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1、深圳牛津英语九年级上Unit1 Wise men in history in the first picture in ancient Greece 在古希腊 in history在历史上 ask sb. to do sth 要求某人做某事 be made for 为.而造 make sb. sth.= make sth. for sb. 为某人做某事be happy with对.满意=be pleased with=be satisfied with find out the truth找出真相 solve problems解决问题 think about 考虑fill.with.用.填.s

2、end sb. to prison将某人送入监狱=put sb. to prison make sure=be sure 确保run over溢出=pour out run into 流入 play tricks on sb. 捉弄某人trick sb. (into doing ) sth.诱使某人做be full of = be filled with充满 of the same weight 同等重量的 order sb. to do sth.命令.做某事 cut sth in half 把切成两半 cut up 切碎 go ahead继续 take part in参加=join in b

3、e allowed to do sth. 被允许做be amazed (surprised/shocked)at. 对.惊讶youre joking你在开玩笑add up sth./add sth. up添加 have a try试一试 live a simple life过一种简单的生活 during/in the day(daytime)白天 its believed that 大家都认为 famous sayings名人名言 Unit2 Great mindsgreat minds伟人 leave/take phone messages留言 consider sb. (as) sth.

4、把某人当作.a sense of humor幽默感 receive/accept invitations 收到邀请give a lecture /speech做演讲on a trip 在旅途中avoid doing sth. 避免做某事 let sb. down=make sb. disappointed让某人失望trust sb.=believe in sb.信任某人 change places换地方/位置 learn sth. by heart=keep sth. in mind 记住 without difficulty毫不费力地 join (sb.) in.参加 at the end

5、of. 在.结束时Have no idea不知道 in trouble困境中 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事its a pleasure to do sth. if necessary如果必要 keep away from 远离,回避 turn point转折点 bring sth. to an end 使.结束be tired of /bored with 厌烦stop dreaming停止做梦 lose heart失去信心 keep doing sth=go on/continue doing sth 继续做achieve /realize a dream 实现梦想 be

6、 busy doing sth.忙于做某事 be busy with sth. 忙于某事drive sb.逼疯某人 call sb. back回电 return ones call 回电at the moment 此刻play a joke on sb. 开.玩笑close to=next to=near 靠近,接近side by side并排,肩并肩 on ones way to sw. 在某人去某地的路上at the same time 同时 a 12-year-old girl 一个12岁的女孩 spend time with sb.花时间和某人在一起from time to time不

7、时 be honest with sb. 对某人坦诚 in return 作为报答in the history of在.历史上 a series of .一系列的;一连串的 tell the truth 说实话help sb with sth.帮助某人某事 be famous for=be well-known for 以而闻名Unit 3 Family lifefamily life家庭生活 wide wake清醒offer/accept /refuse help提供/接受/拒绝帮助 cook meals做饭 interview sb. on/about sth.采访 be expected

8、 to do sth. 被希望做某事do the housework 做家务 go out for dinner 外出吃饭on business出差 set rules for sb.为某人设定规则 set an example to sb 给某人树立榜样feel crowded感觉拥挤 feel lonely 感觉孤单 look after oneself 照顾一次 have no interest in sth.对.没兴趣=be not interested in=be not attracted togo out of date过时 come to school events 参加学校活

9、动 be attracted to sth. 被吸引到某事go out with friends 和朋友外出 have a close relationship 关系密切 support each other 互相支持on a trip 在一次旅行中 make sense有意义 make sense of 理解the capital of 的首都 pay sb. Money付钱给sb pocket money 零花钱at the underground station在地铁站 give sb. a hand帮助.=help sb.=do sb. a favor be closed to sb.

10、接近某人 have trouble doing sth. 做某事有麻烦communicate with sb. 与某人交流 its no good for sb. doing sth. 对某人来说做某事不好go ones way 出发 继续,行走be patient with对.有耐心 in addition 除此之外a satisfactory result 一个令人满意的结果 with a little hard work 经过一点点的努力make rules and regulations制定规章制度 be fired被解雇 at a time每次 family trees家谱Unit

11、4 Problems and advice Internet posts网帖 call the police/dial 110 打110 get problems with sth.有问题be worried about担心 on a diet节食 make jokes about sb. 戏弄某人regret (not ) doing sth.遗憾(没)做 feel ashamed of sb.感到羞愧 in the situation 这这种情况下wear braces戴牙套 drive sb. mad使某人狂 feel embarrassed (at/about )对.感到尴尬 get

12、ones advice接收某人的建议 feel sorry about doing sth. 对.感到抱歉put forward an idea or a plan提出一个想法.question sb. about sth.问某人关于. care about sb. 关心某人out of place格格不入 of ones own某人自己的hear from sb. 收到某人的来信none of ones business不关某人的事情 at the right moment适时face problems or difficult situations面临问题或困难的情况 get sb. to

13、 do sth. 让某人做某事make up ones mind to do sth.下定决心做某事 a waste of time/money 浪费时间/金钱be annoyed with sb. (at/about sth.) 因.对sb感到厌烦Unit5 Actionfloor plan建筑的平面图 on weekdays在工作日,平时 pass out昏倒,失去知觉 emergency exit紧急出口 talent show达人秀 keep still保持不动TV quiz show电视上的智力竞赛节目brush ones hair梳头 win a prize获奖 wrong ans

