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1、 Export Corporation. At the fair, you meet Mr. Burns, a businessman from American Overseas Trading Company. It is the first time for him to attend the fair, everything is new to him. Both of you have a talk for the purpose of establishing business relations .So you take this opportunity to introduce

2、 your company and the products you deal in. 2. Situations (open) Situation 1 You are the sales managers of the Tianjin Home Textiles Corporation. Your products include towels, bedclothes and curtains. You are now having a talk with an American businessperson concerning your company and the line of b

3、usiness, trying to persuade him to buy your products Situation 2 Mr. Anderson, an American businessman, is visiting an exhibition. He is rather interested in a new product, a pair of so-called “air cushioned” shoes, which are manufactured by a small business. Mr. Zhang, an exhibitor from the company

4、, is trying his best to provide Mr. Anderson with detailed information on both his new product and his company. Situation 3 3 You are a novice at the import and export business. This is your first visit to China. You are not sure whether you can close a deal or not. The goods you want to purchase ar

5、e bedclothes. After going over the catalogues, you find some items very attractive. So you ask a lot of questions. Situation 4 Mr. Wang from Guangzhou YUEHUA Import & Export Corporation is having a business talk with Mrs. Jenkins from Australia Johnson & Son Trading Corporation. It is the first time

6、 they meet each other. Mrs. Jenkins would like to have more information about YUEHUA Corporation and the products they deal in. Compose dialogues regarding company and products. 3. Sentence Translations 1. This model of typewriter is efficient and endurable, economical and practical for middle schoo

7、l students. 这款打字机功效高、耐用,对中学生来说经济实用。 2. The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality. 我们生产的计算机以质量高著称。3. This machine will pay back your investment in 6 month. 只需6个月这台机器就能收回你的投资。4. The new type of suitcase card designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical. 我们工程师设计的这种新型手提箱

8、磁卡非常精致而且很实用。5. This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around, especially useful during travelling and traffic jams. 这款自行车可以对折而且可以随身携带,非常适合旅行和交通高峰时使用。6. The maximum speed of this kind of variable speed bicycle is 30 K/H. 这款自行车最高变速为30K/H. 7. These machines have few breakdowns an

9、d easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure. 这些机器结构简单,很少出故障且容易维护保养。8. Our products are as superb quality as well as the typical oriental make-up. 我们的产品质量超好,是典型的优质货。9. Our silk garments are made of super pure silk material and by traditional skills. 我们的丝绸服装是用高档纯丝制造的,采用的是传统工艺。4 10.

10、 The garments are magnificent and tasteful and have long enjoyed great fame both at home and aboard. 这些服装高贵典雅,长期在国内外享有很高的声誉。11. Our goods are greatly appreciated in other markets similar to your own. 我们的商品在其它市场同在你们市场 12. We are state-owned company handling textiles. 我们是国营公司,经营纺织品. 13. We specialize

11、in the import and export of cotton goods. 我们专营棉织品的进出口. 14. We are the leading importer of complete equipment. 我们是成套设备主要的进口商. 15. This item is our best selling line. 这是我们最畅销的商品. 4. Dialogue Interpretation L: Please call again any time you like. Its my pleasure to be of any help。 Here is our sample ro

12、om. If you have any questions about our samples displayed here, Id be glad to answer them for you. 您可随时来造访,很荣幸为您效劳。这是我们的间。如您对这里展出的样品有疑问,将很高兴为您解答。W: 谢谢。你们这里展出的地毯样品真是种类繁多,令人眼花缭乱 You certainly have large collection of sample carpets here, What a dazzling display! L: We are exporting a wide range of car

13、pets to many countries and the demand is getting greater and greater. Im sure our products will find a ready market in your area, too. 我们向很多国家出口各种各样的地毯,而且需求量越来越大。我确信我们的产品在你方市场也会很畅销。 确实如此。我认为中国的入世能使来年你们向我们国家地毯出口的数量大幅度提升,贵国的地毯的确很吸引人。 You said it! The point is that the quality of our carpet is just as

14、good as what youll get from other suppliers while our prices are not as high as theirs. Mr. White, this way please. Here is a pure wool carpetoh, and this one is hand-woven. 5 您说的是关键问题是我们地毯的质量同其他供货商的一样,而价格却比他们的低。怀特先生,这边请。这是纯毛地毯,这块地毯是手工编织的。 图案太漂亮了而且手感也很好。The designs are so nice! And the material is s

15、oft and springy. This is the well-known Beijing style carpet. Its pattern is very popular and the style is unique and antique. 这是北京最出名的一款。图案很流行,格调独特,古色古香。 你们的挂毯如何, What about your tapetries? This way please, Mr. White. We can supply you with various kinds of tapestries, such as pure wool and velvet.

