 Afeel Bfelt Cfeeling Dto feel ( )2The village is building a schoolI hope it _before August this year Afinishes Bwill finish Cis finished Dwill be finished ( )3Its a good habit_ breakfast every day Ahand Bhave Chas Dto have ( )4You shouldnt point_ anyone with your fingers Awith Bup Cat Dof ( )5We are offered hot water_ on the train Adrinks Bdrinking Cto drink Ddrank( )6If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow,_ Ahe will,too Bhe wont,either Che does,too Dhe doesnt,either( )7I find it necessary_ more about other countries Aknow Bknows Cknowing Dto know( )8He hardly knows anything about Fra

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