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1、C.He should buy some medici ne.C. A teacher.( )8. A. A worker. B. A doctor.( )9. A. She has an egg and drinks some milk.B.She does nthave anything for breakfast.C.She eats too much.( )10. A. Keep ing long fingern ails.B.Brushing teeth twice a day.C.Keep ing short fingern听对话,完成电话记录。对话读两遍。Tel

2、epho ne MessageFrom: 11To: 12Message: They lgo to see Lanlan at 13 tomorrow morning. They will meet in front of the Da Tang Theatre. Kangkang should 14 some 15 for Lanlan.11. 12. 13. 14. 15. IV .听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。( )16. Good eati ng habits make us .A.C. more beautifulC. whe n we are hungryC. at any t

3、imeC. unhappystron ger B. happier( )17. It s better to eat sweets and ice cream .A.after a meal B. before a meal( )18. It s good for us to have our meal every day.A.earlier B. at the right time( )19. If a pers on feels , he may not want to eat.A.happy B. shy(害羞)( )20. is a good eati ng habit.A.Eati

4、ng vegetables and fruitsB.Eat ing much meat every dayC.Eating sweets before a meal第二部分:笔试(100分)n .情景交际。A: Good morning. What s the matter?B: 16 Do you have a headache? Yes, I do. Open your mouth and say “ Ah” Ah. 17 No, I felt terrible last night. Oh, I see. You had a bad cold. Do I have to stay in

5、bed? Yes. 18 Is it serious? No. 19 But you really n eed a good rest and take this medi cine. 20 Three times a day. OK. Tha nk you.A.Did you sleep well?B.How ofte n n eed I take the medici ne?C.I don t feel very well.D.It s nothingrious.E.Why not go to bed?F.You d better stay at home for two or three

6、 days.G.What s wrong?16. 17. 18. 19. 20. m.完形填空。(10分)Everything has two sides. One side of SARS is already clear. It is a deadly( 致命的)disease. Hun dreds of people have died.But there 1 side. SARS tells us how weak 22 can be. Suddenly 23 getsto know there might not 24 be tomorrow.Wang Xinying, a stud

7、e nt in Taiyua n, Shanxi Province, was n ear to a SARS patie nt in mid April. He was told to stay at home for at least two weeks. “ Watch ing TV 25 more and more SARS patie nts dyi ng, I 26 kn ew that death could be so 27 . ” he said.SARS teaches people to be grateful( 感激),not only for their own liv

8、es, but also for others.Xu Bing, a student of Beijing No. 5 High School, wants to be a doctor when he 28 . “ Thoughthey certa inly know of the dan ger, doctors and nu rses are work ing bravely( 勇敢地)to 29people s lives. I m deep深深感动)by 30 they have done. Hesaid.SARS also teaches sympathy(同情).The past

9、 few weeks have been terrible for Chinese people. But there are far worse things than SARS in the world.()21. A. eachB. the otherC. ano therD.either)22. A. bodyB. mindC. lifeheart)23. A. anyoneB. every oneC. nobodynone)24. A. sometimesB. alwaysC. almostofte n)25. A. byB. forC. un tilabout)26. A. ago

10、B. usuallyC. oncen ever)27. A. closeB. farC. freeeasy)28. A. gets upB. grows upC. comes backD. gets back)29. A. saveB.keepC. mendleave)30. A. whe nB. whatC. howD. thin gsIV .阅读理解。(40分)(A)Many people like ani mals and keep one or more as pets dogs, cats and some kinds of birds. If you keep a dog or a

11、 cat as a pet, you must know how to look after it. A grow n-up( 成年)dog needs two meals a day, not more. And it can eat meat, fish, rice and some other things. Dogs like large bones(骨头),but don t giveettn chicken bones. Remember to give them much clean water.A dog should have a clea n, dry box for sl

12、eep ing. Wash ing it once a week is good for its health.If it is ill, take it to a doctor. A healthy dog will bring you more pleasure.Be careful when you have chosen a cat. It has two meals a day with some meat or fish. Cats drink a little milk every day. Sometimes give them vegetables to eat. Don t

13、 forget that they n eed clea n water to drink.Take good care of your pets. They will be your good frien ds. Maybe they can give you some help whe n you n eed.)31. Many people keepA. pandasas pets.B. elepha ntsC. chicke nsD. cats)32. What do dogs like eati ng?A. All the bon es.B. Big bon es.C. Chicke

14、 n bon es.D. Small bon es.)33. A healthy dog canyou happy.A. makeB. giveC. takeD. bring)34. Cats usually drinkA. orangeB. milkC. waterD. milk and water)35. Will pets be peoples friends?A. No, I don t think so.B. Yes, but only a little.C. Yes, they will.D. No, they won t.(B)Tom, an 11-year-old boy, w