16、 Look at these tapestries of different patterns. 怀特先生您这边请。我们还可以向您供应各种挂毯,诸如纯毛,天鹅绒的。来看一看这些不同图案的挂毯。 真是太漂亮了这个图案表示什么, Really magnificent! What does this design mean? The design of a magpie on a plum tree branch stands for luck and happiness. You see, all these are fine pieces of art. And the velvet tapes

17、tries are among the major exports. They are well received wherever they go. They are our bestselling lines. Why not place a trial order to sound out the market potential?喜鹊登梅图案意味着好运与福气。您瞧,所有这些挂毯工艺都很精致。天鹅绒挂毯是我们的主要出口产品。到处都受欢迎。是最畅销的产品。干嘛不试订一批来探测一下市场潜力, 是的,我也这么认为。顺便问一下,通常你们多长时间能交货, Its hard to say. It d

18、epends on what you choose and the quantity you want. Anyway we always honor what we promise in the contract. Its our principle in business to carry out the terms of our contract to the letter and stand by what we say. 这很难说。还要取决于您选哪一款及您需要的数量。总之,我们一向信守合同,从不食言。 谢谢,通常你们对出口产品付多少佣金,我们进口商品是为收佣金的。Thank you,

19、 what commission do you usually allow for exports? We import on commission 6 basis. That can be discussed. Well consider it when we come to the concrete business. 这可以商量。具体谈业务时我们会考虑 确实不错。既然已经看过你们的展品了,我认为有些商品在加拿大会很畅销。我打算试销一下,但是你们交的货必须与样品一致。推销新产品不是件简单的事。刘先生什么时间我们再详细谈谈, They are really very nice. Since

20、we have seen your exhibits, many of which I think will find a ready market in Canada. We would like to give your products a try, but your delivery must be in strict accordance with the samples. Promoting new products is not a easy thing. Mr. Liu, when shall we have a further discussion in detail? Ca

21、ll me any time you like. Its my pleasure to be of any help to you. 您可随时来电。很高兴为您效劳。 Thats very kind of you. 万分感谢 5. Reading Comprehension A Guide to Successful Negotiations 1. Formulate a clear set of goals at the beginning. Committing to a clear target before negotiating may seem like stating the ob

22、vious, but many factors complicate the situation. JV (Joint Venture) negotiations take months, often years. During this time, both corporate priorities and managers who must understand and implement the agreement may change. Also, negotiations are often begun by people who are not part of the final

23、negotiation team. Without a clear set of goals from the outset, the foreign firm could change its objectives leaving the negotiators in vulnerable position. Remember the links between the state and commercial or production enterprises are tight. Virtually every negotiation is with the state, in one

24、guise or another. While counterpart objectives may shift with government policy, it is more likely that Chinese objectives for the JV will be set at the beginning and any changes will be tactical than fundamental movement in objectives. Foreign firms with ambiguous or shifting goals will always find

25、 themselves at the disadvantage. A clear set of goals makes it easier to walk away from negotiations if it seems the company is being forced to compromise on basic objectives. 2. Maintain continuity in the negotiation team. Negotiations, especially for JVs, often occur in multiple stages over an ext

26、ended period of time and with high turnover in Western negotiating team members. This creates a number of 7 problems. With turnover, there is often incomplete communication between departing and arriving members. Knowledge about issues and counterpart personalities, as well as information about why

27、apparently insignificant issues are stalling discussions, is lost. Ideally, the expatriate manager should be chosen early in the negotiating process and made a part of the team. There is a tendency to compromise on issues (such as discipline of workers) that might not seem important to corporate headquarters, but can prove critical to actual operations. 1. Consider the JV feasibility study as part of the negotiations. During the feasibility study stage, the foreign firm is in a less adversarial position (and at least of a negotiating stage), so it is easier to obtai

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