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1、乔恩国际英语New Concept English I Test (lesson 91-100) Name_ Date_ Score_ 注意:1. 本试卷共八个大题, 满分100分。 2. 考试时间 50 分钟。 一、单项选择(15分)( )1、Shes not feeling well. You a doctor. A. must have to call B. had better call C. had better to call D. must to call ( )2、Which of the two shirts is to you . A. good B. better C.

2、the better D. nice ( )3、Jane has a pencil like this one. I _ that its hers.A. am sure B. sure C. was sure D. be sure( )4、 is your suitcase? Can you describe it? It a small blue case. A. Which B. What C. Why D. How ( )5、Andy slipped and fell, but he quickly and went on running. A. get up B. got up C.

3、 gets up D. will get up ( )6、There an English class in the afternoon. A. is going to have B. is going to be C. will have D. will have be( )7、A: Tom and Mary went to London an hour ago .what about you? B: Well go to London . A. in two days time B. for two days time C. in two days time D. in two dayss

4、 time( )8、It seems that you cant get up. Let me you . A. help B. helping C. helps D. helped( )9、When will you go to Stockholm? _ _ _ .A. In two weeks time B. In two days time C. In one year time D. After a year( )10、I he has hurt himself.A. think not B. not think C. dont think D. didnt think( )11.Ia

5、suitcaseonthetraintoLondontheotherday.A,leftB.willleaveC.leaveD.haveleft( )12.Theresalabelthehandlemynameandaddressit.A. in/have/inB.on/with/onC.on/have/ )13.-Isthisourcar?-Yes,its.Itbelongsto.A.ours/ourB.ours/usC.yours/ )14.Thisbookher.A.isbelongB.isbelongtoC.belongsD

6、.belongsto()15.IthinkIvehurtmyback.A.thisB.thatC.which D.the二、写出下列动词的过去式和过去分词(10分)1.catch_;_ 2.leave_;_3.fall_;_ 4.fly_;_5.go_;_ 6.do_;_7.sell_;_ 8.have_;_9.buy_;_ 10.lose_;_三、将下列短语译成英语。(15分)1、慢了10分钟 2、让我帮助你 3、下下个月 4、2号站台 5、在把手上 6、滑了一跤 7、过天桥 8、前几天 9、属于我 10、呆在家里 11、最好 12、返回 13、五小时以后 14、往返车票 15、立刻 四、搭

7、配。(5分) ( )1、What do you think of the picture? A. What a pity! ( )2、Tim said that they missed the interesting film. B. Im afraid they dont.( )3、Whats the matter with Andy? C. I think its beautiful. I like it very much.( )4、Excuse me, do they understand English? D. Me, too.( )5、I would like to go and

8、have a haircut. E. He slipped and fell downstairs五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)1.-Willyou(see)Iantomorrow?-I(see)himyesterday.2.-HasJack(sell)hisbooksyet?-Yes,hehas.-He(sell)themlastweek.3.Please(sweep)thefloor.-But,I(sweep)itjustnow.4.He(buy)agreenshirtthedaybeforeyesterday.5.-you(hurt)yourback?-No,Ihavent.六、英

9、汉互译(30分)1、I think Ive hurt my .(我想我伤着背了) 2、Theres a on the handle my name and address it. (箱子的把手上有我的名字和地址。) 3、We want to the eight nineteen London.(我们要赶8:19的车去伦敦。)4、I a suitcase the train London the day.(几天前我把箱子忘在去伦敦的火车上了). .5、Well all him.(我们大家都会想念他的。) 6、He will _ New York next month.(下个月他将飞往纽约)。 7

10、、The doctor that he will come . (医生说他马上就来)8、He to Spain a week ago. (他是一个星期以前飞到西班牙的。)9、Theres a next door to the .(车站旁边有个酒吧)10、Hes only years old, and he already nearly every country the world. (他只有41岁,但他却去过世界上任何一个国家。)11、Pleasegivehimmyregards. _12、Sheisafraidthatshehasgotabadcold._13、Mygrandpaslipp

11、edandfelldownstairs._14、YoudidntwanttostudyEnglish,butIdid!_15、拭拭站起来。_七、按要求转换句型:(12)1、You can find the electric cooker in the room.(改为否定句)_2、I can see some magazines on the teachers desk.(对划线部分提问)_3、There is a box on the floor.(改为一般疑问句)_4、We must go back to the station.(用had better 替换must)_5、Lucy will fly to Tokyo in two weeks time.(对划线部分提问)_6、 Shethinks: “Ivegotacold.” (变成间接引语)_八、书面表达(8):myself注意:1、短文表达清楚,语法正确,语句通顺。2、短文必须包含所描述自己的长相、家庭情况以及爱好等。3、字数不少于50字。_

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