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1、(伸出手邀请女儿跳舞)Look, Mummy! Im dancing!(爸爸和女儿开心地转圈,妈妈在旁边甜蜜地笑)All was just as it should be. They knew themselves to be the most happy of families to live as they did and to love each other so. But sorrow can come to any kingdom, no matter how happy. And so it came to Ellas home.第二幕医生 爸爸 妈妈 灰姑娘椅子,毛毯,医生所需的

2、工具医生:Im so sorry.(叹气摇头)Thank you, Doctor.(悲痛)This must have been very difficult for you.(安慰爸爸后退场)Ella. Ella, my darling.(回头发现伤心地坐在一边的女儿)(两人一同回房间,和虚弱地坐在椅子上的妈妈对话)妈妈:I want to tell you a secret that you must always remember. Have courage and be kind. My darling. Will you promise me?I promise.(梗咽)Good.

3、Good. And. I must go very soon, my love. Please forgive me.Of course I forgive you.I love you. I love you, my darling. I love you.(断断续续说完)第三幕Ella s mum had passed away for many years . Ella has grown up to a girl . And her father had married a woman . The day they reach comes.Ella、Ella爸爸、继母及两个女儿地点:房

4、子门口及里边马车,猫Ellas stepmother and her two daughters arrived at the house (马车跑进来,可以是从教室后边走到前面)Ella和爸爸站在一起Ella爸爸:Welcome, ladies. Welcome!Anastasia(stepsister1):Shes skinny as a broomstick!(两姐妹下马车后直接走向Ella,两个人嘀咕)Drisella(stepsister2):And that stringy hair!Ella:Welcome. Im so happy to meet you.You have su

5、ch pretty hair.Thank you.You should have it styled.m sure youre right. Would you like a tour of the house?Stepmother(崔曼夫人):How charming. How perfectly charming.(走进房子)How long has your family lived here?Ella 爸爸:Over 200 years.Where is our room ? Just follow me . I can show you there .(Ella 爸爸、Anastas

6、ia(stepsister1)、Drisella(stepsister2)下场)You are so beautiful . Thank you .第四幕 Ella、Ella爸爸房间办公桌,文件什么的Ellas stepmother , high-spirited lady that she was, set out to restore life and laughter to the house.(Stepmother(崔曼夫人)、Anastasia(stepsister1)、Drisella(stepsister2)、其他人在开party,Ella 爸爸在卧室办公)Youre missi

7、ng the party.I imagine its much like all the other ones.And Im leaving first thing, Ella.No. But youre.Youre hardly back from the last trip. Do you have to go?s just a few months, my darling. What would you like me to bring you home from abroad ? You know, your sisters.Stepsisters, have asked for pa

8、rasols and lace. What will you have?No,I just want you to come back safely .I promise you . Ella, while Im away , I want you to be good to your stepmother and stepsisters , even though they may be trying at times.I will . Have the courage and be kind .第五幕老鼠1234任何地点(建议:老鼠兄弟们在玩耍时谈起的对话)不需要道具老鼠1:hey,you

9、 know what . After Ellas father had gone out , Her stepmother begins to treat her badly .老鼠2:Yeah , she asked Ella to stay in the attic . So her two daughters could have the biggest room .老鼠3:Mornings did not agree with Ellas stepsisters .老鼠4:And they lacked accomplishment in such domestic arts as k

10、eeping house.In fact, they lacked accomplishment in any art.鹅:Ella is waiting for the letters that Father would send from his travels everyday .But I just heard that her father took ill on the road and passed on .Is that true ?I think we need to comfort her Yeah , we need to do so .Let us go now .第六

11、幕After Ellas fathers death . Her stepmother treats her so badly that she runs out of the house to the deep of the forest to get comfort .Ella、王子(prince)、captain森林 道具:三匹马、公鹿(玩偶)、还有森林所需要的环境Ella被继母和继姐虐待后,很悲伤地独自骑马去森林散心。在森林里她遇到了一头公鹿(玩偶),发现(向四周看)有人(侍卫和王子)在追捕这头公鹿。(向四周看后,盯着鹿)Run!Quickly, my friend, or theyl

12、l catch you! Go!这时候Prince带着一群侍卫骑着马追来(舞台一边上,和Ella转个几圈,差点摔倒)Prince:Miss!Miss! Are you all right? Hold on!(Prince扯住Ella的马,Ella和Prince放慢脚步,对视)m all right, thank you!Thats fine.But youve nearly frightened the life out of him.Who?The stag.(笑)(表情有一点严肃)Whats he ever done to you that you should chase him abo

