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1、” 在守旧父亲的百般阻挠下,图拉与爱人冲破重重文化难题,成功举办了一场盛大的希腊婚礼。 评价:即使一位母亲每天的工作是做家务,但是不要忘记她的食物中永远充满了温暖和爱意,在需要她的时候总会给予挺身而出。 影片中图拉的母亲玛丽亚就用跟父亲交流的方式,尽全力去帮助女儿实现她的爱情梦想。 该片当年一上映便打破了影史最卖座浪漫喜剧,创下票房最高独立制片、史上获利最高的影片,缔造了爱情喜剧的票房传奇。 3 真爱同心 stepmom (1998)1998贾姬是路克的前任妻子,她为他生下一对儿女,精心操持家务,却终因性格不合而宣告婚姻失败。 离婚三年来,儿女一直由贾姬和路克轮番照料,生活倒也波澜不惊,直到女

2、摄影师伊莎贝尔和路克堕入情网,矛盾开始激化。而贾姬也发现自己的癌症复发?多数故事中继母角色是狠毒的,仿佛是邪恶的化身,殊不知继母也是天生被排斥敌视的.想要赢得孩子的接纳,她们需要付出非常大的努力。 大嘴影星茱莉亚?罗伯茨精彩演绎了片中继母伊莎贝尔的角色,最终用真心赢得了孩子们的爱与尊严。 其实,无论生母还是继母,年轻还是衰弱,她们一生中爱的付出,才是我们最仰赖也最敬重她们的地方。 片中的经典场景当属两位女人握手言好时的对白,伊莎贝尔说她害怕的是,有一天,当安娜要踏上红毯时,会想着,要是我妈妈在这里有多好?而贾姬回答,她最害怕的是,她的孩子们不那么想? 这两句话仅仅用了一个肯定与否定的排比,就深

3、深的显出两位母亲的担忧之处和爱子之情。 4 钢木兰 steel magnolias1989故事主轴围绕在一对爱斗嘴的母女身上,茱莉亚?罗伯茨饰演的女儿患有糖尿病,但坚持生下自己的孩子,母亲如何从反对转变为生命上的支持。 此外,影片还讲述了遭到弃婚的安奈儿怎么挥别过去找到新生活;寡妇、失婚妇女、受老公冷落的妻子在感情生活上如何自处。 整部电影就围绕在六个女人间,彼此之间互动交织出一段悲喜交集的感人故事。这是一部让人笑中含泪的作品,整部影片都是在通俗地讲述最简单直接的人生际遇:生离死别、悲欢离合。 六个不同性格的女人各有际遇,看似柔弱不堪,却坚如蒲苇,一如译名“钢木兰”的比喻。女人爱哭,不是因为软

4、弱,因为每一次的落泪,都会使她们更加坚强。 罗伯茨在影片中证明,一个女人平凡的逝去也可以非常伟大。 5 丫丫姐妹们的神圣秘密 the divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood纽约著名女剧作家辛德丽多年以来一直疏远母亲,一篇时代杂志的采访文章更是激怒了她远居南方性格古怪的母亲薇薇。 薇薇的三名死党决定出面干预此事,于是把辛德丽绑架回了老家,试图让她了解她母亲的过去来弥补母女间的不和。【篇三:英语作文 母爱】 1. mothers day is a celebration honoring mothers and celebrating motherhood,

5、maternal bonds and the influence of mothers in society. its a day to show thanks to mothers. this festival first appeared in ancient greece and modern mothers day originated in the united states which usually falls on the second sunday of may each year. mothers usually receive gifts on this day and

6、carnation(康乃馨) is regarded as the flower for mother. in china, the flower for mother is day lily(萱草花), also known as nepenthe(忘忧草). in addition, cleaning up the room, doing housework and a big dinner are considered to be the best mothers day gifts. 母亲节是纪念母亲,赞扬母爱和母性情结,以及社会上母亲的影响的节日。这是向母亲表达感谢的一天。这个节日最

