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1、 9、9. This is a (confuse) word because it has two meanings. confusing 正确答案:【confusing 】 10、10. He is very clever and his ability to improve his work is very (limit). 正确答案:【unlimited 】 11、11. The child always does his homework (willing) so he hasnt made much progress.【 unwillingly 】 12、12. A large (p

2、ercent) of school-books now have pictures. 正确答案:【percentage 】 13、13. There is no real reason for (complain). 正确答案: 14、14. Were you (succeed) in finding a new house?【 successful 】 15、15. I dont want to be (depend) on my parents because I am already an adult.【 dependent 】 16、16. Winning three gold med

3、als is the most remarkable_(achieve) he has made so far.【 achievement 】 17、17. The engineer put forward a_(suggest) at the meeting to improve the public traffic system.【 suggestion 】 18、18. Please (cover) the pot. The food is too hot. 正确答案:【 uncover 】 19、19. We should use the language (purpose). 正确答

4、案:【 purposely 】 20、20. Learning some (psychology) knowledge can help us know people clearly.【psychological 】翻译:句子5(15分) 1、1. 你的目标应该是质量胜过数量。(quality;quantity) 正确答案:【Quality over quantity should be your goal . 】 2、2. 这篇新闻报导是完全根据实际情况写成的。(be based on) .【This news report is written not by basing on the t

5、ruth. 】 3、3. 就业余爱好而言,珍妮和她妹妹几乎没有什么共同之处。 4、4. 南希(Nancy) 虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆的不敢开口。【While she felt like joining the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth. 】 5、5. 很明显是他的年轻助手在经营这家书店。【It is obviously his young assistant who is running the bookstore 】汉译英单词10(10分) 1、1.形影不离的【inseparable 】 2、2.度过难关【 get throu

6、gh 】 3、3.祈祷【pray 】 4、4.针对某个人【take it personally 5、5.信任【 trust 】 6、6.就业 7、7.偏见【bias 】 8、8.亲自,亲身【in person 】 9、9.谨慎的【 cautious 】 10、10.罪犯【 criminal 】 】填空 20(20分) 1、1. He made (repeat) efforts to solve the problem. 正确答案:【 repeated 】 2、2. We are living in a highly (civilize) society. 正确答案:【civilized 】 3

7、、3. Water makes the (digest) juices flow more freely and makes the food easier to digest.【 digestive 】 4、3. Water makes the (digest) juices flow more freely and makes the food easier to digest.【digestive 】 5、4. His name is known to many in the (science) field. 正确答案:【scientific 】 6、5. Only a (hand) o

8、f people came to the meeting. 正确答案:【handful 】 7、6. I was deeply (impress) by his wonderful speech yesterday. 正确答案:【impressed 】 8、7. (Educate) people should have good manners. 正确答案:【 educated 】 9、8. The old man pays much attention to the (cultivate) of his mind. 正确答案:【cultivation 】 10、9. Although the

9、 visit he paid to the country was (formal), he thought it was quite necessary.【informal 】 11、10. His experiment is always (regard) as a big success. 正确答案:【 regarded 】 12、11. Is this program (accept) to you?【acceptable 】 13、12. Dont be so (authority) when you ask me to do something. 正确答案:【authoritati

10、ve 】 14、13. After an_(introduce) by the chairperson, well go on with the days discussion.【introduction 】 15、14. This was a minor_(understand) which could be instantly cleared up. 正确答案:【misunderstanding 】 16、15.The man who has _ _(决定、下定决心)to win will never say “impossible.” 正确答案:【make up his mind 】 1

11、7、16. The union said that they would _ (采取行动)to save their members jobs. 正确答案:【take action 】 18、17. miles southwest of the country _ (lie)the famous beautiful mountain. 正确答案:【lies 】 19、17. miles southwest of the country _ (lie)the famous beautiful mountain. 20、18. The _ (good) he feels, the more wor

12、k he will do. 正确答案:【 better 】 21、19. The three players repeatedly denied _ (take) any drug. 正确答案:【taking 】 22、20. People who are entitled to _ (vote) should be over eighteen. 正确答案:【vote 】 23、2. If she _(catch) the 10 oclock train, she can get there by lunch time. 正确答案:【 catches 】 24、3we regard him a

13、s a (shine) example for us to learn from. 正确答案:【shining 】 25、4My son has no intention of (spend) a vocation with me. 正确答案:【spending 】 26、5The conditions that existed ten years ago (reproduce) today. 正确答案:【are reproduced 】 27、6The panel,which (consist) of ten members, supported the decision with one

14、voice.【consisted 】 28、7.This medicine is (poison) if taken in large quantities. 正确答案:【poisonous 】 29、8._ (从长远看), prices are bound to rise .【In the long run 】 30、9._ the age of eighteen, he had written two books. 正确答案:【 At 】 31、10. The boss told each of us to finish our work _ next Monday. 正确答案:【 by

