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剑桥版五年级英语 上册第一学期秋教学设计 教案Unit 1 教案文档格式.docx

1、围绕“家庭成员关系”展开对话。情 感态 度价值观1、让学生懂得家庭成员之间要互敬互爱,家和才能万事兴。2、对学生进行中外文化的渗透,让学生懂得中外文化的差异,外国家庭成员之间的关系相对更民主些。教学重点教学难点用位置关系的词表示家庭成员关系的询问句型。教学、教具(课件)准 备家庭成员照片、生活照、家谱树图、磁带。教 学 流 程环节教 师 活 动预设学生活动Step1: Warming up 让学生集体唱一唱daddy, mummy歌曲。然后替换各个家庭成员再唱歌曲。并做动作。Step2: Presentation1、Free talk: 教师和学生平等的交流,2、出示简单的三人照家庭照片用简单

2、的一般疑问句句型热身并引入本节课的课题。3、更换照片提问。Step3 : Practice1设置一个场景: Mike来到Emma家 Emma: Hello, Mike.Mike: Hi, Emma. How are you?Emma: Fine, Thank you. And you? Im OK, thanks. Come in, please. OK.2. ppt整体呈现1a对话内容. 3. ppt 呈现各个家庭成员单词,并解释uncle和aunt的英文含义。4.由he和she转化成this和that再转化成these和those。来操练一般疑问句句型。两两问答。5.出示Whos that

3、 boy behind your parents? 复习方位介词并引入本句型练习。6.完成听力题1b.并检查答案。Step4: Production 1. 学生整体操练对话。 2. 听听力,Introduce your family to your partner. Then change roles.3.GUSSING GAME on page 9Step5: Ending : 1.Interview your classmates.2.Talk about your family. 3.Draw a family tree.采用节奏感强烈、韵律优美、琅琅上口chant让学生唱歌曲,激发了学

4、生的动力。以小组为单位,围绕家庭成员关系这个话题展开提问,可以使用以下几个类似的问题:(1)He is my father.(2)Is he your father?(3)学生互相提问。可以当成自己的家庭照片。让学生看ppt两两互问、反馈,既可以复习学生以前学的日常口语交际,又为学生后面练习句型 is he/she your.句型中询问家庭成员做好了情景铺垫, 然后展开非常自然、流畅的句型练习。S1: Is he your father? S2: Yes, he is. S3: Are those your parents? S4: Yes, they are. S5: Is that boy

5、 your brother?游戏教学更能促进课堂生成,让学生更好的掌握所学。歌曲朗朗上口能很好激发学生们的兴趣。准备家庭照片的做法新颖,富有亲情感,让孩子们乐于介绍亲人的同时轻松学知。thisthatthesethose.从书上所学到实际练习让同学们真正习得语言。板书设计Unit1.Part1My familyAre those/these your parents?Whos that boy behind your parents?mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, aunt, uncle. 课后反思通过带照片

6、的活动,让学生在轻松亲切自然的氛围中容易习得语言。课堂上分组活动让学生在活动中认读,能让学生学以致用,既有趣、又学到了知识,提高了单词的记忆率,让学生在潜移默化中掌握句型和四个指示代词的用法,取得较好的教学效果。(五)年级(上)册英语学科集体备课个案备课时间主 备 人所在单位复备时间授课教师课 题Unit1 Part2a/b/c听力阅读共4课时第2课时1. 复习回顾家庭成员称呼词汇father / mother / parents / grandfather / grandmother / grandparents / uncle / aunt / brother / sister / cou

7、sin, 听说读写职业词汇farmer / worker / driver / doctor / nurse / cook, 并能用is my/ s/ 对家庭成员做简单介绍。2.熟用句子What does do? She/He is a doctor/ taxi driver. 3.理解句子:We re in the same class. They re both teachers. I go to their home every Sunday. My uncle cooks very well.家庭成员和职业相结合,能顺利的迎合学生的思路展开句型练习。CookCooker区分开。通过听音

