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外研版五年级英语下册教案Module 3文档格式.docx

1、4、文化意识目标鼓励学生了解中西方饮食文化的差异,体验中西方文化在国家发展史上的异同之处,养成其良好的饮食习惯。5、学习策略目标(1)让学生通过听录音感知对话内容,学会捕捉文中重要信息。(2)通过观察,让学生发现如何描述生活中的变化。(3)通过角色表演、小记者报道等语言实践活动,增强学生对所学英语的体验,形成正确的交际策略,提高用英语做事情的能力。模块教学设想课时安排建议:(共分4课时)第1课时:Unit1 1-2第2课时:Unit1 3-4第3课时:Unit2 1-3第4课时:Unit2 4-7教学流程总体设计:(总述各课时的教学流程)Step 1 Warming upStep 2 Lead

2、ing inStep 3 PresentationStep 4 PracticeStep 5 ProductionStep 6 SummaryStep 7 Homework教学方法:(总述各课时的教学方法)谈话法、情境教学法、合作学习法、模仿示范法、练习法、任改学法、全身动作反应法、交际法、游戏教学法等方法。第1课时教学内容教学目标1.学生能够听、说、认读单词:had,hamburger,English,breakfast, lunch,sandwich,fish,chips,traditional,dish2.学生能够听、说、认读并会用句型: She had eggs and sausage

3、s/sandwichesfish and chips/3.学生能够了解语篇内容并流利地朗读课文,语音、语调准确优美。重点难点重点:新单词和新句型的教学及运用.难点:如何让学生在课堂上学会运用句型: She had eggs and sausages/sandwiches/ fish and chips/.并能在生活中灵活运用这些句型。 教学准备课文动画,cd-rom朗读盘,单词卡,PPT课件,学生练习纸等。教学设计1.Greetings.2.Free talk.T:Hello,boys and girls.S:Hello,Mr./Miss.whats your favourite food?M

4、y favourite food is.(rice/noodles/dumplings.)Do you know something about English food?Lead in:English food.Step 2 LeadingIn Dear boys and girls, since we have already played the game of food, could you tell me anything else about food or whats your favorite food? Now,you have two minutes to talk abo

5、ut it with your partners.Ss: Noodles, eggs, rice, fish, chicken, meat, bread, sausagessandwiches, hamburgers I had noodles for breakfast this morning, and its delicious.What did you have for breakfast? I had milk/bread/eggs.Well,this is your breakfast,but do you know what Lingling had for breakfast?

6、 Daming got an email from Lingling.its about English food. lets go to our textbook to see what she hadFor breakfast/lunch/dinner?The teacher shows the pictures of food which appear in thisunit.Tell the students Daming got an email from Lingling. It talksabout English food. Now lets see what Lingling

7、 introducesTeach the new conversation:1.Show students some new word cards and teach them the pronunciations.2.Open studentsbooks. Listen to the tape for the first timethen ask the students to find out the new words and the names of the food.And introduce some English eating habits.1.Listen and repea

8、t.Pay attention to the pronunciation and Intonation2.Practice in pairs,then read in roles.3.Askthe students to be interviewers and report what other students in their groups had for their meals.Ask the students to talk about what they had for their meals.1.The teacher demonstrates an example first.I

9、 had noodles for breakfast this morning, and ithad sandwiches for lunch. And I had fish and chips for dinner2. Students finish their tasks3. Ask some students to show their conversations while theothers listen carefully, and retell what they have heard. What have you learned today?(进行德育渗透) Healthy d

10、iet,healthy body!1.Read the dialogue fluently.(学困生完成)2.Make a survey on your grandparents/parents.Talk about the three meals.(中等生和学优生完成)回顾总结教师带领学生演唱歌谣,配上音乐或拍手打节拍:Noodles and rice,are very very nice.Mmm,Mmm,Mmm,very very nice.Sandwiches,sandwiches,are not very nice.No,No,No,not very nice.Fish and chi

11、ps,are very very nice too.Mmm,Mmm,Mmm,very very nice too.第2课时Unit 1 3-41.学生基本能运用所学句型表达自己的三餐饮食情况。2.学生能在创设的情境中有感情地分角色朗读课文,并能够熟练问答课本P16-4的内容。3.了解并运用语法:一般过去时.新单词和新句型的巩固、复习及延伸。熟练掌握一般过去时的用法及肯定句、否定句和疑问句的使用。教学准备2.Talk about the dialogue in Activity 2.Ask the students to talk about it. Then act it out.Step 2

12、 RevisionWhat did Lingling have for breakfast?What did Lingling have for lunch?What did Lingling have for dinner?Let the students watch the video carefully(观看带字幕的动画) and try to act out the dialogue.Listen and say.1.Ask the students to write the sentences.E.g.What did she have for breakfast?She had e

13、ggs and sausages2.T:Now talk about yourself with your partner.Ask the students to try talking about their diets.3.Ask the students to remember the four sentences.1.Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation andIntonation. 2.Practise in pairs, then act in roles.3.Ask every student to be an

14、 interviewer and report his her own diet.Ask the students to talk about the diet.A:What did you have for breakfast yesterday?B:I had some rice.2.Students finish their tasks.第3课时Unit 2 1-31.学生能够听、说、认读词汇:very much,gave,tonight.Sam ate four hambur gers at school! Lingling had a sandwich because3.学生能够了解