15、】 32、11.We have advantage _ you in the field of manufacturing electrical products. 正确答案:【over 】 33、12.Children are always curious _ everything they see. 正确答案:【about 】 34、13.For a whole month she stayed in the hospital and not once did she visit her home for fear of carrying the _ (infect) to her chi

16、ld.【 infection 】 35、14.At the time I admired his _ (youth) enthusiasm. 正确答案:【youthful 】 36、15.Itll be some time before supply can _ (赶上) the increasing demand. 正确答案:【keep up with 】 37、16.First of all, we should _ (克服)ourselves in order to overcome difficulties. 正确答案: 38、17.He certainly ought to be _

17、 (提升). 正确答案:【 promoted 】 39、18._ (既然) you have come you may as well stay. 正确答案:【Now that 】 40、19._(多亏了)a series of new inventions, doctors and treat this disease successfully.【Thanks to 】 41、20.Because of the leg injury, the athlete _ (决定退出比赛). 正确答案:【decided to quit the match 】 1、1. 我被他们互相矛盾的意见搞糊涂了,

18、不知如何去做才是。【I was so bewildered by their conflicting advice that I did not know what to do/how to act. 】 2、2. 除了看电视,这孩子整晚什么也没做。【The child did nothing except for watching TV all night. 】 3、3. 他这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是多么重要。【He failed in the exam which has made him aware of the importance of reviewing his less

19、ons regularly 】 4、4. 这项研究表明成功人士在许多方面是相似的。【The research shows that successful people are similar in many ways 】 5、10. 成功的语言学习者不只依赖书本或者教师。【Successful language learners do not only depend on the book or the teacher. 】汉译英单词10(10分) 1、1.例外 正确答案:【 exception 】 2、2.名声,名望 正确答案:【 reputation 】 3、3.出售 正确答案:【 for

20、 sale 】 4、4.想出一个主意 正确答案: 5、5.鼓舞,激励,给灵感 正确答案:【inspire 】 6、6.组装,集合 正确答案:【assemble 】 7、7.同意,批准 正确答案:【approve 】 8、8.自由 正确答案:【liberty 】 9、9.挨饿 正确答案:【starve 】 10、10.有效的 正确答案:【effective 】 1、1.她的信使我想起了我们曾在一起度过的好时光。【 Her letter reminds me of the good days we once spent together 】 2、2. 这孩子是在一个偏远的山村中长大的。【The c

21、hild was brought up in a remote village 】 3、3. 我们的责任是去满足人民日益增长的需要。【Our responsibility is to meet the ever-increasing needs of the people. 】 4、4. 人们普遍认为语言是不断发展和变化的。【It is widely believed that languages change and develop constantly 】 5、5.有一些人厌倦了现代化的城市生活而搬到农村去住【Some people are fed up with modern city

22、life and have moved to the country 】 1、1.虚拟的 正确答案:【virtue 】 2、2.现实 正确答案:【 reality 】 3、3.伴随正确答案:【go with 】 4、4.约会 正确答案:【appointment 】 5、5.预算正确答案:【 budget 】 6、6.导致正确答案:【result in 】 7、7.有能力的,能胜任的正确答案: 8、8.更不用说正确答案:【much less 】 9、9.婚姻正确答案:【 marriage 】 10、10.共同的正确答案:【mutual 】 1、1. The government has take

23、n measures to reduce the total energy _(consume). 正确答案:【consumption 】 2、2. If she _(catch) the 10 oclock train, she can get there by lunch time. 正确答案: 3、3we regard him as a (shine) example for us to learn from. 正确答案:【 shining 】 4、4My son has no intention of (spend) a vocation with me. 正确答案:【 spendin

24、g 】 5、5The conditions that existed ten years ago (reproduce) today. are reproduced 6、6The panel,which (consist) of ten members, supported the decision with one voice.【 consisted 】 7、7.This medicine is (poison) if taken in large quantities. 正确答案: 8、8._ (从长远看), prices are bound to rise . 正确答案: 9、9._ t

25、he age of eighteen, he had written two books. 正确答案: 10、 10.The boss told each of us to finish our work _ next Monday. 正确答案: 11、11.We have advantage _ you in the field of manufacturing electrical products. 正确答案: 12、12.Children are always curious _ everything they see. 正确答案: 13、13.For a whole month sh

26、e stayed in the hospital and not once did she visit her home for fear of carrying the _ (infect) to her child.【infection 】 14、14.At the time I admired his _ (youth) enthusiasm. 正确答案:【 youthful 】 15、15.Itll be some time before supply can _ (赶上) the increasing demand. 正确答案: 16、16.First of all, we shou

27、ld _ (克服)ourselves in order to overcome difficulties. 正确答案: 17、17.He certainly ought to be _ (提升). 正确答案: 18、18._ (既然) you have come you may as well stay. 正确答案: 19、19._(多亏了)a series of new inventions, doctors and treat this disease successfully.【 Thanks to 】 20、20.Because of the leg injury, the athlete _ (决定

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