7、初出现于古希腊,现代母亲节源于美国,通常是在每年五月的第二个星期六。母亲们通常会在这一天收到礼物,康乃馨被看做是母亲之花。在中国,给母亲的花通常是萱草花,也叫做忘忧草。另外,打扫屋子,做家务,做一顿丰盛的晚餐都被当做是给母亲最好的礼物。 2. mum ,such is sons nature,i really do not know how to express my thanks to you.however,i can imagine,on the day 18 years ago,when you gave birth to me,what a complex feeling you h

8、 the past few years,every day you struggle me up in the morning and prepare breakfast for me,then in the afternoon,you always welcome your only son with delicious foods after a days your son has been 18 and will go to university soon,like a bird is leaving its parents.nevertheless,

9、your footprints on my heart will never ever fade and-i love you mum! your son 妈妈 这是儿子的天性,我真的不知道该怎样来表达我对你的感谢。然而,我可以想象,18年前的那一天,当你生下我时的那种复杂的感觉。在过去的几年里,每天早上你拽我起床并煮早餐给我吃,然后下午,在你辛苦一天工作后,你总是用美味的食物欢迎你唯一的儿子。现在你的儿子已经18岁了,不久就要上大学,就像一只正在离开父母的鸟。然而,你们的足印将永存我的心里我爱你妈妈! 你的儿子 3. dear mother :i am writing to express

10、my deepest thanks to you in mothers day, dear mother ,you devote all of your energy and blood to do not have any complaint about my brother and love our through various differentr appreciate again. i hope that you have happiness everyday! 亲爱的妈妈: 我写这封信是为了在母亲节表达我最深切的感谢,亲爱的妈妈,你把全部的精力都投入到我

11、们身上。你对我和哥哥总是无怨无悔。你通过不同的方式来爱我们,如学习、工作和生活上。因此我们相信母亲是唯一的情人。请再次接受我们的感谢 我希望你每天都过得快乐! 4. my dearest mother, the mothers day is coming and i would like to say happy mothers day in this letter. i love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. this day, i will stay away and cant give you my ap

12、preciation at home. i know i will watch myself, so dont worry about me. i amdoing very well on my study. my schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. though i cant be at home, i hope you have a wonderful mothers day. love, 我最亲爱的母亲, 母亲节就要来了,我想在这封信里面说“母亲节快乐”。 我爱你也很感谢你为我所做的一切。这一天,我不在家,所以不能在家跟你说感谢。我会照

13、顾好我自己的,这样你就不用为我担心。我学习很好。我的同学和老师都很好。虽然我不在家,但是我希望你能过一个美好的母亲节。 爱你的儿子 5. time is running out for my friend. while we are sitting at lunch she casually mentions she and her husband are thinking of starting a family. were taking a survey, she says, half-joking. do you think i should have a baby? it will c

14、hange your life, i say, carefully keeping my tone neutral. i know, she says, no more sleeping in on weekends, no more spontaneous holidays. but thats not what i mean at all. i look at my friend, trying to decide what to tell her. i want her to know whatshe will never learn in childbirth classes. i w

15、ant to tell her that the physical wounds of child bearing will heal, but becoming a mother will leave her with an emotional wound so raw that she will be vulnerable forever. i consider warning her that she will never again read a newspaper without thinking: what if that had been my child? that every

16、 plane crash, every house fire will haunt her. that when she sees pictures of starving children, she will wonder if anything could be worse than watching your child die. i look at her carefully manicured nails and stylish suit and think that no matter how sophisticated she is, becoming a mother will

17、 reduce her to the primitive level of a bear protecting her cub. i feel i should warn her that no matter how many years she has invested in her career, she will be professionally derailed by motherhood. she might arrange for child care, but one day she will be going into an important business meeting, and she will think her babys sweet smell. she will have to use every ounce of discipline to keep from running home, just to make sure her child is all right.

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