15、语篇内容并流利地朗读信件,语音、语调准确优美。新词汇和新句型的教学及运用如何让学生在课堂上学会一般过去时态的句型并能在生活中灵活运用该句型进行问答。课文动画,CD-ROM朗读盘,单词卡,PPT课件,学生练习纸,贴纸等。数学设计热身复习:Chant:Nooodles and rice are very nice.(师生边唱边做动作。)这是一首学生已经学会的关于食物的歌谣。在课的开始及进入到英语学习的氛围中,又复习了一些表示食物的单词,为本课的学习做铺垫,可谓一举两得。热身活动以后,教师告诉学生:Amy wrote an email to Daming.She told him something

16、 about Sam, Lingling and herself.Now lets listen to the letter. What did she write in it?学习新知任质页习提纲:(给学生5分钟的时间,小组对论,完成节教)(1)画出新单词。(2)画出动词过去式。(3)了解课文大意2.根据预习,逐一解决问题。(1)学习新单词.主要学习的动词过去式(eat-ate; drink-drank; give-gave)(注意在讲新单词时对音素的分析及学习,鼓励学生试着根据读音规则读出单词。)(2)整理学过的常用动词的过去式.watch-watched (a television pr

17、ogramme)talk-talked (about her life)cook-cooked (on a fire)work-worked(in the fields)dont-didnt(have a television)cant-couldnt(read or write)eat-ate(four hamburgers)give-gave(our hamburgers to Sam)1.Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and tonation.2.Practise in pairs, then read in

18、groups.3.Ask the students to talk about the text.Ask the students to talk about the text2.Students finish their tasks3.Ask some students to show their results,the others listenCarefully to thern and retell what they have heard.What have you learned today?(进行德育渗透)1.Listen and read the text fluently.(

19、学困生完成)2.Remember the text.(中等生和学优生完成)教师带领学生演唱歌谣,配上音乐或拍手打节拍What did you have for breakfast I had four hamburgers.What did you have for lunch?I had a sandwich.What did you have for dinner?I had fish and chips.I had fish and chips第4课时Unit 2 4-71.音标教学:字母组合“ea/ee,ear,ere/eir”的发音规则。2.一般过去时态的教学。3.谈论人们的饮食情况

20、.新单词和新句型的巩固、复习和拓展。掌握一般过去时的灵活运用.课文动画,CD-ROM朗读盘,单词卡,PPT课件,学生练习.1.Greetings2.教师鼓励学生说出学过的表示食物的单词。 Can you tell me some words about food you know?3.复习动词短语:让学生自由说出动词“eat,drink,give”的相关短语,并分清楚这三个动词的具体运用。如:eat hamburgers, drink milk, give one apple to my sister.4.Revise p17-2Step 2 Presentation1. Listen and

21、 say.(1)游戏:听音标竞赛。这是一个训练学生听音标的游戏,教师准备两套音标卡片,并将全班分成两组,每人发一张卡片,教师快速念音标,持有该音标卡片的学生应迅速站起来,最先站起来的人得两分,后站出来的得一分,没站出来的得零分,得分多的组获胜。(2)让学生看书,仔细听录音,思考字母组合发了什么音。教师把音标板书出来,并且教读,如果时间充足,可以拓展更多能让单词练习,如果时间不足,练习就放在下节课的复习课上进行.2. Listen and say. Then chant.歌谣的教学.让学生先跟教师熟读各句,然后听磁带合着节拍一起说歌谣,最后让学生组及组竞赛说,看哪组说得最好。I like fis

22、h and I like chipsStep 3 Production1.Do and sav.( Part 6)Pick a card and tell a story.Mum bought.yesterday.They were.I ate. I让学生课前把自己喜欢吃的东西画在卡片上,课堂上学生交流今天学习的句型,然后把图片展示给大家.鼓励学生相互评价,注重动词正确形式的运用。然后可以让个别学生或小组进行问答表演,教师及时给予评价及鼓励。2.Do,write and say.Do a survey. Then write and tell the class about

23、it.Step 4 Summary1.教师提问:2.对学生进行德育渗透。设计意图:通过让学生回顾和总结本节课的知识,适时进行德育渗透,让学生养成正确的饮食习惯。Step 5 Homework1.Listen to the chant and read it.2.Copy and spell the new words.3.回家后问清楚自己家人喜欢吃的食物,回来后用自己学的句型告诉你的同学和老师。(选做)设计意图:作业设计照顾到不同层次的学生,让每个学生都能让自已的能力水平得到不同程度提升。教师带领学生唱读歌谣,配上音乐或拍手打节拍:I like fish and I like chips.I

24、like toast and jam.But the very best-its really nice ismymumsChinesericeIlikenoodlesandmeat.applespearsButtheverybest-itreallynice is教辅教案课时目标Please remember(请记住下列词汇和句型):1.Words(交际单词)had,hamburger,English,breakfast,lunch,sandwich,fish and chips, traditional,dish2.Phrases(交际词组):have got an email from

25、Lingling,English food,eggs and sausages,fish and chips,a traditional English dish3.Sentences(交际句型):What did she have for breakfast?-She had eggs and sausages.-What did she have for lunch?-She had sandwiches.its a traditionaI English food.童点:1.单词:had,hamburger,English,breakfast,lunch,sandwich,fish,chips,traditional,dish.句型:What did she have for.?S

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