8、圈词,听音填词,听音选词,问答对话熟用词句,训练听说读写。告诉学生爱家庭,爱家人。1.家庭成员称呼词汇father / mother / parents / grandfather / grandmother / grandparents / uncle / aunt / brother / sister / cousin2.职业词汇farmer / worker / driver / doctor / nurse / cook3.句子What does do? She/He is a doctor/ taxi driver. We re in the same class. They re

9、both teachers. I go to their home every Sunday. My uncle cooks very well.准确使用代词及所有格形式(课件)准备tape recorder, word cards, family photos.预 设 学 生 活 动Step1 Warming up1) Greetings.2) Review the words about the family.Step2 Presentation1)Show teachers family photo and say, “Look! She is my mother. She is a f

10、armer. He is my father. He is a bus driver. She is my sister. She is a doctor. He is my brother. He is a cook. He cooks very well. My aunt and uncle are both teachers. They are in the same school.” Then ask, “Whos he/she? Is she/he my ? What does he/she do?”2)Show a boy and say, “He is Adams Bob. Le

11、ts listen and circle his family members.”3)Listen again, ask, “Who is Bobs?” Then listen again, ask the pupils write the words in the blanks. 4)Listen again and choose the words in the blanks. Then read more.5)Listen and ask, “Whos Ann / Lin Tao / Bob/ Tim? Whos Bobs aunt? When does Bob go to Anns h

12、ome? Why?Step3 Practice1) Say a chant.Whos Bob? Hes Anns cousin?What does he do? Hes a pupil. Hes a pupil.Who is Ann? Shes Bobs cousin.What does she do? She s a pupil. Shes a pupil.Theyre in the same class.Whos Bobs aunt. His fathers sister. His fathers sister.Whos Bobs uncle? He is LinTao. He is Li

13、n Tao.Theyre both teachers.2) Ask the pupils to introduce their family after a model. Then show in class.Step4 Consolidation and extensionShow more Exx.Step5 Sum-upHomework 1)Read and write the new words more.2) Introduce their family to the partners, then write down. Greetings.Read more.Listen, rea

14、d and answer.Listen and circle the family member words.Listen, answer and write.Listen, choose and write. Then read more.Answer freely.Say together.Work in groups.Do Exx.代词表格的复习。鼓励学生提前做准备,分组讨论后大方展示和介绍自己家庭成员的职业。然后尝试复述同学们的家庭成员及职业情况。Unit1 Part2&5 He is a teacher. She is a teacher.Theyre both teachers.

15、Theyre in the same What does he/she do?He/She is a farmer / worker/ taxi driver / doctor / nurse / cook. She/He cooks very well.教学反思本课是一单元第二课时,主要复习回顾家庭成员称呼词汇father / mother / parents / grandfather / grandmother / grandparents / uncle / aunt / brother / sister / cousin, 听说读写职业词汇farmer / worker / driv

16、er / doctor / nurse / cook, 并能用is my/ s/ 对家庭成员做简单介绍。教学用自己的family photo创设语境,随机呈现句子,直观易懂,留给学生深刻的记忆。听力训练步步深入,积累了听力技巧。说唱歌谣抓住重点,帮助学生熟练句子,练习巩固方法多样,学生知识得到积累,通过练习所学得到巩固,听说读写能力都得到了不同程度的提高。主备人Unit1 part3a、b第3课时1. Learn the following sentences:-Are you Emmas mother(father, brother)?-Yes, I am./ No, Im not-Is h

17、e/she your/s friend (grandfather)? Yes, he/she is./ No, he/she isnt.2. Draw a family tree.由上节课的陈述句转化至本节课的一般疑问句练习,使学生把各种句型都顺利掌握。强调一般疑问句的回答。通过听说、问答等活动形式,让学生掌握并熟用句子问答。1.保持浓厚的学习兴趣。2.养成与人善于交流的习惯。 -Yes, I am./ No, Im not在真实语境中正确使用词句。Family number cards,family photosStep I . Warming up1) Greetings2) CAI sh