13、ut?I must confess Ive never met him before. He is a friend of yours?(微笑)We met just now. I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine, and I just felt he had a great deal left to do with his life. Thats all.Miss, what do they call you?Never mind what they call me.You shouldnt be deep in the fores

14、t alone.m not alone. Im with you, Mister. What do they call you?You dont know who I am?That is.They call me Kit. Well, my father does when hes in a good mood.And,(犹豫地停顿一下)where do you live, Mr. Kit?At the palace.侍卫在舞台边上追公鹿跑过。Captain:There you are, Your High.s Kit! Kit!(急促)Kit!m Kit. Im on my way.Wel

15、l, wed better get a move on,(停顿一下)Mr. Kit. (相视良久)I hope to see you again, miss.And I, you.王子离开,Ella回家。第七幕国王(king)、王子(prince)王宫书房书桌,文件King:You sound as if youre the first fellow ever to meet a pretty girl.She wasnt a pretty girl.Well, she was a pretty girl, but there was so much more to her.How much

16、more? Youve only met her once. How could you know anything about her?You told me you knew right away when you met my mother.s different. Your mother was a princess.If I must marry, could I not wed, say, a good, honest country girl?How many divisions will this good, honest country girl provide us? Ho

17、w will she make the kingdom stronger? Listen, boy. Your wife must be a princessAll right, Father, on one condition. Let the invitations go to everyone, not just the nobility. What do you think?Would that please the people?Of course.I think we might have made a bargain. A ball for the people,and a pr

18、incess for the prince.Well,OK.第八幕老鼠1234、Ella、继母、继姐姐12家里家里该有的摆设Ella一家知道了舞会的事。(老鼠们跑向正在干活的Ella) Ella,Ella,something happens . something happens.Ella :What s up ?This morning , the captain had said there will be a ball in the palace two weeks later And everyone is invited . No matter who you are . So yo

19、u can attend the ball . May be you could meet kit there .Yes,you are right . Thank you , mice .(Ella跑进房子,和继母及姐姐们说这件事)Have you ever heard the news ? There will be a ball in the palace two weeks later , and everyone is invited .By the notion of meeting the prince. I shall trick him into loving me. See

20、 if I dont!This is the most hugest news!继母:Calm yourselves. Now listen to me. One of you must win the heart of the prince. Do that, and we can unwind the debt in which we were ensnared when we came to this backwater!I, a princess?(陶醉)Or rather, I, a princess?Having delivered your news, why are you s

21、till here? You must return to town right away and tell that seamstress to run us up three fine ball gowns.Three? Thats very thoughtful of you.What do you mean?To think of me.Think of you?Mummy, she believes the other dress is for her.Drisella(stepsister2);Poor, slow, little Cinders. How embarrassing

22、Let me be very clear. One gown for Anastasia, one for Drisella, and one for me! Now go!姐姐们和继母退场。If my stepmother would not have a fourth dress made,I can just try to run it up myself.第九幕Ella、继母、继姐姐们12舞会当晚,继母和两姐妹要出门。To see you like this, it makes me believe one of you might just snare the prince.(Ell

23、a走近)Cinder Ella?It cost you nothing. It was my mothers old dress, you see. And I took it up myself.Cinder Ella at the ball!No one wants a servant for a bride.After all Ive done. I dont want to ruin anything. I dont even want to meet the prince.And you wont, because theres no question of your going.B

24、ut, all of the maidens of the land are invited, by order of the king.It is the king I am thinking of. It would be an insult to the royal personage to take you to the palace dressed in these old rags.Rags? This was my mothers.m sorry to have to tell you This thing is so old-fashioned its practically

25、falling to pieces.(撕破了Ella的袖子(可以弄头发)Oh The shoulders frayed.(Ella看破处)s falling to bits. And this!s a ridiculous, old-fashioned joke!How could you?(转头走) Go on, get going!继母和姐姐们走了(下台),Ella跑出去追了一下。(蹲下哭)Im sorry, Mother. Im sorry. I said Id have courage, but I dont. Not anymore I dont believe anymore.神圣

26、教母出现。 第十幕神教圣母、Ella、鹅(马车夫)、蜥蜴12(侍者)、老鼠1234(马匹)庭院新衣服,假发借一下也行,新的魔法棒、牛奶、南瓜、刀、南瓜马车,四匹马神教圣母:Excuse me . can you help me, miss? just a little crust of bread ,or better, a cup of milk. yes, yes, yes, I think I can find something for you.why are you crying ?Oh ,its nothing.(一碗牛奶)Nothing? Nothing. What is a bowl of milk ? Nothing. But kindness makes it everything.Now ,I dont mean to hurry you. but you really havent got long, Ella.How do you know me?Who are you ?

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