15、as ill. He had got a cough, and his mother was worried and tookhim to see a doctor. The doctor looked over Tom carefully and said, “ Tom, nothing serious.he gave him some medicine. These are the words on the instruction of the cough medicine.Instruction 说明)Take three times a day after meals.Dose (剂量

16、):Grown-ups: 2 spoon(汤匙)each timeChildre n (8-14 years old): one spo on(4-7 years old): 1/2 spoo nNot fit for childre n below the age of 4.Notes: 1.Store in a cold place.2.Use before Oct., 2006.Add: No. 10 Nanji ng Road, Sha nghai根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。( )36. Tom should take three spo ons a day.( )37. To

17、m had better have his meals before he takes the medici ne.( )38. The medicine can be kept in a fridge(冰箱).( )39. Children aged five can t take this medicine.( )40. From this instruction we know Tom can go on using the medicine after Oct., 2006.(C)A farmer who lived in a small village had a bad pain

18、in the chest. This never seemed to get any better. The farmer decided that he would go to see a doctor in the nearest town. But as he was a miserly( 小气) pers on, he thought he would find out how much he would have to pay the doctor. He was told that a sick pers on had to pay three pounds for the fir

19、st visit and one pound for the sec ond visit. The farmer thought about this for a long time, and the n he decided to go to the doctor in the town.As he came into the doctors room, he said,Good morning, doctor. Here I am aga was a little surprised. He asked him a few questions, checked his

20、chest and then took the pound which the farmer insisted on giving him. Then the doctor said with a smile, “ Wellsir, there s nothing new. Please go on taking the same medicine I gavecyj the first time you came to see me.( )41. Why did the farmer decide to go to see a doctor in the tow n?A.Because th

21、e doctor in the village had bee n un able to save him.B.Because he had a fever.C.Because he suffered from a pain in the head.D.Because the pain didn t seem to get better.C.On e.B. On the farm.D.In the city.B. Nothi ng.D. A pound.D. Two.( )42. How many pounds did a sick pers on have to pay the doctor

22、 in the tow n for two visits?A. Four. B. Three.( )43. Where did the doctor check the farmer?A. In the village.C. At the doctor s.( )44. What did the farmer give the doctor?A. Some medici ne.C. Smile.( )45. The doctor asked the farmer .A.someth ing new about his ill go on tak ing the same me

23、dici come aga give him some more pounds(D)Liu Min gxiao, 13, is pretty and smart. She comes top in her class. But many stude nts try tostay away from her because Liu s mum h艾s滋病DS(Liu s father has died of AIDSckily,Liu didn t get it.Nobody wants to play games with me. They callAIDS mea

24、ns fear( 惧怕白)for most bad n ames beh ind my back. Even a teacher who used to like me tur ns her back on me now. said Liu.Liu s mother didn t know what happehedctaughter until one day. Liu came home with her nose bleeding(流血的).(1) She fought with a boy who said something bad about her fathe

25、r. Liu s mother said, “ My heart really hurts. My daughter did nothing wrong.For many of these children, the biggest problem they now face is how other people look at them. Many of them have to drop out of school( 辍学)because they can no Ion ger sta nd others,indifference(冷漠). “ People are afraid of

26、AIDS because they know little about it , ” said WangChong who run head of a group to help childre n liv ing with AIDS. Wang went to the villages and gave lessons about AIDS to the people there. “ Manyof these children are just as healthy as others, ” Wang said. En if they have AIDS, it s still safe

27、to eat and play withTbsyineed our love and understanding. A friendly smile means a lot to them!阅读短文,根据所给语境,按要求完成下列各题。46.将(1)句改写为原因状语从句。47.将(2)句进行同义句转换。48.将(3)句翻译成中文。49.Why do many stude nts try to stay away from Liu Min gxiao?50.Why do childre n have to drop out of school?V .词汇。(A)根据句意及汉语提示填空。51.Dri

28、ving carelessly (弓 I起)accident.52.Xu Xiao caught himself on the (互联网).53. Could I take a (口信)? Sure, go ahead.54.I ofte n help my mom (打扫卫生 )at home on Sun day.55. I have a fever. You should (停留)at home and (休息一下).(B)用所给单词的正确形式填空。56.You look a little weak now. You d better (take) more exercise.57.It

29、 smy duty (save) the patient because I am a doctor.58.Li Ping smokes (two) a day, before and ofter dinner.59.What (interest) work it is.60.Alice fini shed (do) her homework just now.W .综合填空。根据首字提示写出单词,完成短文。A young man is hav ing a physical exam in ati on( 体检).He does n t want t(6jl the army.The y 64 man says, “ ChWihat chair? ” The doctor says, “ Now look a 66 the chart(图表)”.The you ng man says, “ Chart? What Chart? ”The doctor tell s the young man, “ You6e are very b

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