18、ow the pictures of the mother,father,grandfather,grandmother,brother,friend,aunt,uncleStep II. Presentation1) Ask the pupils to read the words, then draw a family tree together.2) CAI show teachers family numbers, tell the pupils, “She/He is my ” Then ask them, “ Is she/he my/your? Are you his/her/m

19、y?3) Ask the pupils to take out their family photos, ask them, “Are you ? Is he/she your ?” 4) Ask them to make more dialogues in pairs, then ask them show in class.Step III. Practice1)Say a chant:Are you his father?Yes, I am.学生们展示并介绍自己的family photo.由自己介绍到互相问答,真正把知识内化。注意人称及主谓转换。在学生展示活动的同时,教师把握机会协助学生

20、顺利展开对他人家庭人员职业的介绍及问答练习。Unit1 part3a、b My familyAre you Emmas mother(father, brother)? -Is he/she your/s friend (grandfather)? -Yes, he/she is./ No, he/she isnt.讲到家庭, 学生通常想到的就是自己的小家庭。但其实家庭一词背后还蕴含了更为丰富的内涵。因此,本节课的主要目的就在于对教材内容的延伸,进一步挖掘其中的人文内涵。我从班级是一个家到学校是一个大家庭,再到上海这一个城市和中国一个大家庭,甚至到世界都是一个大家庭,让学生通过这节课的学习,不

21、仅能加深对自己的小家庭的热爱之情,同样也能感受到自己所在的各种大家庭带给他们的爱和感动,从而培养他们成为一个懂得爱家、爱社会、爱祖国的好少年。Unit1 Part4Play第4课时1.听说认读词语: character, scene, Little Red Riding Hood, policeman, Granny, woods, walk through, come on, run away, fantastic, fall asleep.2.熟用句子:Whos the in ? He / She isThis isIm coming. Whats the problem? Be quie

22、t! Come with me. 3.理解句子:The two girls walking through the woods / run away / phone the police. All four of them walk off.联系童话故事“小红帽”给大家作背景引入本课对话!Fantastic给同学们多讲解些,联系以前学过的感叹词!通过Free talk谈论故事人物,听声音模仿人物,选角色表演人物,续剧拓展学习来训练听说,培养能力。教育学生遇险不慌,生命至上,善于自我保护。词语: Little Red Riding Hood, policeman, Granny, woods,

23、walk through, come on, run away, fantastic, fall asleep.句子: He / She isThis isIm coming. Whats the problem?Be quiet! Come with me. The two girls walking through the woods / run away / phone the police. All four of them walk off正确模仿人物语音语调tape recorder, word cards, headwears.2) Watch cartoon: Little R

24、ed Riding Hood.Step2 Presentation &Practice1) After watching, ask, “ Who can you see?”(Yes, Little Red Riding Hood, granny, and a wolf)Do you like cartoon?(Yes, fantastic)Now lets watch a fantastic play about Little Red Riding Hood.2)Ask the pupils to look at thebook and answer the following:How man

25、y characters? Tell them in Chinese.(Four) Whos the girl in red/in green? Whos that in yellow/ in blue?3)CAI show the woods, teach the word. Then do and say, “Im walking through the woods. When you are walking through the woods, what can you see?(Wolf)Yes, wild animals. How are you feeling?( Scared.)

26、Yes, so scared. What can you do?(Run.)Yes, come on and run away. Ask them to listen to some of the play and ask, “Whos walking through the woods? (The two girls.)Yes, Little Red Riding Hood and her sister. Be quiet! Who do they see?( A wolf)Now lets go on.4)Go on to listen and ask ,“Whats in the basket? And whats in the box?

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