14、wer答案错误stay relaxed保持放松 jump out of ones skin大吃一惊 host a show主持节目 give point for给点 shine down upon sb.照在某人身上be honest诚实 control room控制室 closing words结束语 opening words开场白 sound operator声控师 lighting operator灯光师 have a haircut理发 make-up artist化妆师 prepare oneself For为.做准备 get wet打湿 sit at the desk坐在桌子上

15、in character相称,适合 film set电影布景on the stage在舞台上 keep up保持,继续 put make-up on ones face给.化妆 a piece of cake小意思 be on TV上电视 international film festival国际电影节 make a long story short长话短说,简而言之;总之Unit6 Healthy diet Different kinds of各种各样的 a balanced diet平衡膳食 learn to do sth.学习去做某事 the introduction to . .的介绍

16、take place发生 decide to do sth.决定去做某事 stay away from远离 need to do sth.需要做某事 a bit of一点 plenty of 大量的such as例如=for example in general总的来说 treat oneself to sth. 给自己买定西a large amount of大量的 pay for支付 was out of.缺. be filled with装满=be full of装满 advertisement for.的广告 the reason for. .的原因 in order to为了=so a

17、s tolose weight减肥 too much/many太多 order lunch订午餐 at the weekend周末 on weekdays在工作日preference for sth.偏爱某物 something else别的事情 would rather do宁愿做. would prefer to do sth宁愿做某事 be similar to相似 remind sb. of sth.提醒.(某人)某事 used to do sth.过去常常做某事 not .until.直到.才.be prepared to do sth.准备好做某事spend . doing sth

18、.花费.做某事 wait for.等待think of 想起in the beginning开始的时候 refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事 in public公开场合 no longer不再 all over the world全世界 a type of一个类型的 work on从事于 add . to .把.添加到. Cut up切碎 put .in.把.放进 Take . out of取出 medical examination体检 dairy product 奶制品Unit 7 The Adventures of Tom SawyerIn the 1830s 19世纪30年代a

19、t that time当时 the name of .的名字 encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励sb做sth a task of. .的任务 have a rest休息一下 begin to do sth.开始做某事 come along出现=show up=appear make fun of取笑 just then方才 have an idea有一个主意 pick up捡起 what a pity 可惜enjoy oneself 玩得开心get a chance to do sth.获得做某事的机会 go on doing 继续做某事in silence沉默 after

20、a while 过了一会儿do some painting 画画 warn sb. to do sth.警告某人做某事 offer sb. sth. 为某人提供three coats of 三层. so.that.如此.以至于the meanings of .的意思if necessary 如果必要report to sb.想某人报告 make a noise 制造噪音shake hands with sb.握手 try to do 尽力做某事 look out of 向.外看all the time一直 thanks for 因.而感谢trick sb. into do sth.诱导某人做某

21、事 work for为.工作 finish doing完成做某事 tell the truth 说实话in the end最后 start with以.开始 dig up 掘起knock out击倒 wake up醒来 be happy for 对.感动开心 fell sorry about对.感到抱歉 long time no see很久不见 what a shame 多可惜,真丢脸the rest of . .剩余部分prefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事 put out 熄灭for a long time很长一段时间 sum up总计give up 放弃in the face o

22、f difficulty 面临困境learn from 向.学习be considered to 被认为one of the best novels最好的小说之一 pay attention to doing注意做.turn sth. over 翻转Unit 8 Surprise endingsIn a polite way以一种礼貌的方式 the next day第二天 sit down 坐下be proud of对.感到骄傲 put on上映 go out of 从.走出去in front of在.的前面 look for寻找 at last 最后be fixed on集中于 instea

23、d of替代 at night 在晚上in the sky在空中 be seated就坐 study for 为.而学习just then正在那时 be happy to do sth.开心做某事 the life of sb. 某人的生活be accused of 被指控move to sp搬到某地 at the age of在.的年龄run away 逃跑太.而不能 Be in prison 坐牢be bored with 对.感到厌烦be happy with对.满意 be ready for准备 be tired of 对.感到厌烦be certain about 确定b

24、e interested in对.感兴趣 be strict with 对.严格be worried about 担心 be good at/with /for/to agree with同意 decide on决定,选定 pass by 经过succeed in 成功做某事arrive at 到达=get to=reachpoint at指着think about考虑 ask for 请求join in参加 prepare for 准备set up 建立look into观察during the winter在冬季 send sb. to prison 送某人入狱plan to do 计划去

25、做某事Hold out坚持,主张 be able to能 out of date过时 each other 相互 not .any more不再 a moving story令人感动的故事 at the Mid-Autumn Festival 在中秋节because of由于 be deeply moved深受感动 at the top of 在.顶部under the name of .以.的名义be out of danger脱离危险 a gift from the gods来自神的礼物 take care of 照顾in return 作为报答 a white elephant沉重的负担 take part in 参加each of 每个.if possible如果可能 the importance of .的重要性a set of 一套.find out 弄明白live a +adj+life 过.的生活be translated into 被译成be popular with .受.欢迎 of different of ages不同年龄段的 be well known for . 因.而出名

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